xref: /webtrees/resources/xml/reports/ahnentafel_report.xml (revision 1bdbe4be8b89ea7a9cca535712d11b03e44ed743)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2<!-- Includes 2010 work done by John Hawthornthwaite(hagershorn1) for an ancestry report in PhpGedView -->
4	<Title><var var="I18N::translate('Ancestors')" /></Title>
5	<Description><var var="I18N::translate('A report of an individual’s ancestors, in a narrative style.')" /></Description>
6	<Input name="pid" lookup="INDI" type="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Individual')" /></Input>
7	<Input name="maxgen" type="select" options="3=>I18N::number(3)|4=>I18N::number(4)|5=>I18N::number(5)|6=>I18N::number(6)|7=>I18N::number(7)|8=>I18N::number(8)|9=>I18N::number(9)|10=>I18N::number(10)|-1=>I18N::translate('All')"><var var="I18N::translate('Generations')" /></Input>
8	<Input name="sources" type="checkbox" default="1"><var var="I18N::translate('Show sources')" /></Input>
9	<Input name="notes" type="checkbox" default="0"><var var="I18N::translate('Show notes')" /></Input>
10	<Input name="occu" type="checkbox" default="0"><var var="I18N::translate('Show occupations')" /></Input>
11	<Input name="resi" type="checkbox" default="0"><var var="I18N::translate('Show residences')" /></Input>
12	<Input name="children" type="checkbox" default="0"><var var="I18N::translate('Show children of ancestors')" /></Input>
13	<Input name="pageSize" type="select" options="A4=>I18N::translateContext('paper size','A4')|A3=>I18N::translateContext('paper size', 'A3')|US-Letter=>I18N::translateContext('paper size','Letter')|US-Tabloid=>I18N::translateContext('paper size','Tabloid')"><var var="I18N::translate('Page size')" /></Input>
14	<!--
15	<Input name="fonts" type="select" default="dejavusans" options="arialunicid0=>I18N::translateContext('font name', 'Arial')|dejavusans=>I18N::translateContext('font name', 'DejaVu')|helvetica=>I18N::translateContext('font name', 'Helvetica')"><var var="I18N::translate('Font')"/></Input>
16	-->
17	<SetVar name="fonts" value="dejavusans" />
19	<!-- Header -->
20	<Style name="header" font="$fonts" size="14" style="b" />
21	<!-- Page numbers text -->
22	<Style name="pagenum" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
23	<!-- Standard text -->
24	<Style name="text" font="$fonts" size="10"/>
25	<!-- Links to sources - required style name by the generator -->
26	<Style name="footnotenum" font="$fonts" size="7"/>
27	<!-- Source text - FootnoteTexts - required style name by the generator -->
28	<Style name="footnote" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
29	<!-- Generated by style - required style name by the generator -->
30	<Style name="genby" font="$fonts" size="8" />
31	<!-- Date Text-->
32	<Style name="date" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
33	<!-- Note Text -->
34	<Style name="note" font="$fonts" size="9"/>
35	<!-- Individual name -->
36	<Style name="name" font="$fonts" size="10" style="b" />
37	<Style name="namech" font="$fonts" size="8" style="b" />
38	<Style name="subheader" font="$fonts" size="12" style="b" />
39	<Style name="label1" font="$fonts" size="8"/>
40	<Style name="label2" font="$fonts" size="10"/>
41	<SetVar name="num" value="1" />
42	<SetVar name="generation" value="0" />
43	<SetVar name="empty_name" value="f" />
44	<SetVar name="empty_start_value" value="0" />
45	<SetVar name="nametokeep" value=" " />
46	<SetVar name="personNumber" value="1" />
47	<SetVar name="individual" value=" " />
48	<SetVar name="spouse" value="" />
49	<SetVar name="childNumber" value="1" />
50	<!-- New Page for Sources controller if SOUR exist -->
51	<SetVar name="source_exist" value="0" />
53	<Doc pageSize="$pageSize">
54		<Header>
55			<Cell style="header" align="center" height="30" newline="1"><var var="I18N::translate('Ancestors of ')" /><GetPersonName id="$pid" /></Cell>
56			<Cell align="rightrtl" newline="1" style="pagenum"><var var="I18N::translate('Page')" /> <PageNum /> <var var="I18N::translate('of')" /> <TotalPages /></Cell>
57		</Header>
58		<Body>
59			<Relatives id="$pid" group="direct-ancestors" sortby="none" maxgen="$maxgen">
60				<SetVar name="gender" value="m" />
61				<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
62					<SetVar name="gender" value="f" />
63				</if>
64				<if condition="$generation!=@generation">
65					<if condition="$empty_name=='t'" >
66						<TextBox width="50" height="20">
67							<SetVar name="empty_end_value" value="$num-1" />
