1<?php 2/** 3 * webtrees: online genealogy 4 * Copyright (C) 2016 webtrees development team 5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 8 * (at your option) any later version. 9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 * GNU General Public License for more details. 13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 14 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 15 */ 16namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; 17 18use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; 19use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Filter; 20use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsPrint; 21use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; 22use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Media; 23use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Menu; 24use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; 25use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Theme; 26 27/** 28 * Class AlbumModule 29 */ 30class AlbumModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleTabInterface { 31 /** @var Media[] List of media objects. */ 32 private $media_list; 33 34 /** 35 * How should this module be labelled on tabs, menus, etc.? 36 * 37 * @return string 38 */ 39 public function getTitle() { 40 return /* I18N: Name of a module */ I18N::translate('Album'); 41 } 42 43 /** 44 * A sentence describing what this module does. 45 * 46 * @return string 47 */ 48 public function getDescription() { 49 return /* I18N: Description of the “Album” module */ I18N::translate('An alternative to the “media” tab, and an enhanced image viewer.'); 50 } 51 52 /** 53 * The user can re-arrange the tab order, but until they do, this 54 * is the order in which tabs are shown. 55 * 56 * @return int 57 */ 58 public function defaultTabOrder() { 59 return 60; 60 } 61 62 /** 63 * Is this tab empty? If so, we don't always need to display it. 64 * 65 * @return bool 66 */ 67 public function hasTabContent() { 68 global $WT_TREE; 69 70 return Auth::isEditor($WT_TREE) || $this->getMedia(); 71 } 72 73 /** 74 * A greyed out tab has no actual content, but may perhaps have 75 * options to create content. 76 * 77 * @return bool 78 */ 79 public function isGrayedOut() { 80 return !$this->getMedia(); 81 } 82 83 /** 84 * Generate the HTML content of this tab. 85 * 86 * @return string 87 */ 88 public function getTabContent() { 89 global $WT_TREE, $controller; 90 91 $html = '<div id="' . $this->getName() . '_content">'; 92 //Show Lightbox-Album header Links 93 if (Auth::isEditor($WT_TREE)) { 94 $html .= '<table class="facts_table"><tr><td class="descriptionbox rela">'; 95 // Add a new media object 96 if ($WT_TREE->getPreference('MEDIA_UPLOAD') >= Auth::accessLevel($WT_TREE)) { 97 $html .= '<span><a href="#" onclick="window.open(\'addmedia.php?action=showmediaform&linktoid=' . $controller->record->getXref() . '\', \'_blank\', \'resizable=1,scrollbars=1,top=50,height=780,width=600\');return false;">'; 98 $html .= '<img src="' . Theme::theme()->assetUrl() . 'images/image_add.png" id="head_icon" class="icon" title="' . I18N::translate('Add a new media object') . '" alt="' . I18N::translate('Add a new media object') . '">'; 99 $html .= I18N::translate('Add a new media object'); 100 $html .= '</a></span>'; 101 // Link to an existing item 102 $html .= '<span><a href="#" onclick="window.open(\'inverselink.php?linktoid=' . $controller->record->getXref() . '&linkto=person\', \'_blank\', \'resizable=1,scrollbars=1,top=50,height=300,width=450\');">'; 103 $html .= '<img src="' . Theme::theme()->assetUrl() . 'images/image_link.png" id="head_icon" class="icon" title="' . I18N::translate('Link to an existing media object') . '" alt="' . I18N::translate('Link to an existing media object') . '">'; 104 $html .= I18N::translate('Link to an existing media object'); 105 $html .= '</a></span>'; 106 } 107 if (Auth::isManager($WT_TREE) && $this->getMedia()) { 108 // Popup Reorder Media 109 $html .= '<span><a href="#" onclick="reorder_media(\'' . $controller->record->getXref() . '\')">'; 110 $html .= '<img src="' . Theme::theme()->assetUrl() . 'images/images.png" id="head_icon" class="icon" title="' . I18N::translate('Re-order media') . '" alt="' . I18N::translate('Re-order media') . '">'; 111 $html .= I18N::translate('Re-order media'); 112 $html .= '</a></span>'; 113 } 114 $html .= '</td></tr></table>'; 115 } 116 117 // Used when sorting media on album tab page 118 $html .= '<table class="facts_table"><tr><td class="facts_value">'; // one-cell table - for presentation only 119 $html .= '<ul class="album-list">'; 120 foreach ($this->getMedia() as $media) { 121 //View Edit Menu ---------------------------------- 122 123 //Get media item Notes 124 $haystack = $media->getGedcom(); 125 $needle = '1 NOTE'; 126 $before = substr($haystack, 0, strpos($haystack, $needle)); 127 $after = substr(strstr($haystack, $needle), strlen($needle)); 128 $notes = FunctionsPrint::printFactNotes($before . $needle . $after, 1, true); 129 130 // Prepare Below Thumbnail menu ---------------------------------------------------- 131 $menu = new Menu('<div style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap">' . $media->getFullName() . '</div>'); 132 $menu->addClass('', 'submenu'); 133 134 // View Notes 135 if (strpos($media->getGedcom(), "\n1 NOTE")) { 136 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('View notes'), '#', '', array( 