a8c2e979 | 17-Jun-2012 |
Matt Madia <mattmadia@gmail.com> |
Removed dead code.
As the downloadable files are now hosted on haiku-files.org and the user is presented the Intel license at the beginning of the script, the function OpenIntelFirmwareWebpage is u
Removed dead code.
As the downloadable files are now hosted on haiku-files.org and the user is presented the Intel license at the beginning of the script, the function OpenIntelFirmwareWebpage is unneeded.
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42ae726e | 06-May-2012 |
Philippe Saint-Pierre <stpere@gmail.com> |
setgcc: add -l argument to ls call in script
In previous, it was still working as I was more interested into != 0 than exact count. Still, for clarity sake, I add -l to get the actual count.
setgcc: add -l argument to ls call in script
In previous, it was still working as I was more interested into != 0 than exact count. Still, for clarity sake, I add -l to get the actual count.
Thanks Axel.
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