xref: /webtrees/resources/xml/reports/individual_ext_report.xml (revision 63b5a13ceaf5d29742e1cc2bed6ba2c5ae0232db)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
3	<Title><var var="I18N::translate('Related families')" /></Title>
4	<Description><var var="I18N::translate('A report of the families that are closely related to an individual.')" /></Description>
5	<Input name="pid" type="text" default="" lookup="INDI"><var var="I18N::translate('Individual')"/></Input>
6	<Input name="relatives" type="select" options="child-family=>I18N::translate('Parents and siblings')|spouse-family=>I18N::translate('Spouses and children')|direct-ancestors=>I18N::translate('Direct line ancestors')|ancestors=>I18N::translate('Direct line ancestors and their families')|descendants=>I18N::translate('Descendants')|all=>I18N::translate('All')"><var var="I18N::translate('Choose relatives')"/></Input>
7	<Input name="maxgen" type="select" default="4" options="1=>I18N::number(1)|2=>I18N::number(2)|3=>I18N::number(3)|4=>I18N::number(4)|5=>I18N::number(5)|6=>I18N::number(6)|7=>I18N::number(7)|8=>I18N::number(8)|9=>I18N::number(9)|10=>I18N::number(10)|*=>I18N::translate('All')"><var var="I18N::translate('Generations')"/></Input>
8	<Input name="sortby" type="select" default="BIRT:DATE" options="BIRT:DATE=>I18N::translate('sort by date of birth')|NAME=>I18N::translate('sort by name')"><var var="I18N::translate('Sort order')"/></Input>
9	<Input name="sources" type="checkbox" default="1"><var var="I18N::translate('Show sources')"/></Input>
10	<Input name="notes" type="checkbox" default="1"><var var="I18N::translate('Show notes')"/></Input>
11	<Input name="photos" type="select" default="highlighted" options="none=>I18N::translate('None')|all=>I18N::translate('All')|highlighted=>I18N::translate('Highlighted image')"><var var="I18N::translate('Show photos')"/></Input>
12	<Input name="pageSize" type="select" options="A4=>I18N::translateContext('paper size','A4')|A3=>I18N::translateContext('paper size', 'A3')|US-Letter=>I18N::translateContext('paper size','Letter')|US-Tabloid=>I18N::translateContext('paper size','Tabloid')"><var var="I18N::translate('Page size')" /></Input>
13	<Input name="colors" type="checkbox" default="1"><var var="I18N::translate('Use colors')"/></Input>
14	<!--
15	<Input name="fonts" type="select" default="dejavusans" options="arialunicid0=>I18N::translateContext('font name', 'Arial')|dejavusans=>I18N::translateContext('font name', 'DejaVu')|helvetica=>I18N::translateContext('font name', 'Helvetica')"><var var="I18N::translate('Font')"/></Input>
16	-->
17	<SetVar name="fonts" value="dejavusans" />
19	<!-- Header -->
20	<Style name="header" font="$fonts" size="18"/>
21	<!-- Generated by style - required style name by the generator -->
22	<Style name="genby" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
23	<!-- Links to sources - required style name by the generator -->
24	<Style name="footnotenum" font="$fonts" size="6"/>
25	<!-- Source text - FootnoteTexts - required style name by the generator -->
26	<Style name="footnote" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
27	<!-- Section title -->
28	<Style name="title" font="$fonts" size="9" style="B"/>
29	<!-- Page numbers text -->
30	<Style name="pagenum" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
31	<!-- Page Header text -->
32	<Style name="pageheader" font="$fonts" size="14"/>
33	<!-- Standard text -->
34	<Style name="text" font="$fonts" size="9"/>
35	<!-- Facts text -->
36	<Style name="fact" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
37	<!-- Individual names in text boxes -->
38	<Style name="name" font="$fonts" size="10"/>
39	<!-- Date text -->
40	<Style name="date" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
43	<!-- Setup colors -->
44	<!-- Section title background color -->
45	<SetVar name="stbgcolor" value="#AAAAAA"/>
46	<SetVar name="mbgcolor" value=""/>
47	<SetVar name="fbgcolor" value=""/>
48	<SetVar name="ugbgcolor" value=""/>
49	<SetVar name="fbbgcolor" value=""/>
50	<SetVar name="tcolor" value=""/>
51	<!-- Use colors -->
52	<if condition="$colors==1">
53		<!-- Section title background color -->
54		<SetVar name="stbgcolor" value="#9CA3D4"/>
55		<!-- Male background color -->
56		<SetVar name="mbgcolor" value="#D6E0EA"/>
57		<!-- Female background color -->
58		<SetVar name="fbgcolor" value="#E9DAF1"/>
59		<!-- Unknown gender -->
60		<SetVar name="ugbgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"/>
61		<!-- Fact boxes -->
62		<SetVar name="fbbgcolor" value="#D1D9FF"/>
63		<!-- Text color - black -->
64		<SetVar name="tcolor" value="#000000"/>
65	</if>
67	<!-- New Page controller -->
68	<SetVar name="newpage" value="0"/>
69	<!-- New Page for Sources controller if SOUR exist -->
70	<SetVar name="source_exist" value="0"/>
72	<!-- set the default widths -->
73	<SetVar name="dwidth" value="200"/>
74	<SetVar name="pwidth" value="436"/>
75	<!-- space height -->
76	<SetVar name="sheight" value="15"/>
78	<SetVar name="width" value="433"/>
79	<SetVar name="width1" value="418"/>
80	<SetVar name="width2" value="233"/>
82	<!-- change the widths for no pictures -->
83	<if condition="$photos=='none'">
84		<SetVar name="width" value="0"/>
85		<SetVar name="width1" value="0"/>
86		<SetVar name="width2" value="0"/>
87	</if>
89	<Doc pageSize="$pageSize">
90		<Header>
91			<Cell align="center" newline="1" style="header"><var var="I18N::translate('Related families')"/></Cell>
92			<Cell align="rightrtl" newline="1" style="pagenum"><var var="I18N::translate('Page')"/> <PageNum/> / <TotalPages/></Cell>
93		</Header>
95		<Body>
96			<!-- set the gedcom context for this individual -->
97			<Relatives id="$pid" group="$relatives" maxgen="$maxgen" sortby="$sortby">
98				<if condition="$newpage==1">
99					<NewPage/>
100				</if>
101				<SetVar name="newpage" value="1"/>
102				<SetVar name="sex" value="@SEX"/>
103				<SetVar name="mid" value="@ID"/>
104				<!-- Individual name -->
105				<TextBox newline="1">
106					<Text style="pageheader"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
107					<if condition="$sources==1">
108						<!-- print level 1 sources -->
109						<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
110							<Footnote>
111								<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
112									<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
113									«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
114									<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
115								</Gedcom>
116								<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
117								 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
118							</Footnote>
119							<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
120						</RepeatTag>
121						<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
122						<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
123							<Footnote>
