Cleanup webtrees.js
Cleanup date JS
Fix: #2591 - numeric-only date entry
Fix: #3392 - show less information in chart-block charts
Fix: #3387 - hide chart-box components on favorites block and family page
Redesign name accordion
Fix: #1384, fix #3375 - replace wheelzoom with pinch-zoom-element
Upgrade to latest ckeditor4
Update package dependencies
Fix: #3332 - add workaround for lack of RTL support in bootstrap
#3265 - Workaround for bug in datatables-bs4
Update webtrees theme for bootstrap 4.5
Update fab and minimal theme headers for bootstrap 4.5
#3245 - update for bootstrap 4.5
Fix: #3245 Update colors/clouds theme for bootstrap 4.5
#3070 - refactor CSS build process
Fix: #1710, Fix: #2810 - rewrite treeview drag handlers
Fix: #3215 - add first/previous/next/last buttons to the re-order pages
Fix: GIVN/SURN with more than 2 comma-separated names
Remove legacy favicons
Revert "Update JS dependencies" - see reverts commit 5d48fc546aba9a47db0a1d264e47c15f22f43767.