xref: /webtrees/resources/views/admin/modules.phtml (revision 7c4ee823e27a11ed56d9f41f9255b6aee5ca1663)
3use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\ControlPanel;
4use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\ModuleDeleteSettings;
5use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\ModulesAllAction;
6use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N;
7use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleAnalyticsInterface;
8use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleBlockInterface;
9use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleChartInterface;
10use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleConfigInterface;
11use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleCustomInterface;
12use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleExternalUrlInterface;
13use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleFooterInterface;
14use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleHistoricEventsInterface;
15use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleInterface;
16use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleLanguageInterface;
17use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleListInterface;
18use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleMenuInterface;
19use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleReportInterface;
20use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleSidebarInterface;
21use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleTabInterface;
22use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleThemeInterface;
23use Fisharebest\Webtrees\View;
24use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
27 * @var Collection<int,string>          $deleted_modules
28 * @var Collection<int,ModuleInterface> $modules
29 * @var string                          $title
30 */
34<?= view('components/breadcrumbs', ['links' => [route(ControlPanel::class) => I18N::translate('Control panel'), $title]]) ?>
36<h1><?= $title ?></h1>
38<?php foreach ($deleted_modules as $module_name) : ?>
39    <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
40        <form method="post" action="<?= e(route(ModuleDeleteSettings::class)) ?>">
41            <?= csrf_field() ?>
42            <input type="hidden" name="module_name" value="<?= $module_name ?>">
43            <?= I18N::translate('Preferences exist for the module “%s”, but this module no longer exists.', $module_name) ?>
44            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary">
45                <?= I18N::translate('Delete the preferences for this module.') ?>
46            </button>
47        </form>
48    </div>
49<?php endforeach ?>
51<form method="post" action="<?= e(route(ModulesAllAction::class)) ?>">
52    <?= csrf_field() ?>
54    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-sm table-module-administration"
55        <?= view('lists/datatables-attributes') ?>
56        data-info="false"
57        data-paging="false"
58        data-filter="false"
59    >
60        <caption class="visually-hidden">
61            <?= I18N::translate('Module administration') ?>
62        </caption>
63        <thead>
64            <tr>
65                <th>
66                    <?= I18N::translate('Module') ?>
67                </th>
68                <th>
69                    <?= I18N::translate('Enabled') ?>
70                </th>
71                <th data-orderable="false">
72                    <?= I18N::translate('Description') ?>
73                </th>
74                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Preferences') ?>">
75                    <?= view('icons/preferences') ?>
76                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Preferences') ?></span>
77                </th>
78                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Menus') ?>">
79                    <?= view('icons/menu') ?>
80                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Menus') ?></span>
81                </th>
82                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Tabs') ?>">
83                    <?= view('icons/tab') ?>
84                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Tabs') ?></span>
85                </th>
86                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Sidebars') ?>">
87                    <?= view('icons/sidebar') ?>
88                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Sidebars') ?></span>
89                </th>
90                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Blocks') ?>">
91                    <?= view('icons/block') ?>
92                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Blocks') ?></span>
93                </th>
94                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Charts') ?>">
95                    <?= view('icons/chart') ?>
96                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Charts') ?></span>
97                </th>
98                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Lists') ?>">
99                    <?= view('icons/list') ?>
100                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Lists') ?></span>
101                </th>
102                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Reports') ?>">
103                    <?= view('icons/report') ?>
104                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Reports') ?></span>
105                </th>
106                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Footers') ?>">
107                    <?= view('icons/footer') ?>
108                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Footers') ?></span>
109                </th>
110                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Tracking and analytics') ?>">
111                    <?= view('icons/analytics') ?>
112                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Tracking and analytics') ?></span>
113                </th>
114                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Historic events') ?>">
115                    <?= view('icons/history') ?>
116                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Historic events') ?></span>
117                </th>
118                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Themes') ?>">
119                    <?= view('icons/theme') ?>
120                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Themes') ?></span>
121                </th>
122                <th title="<?= I18N::translate('Languages') ?>">
123                    <?= view('icons/language') ?>
124                    <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Languages') ?></span>
125                </th>
126            </tr>
127        </thead>
129        <tbody>
130            <?php foreach ($modules as $module) : ?>
131                <tr>
132                    <th scope="row" dir="auto">
133                        <?= $module instanceof ModuleCustomInterface ? $module->customTranslations(I18N::languageTag())[$module->title()] ?? $module->title() : $module->title() ?>
134                    </th>
135                    <td class="text-center" data-sort="<?= $module->isEnabled() ?>">
136                        <?= view('components/checkbox', ['label' => '', 'name' => 'status-' . $module->name(), 'checked' => $module->isEnabled()]) ?>
137                    </td>
138                    <td>
139                        <?= $module instanceof ModuleCustomInterface ? $module->customTranslations(I18N::languageTag())[$module->description()] ?? $module->description() : $module->description() ?>
140                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleCustomInterface) : ?>
141                            <?= view('admin/custom-module-info', ['module' => $module]) ?>
142                        <?php endif ?>
143                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleExternalUrlInterface) : ?>
