Update JS dependencies
Fix: #4964 - upgrade datatables to V2
Fix: #5306 - CSS colour variable in minimal theme
Fix: #5036 - wrong CSS colour in minimal theme
Fix: #5026 - add friendy error message when failing to upload new media obect
#4964: Revert to DataTables 1.x
Fix: #4963 - untranslated string in tom-select component
Fix: #4893 - z-index class in leaflet and bootstrap
Update JS dependencies. Fixes: #4851
Upgrade Bootstrap from 5.2 to 5.3
Rebuild CSS files after merging PR
Update JS dependencies and simplify form double-submit code
Refactor startup code to allow /public/ to be the web root
Fix: #4774 - Clicking on ancestor in pedigree map scrolls to top of page