1<?php 2/** 3 * webtrees: online genealogy 4 * Copyright (C) 2015 webtrees development team 5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 8 * (at your option) any later version. 9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 * GNU General Public License for more details. 13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 14 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 15 */ 16namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees; 17 18use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\ArabicCalendar; 19use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\CalendarInterface; 20use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\GregorianCalendar; 21use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\JewishCalendar; 22use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\PersianCalendar; 23use Fisharebest\Localization\Locale; 24use Fisharebest\Localization\Locale\LocaleEnUs; 25use Fisharebest\Localization\Locale\LocaleInterface; 26use Fisharebest\Localization\Translation; 27use Fisharebest\Localization\Translator; 28use Patchwork\TurkishUtf8; 29 30/** 31 * Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n). 32 */ 33class I18N { 34 /** @var LocaleInterface The current locale (e.g. LocaleEnGb) */ 35 private static $locale; 36 37 /** @var Translator An object that performs translation*/ 38 private static $translator; 39 40 // Digits are always rendered LTR, even in RTL text. 41 const DIGITS = '0123456789٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹'; 42 43 // Reversable character conversions from the UNICODE 5.1 database. 44 // It excludes ambiguous (turkish dotless i) and mixed-case (Dz) characters. 45 // The characters should be arranged in default unicode-collation order. 46 const ALPHABET_LOWER = 'aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡǻȁȃȧḁạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặⓐaæǣǽbḃḅḇⓑbƀɓƃcçćĉċčḉⅽⓒcƈdďḋḍḏḑḓⅾⓓddždzđɖɗƌðeèéêëēĕėęěȅȇȩḕḗḙḛḝẹẻẽếềểễệⓔeǝəɛfḟⓕfƒgĝğġģǧǵḡⓖgǥɠɣƣhĥȟḣḥḧḩḫⓗhƕħiìíîïĩīĭįǐȉȋḭḯỉịⅰⓘiⅱⅲijⅳⅸɨɩjĵⓙjkķǩḱḳḵⓚkƙlĺļľḷḹḻḽⅼⓛlŀljłƚmḿṁṃⅿⓜmnñńņňǹṅṇṉṋⓝnnjɲƞŋoòóôõöōŏőơǒǫǭȍȏȫȭȯȱṍṏṑṓọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợⓞoœøǿɔɵȣpṕṗⓟpƥqⓠqrŕŗřȑȓṙṛṝṟⓡrʀsśŝşšșṡṣṥṧṩⓢsʃtţťțṫṭṯṱⓣtŧƭʈuùúûüũūŭůűųưǔǖǘǚǜȕȗṳṵṷṹṻụủứừửữựⓤuʉɯʊvṽṿⅴⓥvⅵⅶⅷʋʌwŵẁẃẅẇẉⓦwxẋẍⅹⓧxⅺⅻyýÿŷȳẏỳỵỷỹⓨyƴzźżžẑẓẕⓩzƶȥǯʒƹȝþƿƨƽƅάαἀἁἂἃἄἅἆἇὰάᾀᾁᾂᾃᾄᾅᾆᾇᾰᾱᾳβγδέεἐἑἒἓἔἕὲέϝϛζήηἠἡἢἣἤἥἦἧὴήᾐᾑᾒᾓᾔᾕᾖᾗῃθϊἰἱἲἳἴἵἶἷὶίῐῑκϗλμνξοόὀὁὂὃὄὅὸόπϟϙρῥσϲτυϋύὑὓὕὗὺύῠῡφχψωώὠὡὢὣὤὥὦὧὼώᾠᾡᾢᾣᾤᾥᾦᾧῳϡϸϻϣϥϧϩϫϭϯаӑӓәӛӕбвгґғҕдԁђԃѓҙеѐёӗєжӂӝҗзԅӟѕӡԇиѝӣҋӥіїйјкқӄҡҟҝлӆљԉмӎнӊңӈҥњԋоӧөӫпҧҁрҏсԍҫтԏҭћќуӯўӱӳүұѹфхҳһѡѿѽѻцҵчӵҷӌҹҽҿџшщъыӹьҍѣэӭюяѥѧѫѩѭѯѱѳѵѷҩաբգդեզէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփքօֆȼɂɇɉɋɍɏͱͳͷͻͼͽӏӷӻӽӿԑԓԕԗԙԛԝԟԡԣԥᵹᵽỻỽỿⅎↄⰰⰱⰲⰳⰴⰵⰶⰷⰸⰹⰺⰻⰼⰽⰾⰿⱀⱁⱂⱃⱄⱅⱆⱇⱈⱉⱊⱋⱌⱍⱎⱏⱐⱑⱒⱓⱔⱕⱖⱗⱘⱙⱚⱛⱜⱝⱞⱡⱨⱪⱬⱳⱶⲁⲃⲅⲇⲉⲋⲍⲏⲑⲓⲕⲗⲙⲛⲝⲟⲡⲣⲥⲧⲩⲫⲭⲯⲱⲳⲵⲷⲹⲻⲽⲿⳁⳃⳅⳇⳉⳋⳍⳏⳑⳓⳕⳗⳙⳛⳝⳟⳡⳣⳬⳮⴀⴁⴂⴃⴄⴅⴆⴇⴈⴉⴊⴋⴌⴍⴎⴏⴐⴑⴒⴓⴔⴕⴖⴗⴘⴙⴚⴛⴜⴝⴞⴟⴠⴡⴢⴣⴤⴥꙁꙃꙅꙇꙉꙋꙍꙏꙑꙓꙕꙗꙙꙛꙝꙟꙣꙥꙧꙩꙫꙭꚁꚃꚅꚇꚉꚋꚍꚏꚑꚓꚕꚗꜣꜥꜧꜩꜫꜭꜯꜳꜵꜷꜹꜻꜽꜿꝁꝃꝅꝇꝉꝋꝍꝏꝑꝓꝕꝗꝙꝛꝝꝟꝡꝣꝥꝧꝩꝫꝭꝯꝺꝼꝿꞁꞃꞅꞇꞌ'; 47 const ALPHABET_UPPER = 'AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠǺȀȂȦḀẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶⒶAÆǢǼBḂḄḆⒷBɃƁƂCÇĆĈĊČḈⅭⒸCƇDĎḊḌḎḐḒⅮⒹDDŽDZĐƉƊƋÐEÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚȄȆȨḔḖḘḚḜẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆⒺEƎƏƐFḞⒻFƑGĜĞĠĢǦǴḠⒼGǤƓƔƢHĤȞḢḤḦḨḪⒽHǶĦIÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮǏȈȊḬḮỈỊⅠⒾIⅡⅢIJⅣⅨƗƖJĴⒿJKĶǨḰḲḴⓀKƘLĹĻĽḶḸḺḼⅬⓁLĿLJŁȽMḾṀṂⅯⓂMNÑŃŅŇǸṄṆṈṊⓃNNJƝȠŊOÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐƠǑǪǬȌȎȪȬȮȰṌṎṐṒỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢⓄOŒØǾƆƟȢPṔṖⓅPƤQⓆQRŔŖŘȐȒṘṚṜṞⓇRƦSŚŜŞŠȘṠṢṤṦṨⓈSƩTŢŤȚṪṬṮṰⓉTŦƬƮUÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓǕǗǙǛȔȖṲṴṶṸṺỤỦỨỪỬỮỰⓊUɄƜƱVṼṾⅤⓋVⅥⅦⅧƲɅWŴẀẂẄẆẈⓌWXẊẌⅩⓍXⅪⅫYÝŸŶȲẎỲỴỶỸⓎYƳZŹŻŽẐẒẔⓏZƵȤǮƷƸȜÞǷƧƼƄΆΑἈἉἊἋἌἍἎἏᾺΆᾈᾉᾊᾋᾌᾍᾎᾏᾸᾹᾼΒΓΔΈΕἘἙἚἛἜἝῈΈϜϚΖΉΗἨἩἪἫἬἭἮἯῊΉᾘᾙᾚᾛᾜᾝᾞᾟῌΘΪἸἹἺἻἼἽἾἿῚΊῘῙΚϏΛΜΝΞΟΌὈὉὊὋὌὍῸΌΠϞϘΡῬΣϹΤΥΫΎὙὛὝὟῪΎῨῩΦΧΨΩΏὨὩὪὫὬὭὮὯῺΏᾨᾩᾪᾫᾬᾭᾮᾯῼϠϷϺϢϤϦϨϪϬϮАӐӒӘӚӔБВГҐҒҔДԀЂԂЃҘЕЀЁӖЄЖӁӜҖЗԄӞЅӠԆИЍӢҊӤІЇЙЈКҚӃҠҞҜЛӅЉԈМӍНӉҢӇҤЊԊОӦӨӪПҦҀРҎСԌҪТԎҬЋЌУӮЎӰӲҮҰѸФХҲҺѠѾѼѺЦҴЧӴҶӋҸҼҾЏШЩЪЫӸЬҌѢЭӬЮЯѤѦѪѨѬѮѰѲѴѶҨԱԲԳԴԵԶԷԸԹԺԻԼԽԾԿՀՁՂՃՄՅՆՇՈՉՊՋՌՍՎՏՐՑՒՓՔՕՖȻɁɆɈɊɌɎͰͲͶϽϾϿӀӶӺӼӾԐԒԔԖԘԚԜԞԠԢԤꝽⱣỺỼỾℲↃⰀⰁⰂⰃⰄⰅⰆⰇⰈⰉⰊⰋⰌⰍⰎⰏⰐⰑⰒⰓⰔⰕⰖⰗⰘⰙⰚⰛⰜⰝⰞⰟⰠⰡⰢⰣⰤⰥⰦⰧⰨⰩⰪⰫⰬⰭⰮⱠⱧⱩⱫⱲⱵⲀⲂⲄⲆⲈⲊⲌⲎⲐⲒⲔⲖⲘⲚⲜⲞⲠⲢⲤⲦⲨⲪⲬⲮⲰⲲⲴⲶⲸⲺⲼⲾⳀⳂⳄⳆⳈⳊⳌⳎⳐⳒⳔⳖⳘⳚⳜⳞⳠⳢⳫⳭႠႡႢႣႤႥႦႧႨႩႪႫႬႭႮႯႰႱႲႳႴႵႶႷႸႹႺႻႼႽႾႿჀჁჂჃჄჅꙀꙂꙄꙆꙈꙊꙌꙎꙐꙒꙔꙖꙘꙚꙜꙞꙢꙤꙦꙨꙪꙬꚀꚂꚄꚆꚈꚊꚌꚎꚐꚒꚔꚖꜢꜤꜦꜨꜪꜬꜮꜲꜴꜶꜸꜺꜼꜾꝀꝂꝄꝆꝈꝊꝌꝎꝐꝒꝔꝖꝘꝚꝜꝞꝠꝢꝤꝦꝨꝪꝬꝮꝹꝻꝾꞀꞂꞄꞆꞋ'; 48 49 /** @var string Alphabet, in lower case, for the current locale. */ 50 private static $alphabet_lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; 51 52 /** @var string Alphabet, in upper case, for the current locale. */ 53 private static $alphabet_upper = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; 54 55 /** @var int[][] Character ranges used by each script. */ 56 private static $scripts = array( 57 array('Latn', 0x0041, 0x005A), // a-z 58 array('Latn', 0x0061, 0x007A), // A-Z 59 array('Latn', 0x0100, 0x02AF), 60 