xref: /webtrees/app/Report/PdfRenderer.php (revision ead688532369b9a34dd308a0aca06e523b0cfb0e)
4 * webtrees: online genealogy
5 * Copyright (C) 2023 webtrees development team
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
20namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Report;
22use Fisharebest\Webtrees\MediaFile;
23use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Webtrees;
25use function count;
28 * Class PdfRenderer
29 */
30class PdfRenderer extends AbstractRenderer
32    /**
33     * PDF compression - Zlib extension is required
34     *
35     * @var bool const
36     */
37    private const COMPRESSION = true;
39    /**
40     * If true reduce the RAM memory usage by caching temporary data on filesystem (slower).
41     *
42     * @var bool const
43     */
44    private const DISK_CACHE = false;
46    /**
47     * true means that the input text is unicode (PDF)
48     *
49     * @var bool const
50     */
51    private const UNICODE = true;
53    // Font sub-setting in TCPDF is slow.
54    private const SUBSETTING = false;
56    public TcpdfWrapper $tcpdf;
58    /** @var array<ReportPdfFootnote> Array of elements in the footer notes */
59    public array $printedfootnotes = [];
61    // The last cell height
62    public float $lastCellHeight = 0.0;
64    // The largest font size within a TextBox to calculate the height
65    public float $largestFontHeight = 0.0;
67    // The last pictures page number
68    public int $lastpicpage = 0;
70    /**
71     * PDF Header -PDF
72     *
73     * @return void
74     */
75    public function header(): void
76    {
77        foreach ($this->headerElements as $element) {
78            if ($element instanceof ReportBaseElement) {
79                $element->render($this);
80            } elseif ($element === 'footnotetexts') {
81                $this->footnotes();
82            } elseif ($element === 'addpage') {
83                $this->newPage();
84            }
85        }
86    }
88    /**
89     * PDF Body -PDF
90     *
91     * @return void
92     */
93    public function body(): void
94    {
95        $this->tcpdf->AddPage();
97        foreach ($this->bodyElements as $element) {
98            if ($element instanceof ReportBaseElement) {
99                $element->render($this);
100            } elseif ($element === 'footnotetexts') {
101                $this->footnotes();
102            } elseif ($element === 'addpage') {
103                $this->newPage();
104            }
105        }
106    }
108    /**
109     * Generate footnotes
110     *
111     * @return void
112     */
113    public function footnotes(): void
114    {
115        foreach ($this->printedfootnotes as $element) {
116            if ($this->tcpdf->GetY() + $element->getFootnoteHeight($this) > $this->tcpdf->getPageHeight()) {
117                $this->tcpdf->AddPage();
118            }
120            $element->renderFootnote($this);
122            if ($this->tcpdf->GetY() > $this->tcpdf->getPageHeight()) {
123                $this->tcpdf->AddPage();
124            }
125        }
126    }
128    /**
129     * PDF Footer -PDF
130     *
131     * @return void
132     */
133    public function footer(): void
134    {
135        foreach ($this->footerElements as $element) {
136            if ($element instanceof ReportBaseElement) {
137                $element->render($this);
138            } elseif ($element === 'footnotetexts') {
139                $this->footnotes();
140            } elseif ($element === 'addpage') {
141                $this->newPage();
142            }
143        }
144    }
146    /**
147     * Remove the header.
148     *
149     * @param int $index
150     *
151     * @return void
152     */
153    public function removeHeader(int $index): void
154    {
155        unset($this->headerElements[$index]);
156    }
158    /**
159     * Remove the body.
160     *
161     * @param int $index
162     *
163     * @return void
164     */
165    public function removeBody(int $index): void
166    {
167        unset($this->bodyElements[$index]);
168    }
170    /**
171     * Clear the Header -PDF
172     *
173     * @return void
174     */
175    public function clearHeader(): void
176    {
177        unset($this->headerElements);
178        $this->headerElements = [];
179    }
181    /**
182     * Get the currently used style name -PDF
183     *
184     * @return string
185     */
186    public function getCurrentStyle(): string
187    {
188        return $this->currentStyle;
189    }
191    /**
192     * Setup a style for usage -PDF
193     *
194     * @param string $s Style name
195     *
196     * @return void
197     */
198    public function setCurrentStyle(string $s): void
199    {
200        $this->currentStyle = $s;
201        $style              = $this->getStyle($s);
202        $this->tcpdf->setFont($style['font'], $style['style'], $style['size']);
203    }
205    /**
206     * Get the style -PDF
207     *
208     * @param string $s Style name
209     *
210     * @return array{'name': string, 'font': string, 'style': string, 'size': float}
211     */
212    public function getStyle(string $s): array
213    {
214        return $this->styles[$s] ?? $this->styles[$this->getCurrentStyle()];
215    }
217    /**
218     * Add margin when static horizontal position is used -PDF
219     * RTL supported
220     *
221     * @param float $x Static position
222     *
223     * @return float
224     */
225    public function addMarginX(float $x): float
226    {
227        $m = $this->tcpdf->getMargins();
228        if ($this->tcpdf->getRTL()) {
229            $x += $m['right'];
230        } else {
231            $x += $m['left'];
232        }
233        $this->tcpdf->setX($x);
235        return $x;
236    }
238    /**
239     * Get the maximum line width to draw from the current position -PDF
240     * RTL supported
241     *
242     * @return float
243     */
244    public function getMaxLineWidth(): float
245    {
246        $m = $this->tcpdf->getMargins();
247        if ($this->tcpdf->getRTL()) {
248            return $this->tcpdf->getRemainingWidth() + $m['right'];
249        }
251        return $this->tcpdf->getRemainingWidth() + $m['left'];
252    }
254    /**
255     * Get the height of the footnote.