124								<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
125									<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
126									«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
127									<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
128								</Gedcom>
129								<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
130								 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
131							</Footnote>
132							<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
133						</RepeatTag>
134					</if>
135				</TextBox>
136				<!-- show the persons images -->
137				<if condition="$photos=='all'">
138					<!-- This is an image not a text, so don't use text padding
139					Reset also the last height after all the images has been printed
140					set pagecheck to 0, the image function check is too
141					and "trick" the X-position back to the margin with a newline -->
142					<TextBox left="$pwidth" newline="1" pagecheck="0" padding="0" reseth="1" width="80">
143						<RepeatTag tag="OBJE">
144							<Image file="@FILE" width="80" ln="N"/>
145						</RepeatTag>
146					</TextBox>
147				</if>
148				<!-- show the person's Highlighted Image -->
149				<if condition="$photos=='highlighted'">
150					<HighlightedImage left="$pwidth" width="80"/>
151				</if>
152				<!-- Print the individuals facts -->
153				<Cell tcolor="$tcolor" bgcolor="$stbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" style="title" width="$width"><var var="I18N::translate('Facts and events')"/></Cell>
154				<Facts ignore="$ignore" families="1">
155					<TextBox bgcolor="$fbbgcolor" border="1" width="$dwidth">
156						<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact"><var var="@fact"/>  </Text>
157						<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><GedcomValue tag="@fact:DATE"/>  </Text>
158						<!-- look for fact level 2 sources -->
159						<if condition="$sources==1">
160							<RepeatTag tag="@fact:SOUR">
161								<Footnote>
162									<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
163										<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
164										«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
165										<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
166									</Gedcom>
167									<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
168									 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
169								</Footnote>
170								<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
171							</RepeatTag>
172						</if>
173					</TextBox>
174					<!-- print a different layout for facts with descriptions -->
175					<if condition="@desc!=''">
176						<TextBox bgcolor="$fbbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" width="$width2">
177							<Text color="$tcolor" style="text">
178								<if condition="@desc=='Y'">
179									<var var="I18N::translate('yes')" />  <GedcomValue tag="@fact:PLAC"/>
180								</if>
181								<if condition="@desc=='N'">
182									<var var="I18N::translate('no')" />  <GedcomValue tag="@fact:PLAC"/>
183								</if>
184								<if condition="@fact!='ASSO' and @desc!='Y' and @desc!='N' and @PLAC!=''">
185									<GedcomValue tag="@desc"/>  <GedcomValue tag="@fact:PLAC"/>
186								</if>
187								<if condition="@fact!='ASSO' and @desc!='Y' and @desc!='N' and @PLAC==''">
188									<GedcomValue tag="@desc"/>
189								</if>
190							</Text>
191							<Gedcom id="@ASSO">
192								 <GetPersonName id=""/>
193							</Gedcom>
194							<Gedcom id="@_WTS">
195								<if condition="@SEX=='M'">
196									<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact">  <var var="I18N::translate('Husband')"/></Text>
197								</if>
198								<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
199									<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact">  <var var="I18N::translate('Wife')"/></Text>
200								</if>
201								<if condition="@SEX=='U'">
202									<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact">  <var var="I18N::translate('Spouse')"/></Text>
203								</if>
204								<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> <GetPersonName id=""/></Text>
205							</Gedcom>
206						</TextBox>
207					</if>
208					<!-- facts without descriptions -->
209					<if condition="@desc==''">
210						<TextBox bgcolor="$fbbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" width="$width2">
211							<Gedcom id="@_WTS">
212								<if condition="@SEX=='M'">
213									<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact">  <var var="I18N::translate('Husband')"/></Text>
214								</if>
215								<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
216									<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact">  <var var="I18N::translate('Wife')"/></Text>
217								</if>
218								<if condition="@SEX=='U'">
219									<Text color="$tcolor" style="fact">  <var var="I18N::translate('Spouse')"/></Text>
220								</if>
221								<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> <GetPersonName id=""/></Text>
222							</Gedcom>
223						</TextBox>
224					</if>
225				</Facts>
226				<!-- print any level 1 notes, but only if exist -->
227				<if condition="($notes==1) and (@NOTE!='')">
228					<TextBox height="$sheight" newline="1" padding="0" width="15"/>
229					<Cell bgcolor="$stbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" style="title" tcolor="$tcolor" width="$width"><var var="I18N::translate('Notes')"/></Cell>
230					<RepeatTag tag="NOTE">
231						<Cell bgcolor="$fbbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" style="text" tcolor="$tcolor" width="$width"><GedcomValue tag="NOTE"/></Cell>
232					</RepeatTag>
233				</if>
235				<!-- print family with parents and siblings -->
236				<TextBox height="$sheight" newline="1" padding="0" width="15"/>
237				<Cell bgcolor="$stbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" style="title" tcolor="$tcolor" width="$width"><var var="I18N::translate('Family with parents')"/></Cell>
238				<RepeatTag tag="FAMC">
239					<Gedcom id="@FAMC">
240						<!-- father -->
241						<Gedcom id="@HUSB">
242							<TextBox bgcolor="$mbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" width="$width">
243								<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Father')"/>  </Text>
244								<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
245								<if condition="$sources==1">
246									<!-- print level 1 sources -->
247									<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
248										<Footnote>
249											<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
250												<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
251												«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
252												<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
253											</Gedcom>
254											<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