68							<Text style="text"><var var="empty_start_value" />-<var var="empty_end_value" />.</Text>
69						</TextBox>
70						<TextBox width="475" height="12" newline="1" >
71							<Text style="text"><br /></Text>
72						</TextBox>
73						<TextBox width="25" height="20" newline="1">
74							<Text style="text"><br /></Text>
75						</TextBox>
76						<SetVar name="empty_start_value" value="$num" />
77					</if>
78					<Cell align="center" height="30" newline="1" style="subheader"><var var="I18N::translate('Generation ')" /><Generation /></Cell>
79					<SetVar name="generation" value="@generation" />
80				</if>
81				<SetVar name="indiname" value="@NAME" />
82				<if condition="$indiname==''">
83					<if condition="$empty_name=='f'">
84						<SetVar name="empty_name" value="t" />
85						<SetVar name="empty_start_value" value="$num" />
86					</if>
87				</if>
88				<if condition="$indiname!=''">
89					<if condition="$empty_name=='t'" >
90						<TextBox width="50" height="20">
91							<SetVar name="empty_end_value" value="$num-1" />
92							<Text style="text"><var var="empty_start_value" />-<var var="empty_end_value" />.</Text>
93						</TextBox>
94						<TextBox width="475" height="12" newline="1">
95							<Text style="text"><br /></Text>
96						</TextBox>
97						<TextBox width="25" height="20" newline="1">
98							<Text style="text"><br /></Text>
99						</TextBox>
100						<SetVar name="empty_name" value="f" />
101					</if>
102					<!-- Generation counter -->
103					<TextBox width="25" height="30">
104						<Text style="text"><var var="num" />.</Text>
105					</TextBox>
106					<!-- Sentence 1 Individual, name... -->
107					<TextBox height="12" newline="1">
108						<Text style="name"><GetPersonName id="" /></Text>
109						<if condition="$sources=='on'">
110							<!-- print level 1 sources -->
111							<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
112								<Footnote>
113									<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
114										<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
115										«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
116										<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
117									</Gedcom>
118									<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
119									  <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
120								</Footnote>
121								<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
122							</RepeatTag>
123							<!-- print level 2 sources attached to NAME -->
124							<RepeatTag tag="NAME:SOUR">
125								<Footnote>
126									<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
127										<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
128										«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
129										<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
130									</Gedcom>
131									<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
132									 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
133								</Footnote>
134								<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1" />
135							</RepeatTag>
136						</if>
137						<Text style="name">  </Text>
138						<!-- Individual, birth... -->
139						<Gedcom id="BIRT">
140							<Text style="text">
141								<if condition="$gender=='m'"><var var="I18N::translateContext('MALE', 'was born')" /></if>
142								<if condition="$gender=='f'"><var var="I18N::translateContext('FEMALE', 'was born')" /></if>
143							</Text>
144							<if condition="$sources=='on'">
145								<RepeatTag tag="BIRT:SOUR">
146									<Footnote>
147										<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
148											<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
149											«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
150											<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
151										</Gedcom>
152										<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
153										 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
154									</Footnote>
155									<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
156								</RepeatTag>
157							</if>
158							<Text style="text">
159								<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
160								<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>
161								<if condition="(@desc=='Y') or (@DATE=='' and @PLAC=='')"><var var="I18N::translate(' but the details are unknown')" /></if>.
