/webtrees/resources/lang/is/ |
H A D | messages.po | 482 msgid "<select>" 483 msgstr "<velja>" 848 …is takmarkanir o.s.frv. Gagnaskrána, t.d. ljósmyndina eða myndbandið, er hægt að vista staðbundið … 1392 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1393 msgstr "Bæta innihaldi við endan af <code><body></code> hlutanum." 1396 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1397 msgstr "Bæta innihaldi við endan af <code><head></code> hlutanum." 1681 msgstr "Aldur sem hægt er að gera ráð fyrir að einstaklingur sé látin" 1839 msgstr "Spurningar og svör er hægt að birta í aðeins einni ættartölu eða í öllum ættartölum." 2066 msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu skilaboði? Ekki er hægt að endurheimta það síðar." [all …]
/webtrees/ |
H A D | LICENSE.md | 6 Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <<http://fsf.org/>> 670 <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>>. 677 <<http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html>>.
/webtrees/resources/lang/de/ |
H A D | messages.po | 482 msgid "<select>" 483 msgstr "<auswählen>" 1397 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1398 msgstr "Am Ende des <code><body></code>-Elements Inhalte hinzufügen." 1401 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1402 msgstr "Am Ende des <code><head></code>-Elements Inhalte hinzufügen." 1436 msgstr "Fügt den Personen im Stammbaum erzählende Geschichten zu." 1440 msgstr "Fügt neue Datensätze hinzu und aktualisiert vorhandene" 1454 msgstr "Zum Seitentitel (<title>-Tag) hinzufügen" 7814 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/ko/ |
H A D | messages.po | 464 msgid "<select>" 465 msgstr "<선택>" 1373 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1374 msgstr "요소의 끝에 <code><body></code> 컨텐츠를 추가합니다." 1377 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1378 msgstr "요소의 끝에 <code><head></code> 콘텐츠를 추가합니다." 7778 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7779 msgstr "<code><script></script></code> 태그를 포함합니다." 7782 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7783 msgstr "<code><style></style></code> 태그를 포함합니다."
/webtrees/resources/lang/hi/ |
H A D | messages.po | 486 msgid "<select>" 487 msgstr "<चुनें>" 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1396 msgstr "<code><body></code> तत्व के अंत में कन्टेंट जोड़ें।" 1399 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1400 msgstr "<code><head></code> तत्व के अंत में कन्टेंट जोड़ें।" 7798 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7799 msgstr "<code><script></script></code> टैग शामिल करें।" 7802 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7803 msgstr "<code><style></style></code> टैग शामिल करें।"
/webtrees/resources/lang/fa/ |
H A D | messages.po | 484 msgid "<select>" 485 msgstr "<انتخاب>" 1393 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1394 msgstr "محتوا را به انتهای عنصر <code><body></code> اضافه کنید." 1397 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1398 msgstr "محتوا را به انتهای عنصر <code><body></code> اضافه کنید." 7801 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7802 msgstr "برچسبهای <code><script></script></code> را اضافه کنید." 7805 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7806 msgstr "برچسبهای <code><style></style></code> را اضافه کنید."
/webtrees/resources/lang/yi/ |
H A D | messages.po | 482 msgid "<select>" 483 msgstr "<אויסקלייַבן>" 1391 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1392 msgstr "לייג אינהאַלט צו די סוף פון די <code><body></code> עלעמענט." 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1396 msgstr "לייג אינהאַלט צו די סוף פון די <code><head></code> עלעמענט." 7794 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7795 msgstr "אַרייַננעמען די <code><script></script></code> טאַגס." 7798 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7799 msgstr "אַרייַננעמען די <code><style></style></code> טאַגס."
