11 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Devices 189828730 2ACPI Information DeviceACPI ACPI-information 3ACPI Processor Namespace '%2' DeviceACPI ACPI Processor-namnrymd '%2' 4ACPI System Bus DeviceACPI ACPI systembuss 5ACPI System Indicator DeviceACPI ACPI systemindikator 6ACPI Thermal Zone DeviceACPI ACPI termisk zon 7ACPI bus Device ACPI-buss 8ACPI bus DevicesView ACPI-buss 9ACPI controller Device ACPI-kontroller 10ACPI node '%1' DeviceACPI ACPI nod '%1' 11About DevicesApplication om 12About Devices… DevicesView Om Enheter... 13Basic information DevicesView Grundläggande information 14Bridge Device Brygga 15Bus DevicesView Buss 16Bus Information Device Bussinformation 17Category DevicesView Kategori 18Class Info:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% DeviceACPI Klassinformation:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% 19Class info DevicePCI Klassinformation 20Communication controller Device Kommunikationskontroller 21Computer Device Dator 22Computer DevicesView Dator 23Connection DevicesView Anslutning 24Detailed DevicesView Detaljerat 25Device Device Enhet 26Device Name\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nManufacturer\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nDriver used\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nDevice paths\t: %DevicePaths% Device Enhetsnamn\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nTillverkare\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nDrivrutin\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nEnhetssökväg\t: %DevicePaths% 27Device name Device Enhetsnamn 28Device name DeviceACPI Enhetsnamn 29Device name DevicePCI Enhetsnamn 30Device name: Device Enhetsnamn: 31Device paths Device Enhetssökväg 32Device paths DevicePCI Enhetssökväg 33Devices DevicesApplication Enheter 34Devices DevicesView Enheter 35Devices\n\twritten by Pieter Panman\n\n\tBased on listdev by Jérôme Duval\n\tand the previous Devices preference\n\tby Jérôme Duval and Sikosis\n\tCopyright 2009, Haiku, Inc.\n DevicesApplication Enheter\n\tskrivet av Pieter Panman\n\n\tBaserat på listdev av Jérôme Duval\n\toch den tidigare Enhetsegenskaper\n\tav Jérôme Duval och Sikosis\n\tCopyright 2009, Haiku, Inc.\n 36Display controller Device Skärmkontroller 37Docking station Device Dockningsstation 38Driver used Device Drivrutin använd 39Driver used DevicePCI Använd drivrutin 40Encryption controller Device Krypteringskontroller 41Generate system information DevicesView Generera systeminformation 42Generic system peripheral Device Allmänt systemtillbehör 43ISA bus Device ISA-buss 44ISA bus DevicesView ISA-buss 45Input device controller Device Indataenhetskontroller 46Intelligent controller Device Intelligent kontroller 47Manufacturer Device Tillverkare 48Manufacturer DeviceACPI Tillverkare 49Manufacturer DevicePCI Tillverkare 50Manufacturer: Device Tillverkare: 51Mass storage controller Device Lagringskontroller 52Memory controller Device Minneskontroller 53Multimedia controller Device Multimediakontroller 54Name PropertyList Namn 55Network controller Device Nätverkskontroller 56None Device Ingen 57Not implemented DeviceACPI Inte implementerat 58Not implemented DevicePCI Inte implementerat 59OK DevicesApplication OK 60Order by: DevicesView Sortera efter: 61PCI Information DevicePCI PCI-information 62PCI bus Device PCI-buss 63PCI bus DevicesView PCI-buss 64Processor Device Processor 65Quit DevicesView Avsluta 66Refresh devices DevicesView Uppdatera enhetsvy 67Report compatibility DevicesView Rapportera kompatibilitet 68Satellite communications controller Device Satelitkommunikationskontroller 69Serial bus controller Device Seriell kontroller 70Signal processing controller Device Signalbehandlingskontroller 71Unclassified device Device Oklassificerad enhet 72Unknown DevicePCI Okänt 73Unknown device Device Okänd enhet 74Unknown device DevicesView Okänd enhet 75Value PropertyList Värde 76Wireless controller Device Trådlös kontroller 77unknown Device okänd 78