xref: /webtrees/app/Module/PedigreeMapModule.php (revision 37eb8894d5d4381f3fd9b791a53a32f0012b32ec)
11f374598SGreg Roach<?php
21f374598SGreg Roach/**
31f374598SGreg Roach * webtrees: online genealogy
48fcd0d32SGreg Roach * Copyright (C) 2019 webtrees development team
51f374598SGreg Roach * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
61f374598SGreg Roach * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
71f374598SGreg Roach * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
81f374598SGreg Roach * (at your option) any later version.
91f374598SGreg Roach * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
101f374598SGreg Roach * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
121f374598SGreg Roach * GNU General Public License for more details.
131f374598SGreg Roach * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
141f374598SGreg Roach * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
151f374598SGreg Roach */
161f374598SGreg Roachdeclare(strict_types=1);
171f374598SGreg Roach
181f374598SGreg Roachnamespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module;
191f374598SGreg Roach
201f374598SGreg Roachuse Exception;
21b6e50991SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\IndividualAccessDeniedException;
22b6e50991SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Exceptions\IndividualNotFoundException;
231f374598SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Fact;
241f374598SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\FactLocation;
251f374598SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N;
261f374598SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual;
271f374598SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Menu;
28aca28033SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\ChartService;
291f374598SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree;
308d0ebef0SGreg Roachuse Fisharebest\Webtrees\Webtrees;
311f374598SGreg Roachuse Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
321f374598SGreg Roachuse Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
337d988ec3SGreg Roachuse Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
341f374598SGreg Roach
351f374598SGreg Roach/**
361f374598SGreg Roach * Class PedigreeMapModule
371f374598SGreg Roach */
38*37eb8894SGreg Roachclass PedigreeMapModule extends AbstractModule implements  ModuleChartInterface
391f374598SGreg Roach{
4049a243cbSGreg Roach    use ModuleChartTrait;
4149a243cbSGreg Roach
4216d6367aSGreg Roach    private const LINE_COLORS = [
431f374598SGreg Roach        '#FF0000',
441f374598SGreg Roach        // Red
451f374598SGreg Roach        '#00FF00',
461f374598SGreg Roach        // Green
471f374598SGreg Roach        '#0000FF',
481f374598SGreg Roach        // Blue
491f374598SGreg Roach        '#FFB300',
501f374598SGreg Roach        // Gold
511f374598SGreg Roach        '#00FFFF',
521f374598SGreg Roach        // Cyan
531f374598SGreg Roach        '#FF00FF',
541f374598SGreg Roach        // Purple
551f374598SGreg Roach        '#7777FF',
561f374598SGreg Roach        // Light blue
571f374598SGreg Roach        '#80FF80'
581f374598SGreg Roach        // Light green
591f374598SGreg Roach    ];
601f374598SGreg Roach
611f374598SGreg Roach    private static $map_providers  = null;
621f374598SGreg Roach    private static $map_selections = null;
631f374598SGreg Roach
64961ec755SGreg Roach    /**
65961ec755SGreg Roach     * How should this module be labelled on tabs, menus, etc.?
66961ec755SGreg Roach     *
67961ec755SGreg Roach     * @return string
68961ec755SGreg Roach     */
6949a243cbSGreg Roach    public function title(): string
701f374598SGreg Roach    {
71bbb76c12SGreg Roach        /* I18N: Name of a module */
72bbb76c12SGreg Roach        return I18N::translate('Pedigree map');
731f374598SGreg Roach    }
741f374598SGreg Roach
75961ec755SGreg Roach    /**
76961ec755SGreg Roach     * A sentence describing what this module does.
77961ec755SGreg Roach     *
78961ec755SGreg Roach     * @return string
79961ec755SGreg Roach     */
8049a243cbSGreg Roach    public function description(): string
811f374598SGreg Roach    {
82bbb76c12SGreg Roach        /* I18N: Description of the “OSM” module */
83bbb76c12SGreg Roach        return I18N::translate('Show the birthplace of ancestors on a map.');
841f374598SGreg Roach    }
851f374598SGreg Roach
861f374598SGreg Roach    /**
87377a2979SGreg Roach     * CSS class for the URL.
