xref: /webtrees/resources/views/edit-blocks-page.phtml (revision dd6b2bfcc550270bb6d6778e11576148f71e4330)
1<?php use Fisharebest\Webtrees\FontAwesome; ?>
2<?php use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; ?>
5  /**
6   * This function moves the selected option up in the given select list
7   *
8   * @param section_name the name of the select to move the options
9   */
10  function move_up_block(section_name) {
11    var section_select = document.getElementById(section_name);
12    if (section_select) {
13      if (section_select.selectedIndex <= 0) {
14        return false;
15      }
16      var index = section_select.selectedIndex;
17      var temp = new Option(section_select.options[index-1].text, section_select.options[index-1].value);
18      section_select.options[index-1] = new Option(section_select.options[index].text, section_select.options[index].value);
19      section_select.options[index] = temp;
20      section_select.selectedIndex = index-1;
21    }
23    return false;
24  }
26  /**
27   * This function moves the selected option down in the given select list
28   *
29   * @param section_name the name of the select to move the options
30   */
31  function move_down_block(section_name) {
32    var section_select = document.getElementById(section_name);
33    if (section_select) {
34      if (section_select.selectedIndex < 0) {
35        return false;
36      }
37      if (section_select.selectedIndex >= section_select.length - 1) {
38        return false;
39      }
40      var index = section_select.selectedIndex;
41      var temp = new Option(section_select.options[index + 1].text, section_select.options[index + 1].value);
42      section_select.options[index + 1] = new Option(section_select.options[index].text, section_select.options[index].value);
43      section_select.options[index] = temp;
44      section_select.selectedIndex = index + 1;
45    }
47    return false;
48  }
50  /**
51   * This function moves the selected option down in the given select list
52   *
53   * @param from_column the name of the select to move the option from
54   * @param to_column the name of the select to remove the option to
55   */
56  function move_left_right_block(from_column, to_column) {
57    var to_select = document.getElementById(to_column);
58    var from_select = document.getElementById(from_column);
59    if ((to_select) && (from_select)) {
60      var add_option = from_select.options[from_select.selectedIndex];
61      if (to_column !== "available_select") {
62        to_select.options[to_select.length] = new Option(add_option.text, add_option.value);
63      }
64      if (from_column !== "available_select") {
65        from_select.options[from_select.selectedIndex] = null; //remove from list
66      }
67    }
69    return false;
70  }
71  /**
72   * Select Options Javascript function
73   *
74   * This function selects all the options in the multiple select lists
75   */
76  function select_options() {
77    var section_select = document.getElementById("main_select");
78    var i;
79    if (section_select) {
80      for (i = 0; i < section_select.length; i++) {
81        section_select.options[i].selected=true;
82      }
83    }
84    section_select = document.getElementById("side_select");
85    if (section_select) {
86      for (i = 0; i < section_select.length; i++) {
87        section_select.options[i].selected=true;
88      }
89    }
90    return true;
91  }
93  /**
94   * Show Block Description Javascript function
95   *
96   * This function shows a description for the selected option
97   *
98   * @param list_name the name of the select to get the option from
99   */
100  function show_description(list_name) {
101    var list_select = document.getElementById(list_name);
102    var instruct = document.getElementById("instructions");
103    if (block_descr[list_select.options[list_select.selectedIndex].value] && instruct) {
104      instruct.innerHTML = block_descr[list_select.options[list_select.selectedIndex].value];
105    } else {
106      instruct.innerHTML = block_descr["advice1"];
107    }
108    if (list_name === "main_select") {
109      document.getElementById("available_select").selectedIndex = -1;
110      document.getElementById("side_select").selectedIndex = -1;
111    }
112    if (list_name === "available_select") {
113      document.getElementById("main_select").selectedIndex = -1;
114      document.getElementById("side_select").selectedIndex = -1;
115    }
116    if (list_name === "side_select") {
117      document.getElementById("main_select").selectedIndex = -1;
118      document.getElementById("available_select").selectedIndex = -1;
119    }
120  }
121  var block_descr = { advice1: "&nbsp;"};
122    <?php foreach ($all_blocks as $block_name => $block) : ?>
123  block_descr[<?= json_encode($block_name) ?>] = <?= json_encode($block->getDescription()) ?>;
124    <?php endforeach ?>
127<h2><?= $title ?></h2>
130    <?= I18N::translate('Select a block and use the arrows to move it.') ?>
133<form name="config_setup" method="post" action="<?= e($url_save) ?>" onsubmit="select_options();" >
134    <?= csrf_field() ?>
135    <table border="1" id="change_blocks">
136        <thead>
137            <tr>
138                <th class="descriptionbox center vmiddle" colspan="2">
139                    <label for="main_select">
140                        <?= I18N::translate('Main section blocks') ?>
141                    </label>
142                </th>
143                <th class="descriptionbox center vmiddle" colspan="3">
144                    <label for="available_select">
145                        <?= I18N::translate('Available blocks') ?>
146                    </label>
147                </th>
148                <th class="descriptionbox center vmiddle" colspan="2">