255											 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
256										</Footnote>
257										<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
258									</RepeatTag>
259									<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
260									<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
261										<Footnote>
262											<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
263												<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
264												«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
265												<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
266											</Gedcom>
267											<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
268											 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
269										</Footnote>
270										<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
271									</RepeatTag>
272								</if>
273								<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
274							</TextBox>
275						</Gedcom>
276						<!-- mother -->
277						<Gedcom id="@WIFE">
278							<TextBox bgcolor="$fbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" width="$width">
279								<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Mother')"/>  </Text>
280								<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
281								<if condition="$sources==1">
282									<!-- print level 1 sources -->
283									<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
284										<Footnote>
285											<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
286												<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
287												«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
288												<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
289											</Gedcom>
290											<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
291											 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
292										</Footnote>
293										<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
294									</RepeatTag>
295									<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
296									<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
297										<Footnote>
298											<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
299												<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
300												«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
301												<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
302											</Gedcom>
303											<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
304											 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
305										</Footnote>
306										<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
307									</RepeatTag>
308								</if>
309								<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
310							</TextBox>
311						</Gedcom>
312						<!-- siblings -->
313						<RepeatTag tag="CHIL">
314						<if condition="@CHIL!=$mid">
315							<Gedcom id="@CHIL">
316								<!-- Brother -->
317								<if condition="@SEX=='M'">
318									<TextBox bgcolor="$mbgcolor" border="1" left="15" newline="1" width="$width1">
319										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Brother')"/>  </Text>
320										<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
321										<if condition="$sources==1">
322											<!-- print level 1 sources -->
323											<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
324												<Footnote>
325													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
326														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
327														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
328														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
329													</Gedcom>
330													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
331													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
332												</Footnote>
333												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
334											</RepeatTag>
335											<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
336											<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
337												<Footnote>
338													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
339														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
340														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
341														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
342													</Gedcom>
343													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
344													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
345												</Footnote>
346												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
347											</RepeatTag>
348										</if>
349										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
350									</TextBox>
351								</if>
352								<!-- Sister -->
353								<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
354									<TextBox bgcolor="$fbgcolor" border="1" left="15" newline="1" width="$width1">
355										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Sister')"/>  </Text>
356										<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
357										<if condition="$sources==1">
358											<!-- print level 1 sources -->
359											<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
360												<Footnote>
361													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
362														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
363														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
364														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
365													</Gedcom>
366													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
367													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
368												</Footnote>
369												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
370											</RepeatTag>
371											<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
372											<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
373												<Footnote>
374													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
375														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
376														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
377														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
378													</Gedcom>
379													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
380													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
381												</Footnote>
382												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
383											</RepeatTag>
384										</if>
385										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
386									</TextBox>
387								</if>
388								<!-- Unknown gender for Sibling -->