88377a2979SGreg Roach     *
89377a2979SGreg Roach     * @return string
90377a2979SGreg Roach     */
91377a2979SGreg Roach    public function chartMenuClass(): string
92377a2979SGreg Roach    {
93377a2979SGreg Roach        return 'menu-chart-pedigreemap';
94377a2979SGreg Roach    }
95377a2979SGreg Roach
96377a2979SGreg Roach    /**
971f374598SGreg Roach     * Return a menu item for this chart - for use in individual boxes.
981f374598SGreg Roach     *
991f374598SGreg Roach     * @param Individual $individual
1001f374598SGreg Roach     *
10149a243cbSGreg Roach     * @return Menu|null
1021f374598SGreg Roach     */
103377a2979SGreg Roach    public function chartBoxMenu(Individual $individual): ?Menu
1041f374598SGreg Roach    {
105e6562982SGreg Roach        return $this->chartMenu($individual);
106e6562982SGreg Roach    }
107e6562982SGreg Roach
108e6562982SGreg Roach    /**
109e6562982SGreg Roach     * The title for a specific instance of this chart.
110e6562982SGreg Roach     *
111e6562982SGreg Roach     * @param Individual $individual
112e6562982SGreg Roach     *
113e6562982SGreg Roach     * @return string
114e6562982SGreg Roach     */
115e6562982SGreg Roach    public function chartTitle(Individual $individual): string
116e6562982SGreg Roach    {
117e6562982SGreg Roach        /* I18N: %s is an individual’s name */
118e6562982SGreg Roach        return I18N::translate('Pedigree map of %s', $individual->getFullName());
119e6562982SGreg Roach    }
120e6562982SGreg Roach
121e6562982SGreg Roach    /**
122e6562982SGreg Roach     * The URL for this chart.
123e6562982SGreg Roach     *
124e6562982SGreg Roach     * @param Individual $individual
125e6562982SGreg Roach     * @param string[]   $parameters
126e6562982SGreg Roach     *
127e6562982SGreg Roach     * @return string
128e6562982SGreg Roach     */
129e6562982SGreg Roach    public function chartUrl(Individual $individual, array $parameters = []): string
130e6562982SGreg Roach    {
131e6562982SGreg Roach        return route('module', [
13226684e68SGreg Roach                'module' => $this->name(),
133e6562982SGreg Roach                'action' => 'PedigreeMap',
134e6562982SGreg Roach                'xref'   => $individual->xref(),
135e6562982SGreg Roach                'ged'    => $individual->tree()->name(),
136e6562982SGreg Roach        ] + $parameters);
137e6562982SGreg Roach    }
138e6562982SGreg Roach
139e6562982SGreg Roach    /**
1401f374598SGreg Roach     * @param Request      $request
141b6db7c1fSGreg Roach     * @param Tree         $tree
142aca28033SGreg Roach     * @param ChartService $chart_service
1431f374598SGreg Roach     *
1441f374598SGreg Roach     * @return JsonResponse
1451f374598SGreg Roach     */
146aca28033SGreg Roach    public function getMapDataAction(Request $request, Tree $tree, ChartService $chart_service): JsonResponse
1471f374598SGreg Roach    {
1481f374598SGreg Roach        $xref        = $request->get('reference');
1491f374598SGreg Roach        $indi        = Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree);
1501f374598SGreg Roach        $color_count = count(self::LINE_COLORS);
1511f374598SGreg Roach
152aca28033SGreg Roach        $facts = $this->getPedigreeMapFacts($request, $tree, $chart_service);
1531f374598SGreg Roach
1541f374598SGreg Roach        $geojson = [
1551f374598SGreg Roach            'type'     => 'FeatureCollection',
1561f374598SGreg Roach            'features' => [],
1571f374598SGreg Roach        ];
1587d988ec3SGreg Roach
1597d988ec3SGreg Roach        $sosa_points = [];
1607d988ec3SGreg Roach
1611f374598SGreg Roach        foreach ($facts as $id => $fact) {
1621f374598SGreg Roach            $event = new FactLocation($fact, $indi);
1631f374598SGreg Roach            $icon  = $event->getIconDetails();
1641f374598SGreg Roach            if ($event->knownLatLon()) {
1651f374598SGreg Roach                $polyline         = null;