162							</Text>
163						</Gedcom>
164						<!-- Sentence 2 Individual, christened... -->
165						<Gedcom id="CHR">
166							<Text style="text">
167								<if condition="$gender=='m'"><var var="I18N::translate('He was christened')" /></if>
168								<if condition="$gender=='f'"><var var="I18N::translate('She was christened')" /></if>
169							</Text>
170							<Text style="label1">
171							<if condition="$sources=='on'">
172								<RepeatTag tag="CHR:SOUR">
173									<Footnote>
174										<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
175											<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
176											«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
177											<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
178										</Gedcom>
179										<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
180										 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
181									</Footnote>
182									<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
183								</RepeatTag>
184							</if>
185							</Text>
186							<Text style="text">
187								<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /><GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
188								<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /><GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>
189								<if condition="(@desc=='Y') or (@DATE=='' and @PLAC=='')"><var var="I18N::translate(' but the details are unknown')" /></if>.
190							</Text>
191						</Gedcom>
192						<if condition="$occu=='on'">
193							<!-- Individual, occupation... -->
194							<RepeatTag tag="OCCU">
195								<Text style="text">
196									<if condition="$gender=='m'"> <var var="I18N::translate('His occupation was')" /> <GedcomValue tag="OCCU" level="1" /></if>
197									<if condition="$gender=='f'"> <var var="I18N::translate('Her occupation was')" /> <GedcomValue tag="OCCU" level="1" /></if>
198								</Text>
199								<if condition="$sources=='on'">
200									<RepeatTag tag="OCCU:SOUR">
201										<Footnote>
202											<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
203												<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
204												«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
205												<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
206											</Gedcom>
207											<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
208											 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
209										</Footnote>
210										<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
211									</RepeatTag>
212								</if>
213								<Text style="text">
214									<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
215									<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>.
216								</Text>
217							</RepeatTag>
218						</if>
219						<if condition="$resi=='on'">
220							<!-- Individual, residence... -->
221							<RepeatTag tag="RESI">
222								<Text style="text">
223									<if condition="$gender=='m'"><var var="I18N::translate('He resided at')" /> </if>
224									<if condition="$gender=='f'"><var var="I18N::translate('She resided at')" /> </if>
225									<if condition="@ADDR!=''"><GedcomValue tag="RESI:ADDR" level="1" /></if>
226									<if condition="@ADDR==''"><if condition="@PLAC!=''"><GedcomValue tag="RESI:PLAC" level="1" /></if></if>
227								</Text>
228								<if condition="$sources=='on'">
229									<RepeatTag tag="RESI:SOUR">
230										<Footnote>
231											<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
232												<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
233												«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
234												<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
235											</Gedcom>
236											<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
237											 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
238										</Footnote>
239										<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
240									</RepeatTag>
241								</if>
242								<Text style="text">
243									<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>.
244								</Text>
245							</RepeatTag>
246						</if>
247						<SetVar name="cpid" value="@ID" />
248						<Gedcom id="@FAMS">
249							<SetVar name="hpid" value="@HUSB"/>
250							<SetVar name="wpid" value="@WIFE"/>
251							<if condition="$cpid==$hpid">
252								<SetVar name="spid" value="@WIFE" />
253							</if>
254							<if condition="$cpid==$wpid">
255								<SetVar name="spid" value="@HUSB" />
256							</if>
257							<Gedcom id="MARR">
258								<if condition="(($spid != '') and (@DATE != '' or @PLAC != '' or @desc == 'Y'))">
259									<Text style="text">
260										<if condition="$gender=='m'"> <var var="I18N::translate('He married')" /> </if>
261										<if condition="$gender=='f'"> <var var="I18N::translate('She married')" /> </if>
262									</Text>
263									<if condition="$sources=='on'">
264										<RepeatTag tag="MARR:SOUR">
265											<Footnote>
266												<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
267													<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
268													«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
269													<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
270												</Gedcom>
271												<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
272												<GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
273											</Footnote>
274											<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
275										</RepeatTag>
276									</if>
277									<Text style="text">
278										<if condition="$spid!=''"><GetPersonName id="$spid" /></if>
279										<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
280										<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /><GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>
281										<if condition="((@desc=='Y') or (@DATE=='' and @PLAC=='')) and ($spid=='')"><var var="I18N::translate(' but the details are unknown')" /></if>.