/webtrees/resources/lang/ne/ |
H A D | messages.po | 481 msgid "<select>" 482 msgstr "<चयन>" 1390 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1391 msgstr "<code><body></code> तत्वको अन्त्यमा सामग्री थप्नुहोस्।" 1394 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1395 msgstr "<code><head></code> तत्वको अन्त्यमा सामग्री थप्नुहोस्।" 7793 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7794 msgstr "<code><script></script></code> ट्यागहरू समावेश गर्नुहोस्।" 7797 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7798 msgstr "<code><style></style></code> ट्यागहरू समावेश गर्नुहोस्।"
/webtrees/resources/lang/uk/ |
H A D | messages.po | 499 msgid "<select>" 500 msgstr "<виберіть>" 1408 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1409 msgstr "Додати вміст наприкінці елементу <code><body></code>." 1412 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1413 msgstr "Додати вміст наприкінці елементу <code><head></code>." 7812 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7813 msgstr "Включіть теги <code><script></script></code>." 7816 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7817 msgstr "Включіть теги <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/ru/ |
H A D | messages.po | 510 msgid "<select>" 511 msgstr "<выберите>" 1419 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1420 msgstr "Добавьте содержимое в конец <code><body></code> элемента." 1423 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1424 msgstr "Добавьте содержимое в конец <code><head></code> элемента." 7823 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7824 msgstr "Включите <code><script></script></code> теги." 7827 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7828 msgstr "Включите <code><style></style></code> теги."
/webtrees/resources/lang/he/ |
H A D | messages.po | 486 msgid "<select>" 487 msgstr "<בחר>" 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1396 msgstr "הוסף תוכן לסוף האלמנט <code><גוף></code> ." 1399 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1400 msgstr "הוסף תוכן לסוף האלמנט <code><ראש></code> ." 7798 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7799 msgstr "כלול את התגים <code><script></script></code>." 7802 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7803 msgstr "כלול את התגים <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/el/ |
H A D | messages.po | 486 msgid "<select>" 487 msgstr "<επιλογή>" 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1396 msgstr "Προσθέστε περιεχόμενο στο τέλος του στοιχείου <code><body></code> ." 1399 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1400 msgstr "Προσθέστε περιεχόμενο στο τέλος του στοιχείου <code><head></code>." 7811 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7812 msgstr "Συμπεριλάβετε τις ετικέτες <code><script></script></code>." 7815 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7816 msgstr "Συμπεριλάβετε τις ετικέτες <code><style></style></code> ."
/webtrees/resources/lang/da/ |
H A D | messages.po | 486 msgid "<select>" 487 msgstr "<vælg>" 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1396 msgstr "Tilføj koder i slutningen af <code><body></code> elementet." 1399 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1400 msgstr "Tilføj koder i slutningen af <code><head></code> elementet." 7798 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7799 msgstr "Husk at tilføje <code><script></script></code> tags." 7802 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7803 msgstr "Husk at tilføje <code><script></script></code> tags." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/hu/ |
H A D | messages.po | 486 msgid "<select>" 487 msgstr "<válasszon>" 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1396 msgstr "Tartalom hozzáadása a html <code><body></code> elem végéhez." 1399 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1400 msgstr "Tartalom hozzáadása a html <code><head></code> elem végéhez." 5450 …automatikus elfogadása” opció. Ha ez aktív, a felhasználó változtatásait rögtön tárolja a rendszer… 7798 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7799 msgstr "Tartalmazza a <code><script></script></code> címkéket." 7802 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." [all …]
/webtrees/resources/lang/zh-Hans/ |
H A D | messages.po | 499 msgid "<select>" 500 msgstr "< 选择 >" 1491 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1492 msgstr "添加内容到 <code><body></code> 元素后面。" 1495 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1496 msgstr "添加内容到 <code><head></code> 后面。" 8367 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 8368 msgstr "含有 <code><script></script></code> 标签." 8371 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 8372 msgstr "含有 <code><style></style></code> 标签."
/webtrees/resources/lang/eu/ |
H A D | messages.po | 482 msgid "<select>" 483 msgstr "<aukeratu>" 1391 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1392 msgstr "Edukia gehitu elementu honen bukaeran <code><body></code>." 1395 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1396 msgstr "Edukia gehitu <code><head></code> elementuaren bukaeran." 7795 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7796 msgstr "<code><, ><, ></code> etiketak barne." 7799 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7800 msgstr "<code><, ><, ></code> etiketak barne."