1661f374598SGreg Roach                $color            = self::LINE_COLORS[log($id, 2) % $color_count];
1671f374598SGreg Roach                $icon['color']    = $color; //make icon color the same as the line
1681f374598SGreg Roach                $sosa_points[$id] = $event->getLatLonJSArray();
169cdaafeeeSGreg Roach                $sosa_parent      = intdiv($id, 2);
1701f374598SGreg Roach                if (array_key_exists($sosa_parent, $sosa_points)) {
1711f374598SGreg Roach                    // Would like to use a GeometryCollection to hold LineStrings
1721f374598SGreg Roach                    // rather than generate polylines but the MarkerCluster library
1731f374598SGreg Roach                    // doesn't seem to like them
1741f374598SGreg Roach                    $polyline = [
1751f374598SGreg Roach                        'points'  => [
1761f374598SGreg Roach                            $sosa_points[$sosa_parent],
1771f374598SGreg Roach                            $event->getLatLonJSArray(),
1781f374598SGreg Roach                        ],
1791f374598SGreg Roach                        'options' => [
1801f374598SGreg Roach                            'color' => $color,
1811f374598SGreg Roach                        ],
1821f374598SGreg Roach                    ];
1831f374598SGreg Roach                }
1841f374598SGreg Roach                $geojson['features'][] = [
1851f374598SGreg Roach                    'type'       => 'Feature',
1861f374598SGreg Roach                    'id'         => $id,
1871f374598SGreg Roach                    'valid'      => true,
1881f374598SGreg Roach                    'geometry'   => [
1891f374598SGreg Roach                        'type'        => 'Point',
1901f374598SGreg Roach                        'coordinates' => $event->getGeoJsonCoords(),
1911f374598SGreg Roach                    ],
1921f374598SGreg Roach                    'properties' => [
1931f374598SGreg Roach                        'polyline' => $polyline,
1941f374598SGreg Roach                        'icon'     => $icon,
1951f374598SGreg Roach                        'tooltip'  => $event->toolTip(),
1963dcc812bSGreg Roach                        'summary'  => view('modules/pedigree-map/events', $event->shortSummary('pedigree', $id)),
1971f374598SGreg Roach                        'zoom'     => (int) $event->getZoom(),
1981f374598SGreg Roach                    ],
1991f374598SGreg Roach                ];
2001f374598SGreg Roach            }
2011f374598SGreg Roach        }
2027d988ec3SGreg Roach
2037d988ec3SGreg Roach        $code = empty($facts) ? Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT : Response::HTTP_OK;
2041f374598SGreg Roach
2051f374598SGreg Roach        return new JsonResponse($geojson, $code);
2061f374598SGreg Roach    }
2071f374598SGreg Roach
2081f374598SGreg Roach    /**
2091f374598SGreg Roach     * @param Request      $request
210b6db7c1fSGreg Roach     * @param Tree         $tree
211aca28033SGreg Roach     * @param ChartService $chart_service
2121f374598SGreg Roach     *
2131f374598SGreg Roach     * @return array
2141f374598SGreg Roach     */
215aca28033SGreg Roach    private function getPedigreeMapFacts(Request $request, Tree $tree, ChartService $chart_service): array
2161f374598SGreg Roach    {
2171f374598SGreg Roach        $xref        = $request->get('reference');
2181f374598SGreg Roach        $individual  = Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree);
2191f374598SGreg Roach        $generations = (int) $request->get(
2201f374598SGreg Roach            'generations',
2211f374598SGreg Roach            $tree->getPreference('DEFAULT_PEDIGREE_GENERATIONS')
2221f374598SGreg Roach        );
223aca28033SGreg Roach        $ancestors   = $chart_service->sosaStradonitzAncestors($individual, $generations);
2241f374598SGreg Roach        $facts       = [];
2251f374598SGreg Roach        foreach ($ancestors as $sosa => $person) {
226aca28033SGreg Roach            if ($person->canShow()) {