389								<if condition="@SEX=='U'">
390									<TextBox bgcolor="$ugbgcolor" border="1" left="15" newline="1" width="$width1">
391										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Gender')"/> <var var="I18N::translateContext('unknown gender', 'Unknown')"/>  </Text>
392										<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
393										<if condition="$sources==1">
394											<!-- print level 1 sources -->
395											<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
396												<Footnote>
397													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
398														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
399														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
400														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
401													</Gedcom>
402													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
403													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
404												</Footnote>
405												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
406											</RepeatTag>
407											<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
408											<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
409												<Footnote>
410													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
411														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
412														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
413														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
414													</Gedcom>
415													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
416													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
417												</Footnote>
418												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
419											</RepeatTag>
420										</if>
421										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
422									</TextBox>
423								</if>
424							</Gedcom>
425						  </if>
426						</RepeatTag>
427					</Gedcom>
428				</RepeatTag>
429				<!-- print family with spouse and children -->
430				<RepeatTag tag="FAMS">
431					<Gedcom id="@FAMS">
432						<!-- print wife if person is husband -->
433						<if condition="$sex=='M'">
434							<TextBox height="$sheight" newline="1" padding="0" width="15"/>
435							<Cell bgcolor="$stbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" style="title" tcolor="$tcolor" width="$width"><var var="I18N::translate('Family with wife')"/></Cell>
436							<SetVar name="spid" value="@WIFE"/>
437						</if>
438						<!-- print husband if person is wife -->
439						<if condition="$sex=='F'">
440							<TextBox height="$sheight" newline="1" padding="0" width="15"/>
441							<Cell bgcolor="$stbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" style="title" tcolor="$tcolor" width="$width"><var var="I18N::translate('Family with husband')"/></Cell>
442							<SetVar name="spid" value="@HUSB"/>
443						</if>
444						<!-- print information for spouse -->
445						<Gedcom id="$spid">
446							<!-- husband -->
447							<if condition="@SEX!='F'">
448								<TextBox bgcolor="$mbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" width="$width">
449									<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Husband')"/>  </Text>
450									<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
451									<if condition="$sources==1">
452										<!-- print level 1 sources -->
453										<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
454											<Footnote>
455												<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
456													<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
457													«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
458													<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
459												</Gedcom>
460												<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
461												 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
462											</Footnote>
463											<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
464										</RepeatTag>
465										<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
466										<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
467											<Footnote>
468												<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
469													<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
470													«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
471													<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
472												</Gedcom>
473												<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
474												 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
475											</Footnote>
476											<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
477										</RepeatTag>
478									</if>
479									<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
480								</TextBox>
481							</if>
482							<!-- wife -->
483							<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
484								<TextBox bgcolor="$fbgcolor" border="1" newline="1" width="$width">
485									<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Wife')"/>  </Text>
486									<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
487									<if condition="$sources==1">
488										<!-- print level 1 sources -->
489										<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
490											<Footnote>
491												<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
492													<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
493													«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
494													<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
495												</Gedcom>
496												<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
497												 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
498											</Footnote>
499											<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
500										</RepeatTag>
501										<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
502										<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
503											<Footnote>
504												<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
505													<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
506													«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
507													<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
508												</Gedcom>
509												<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
510												 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
511											</Footnote>
512											<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
513										</RepeatTag>
514									</if>
515									<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
516								</TextBox>
517							</if>
518						</Gedcom>