256     *
257     * @return float
258     */
259    public function getFootnotesHeight(): float
260    {
261        $h = 0;
262        foreach ($this->printedfootnotes as $element) {
263            $h += $element->getHeight($this);
264        }
266        return $h;
267    }
269    /**
270     * Returns the the current font size height -PDF
271     *
272     * @return float
273     */
274    public function getCurrentStyleHeight(): float
275    {
276        if ($this->currentStyle === '') {
277            return $this->default_font_size;
278        }
279        $style = $this->getStyle($this->currentStyle);
281        return $style['size'];
282    }
284    /**
285     * Checks the Footnote and numbers them
286     *
287     * @param ReportPdfFootnote $footnote
288     *
289     * @return ReportPdfFootnote|bool object if already numbered, false otherwise
290     */
291    public function checkFootnote(ReportPdfFootnote $footnote)
292    {
293        $ct  = count($this->printedfootnotes);
294        $val = $footnote->getValue();
295        $i   = 0;
296        while ($i < $ct) {
297            if ($this->printedfootnotes[$i]->getValue() === $val) {
298                // If this footnote already exist then set up the numbers for this object
299                $footnote->setNum($i + 1);
300                $footnote->setAddlink((string) ($i + 1));
302                return $this->printedfootnotes[$i];
303            }
304            $i++;
305        }
306        // If this Footnote has not been set up yet
307        $footnote->setNum($ct + 1);
308        $footnote->setAddlink((string) $this->tcpdf->AddLink());
309        $this->printedfootnotes[] = $footnote;
311        return false;
312    }
314    /**
315     * Used this function instead of AddPage()
316     * This function will make sure that images will not be overwritten
317     *
318     * @return void
319     */
320    public function newPage(): void
321    {
322        if ($this->lastpicpage > $this->tcpdf->getPage()) {
323            $this->tcpdf->setPage($this->lastpicpage);
324        }
325        $this->tcpdf->AddPage();
326    }
328    /**
329     * Add a page if needed -PDF
330     *
331     * @param float $height Cell height
332     *
333     * @return bool true in case of page break, false otherwise
334     */
335    public function checkPageBreakPDF(float $height): bool
336    {
337        return $this->tcpdf->checkPageBreak($height);
338    }
340    /**
341     * Returns the remaining width between the current position and margins -PDF
342     *
343     * @return float Remaining width
344     */
345    public function getRemainingWidthPDF(): float
346    {
347        return $this->tcpdf->getRemainingWidth();
348    }
349    /**
350     * PDF Setup - ReportPdf
351     *
352     * @return void
353     */
354    public function setup(): void
355    {
356        parent::setup();
358        $this->tcpdf = new TcpdfWrapper(
359            $this->orientation,
360            self::UNITS,
361            [$this->page_width, $this->page_height],
362            self::UNICODE,
363            'UTF-8',
364            self::DISK_CACHE
365        );
367        $this->tcpdf->setMargins($this->left_margin, $this->top_margin, $this->right_margin);
368        $this->tcpdf->setHeaderMargin($this->header_margin);
369        $this->tcpdf->setFooterMargin($this->footer_margin);
370        $this->tcpdf->setAutoPageBreak(true, $this->bottom_margin);
371        $this->tcpdf->setFontSubsetting(self::SUBSETTING);
372        $this->tcpdf->setCompression(self::COMPRESSION);
373        $this->tcpdf->setRTL($this->rtl);
374        $this->tcpdf->setCreator(Webtrees::NAME . ' ' . Webtrees::VERSION);
375        $this->tcpdf->setAuthor($this->rauthor);
376        $this->tcpdf->setTitle($this->title);
377        $this->tcpdf->setSubject($this->rsubject);
378        $this->tcpdf->setKeywords($this->rkeywords);
379        $this->tcpdf->setHeaderData('', 0, $this->title);
380        $this->tcpdf->setHeaderFont([$this->default_font, '', $this->default_font_size]);
382        if ($this->show_generated_by) {
383            // The default style name for Generated by.... is 'genby'
384            $element = new ReportPdfCell(0.0, 10.0, '', 'C', '', 'genby', 1, ReportBaseElement::CURRENT_POSITION, ReportBaseElement::CURRENT_POSITION, false, 0, '', '', true);
385            $element->addText($this->generated_by);
386            $element->setUrl(Webtrees::URL);
387            $this->addElementToFooter($element);
388        }
389    }
391    /**
392     * Run the report.