282									</Text>
283								</if>
284							</Gedcom>
285						</Gedcom>
286						<Gedcom id="DEAT">
287							<Text style="text">
288								<if condition="$gender=='m'"> <var var="I18N::translate('He died')" /></if>
289								<if condition="$gender=='f'"> <var var="I18N::translate('She died')" /></if>
290							</Text>
291							<if condition="$sources=='on'">
292								<RepeatTag tag="DEAT:SOUR">
293									<Footnote>
294										<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
295											<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
296											«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
297											<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
298										</Gedcom>
299										<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
300										 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
301									</Footnote>
302									<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
303								</RepeatTag>
304							</if>
305							<Text style="text">
306								<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
307								<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>
308								<if condition="(@desc=='Y') or (@DATE=='' and @PLAC=='')"><var var="I18N::translate(' but the details are unknown')" /></if>.
309							</Text>
310						</Gedcom>
311						<Gedcom id="CREM">
312							<Text style="text">
313								<if condition="$gender=='m'"> <var var="I18N::translate('He was cremated')" /></if>
314								<if condition="$gender=='f'"> <var var="I18N::translate('She was cremated')" /></if>
315							</Text>
316							<if condition="$sources=='on'">
317								<RepeatTag tag="CREM:SOUR">
318									<Footnote>
319										<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
320											<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
321											«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
322											<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
323										</Gedcom>
324										<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
325										 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
326									</Footnote>
327									<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
328								</RepeatTag>
329							</if>
330							<Text style="text">
331								<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
332								<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>
333								<if condition="(@desc=='Y') or (@DATE=='' and @PLAC=='')"><var var="I18N::translate(' but the details are unknown')" /></if>.
334							</Text>
335						</Gedcom>
336						<Gedcom id="BURI">
337							<Text style="text">
338								<if condition="$gender=='m'"> <var var="I18N::translate('He was buried')" /></if>
339								<if condition="$gender=='f'"> <var var="I18N::translate('She was buried')" /></if>
340							</Text>
341							<if condition="$sources=='on'">
342								<RepeatTag tag="BURI:SOUR">
343									<Footnote>
344										<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
345											<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
346											«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
347											<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
348										</Gedcom>
349										<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
350										 <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
351									</Footnote>
352									<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
353								</RepeatTag>
354							</if>
355							<Text style="text">
356								<if condition="@DATE!=''"><var var=" " /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if>
357								<if condition="@PLAC!=''"><var var="I18N::translate(' in ')" /> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if>
358								<if condition="(@desc=='Y') or (@DATE=='' and @PLAC=='')"><var var="I18N::translate(' but the details are unknown')" /></if>.
359							</Text>
360						</Gedcom>
361					</TextBox>
362					<if condition="$notes=='on'">
363						<RepeatTag tag="NOTE">
364							<TextBox height="3" newline="1" padding="0"/>
365							<Cell height="12" left="30" newline="1" style="note"><GedcomValue tag="NOTE"/></Cell>
366						</RepeatTag>
367					</if>
368					<TextBox height="10" newline="1" padding="0"/>
369				</if>
370				<SetVar name="num" value="$num+1" />
371				<if condition="$children=='on'">
372					<!-- this section gets the children. -->
373					<RepeatTag tag="FAMS">
374						<SetVar name="individual" value="$cpid" />
375						<SetVar name="spouse" value="$spid" />
376						<Gedcom id="@FAMS">
377							<if condition="@CHIL!=''">
378								<SetVar name="numberOfChildren" value="0" />
379								<RepeatTag tag="CHIL">
380									<Gedcom id="@CHIL">
381										<SetVar name="numberOfChildren" value="$numberOfChildren+1" />
382									</Gedcom>
383								</RepeatTag>
384								<!-- Only show children once for each couple -->
385								<if condition="$individual == @WIFE || @WIFE == ''">
386									<TextBox height="20" left="25" newline="1">
387										<if condition="$numberOfChildren==1">
388											<Text style="label1"><var var="I18N::translate('Child of ')" /></Text>
389										</if>
390										<if condition="$numberOfChildren>1">
391											<Text style="label1"><var var="I18N::translate('Children of ')" /></Text>
392										</if>
393										<Text style="namech"><GetPersonName id="@HUSB" /></Text>
394										<Text style="label1"> <var var="I18N::translate('and')" /> </Text>
395										<Text style="namech"><GetPersonName id="@WIFE" /></Text>
396										<Text style="label1">:</Text>
397									</TextBox>
398									<SetVar name="familyChildNumber" value ="1" />
399									<RepeatTag tag="CHIL">
400										<Gedcom id="@CHIL">
