Fix: #4276 - update autocomplete/citation handler to match new nested HTML structure
Update JS dependencies
Fix: #4270 - data-wt-confirm fails when data-wt-post-url also exists
Fix: #4246 - stretch <body> element to fill viewport
Update PHP and JS dependencies
Fix: #4238 - virtual scrolling in TomSelect
#4238 - missing clear/remove buttons on tom-select objects
Rebuild webtrees.min.js after PR
Fix: #1584 - Replace FunctionsPrint* with templates
Fix CSS facts-table and chart-box background colors
Add support for SEX X (other)
Move colours for pedigree-map to CSS
Compile JS for #4198
Recompile CSS resources
Move map-related CSS to the core CSS files
Update js packages
Replace select2 with tom-select
Update JS packages
The markdown specification allows newlines to render as either a space or a line-break
Fix: #4144 - CSS for markdown