/webtrees/public/ckeditor-4.15.1-custom/vendor/ |
H A D | promise.js | 4 …N(a,b,c){b.constructor===a.constructor&&c===D&&b.constructor.resolve===F?X(a,b):c===p?(g(a,p.error… class 9 …unction"!==typeof e?(this._remaining--,this._result[c]=a):d===h?(d=new d(r),N(d,a,e),this._willSet…
/webtrees/resources/lang/vi/ |
H A D | messages.po | 399 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 683 …uan hệ sinh học, pháp lý, hoặc dựa trên văn hóa và truyền thống địa phương. Nếu không có tộc hệ nà… 2826 msgstr "Nơi sinh" 2830 msgstr "Nơi sinh chứa" 3157 msgstr "Nơi chôn chứa" 3338 msgstr "Nơi thống kê dân số" 3816 msgstr "Nén gọi cây %s" 3874 msgstr "Nội dung" 4004 msgstr "Sửa bản ghi TÊN theo mẫu 'John/DOE/' hoặc 'John /DOE'. như dùng bởi thứ tự của chương trình… 4028 msgstr "Nước" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/fi/ |
H A D | messages.po | 414 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 2129 …alurivin lisäksi kirjoittaa suoraan tekstiin tietokannan kenttäviittauksia. Nämä erikoisviittaukse… 5331 msgstr "Näytä %s" 5336 msgstr "Näytä ja hallitse sukupuun suosikkisivuja." 5341 msgstr "Näytä ja hallitse käyttäjän suosikkisivuja." 8050 msgstr "Ei ole suositeltavaa käyttää mukautettuja GEDCOM-tunnisteita. Nämä tiedot voivat kadota, ku… 8576 msgstr "Näkymä" 10602 msgstr "Näytettävien päivien lukumäärä" 13014 msgstr "Näytä" 13019 msgstr "Näytä latauslinkki media katsojassa" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/et/ |
H A D | messages.po | 418 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 1135 msgstr "Nõustu" 1880 msgstr "Isikul saab olla rohkem kui üks paar vanemaid. Näiteks sünnivanemad ja kasuvanemad." 2133 …utomaatselt. Need eritähistusega väljad on tähistatud <b>#</b> sümbolitega. Näiteks <b>#totalFamil… 4642 msgstr "Kuupäevad muudetakse ainult siis kui nad on sobilikud kalendri jaoks. Näiteks ainult kuupäe… 5335 msgstr "Näita %s" 5446 …Näiteks rahvaloenduse sündmused ja kirikukirjed sisaldavad infot sündide, abielude ja surmade koht… 6606 msgstr "Näiteks, kui GEDCOM fail sisaldab %1$s ja webtrees soovib leida %2$s meedia kaustast, siis … 6610 msgstr "Näiteks kui te määrate teekonna pikkuseks 2, siis isik näeb oma lapselast (laps, laps), nen… 6614 msgstr "Näiteks on võimalik kiiresti tuvastada isikud, kellel puudub surma sündmus, aga palju aegla… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/sq/ |
H A D | messages.po | 446 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 447 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 753 …d të jetë biologjike, juridike, ose e bazuar në traditë dhe kulturë lokale. Nëse nuk është specifi… 2342 msgstr "Në det" 4008 msgstr "Nënshtetësia" 5696 …Në vende të ndryshme të botës përdoren kalendarë të ndryshëm dhe në të kaluarën janë përdorur shum… 7184 msgstr "Nëna që ka birësuar" 7444 msgstr "Në përgjithësi" 8173 msgstr "Nëse vizitori i ueb faqes nuk e ka specifikuar gjuhën e preferuar në konfigurimin e shfletu… 8177 msgstr "Nëse administratori krijon një llogari përdoruesi, emaili verifikues nuk dërgohet, dhe emai… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/pt/ |
H A D | messages.po | 419 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 1180 msgstr "Nível de acesso" 1969 msgstr "Número do ficheiro do antepassado" 2119 "Tem a certeza que deseja apagar esta mensagem? Não será possível recuperá-la." 2391 msgstr "Número médio" 3307 msgstr "Número de Chamada" 3332 msgstr "Não é possível escrever na pasta \"%s\"." 4099 "Não foi possível verificar as informações introduzidos. Por favor tente " 5458 msgstr "Não selar, selamento anterior cancelado" 5464 msgstr "Não selar: não autorizado" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/pt-BR/ |
H A D | messages.po | 417 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 1144 msgstr "Nível de Acesso" 2332 msgstr "Número médio" 3248 msgstr "Número de Chamada" 4036 msgstr "Não foi possível verificar as informações. Por favor retorne e tente novamente." 5369 msgstr "Não selar, selamento anterior cancelado" 5375 msgstr "Não selar: não autorizado" 6437 msgstr "Não são permitidos nomes de arquivos contendo o caractere “%s”." 6442 msgstr "Não são permitidos nomes de arquivos com a extensão “%s”." 7579 msgstr "Número de identificação" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/zh-Hans/ |
H A D | messages.po | 427 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 428 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18632 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18633 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18660 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18661 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18748 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18749 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18787 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18788 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/zh-Hant/ |
H A D | messages.po | 426 …Italian and Polish, “N'th cousins” are different from English “N'th cousins”, and the software has… 427 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18613 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18614 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18641 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18642 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18729 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18730 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18768 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 18769 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/cs/ |
H A D | messages.po | 438 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 2018 msgstr "Název aplikace" 2912 msgstr "Námořnická modř" 5803 msgstr "Název majetku" 6215 msgstr "Název rodokmenu" 6421 msgstr "Název pole" 6449 msgstr "Název souboru" 6728 msgstr "Frankfurt nad Mohanem, Německo" 6733 msgstr "Freiburg, Německo" 7034 msgstr "Německo" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/sk/ |
H A D | messages.po | 445 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 2025 msgstr "Názov aplikácie" 2919 msgstr "Námornícka modrá" 4452 msgstr "Názov databázy" 5810 msgstr "Názov nehnuteľnosti" 6456 msgstr "Názov súboru" 6466 msgstr "Názvy súborov nesmú obsahovať znak „%s“." 6471 msgstr "Názvy súborov nesmú mať príponu „%s“." 6489 msgstr "Nájsť zdroj" 6496 msgstr "Nájsť špeciálny znak" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/es/ |
H A D | messages.po | 419 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 1921 msgstr "Número ID en Ancestral File" 6345 msgstr "Número de fax" 7581 msgstr "Número ID" 8002 msgstr "Número de nivel de GEDCOM no válido." 8487 msgstr "Número más alto de nietos" 8678 msgstr "Número de línea" 9320 msgstr "Número máximo de apellidos en la lista de personas" 10177 msgstr "Níger" 10601 msgstr "Número de hijos" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/is/ |
H A D | messages.po | 414 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 855 msgstr "Nýr notandi (%1$s) hefur óskað eftir reikningi (%2$s) og staðfest netfang (%3$s)." 864 msgstr "Ný útgáfa af webtrees er aðgengileg." 1085 msgstr "Aba, Nígería" 1739 msgstr "Albuquerque, Nýja Mexikó" 5852 msgstr "Nákvæmlega" 5856 msgstr "Nákvæm dagsetning" 7251 msgstr "Hamilton, Nýja Sjáland" 10070 msgstr "Nöfn" 10105 msgstr "Nárú" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/hu/ |