2271f374598SGreg Roach                $birth = $person->getFirstFact('BIRT');
2284fb14fcbSGreg Roach                if ($birth instanceof Fact && !$birth->place()->isEmpty()) {
2291f374598SGreg Roach                    $facts[$sosa] = $birth;
2301f374598SGreg Roach                }
2311f374598SGreg Roach            }
2321f374598SGreg Roach        }
2331f374598SGreg Roach
2341f374598SGreg Roach        return $facts;
2351f374598SGreg Roach    }
2361f374598SGreg Roach
2371f374598SGreg Roach    /**
2381f374598SGreg Roach     * @param Request $request
2391f374598SGreg Roach     *
2401f374598SGreg Roach     * @return JsonResponse
2411f374598SGreg Roach     */
2421f374598SGreg Roach    public function getProviderStylesAction(Request $request): JsonResponse
2431f374598SGreg Roach    {
2441f374598SGreg Roach        $styles = $this->getMapProviderData($request);
2451f374598SGreg Roach
2461f374598SGreg Roach        return new JsonResponse($styles);
2471f374598SGreg Roach    }
2481f374598SGreg Roach
2491f374598SGreg Roach    /**
2501f374598SGreg Roach     * @param Request $request
2511f374598SGreg Roach     *
2521f374598SGreg Roach     * @return array|null
2531f374598SGreg Roach     */
2541f374598SGreg Roach    private function getMapProviderData(Request $request)
2551f374598SGreg Roach    {
2561f374598SGreg Roach        if (self::$map_providers === null) {
2578d0ebef0SGreg Roach            $providersFile        = WT_ROOT . Webtrees::MODULES_PATH . 'openstreetmap/providers/providers.xml';
2581f374598SGreg Roach            self::$map_selections = [
2591f374598SGreg Roach                'provider' => $this->getPreference('provider', 'openstreetmap'),
2601f374598SGreg Roach                'style'    => $this->getPreference('provider_style', 'mapnik'),
2611f374598SGreg Roach            ];
2621f374598SGreg Roach
2631f374598SGreg Roach            try {
2641f374598SGreg Roach                $xml = simplexml_load_file($providersFile);
2651f374598SGreg Roach                // need to convert xml structure into arrays & strings
2661f374598SGreg Roach                foreach ($xml as $provider) {
2671f374598SGreg Roach                    $style_keys = array_map(
26818d7a90dSGreg Roach                        function (string $item): string {
2691f374598SGreg Roach                            return preg_replace('/[^a-z\d]/i', '', strtolower($item));
2701f374598SGreg Roach                        },
2711f374598SGreg Roach                        (array) $provider->styles
2721f374598SGreg Roach                    );
2731f374598SGreg Roach
2741f374598SGreg Roach                    $key = preg_replace('/[^a-z\d]/i', '', strtolower((string) $provider->name));
2751f374598SGreg Roach
2761f374598SGreg Roach                    self::$map_providers[$key] = [
2771f374598SGreg Roach                        'name'   => (string) $provider->name,
2781f374598SGreg Roach                        'styles' => array_combine($style_keys, (array) $provider->styles),
2791f374598SGreg Roach                    ];
2801f374598SGreg Roach                }
2811f374598SGreg Roach            } catch (Exception $ex) {
2821f374598SGreg Roach                // Default provider is OpenStreetMap
2831f374598SGreg Roach                self::$map_selections = [
2841f374598SGreg Roach                    'provider' => 'openstreetmap',
2851f374598SGreg Roach                    'style'    => 'mapnik',
2861f374598SGreg Roach                ];
2871f374598SGreg Roach                self::$map_providers  = [
2881f374598SGreg Roach                    'openstreetmap' => [
2891f374598SGreg Roach                        'name'   => 'OpenStreetMap',
2901f374598SGreg Roach                        'styles' => ['mapnik' => 'Mapnik'],
2911f374598SGreg Roach                    ],
2921f374598SGreg Roach                ];
2931f374598SGreg Roach            };
2941f374598SGreg Roach        }
2951f374598SGreg Roach
2961f374598SGreg Roach        //Ugly!!!