149                    <label for="side_select">
150                        <?= I18N::translate('Right section blocks') ?>
151                    </label>
152                </th>
153            </tr>
154        </thead>
155        <tbody>
156            <tr>
157                <td class="optionbox center vmiddle">
158                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-up', I18N::translate('Move up'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_up_block("main_select");']) ?>
159                    <br>
160                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-end', I18N::translate('Move right'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_left_right_block("main_select", "side_select");']) ?>
161                    <br>
162                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('delete', I18N::translate('Remove'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_left_right_block("main_select", "available_select");']) ?>
163                    <br>
164                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-down', I18N::translate('Move down'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_down_block("main_select");']) ?>
165                </td>
166                <td class="optionbox center">
167                    <select multiple="multiple" id="main_select" name="main[]" size="10" onchange="show_description('main_select');">
168                        <?php foreach ($main_blocks as $block_id => $block) : ?>
169                            <option value="<?= $block_id ?>">
170                                <?= $all_blocks[$block->getName()]->getTitle() ?>
171                            </option>
172                        <?php endforeach ?>
173                    </select>
174                </td>
175                <td class="optionbox center vmiddle">
176                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-start', I18N::translate('Add'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_left_right_block("available_select", "main_select");']) ?>
177                </td>
178                <td class="optionbox center">
179                    <select multiple id="available_select" size="10" onchange="show_description('available_select');">
180                        <?php foreach ($all_blocks as $block_name => $block) : ?>
181                            <option value="<?= $block_name ?>">
182                                <?= $block->getTitle() ?>
183                            </option>
184                        <?php endforeach ?>
185                    </select>
186                </td>
187                <td class="optionbox center vmiddle">
188                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-end', I18N::translate('Add'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_left_right_block("available_select", "side_select");']) ?>
189                </td>
190                <td class="optionbox center">
191                    <select multiple="multiple" id="side_select" name="side[]" size="10" onchange="show_description('side_select');">
192                        <?php foreach ($side_blocks as $block_id => $block) : ?>
193                            <option value="<?= $block_id ?>">
194                                <?= $all_blocks[$block->getName()]->getTitle() ?>
195                            </option>
196                        <?php endforeach ?>
197                    </select>
198                </td>
199                <td class="optionbox center vmiddle">
200                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-up', I18N::translate('Move up'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_up_block("side_select");']) ?>
201                    <br>
202                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-start', I18N::translate('Move left'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_left_right_block("side_select", "main_select");']) ?>
203                    <br>
204                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('delete', I18N::translate('Remove'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_left_right_block("side_select", "available_select");']) ?>
205                    <br>
206                    <?= FontAwesome::linkIcon('arrow-down', I18N::translate('Move down'), ['class' => 'btn btn-link', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return move_down_block("side_select");']) ?>
207                </td>
208            </tr>
209        </tbody>
210        <tfoot>
211            <tr>
212                <td class="descriptionbox wrap" colspan="7">
213                    <div id="instructions">
214                        &nbsp;
215                    </div>
216                </td>
217            </tr>
218            <tr>
219                <td class="topbottombar" colspan="4">
220                    <?php if ($can_reset) : ?>
221                        <label>
222                            <input type="checkbox" name="default">
223                            <?= I18N::translate('Restore the default block layout') ?>
224                        </label>
225                    <?php endif ?>
226                </td>
227                <td class="topbottombar" colspan="3">
228                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
229                        <?= FontAwesome::decorativeIcon('save') ?>
230                        <?= I18N::translate('save') ?>
231                    </button>
232                    <a class="btn btn-secondary" href="<?= e($url_cancel) ?>">
233                        <?= FontAwesome::decorativeIcon('cancel') ?>
234                        <?= I18N::translate('cancel') ?>
235                    </a>
236                </td>
237            </tr>
238        </tfoot>
239    </table>