H A D | messages.po | 418 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 1331 msgstr "Név felvétele" 1347 msgstr "Nővér felvétele" 1861 msgstr "Népszámlálási átiratok bevitelének egyéb módja és személyekhez rendelésük." 3339 msgstr "Népszámlálás" 3349 msgstr "Népszámlálás dátuma" 3357 msgstr "Népszámlálás helye" 5530 msgstr "Név szerkesztése" 6375 msgstr "Nő" 6389 msgstr "Nők" [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/gl/ |
H A D | messages.po | 413 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 9319 msgstr "Número máximo de apelidos na lista de individuos" 10600 msgstr "Número de fillos" 10606 msgstr "Número de días para amosar" 10611 msgstr "Número de familias sen fillos" 11411 msgstr "Número de porto" 17307 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17334 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17418 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17453 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/sv/ |
H A D | messages.po | 418 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 1671 msgstr "När du har skapat släktträdet, kommer du att kunna importera data från en GEDCOM-fil." 2198 msgstr "Närvara" 5455 msgstr "Varje användarkonto har ett alternativ att ”automatiskt acceptera ändringar”. När detta har… 8998 …ram skapar GEDCOM-filer med egna taggar. webtrees förstår de flesta av dem. När en oigenkändlig ta… 10164 msgstr "Nästa e-postpåminnelse kommer att skickas efter " 10169 msgstr "Nästa bild" 11095 msgstr "Väntande ändringar visas endast när ditt användarkonto har en rättighet att redigera. När d… 13546 msgstr "Några av dessa GEDCOM-taggar används sällan eller aldrig." 14539 msgstr "Nästa version av GEDCOM-standarden kommer att lägga till nya taggar och ta bort gamla. Du k… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/oc/ |
H A D | messages.po | 413 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 2899 msgstr "Bismarck, Dakòta del Nòrd" 10689 msgstr "Nòtas" 13073 msgstr "Nòta comuna" 13080 msgstr "Nòtas comunas" 17546 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17573 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17657 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17692 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17707 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/sr/ |
H A D | messages.po | 438 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 10459 msgstr "Nórsko" 17327 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17354 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17438 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17473 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17488 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17521 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17716 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17751 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/lv/ |
H A D | messages.po | 431 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 10177 msgstr "Nākošā bilde" 17319 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17346 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17430 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17465 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17480 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17513 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17708 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17743 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/fo/ |
H A D | messages.po | 413 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 10031 msgstr "Nøvn" 17294 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17321 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17405 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17440 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17455 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17488 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17683 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17718 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/tt/ |
H A D | messages.po | 395 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17280 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17307 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17391 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17426 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17441 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17474 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17669 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17704 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 19449 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/mk/ |
H A D | messages.po | 418 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17295 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17322 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17406 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17441 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17456 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17489 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17684 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17719 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 19465 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/ko/ |
H A D | messages.po | 396 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17267 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17294 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17378 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17413 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17428 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17461 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17656 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17691 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 19436 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/dv/ |
H A D | messages.po | 393 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17260 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17287 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17371 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17406 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17421 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17454 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17649 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17684 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 19429 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/ms/ |
H A D | messages.po | 395 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17271 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17298 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17382 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17417 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17432 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." 17465 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17660 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 17695 …Italian and Polish, “N’th cousins” are different from English “N’th cousins”, and the software has… 19440 msgctxt "Show the [first/last] [N] parts of a place name." [all …]