Update JS dependencies
Markdown with line-breaks
Fix: #4140 - missing styling for markdown blockquotes
Text formatting
Update package dependencies
Replace FunctionsPrintLists with views - #1584
Fix: #2834 - need padding for news block on FAB theme
Fix: #4091 - autoprefixer needs to be explicitly included
Update js dependencies
Rebuild minified files following merge of #4058
Fix: #4053 - focused buttons have wrong colour in colors theme
SPFX ending with apostrophe doesn't need a space
Fix: contrast on PHP info page
Update pacakge dependencies
Re-generate .min.css files
Use wt- namespace for data attributes
Link colours on admin theme
Fix: #3996 - Use CSS variables for link colour/decoration
Fix: #4001 - chart-box margin on FAB theme
Fix: #4000 - persistent checkbox toggles / BS5
Upgrade Bootstrap for Datatables to v5 (#3997)
Fix: #3990 - nav-links in colors theme