Add Strict-Transport-Security header for HTTPS sites
Refactoring class DB
Refatoring class DB
PHPUnit 11 requires applications to remove their error handlers
PHP 8.2 - union types
PHP 7.4 - short arrow functions
Add FriendlyCrawler to the list of bad bots
Add phxbot to bad-bot list
Add more bad bots to the list
Update BadBotBlocker
Add more bad bots to the blocker
Fix: #4873 - Add Link/rel=canonical to genealogy pages and redirects
Update bad bot user-agent strings
Update BadBotBlocker to include crawlers that collect training data for LLMs
Add TinyTestBot to list of bad bots
Preparing to remove dependency on laravel/database
Add gptbot to bad bot block list
Show line breaks in stack-traces
Add YisouSpider to list of bad bots
Add 'Bytespider' to the list of bad bots
Use webtrees container, not laravel container
Refactor startup code to allow /public/ to be the web root