393     *
394     * @return void
395     */
396    public function run(): void
397    {
398        $this->body();
399        echo $this->tcpdf->Output('doc.pdf', 'S');
400    }
402    /**
403     * Create a new Cell object.
404     *
405     * @param float  $width   cell width (expressed in points)
406     * @param float  $height  cell height (expressed in points)
407     * @param string $border  Border style
408     * @param string $align   Text alignment
409     * @param string $bgcolor Background color code
410     * @param string $style   The name of the text style
411     * @param int    $ln      Indicates where the current position should go after the call
412     * @param float  $top     Y-position
413     * @param float  $left    X-position
414     * @param bool   $fill    Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 1
415     * @param int    $stretch Stretch carachter mode
416     * @param string $bocolor Border color
417     * @param string $tcolor  Text color
418     * @param bool   $reseth
419     *
420     * @return ReportBaseCell
421     */
422    public function createCell(float $width, float $height, string $border, string $align, string $bgcolor, string $style, int $ln, float $top, float $left, bool $fill, int $stretch, string $bocolor, string $tcolor, bool $reseth): ReportBaseCell
423    {
424        return new ReportPdfCell($width, $height, $border, $align, $bgcolor, $style, $ln, $top, $left, $fill, $stretch, $bocolor, $tcolor, $reseth);
425    }
427    /**
428     * Create a new TextBox object.
429     *
430     * @param float  $width   Text box width
431     * @param float  $height  Text box height
432     * @param bool   $border
433     * @param string $bgcolor Background color code in HTML
434     * @param bool   $newline
435     * @param float  $left
436     * @param float  $top
437     * @param bool   $pagecheck
438     * @param string $style
439     * @param bool   $fill
440     * @param bool   $padding
441     * @param bool   $reseth
442     *
443     * @return ReportBaseTextbox
444     */
445    public function createTextBox(
446        float $width,
447        float $height,
448        bool $border,
449        string $bgcolor,
450        bool $newline,
451        float $left,
452        float $top,
453        bool $pagecheck,
454        string $style,
455        bool $fill,
456        bool $padding,
457        bool $reseth
458    ): ReportBaseTextbox {
459        return new ReportPdfTextBox($width, $height, $border, $bgcolor, $newline, $left, $top, $pagecheck, $style, $fill, $padding, $reseth);
460    }
462    /**
463     * Create a text element.
464     *
465     * @param string $style
466     * @param string $color
467     *
468     * @return ReportBaseText
469     */
470    public function createText(string $style, string $color): ReportBaseText
471    {
472        return new ReportPdfText($style, $color);
473    }
475    /**
476     * Create a new Footnote object.
477     *
478     * @param string $style Style name
479     *
480     * @return ReportBaseFootnote
481     */
482    public function createFootnote(string $style): ReportBaseFootnote
483    {
484        return new ReportPdfFootnote($style);
485    }
487    /**
488     * Create a new image object.
489     *
490     * @param string $file  Filename
491     * @param float  $x
492     * @param float  $y
493     * @param float  $w     Image width
494     * @param float  $h     Image height
495     * @param string $align L:left, C:center, R:right or empty to use x/y
496     * @param string $ln    T:same line, N:next line
497     *
498     * @return ReportBaseImage
499     */
500    public function createImage(string $file, float $x, float $y, float $w, float $h, string $align, string $ln): ReportBaseImage
501    {
502        return new ReportPdfImage($file, $x, $y, $w, $h, $align, $ln);
503    }
505    /**
506     * Create a new image object from Media Object.
507     *
508     * @param MediaFile $media_file
509     * @param float     $x
510     * @param float     $y
511     * @param float     $w     Image width
512     * @param float     $h     Image height
513     * @param string    $align L:left, C:center, R:right or empty to use x/y
514     * @param string    $ln    T:same line, N:next line
515     *
516     * @return ReportBaseImage
517     */
518    public function createImageFromObject(
519        MediaFile $media_file,
520        float $x,
521        float $y,
522        float $w,
523        float $h,
524        string $align,
525        string $ln
526    ): ReportBaseImage {
527        return new ReportPdfImage('@' . $media_file->fileContents(), $x, $y, $w, $h, $align, $ln);
528    }
530    /**
531     * Create a line.
532     *
533     * @param float $x1
534     * @param float $y1
535     * @param float $x2
536     * @param float $y2
537     *
538     * @return ReportBaseLine
539     */
540    public function createLine(float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2): ReportBaseLine
541    {
542        return new ReportPdfLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
543    }