144                            <?= view('admin/external-module-info', ['module' => $module]) ?>
145                        <?php endif ?>
146                    </td>
147                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Preferences') ?>">
148                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleConfigInterface) : ?>
149                            <?php if ($module->isEnabled()) : ?>
150                                <a href="<?= e($module->getConfigLink()) ?>" title="<?= I18N::translate('Preferences') ?>">
151                                    <?= view('icons/preferences') ?>
152                                    <span class="visually-hidden">
153                                        <?= I18N::translate('Preferences') ?>
154                                    </span>
155                                </a>
156                            <?php else : ?>
157                                <?= view('icons/preferences') ?>
158                            <?php endif ?>
159                        <?php endif ?>
160                    </td>
161                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Menu') ?>">
162                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleMenuInterface) : ?>
163                            <?= view('icons/menu') ?>
164                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Menu') ?></span>
165                        <?php else : ?>
166                            -
167                        <?php endif ?>
168                    </td>
169                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Tab') ?>">
170                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleTabInterface) : ?>
171                            <?= view('icons/tab') ?>
172                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Tab') ?></span>
173                        <?php else : ?>
174                            -
175                        <?php endif ?>
176                    </td>
177                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Sidebar') ?>">
178                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleSidebarInterface) : ?>
179                            <?= view('icons/sidebar') ?>
180                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Sidebar') ?></span>
181                        <?php else : ?>
182                            -
183                        <?php endif ?>
184                    </td>
185                    <td class="text-center text-muted">
186                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleBlockInterface) : ?>
187                            <?php if ($module->isUserBlock()) : ?>
188                                <span title="<?= I18N::translate('My page') ?>">
189                                    <?= view('icons/block-user') ?>
190                                </span>
191                                <span class="visually-hidden">
192                                    <?= I18N::translate('My page') ?>
193                                </span>
194                            <?php endif ?>
196                            <?php if ($module->isTreeBlock()) : ?>
197                                <span title="<?= I18N::translate('Home page') ?>">
198                                    <?= view('icons/block-tree') ?>
199                                </span>
200                                <span class="visually-hidden">
201                                    <?= I18N::translate('Home page') ?>
202                                </span>
203                            <?php endif ?>
204                        <?php else : ?>
205                            -
206                        <?php endif ?>
207                    </td>
208                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Chart') ?>">
209                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleChartInterface) : ?>
210                            <?= view('icons/chart') ?>
211                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Chart') ?></span>
212                        <?php else : ?>
213                            -
214                        <?php endif ?>
215                    </td>
216                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('List') ?>">
217                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleListInterface) : ?>
218                            <?= view('icons/list') ?>
219                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('List') ?></span>
220                        <?php else : ?>
221                            -
222                        <?php endif ?>
223                    </td>
224                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Report') ?>">
225                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleReportInterface) : ?>
226                            <?= view('icons/report') ?>
227                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Report') ?></span>
228                        <?php else : ?>
229                            -
230                        <?php endif ?>
231                    </td>
232                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Footer') ?>">
233                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleFooterInterface) : ?>
234                            <?= view('icons/footer') ?>
235                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Footer') ?></span>
236                        <?php else : ?>
237                            -
238                        <?php endif ?>
239                    </td>
240                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Tracking and analytics') ?>">
241                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleAnalyticsInterface) : ?>
242                            <?= view('icons/analytics') ?>
243                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Tracking and analytics') ?></span>
244                        <?php else : ?>
245                            -
246                        <?php endif ?>
247                    </td>
248                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Historic events') ?>">
249                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleHistoricEventsInterface) : ?>
250                            <?= view('icons/history') ?>
251                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Historic events') ?></span>
252                        <?php else : ?>
253                            -
254                        <?php endif ?>
255                    </td>
256                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Theme') ?>">
257                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleThemeInterface) : ?>
258                            <?= view('icons/theme') ?>
259                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Theme') ?></span>
260                        <?php else : ?>
261                            -
262                        <?php endif ?>
263                    </td>
264                    <td class="text-center text-muted" title="<?= I18N::translate('Language') ?>">
265                        <?php if ($module instanceof ModuleLanguageInterface) : ?>
266                            <?= view('icons/language') ?>
267                            <span class="visually-hidden"><?= I18N::translate('Language') ?></span>
268                        <?php else : ?>
269                            -
270                        <?php endif ?>
271                    </td>
272                </tr>
273            <?php endforeach ?>
274        </tbody>
275    </table>
276    <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">
277        <?= view('icons/save') ?>
278        <?= I18N::translate('save') ?></button>
281<?php View::push('javascript') ?>
283  'use strict';
285  $(".table-module-administration").dataTable();
287<?php View::endpush() ?>