137 'onclick' => 'modalNotes("' . Filter::escapeJs($notes) . '","' . I18N::translate('View notes') . '"); return false;', 138 )); 139 $submenu->addClass("submenuitem"); 140 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 141 } 142 //View Details 143 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('View details'), $media->getHtmlUrl()); 144 $submenu->addClass("submenuitem"); 145 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 146 147 //View Sources 148 foreach ($media->getFacts('SOUR') as $source_fact) { 149 $source = $source_fact->getTarget(); 150 if ($source && $source->canShow()) { 151 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Source') . ' – ' . $source->getFullName(), $source->getHtmlUrl()); 152 $submenu->addClass('submenuitem'); 153 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 154 } 155 } 156 157 if (Auth::isEditor($media->getTree())) { 158 // Edit Media 159 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Edit media'), '#', '', array( 160 'onclick' => 'return window.open("addmedia.php?action=editmedia&pid=' . $media->getXref() . '", "_blank", edit_window_specs);', 161 )); 162 $submenu->addClass("submenuitem"); 163 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 164 if (Auth::isAdmin()) { 165 if (Module::getModuleByName('GEDFact_assistant')) { 166 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Manage links'), '#', '', array( 167 'onclick' => 'return window.open("inverselink.php?mediaid=' . $media->getXref() . '&linkto=manage", "_blank", find_window_specs);', 168 )); 169 $submenu->addClass("submenuitem"); 170 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 171 } else { 172 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Link this media object to an individual'), '#', 'menu-obje-link-indi', array( 173 'onclick' => 'return ilinkitem("' . $media->getXref() . '","person");', 174 )); 175 $submenu->addClass('submenuitem'); 176 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 177 178 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Link this media object to a family'), '#', 'menu-obje-link-fam', array( 179 'onclick' => 'return ilinkitem("' . $media->getXref() . '","family");', 180 )); 181 $submenu->addClass('submenuitem'); 182 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 183 184 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Link this media object to a source'), '#', 'menu-obje-link-sour', array( 185 'onclick' => 'return ilinkitem("' . $media->getXref() . '","source");', 186 )); 187 $submenu->addClass('submenuitem'); 188 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 189 } 190 $submenu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Unlink media'), '#', '', array( 191 'onclick' => 'return unlink_media("' . I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to remove links to this media object?') . '", "' . $controller->record->getXref() . '", "' . $media->getXref() . '");', 192 )); 193 $submenu->addClass("submenuitem"); 194 $menu->addSubmenu($submenu); 195 } 196 } 197 $html .= '<li class="album-list-item">'; 198 $html .= '<div class="album-image">' . $media->displayImage() . '</div>'; 199 $html .= '<div class="album-title">' . $menu->getMenu() . '</div>'; 200 $html .= '</li>'; 201 } 202 $html .= '</ul>'; 203 $html .= '</td></tr></table>'; 204 205 return $html; 206 } 207 208 /** 209 * Get all facts containing media links for this person and their spouse-family records 210 * 211 * @return Media[] 212 */ 213 private function getMedia() { 214 global $controller; 215 216 if ($this->media_list === null) { 217 // Use facts from this individual and all their spouses 218 $facts = $controller->record->getFacts(); 219 foreach ($controller->record->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) { 220 foreach ($family->getFacts() as $fact) { 221 $facts[] = $fact; 222 } 223 } 224 // Use all media from each fact 225 $this->media_list = array(); 226 foreach ($facts as $fact) { 227 // Don't show pending edits, as the user just sees duplicates 228 if (!$fact->isPendingDeletion()) { 229 preg_match_all('/(?:^1|\n\d) OBJE @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', $fact->getGedcom(), $matches); 230 foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { 231 $media = Media::getInstance($match, $controller->record->getTree()); 232 if ($media && $media->canShow()) { 233 $this->media_list[] = $media; 234 } 235 } 236 } 237 } 238 // If a media object is linked twice, only show it once 239 $this->media_list = array_unique($this->media_list); 240 // Sort these using _WT_OBJE_SORT 241 $wt_obje_sort = array(); 242 foreach ($controller->record->getFacts('_WT_OBJE_SORT') as $fact) { 243 $wt_obje_sort[] = trim($fact->getValue(), '@'); 244 } 245 usort($this->media_list, function (Media $x, Media $y) use ($wt_obje_sort) { 246 return array_search($x->getXref(), $wt_obje_sort) - array_search($y->getXref(), $wt_obje_sort); 247 }); 248 } 249 250 return $this->media_list; 251 } 252 253 /** 254 * Can this tab load asynchronously? 255 * 256 * @return bool 257 */ 258 public function canLoadAjax() { 259 return !Auth::isSearchEngine(); // Search engines cannot use AJAX 260 } 261 262 /** 263 * Any content (e.g. Javascript) that needs to be rendered before the tabs. 264 * 265 * This function is probably not needed, as there are better ways to achieve this. 266 * 267 * @return string 268 */ 269 public function getPreLoadContent() { 270 return ''; 271 } 272} 273