2971f374598SGreg Roach        switch ($request->get('action')) {
2981f374598SGreg Roach            case 'BaseData':
2991f374598SGreg Roach                $varName = (self::$map_selections['style'] === '') ? '' : self::$map_providers[self::$map_selections['provider']]['styles'][self::$map_selections['style']];
3001f374598SGreg Roach                $payload = [
3011f374598SGreg Roach                    'selectedProvIndex' => self::$map_selections['provider'],
3021f374598SGreg Roach                    'selectedProvName'  => self::$map_providers[self::$map_selections['provider']]['name'],
3031f374598SGreg Roach                    'selectedStyleName' => $varName,
3041f374598SGreg Roach                ];
3051f374598SGreg Roach                break;
3061f374598SGreg Roach            case 'ProviderStyles':
3071f374598SGreg Roach                $provider = $request->get('provider', 'openstreetmap');
3081f374598SGreg Roach                $payload  = self::$map_providers[$provider]['styles'];
3091f374598SGreg Roach                break;
3101f374598SGreg Roach            case 'AdminConfig':
3111f374598SGreg Roach                $providers = [];
3121f374598SGreg Roach                foreach (self::$map_providers as $key => $provider) {
3131f374598SGreg Roach                    $providers[$key] = $provider['name'];
3141f374598SGreg Roach                }
3151f374598SGreg Roach                $payload = [
3161f374598SGreg Roach                    'providers'     => $providers,
3171f374598SGreg Roach                    'selectedProv'  => self::$map_selections['provider'],
3181f374598SGreg Roach                    'styles'        => self::$map_providers[self::$map_selections['provider']]['styles'],
3191f374598SGreg Roach                    'selectedStyle' => self::$map_selections['style'],
3201f374598SGreg Roach                ];
3211f374598SGreg Roach                break;
3221f374598SGreg Roach            default:
3231f374598SGreg Roach                $payload = null;
3241f374598SGreg Roach        }
3251f374598SGreg Roach
3261f374598SGreg Roach        return $payload;
3271f374598SGreg Roach    }
3281f374598SGreg Roach
3291f374598SGreg Roach    /**
3301f374598SGreg Roach     * @param Request $request
331b6db7c1fSGreg Roach     * @param Tree    $tree
3321f374598SGreg Roach     *
3331f374598SGreg Roach     * @return object
3341f374598SGreg Roach     */
335b6db7c1fSGreg Roach    public function getPedigreeMapAction(Request $request, Tree $tree)
3361f374598SGreg Roach    {
33747b1b9caSGreg Roach        $xref           = $request->get('xref', '');
3381f374598SGreg Roach        $individual     = Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree);
3391f374598SGreg Roach        $maxgenerations = $tree->getPreference('MAX_PEDIGREE_GENERATIONS');
3401f374598SGreg Roach        $generations    = $request->get('generations', $tree->getPreference('DEFAULT_PEDIGREE_GENERATIONS'));
3411f374598SGreg Roach
342b6e50991SGreg Roach        if ($individual === null) {
34359f2f229SGreg Roach            throw new IndividualNotFoundException();
344b2ce94c6SRico Sonntag        }
345b2ce94c6SRico Sonntag
346b2ce94c6SRico Sonntag        if (!$individual->canShow()) {
34759f2f229SGreg Roach            throw new IndividualAccessDeniedException();
348b6e50991SGreg Roach        }
349b6e50991SGreg Roach
3503dcc812bSGreg Roach        return $this->viewResponse('modules/pedigree-map/page', [
3513dcc812bSGreg Roach            'module_name'    => $this->name(),
352bbb76c12SGreg Roach            /* I18N: %s is an individual’s name */
353bbb76c12SGreg Roach            'title'          => I18N::translate('Pedigree map of %s', $individual->getFullName()),
3541f374598SGreg Roach            'tree'           => $tree,
3551f374598SGreg Roach            'individual'     => $individual,
3561f374598SGreg Roach            'generations'    => $generations,
3571f374598SGreg Roach            'maxgenerations' => $maxgenerations,
3581f374598SGreg Roach            'map'            => view(
3593dcc812bSGreg Roach                'modules/pedigree-map/chart',
3601f374598SGreg Roach                [
36126684e68SGreg Roach                    'module'      => $this->name(),
362c0935879SGreg Roach                    'ref'         => $individual->xref(),
3631f374598SGreg Roach                    'type'        => 'pedigree',
3641f374598SGreg Roach                    'generations' => $generations,
3651f374598SGreg Roach                ]
366e6562982SGreg Roach            ),
367aca28033SGreg Roach        ]);
3681f374598SGreg Roach    }
3691f374598SGreg Roach}