519						<!-- print children with spouse -->
520						<RepeatTag tag="CHIL">
521							<if condition="@CHIL!=$mid">
522								<Gedcom id="@CHIL">
523								<!-- Son -->
524								<if condition="@SEX=='M'">
525									<TextBox bgcolor="$mbgcolor" border="1" left="15" newline="1" width="$width1">
526										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Son')"/>  </Text>
527										<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
528										<if condition="$sources==1">
529											<!-- print level 1 sources -->
530											<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
531												<Footnote>
532													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
533														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
534														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
535														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
536													</Gedcom>
537													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
538													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
539												</Footnote>
540												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
541											</RepeatTag>
542											<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
543											<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
544												<Footnote>
545													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
546														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
547														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
548														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
549													</Gedcom>
550													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
551													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
552												</Footnote>
553												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
554											</RepeatTag>
555										</if>
556										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
557									</TextBox>
558								</if>
559								<!-- Daughter -->
560								<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
561									<TextBox bgcolor="$fbgcolor" border="1" left="15" newline="1" width="$width1">
562										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Daughter')"/>  </Text>
563										<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
564										<if condition="$sources==1">
565											<!-- print level 1 sources -->
566											<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
567												<Footnote>
568													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
569														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
570														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
571														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
572													</Gedcom>
573													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
574													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
575												</Footnote>
576												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
577											</RepeatTag>
578											<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
579											<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
580												<Footnote>
581													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
582														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
583														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
584														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
585													</Gedcom>
586													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
587													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
588												</Footnote>
589												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
590											</RepeatTag>
591										</if>
592										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
593									</TextBox>
594								</if>
595								<!-- Unknown gender for Child -->
596								<if condition="@SEX=='U'">
597									<TextBox bgcolor="$ugbgcolor" border="1" left="15" newline="1" width="$width1">
598										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Gender')"/> <var var="I18N::translateContext('unknown gender', 'Unknown')"/>  </Text>
599										<Text color="$tcolor" style="name"><GetPersonName id=""/> </Text>
600										<if condition="$sources==1">
601											<!-- print level 1 sources -->
602											<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
603												<Footnote>
604													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
605														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
606														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
607														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
608													</Gedcom>
609													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
610													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
611												</Footnote>
612												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
613											</RepeatTag>
614											<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
615											<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
616												<Footnote>
617													<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
618														<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
619														«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
620														<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
621													</Gedcom>
622													<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
623													 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
624												</Footnote>
625												<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
626											</RepeatTag>
627										</if>
628										<Text color="$tcolor" style="text"> (<var var="I18N::translate('Birth')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:PLAC"/><Gedcom id="DEAT"> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')"/>: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE"/> <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:PLAC"/></Gedcom>)</Text>
629									</TextBox>
630								</if>
631							</Gedcom>
632						  </if>
633						</RepeatTag>
634					</Gedcom>
635				</RepeatTag>
636			</Relatives>
637		</Body>
638		<!-- if the sources were on, print the source citations as footnotes -->
639		<if condition="$source_exist==1">
640			<!-- add a new page -->
641			<NewPage/>
642			<Body>
643				<TextBox newline="1">
644					<Text style="pageheader"><var var="I18N::translate('Sources')"/><br /><br /></Text>
645					<FootnoteTexts/>
646				</TextBox>
647			</Body>
648		</if>
649		<Footer>
650			<Cell align="rightrtl" newline="1" style="date"><Now/></Cell>
651		</Footer>
652	</Doc>