/webtrees/resources/lang/zh-Hant/ |
H A D | messages.po | 498 msgid "<select>" 499 msgstr "< 選擇 >" 1490 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1491 msgstr "添加內容到 <code><body></code> 元素後面。" 1494 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1495 msgstr "添加內容到 <code><head></code> 後面。" 8361 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 8362 msgstr "含有 <code><script></script></code> 標籤." 8365 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 8366 msgstr "含有 <code><style></style></code> 標籤."
/webtrees/resources/lang/cy/ |
H A D | messages.po | 555 msgid "<select>" 556 msgstr "<dewis>" 1464 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1465 msgstr "Ychwanegwch gynnwys at ddiwedd yr elfen <code><body></code>." 1468 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1469 msgstr "Ychwanegu cynnwys at ddiwedd yr elfen <code><head></code>." 7871 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7872 msgstr "Cynhwyswch y tagiau <code><script></script></code>." 7875 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7876 msgstr "Cynhwyswch y tagiau <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/ku/ |
H A D | messages.po | 481 msgid "<select>" 1390 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1391 msgstr "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1394 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1395 msgstr "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 7793 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7794 msgstr "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7797 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7798 msgstr "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags."
/webtrees/resources/lang/it/ |
H A D | messages.po | 487 msgid "<select>" 488 msgstr "<seleziona>" 1396 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1397 msgstr "Aggiungi contenuto alla fine dell'elemento <code><body></code>." 1400 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1401 msgstr "Aggiungi contenuti alla fine dell'elemento <code><head></code>." 7799 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7800 msgstr "Includi i tag <code><script></script></code>." 7803 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7804 msgstr "Includi i tag <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/bs/ |
H A D | messages.po | 499 msgid "<select>" 500 msgstr "<odaberi>" 1408 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1409 msgstr "Dodaj sadržaj na kraju <code><body></code> elementa." 1412 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1413 msgstr "Dodaj sadržaj na kraju <code><head></code> elementa." 7812 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7813 msgstr "Uključi oznake <code><script></script></code>." 7816 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7817 msgstr "Uključi oznake <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/id/ |
H A D | messages.po | 469 msgid "<select>" 470 msgstr "<pilih>" 1378 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1379 msgstr "Tambahkan isinya ke akhir dari elemen <code><body></code>." 1382 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1383 msgstr "Tambahkan isinya ke akhir dari elemen <code><head></code>." 7780 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7781 msgstr "Termasuk penanda <code><script></script></code> ." 7784 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7785 msgstr "Termasuk penanda <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/sr-Latn/ |
H A D | messages.po | 506 msgid "<select>" 507 msgstr "<odaberi>" 1415 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1416 msgstr "Dodaj sadržaj na kraju <code><body></code> elementa." 1419 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1420 msgstr "Dodaj sadržaj na kraju <code><head></code> elementa." 7819 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7820 msgstr "Uključi <code><script></script></code> oznake." 7823 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 7824 msgstr "Uključi <code><style></style></code> oznake."
/webtrees/resources/lang/pt/ |
H A D | messages.po | 487 msgid "<select>" 488 msgstr "<selecionar>" 1430 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1431 msgstr "Adicionar conteúdo no final do elemento <code><body></code>." 1434 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1435 msgstr "Adicionar conteúdo no final do elemento <code><body></code>." 8019 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 8020 msgstr "Inclua as tags <code><script></script></code>." 8023 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags." 8024 msgstr "Inclua as tags <code><style></style></code>."
/webtrees/resources/lang/ta/ |
H A D | messages.po | 481 msgid "<select>" 482 msgstr "<தேர்ந்தெடு>" 1419 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><body></code> element." 1421 "<code><உடல்></code> உறுப்பின் முடிவில் உள்ளடக்கத்தைச் சேர்க்கவும்." 1424 msgid "Add content to the end of the <code><head></code> element." 1425 msgstr "<code><தலை></code> உறுப்பின் முடிவில் உள்ளடக்கத்தைச் சேர்க்கவும்." 7850 msgid "Include the <code><script></script></code> tags." 7854 msgid "Include the <code><style></style></code> tags."