401											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==1"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="i" /></if>
402											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==2"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="ii" /></if>
403											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==3"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="iii" /></if>
404											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==4"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="iv" /></if>
405											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==5"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="v" /></if>
406											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==6"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="vi" /></if>
407											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==7"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="vii" /></if>
408											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==8"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="viii" /></if>
409											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==9"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="ix" /></if>
410											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==10"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="x" /></if>
411											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==11"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xi" /></if>
412											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==12"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xii" /></if>
413											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==13"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xiii" /></if>
414											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==14"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xiv" /></if>
415											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==15"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xv" /></if>
416											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==16"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xvi" /></if>
417											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==17"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xvii" /></if>
418											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==18"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xviii" /></if>
419											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==19"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xix" /></if>
420											<if condition="$familyChildNumber==20"><SetVar name="familyChildRoman" value="xx" /></if>
421											<TextBox left="25" height="20" newline="1">
422												<Text style="label1"><var var="familyChildRoman" /></Text>
423												<Text style="namech">  <GetPersonName id="" /></Text>
424												<if condition="$sources=='on'">
425													<RepeatTag tag="SOUR">
426														<Footnote>
427															<Gedcom id="@SOUR">
428																<if condition="@AUTH!=''"><GedcomValue tag="AUTH" />, </if>
429																«<GedcomValue tag="TITL" />»
430																<if condition="@PUBL!=''"> (<GedcomValue tag="PUBL" />)</if>
431															</Gedcom>
432															<if condition="@PAGE!=''">: <GedcomValue tag="SOUR:PAGE" /></if>
433															<GedcomValue tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" />
434														</Footnote>
435														<SetVar name="source_exist" value="1"/>
436													</RepeatTag>
437												</if>
438												<Text style="label1" > <br /></Text>
439												<!-- Start BIRT -->
440												<Gedcom id="BIRT">
441													<Text style="label1" > <var var="I18N::translate('Birth')" /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2"/> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2"/> <br /></Text>
442												</Gedcom>
443												<SetVar name="gender" value="male" />
444		<if condition="@SEX=='F'">
445			<SetVar name="gender" value="female" />
446		</if>
447												<RepeatTag tag="FAMS">
448													<Gedcom id="@FAMS">
449														<Text style="label1"> <var var="I18N::translate('Marriage')" /> </Text>
450														<if condition="$gender=='male'"><Text style="namech"><GetPersonName id="@WIFE" /></Text></if>
451														<if condition="$gender=='female'"><Text style="namech"><GetPersonName id="@HUSB" /></Text></if>
452														<Text style="label1"><Gedcom id="MARR"><if condition="@DATE!=''"> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2" /></if><if condition="@PLAC!=''"> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2" /></if></Gedcom> <br /></Text>
453													</Gedcom>
454												</RepeatTag>
455												<!-- End BIRT start DEAT -->
456												<Gedcom id="DEAT">
457													<Text style="label1"> <var var="I18N::translate('Death')" /> <GedcomValue tag="DATE" level="2"/> <GedcomValue tag="PLAC" level="2"/> <br /></Text>
458												</Gedcom>
459											</TextBox>
460										</Gedcom>
461										<SetVar name="familyChildNumber" value="$familyChildNumber+1" />
462									</RepeatTag>
463								</if>
464							</if>
465						</Gedcom>
466					</RepeatTag>
467					<SetVar name="personNumber" value="$personNumber + 1" />
468					<TextBox height="10" newline="1" padding="0"/>
469				</if>
470			</Relatives>
471			<!-- if the sources were on, print the source citations as footnotes -->
472			<if condition="$source_exist==1">
473				<NewPage />
474				<TextBox width="$width" height="20" newline="1">
475					<Text style="subheader"><var var="I18N::translate('Sources')" /><br /><br /></Text>
476					<FootnoteTexts />
477				</TextBox>
478			</if>
479		</Body>
480		<Footer>
481			<Cell align="rightrtl" style="date"><Now /></Cell>
482		</Footer>
483	</Doc>