xref: /webtrees/app/Report/ReportHtmlText.php (revision b6c326d8b8798b83b744c4d4a669df5aa9f3e0c2)
3 * webtrees: online genealogy
4 * Copyright (C) 2019 webtrees development team
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15 */
18namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Report;
21 * Class ReportHtmlText
22 */
23class ReportHtmlText extends ReportBaseText
25    /**
26     * Render the elements.
27     *
28     * @param ReportHtml $renderer
29     * @param int        $curx
30     * @param bool       $attrib Is is called from a different element?
31     *
32     * @return void
33     */
34    public function render($renderer, $curx = 0, $attrib = true)
35    {
36        // Set up the style
37        if ($renderer->getCurrentStyle() != $this->styleName) {
38            $renderer->setCurrentStyle($this->styleName);
39        }
40        $temptext = str_replace('#PAGENUM#', (string) $renderer->pageNo(), $this->text);
41        // underline «title» part of Source item
42        $temptext = str_replace([
43            '«',
44            '»',
45        ], [
46            '<u>',
47            '</u>',
48        ], $temptext);
50        // If any text at all
51        if (!empty($temptext)) {
52            // If called by an other element
53            if (!$attrib) {
54                $renderer->write($temptext, $this->color);
55            } else {
56                // Save the start positions
57                $startX = $renderer->getX();
58                $startY = $renderer->getY();
59                $width  = $renderer->getRemainingWidth();
60                // If text is wider then page width then wrap it
61                if ($renderer->getStringWidth($temptext) > $width) {
62                    $lines = explode("\n", $temptext);
63                    foreach ($lines as $line) {
64                        echo '<div style="position:absolute;top:', $startY, 'pt;', $renderer->alignRTL, ':', $startX, 'pt;width:', $width, 'pt;">';
65                        $line = $renderer->textWrap($line, $width);
66                        $startY += $renderer->getTextCellHeight($line);
67                        $renderer->setY($startY);
68                        $renderer->write($line, $this->color);
69                        echo "</div>\n";
70                    }
71                } else {
72                    echo '<div style="position:absolute;top:', $startY, 'pt;', $renderer->alignRTL, ':', $startX, 'pt;width:', $width, 'pt;">';
73                    $renderer->write($temptext, $this->color);
74                    echo "</div>\n";
75                    $renderer->setX($startX + $renderer->getStringWidth($temptext));
76                    if ($renderer->countLines($temptext) != 1) {
77                        $renderer->setXy(0, $startY + $renderer->getTextCellHeight($temptext));
78                    }
79                }
80            }
81        }
82    }
84    /**
85     * Returns the height in points of the text element
86     * The height is already calculated in getWidth()
87     *
88     * @param ReportHtml $renderer
89     *
90     * @return float
91     */
92    public function getHeight($renderer): float
93    {
94        $ct = substr_count($this->text, "\n");
95        if ($ct > 0) {
96            $ct += 1;
97        }
98        $style = $renderer->getStyle($this->styleName);
100        return ($style['size'] * $ct) * $renderer->cellHeightRatio;
101    }
103    /**
104     * Get the width of text and wrap it too
105     *
106     * @param ReportHtml $renderer
107     *
108     * @return float|array
109     */
110    public function getWidth($renderer)
111    {
112        // Setup the style name, a font must be selected to calculate the width
113        if ($renderer->getCurrentStyle() != $this->styleName) {
114            $renderer->setCurrentStyle($this->styleName);
115        }
117        // Check for the largest font size in the box
118        $fsize = $renderer->getCurrentStyleHeight();
119        if ($fsize > $renderer->largestFontHeight) {
120            $renderer->largestFontHeight = $fsize;
121        }
123        // Get the line width for the text in points
124        $lw = $renderer->getStringWidth($this->text);
125        // Line Feed counter - Number of lines in the text
126        $lfct = $renderer->countLines($this->text);
127        // If there is still remaining wrap width...
128        $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthRemaining;
129        if ($wrapWidthRemaining > 0) {
130            // Check with line counter too!
131            if ($lw >= $wrapWidthRemaining || $lfct > 1) {
132                $newtext            = '';
133                $lines              = explode("\n", $this->text);
134                // Go throught the text line by line
135                foreach ($lines as $line) {
136                    // Line width in points + a little margin
137                    $lw = $renderer->getStringWidth($line);
138                    // If the line has to be wraped
139                    if ($lw > $wrapWidthRemaining) {
140                        $words    = explode(' ', $line);
141                        $addspace = count($words);
142                        $lw       = 0;
143                        foreach ($words as $word) {
144                            $addspace--;
145                            $lw += $renderer->getStringWidth($word . ' ');
146                            if ($lw <= $wrapWidthRemaining) {
147                                $newtext .= $word;
148                                if ($addspace != 0) {
149                                    $newtext .= ' ';
150                                }
151                            } else {
152                                $lw = $renderer->getStringWidth($word . ' ');
153                                $newtext .= "\n$word";
154                                if ($addspace != 0) {
155                                    $newtext .= ' ';
156                                }
157                                // Reset the wrap width to the cell width
158                                $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthCell;
159                            }
160                        }
161                    } else {
162                        $newtext .= $line;
163                    }
164                    // Check the Line Feed counter
165                    if ($lfct > 1) {
166                        // Add a new line as long as it’s not the last line
167                        $newtext .= "\n";
168                        // Reset the line width
169                        $lw = 0;
170                        // Reset the wrap width to the cell width
171                        $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthCell;
172                    }
173                    $lfct--;
174                }
175                $this->text = $newtext;
176                $lfct       = substr_count($this->text, "\n");
178                return [
179                    $lw,
180                    1,
181                    $lfct,
182                ];
183            }
184        }
185        $l    = 0;
186        $lfct = substr_count($this->text, "\n");
187        if ($lfct > 0) {
188            $l = 2;
189        }
191        return [
192            $lw,
193            $l,
194            $lfct,
195        ];
196    }