array('Grek', 0x0370, 0x03FF), 61 array('Cyrl', 0x0400, 0x052F), 62 array('Hebr', 0x0590, 0x05FF), 63 array('Arab', 0x0600, 0x06FF), 64 array('Arab', 0x0750, 0x077F), 65 array('Arab', 0x08A0, 0x08FF), 66 array('Deva', 0x0900, 0x097F), 67 array('Taml', 0x0B80, 0x0BFF), 68 array('Sinh', 0x0D80, 0x0DFF), 69 array('Thai', 0x0E00, 0x0E7F), 70 array('Geor', 0x10A0, 0x10FF), 71 array('Grek', 0x1F00, 0x1FFF), 72 array('Deva', 0xA8E0, 0xA8FF), 73 array('Hans', 0x3000, 0x303F), // Mixed CJK, not just Hans 74 array('Hans', 0x3400, 0xFAFF), // Mixed CJK, not just Hans 75 array('Hans', 0x20000, 0x2FA1F), // Mixed CJK, not just Hans 76 ); 77 78 /** @var string[] Characters that are displayed in mirror form in RTL text. */ 79 private static $mirror_characters = array( 80 '(' => ')', 81 ')' => '(', 82 '[' => ']', 83 ']' => '[', 84 '{' => '}', 85 '}' => '{', 86 '<' => '>', 87 '>' => '<', 88 '‹' => '›', 89 '›' => '‹', 90 '«' => '»', 91 '»' => '«', 92 '﴾' => '﴿', 93 '﴿' => '﴾', 94 '“' => '”', 95 '”' => '“', 96 '‘' => '’', 97 '’' => '‘', 98 ); 99 100 /** @var string Punctuation used to separate list items, typically a comma */ 101 public static $list_separator; 102 103 /** 104 * The prefered locales for this site, or a default list if no preference. 105 * 106 * @return LocaleInterface[] 107 */ 108 public static function activeLocales() { 109 $code_list = Site::getPreference('LANGUAGES'); 110 111 if ($code_list) { 112 $codes = explode(',', $code_list); 113 } else { 114 $codes = array( 115 'ar', 'bg', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-GB', 'en-US', 'es', 116 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hr', 'hu', 'is', 'it', 'ka', 'lt', 'mr', 'nb', 117 'nl', 'nn', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sk', 'sv', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh-Hans', 118 ); 119 } 120 121 $locales = array(); 122 foreach ($codes as $code) { 123 if (file_exists(WT_ROOT . 'language/' . $code . '.mo')) { 124 try { 125 $locales[] = Locale::create($code); 126 } catch (\Exception $ex) { 127 // No such locale exists? 128 } 129 } 130 } 131 usort($locales, '\Fisharebest\Localization\Locale::compare'); 132 133 return $locales; 134 } 135 136 /** 137 * Which MySQL collation should be used for this locale? 138 * 139 * @return string 140 */ 141 public static function collation() { 142 $collation = self::$locale->collation(); 143 switch ($collation) { 144 case 'croatian_ci': 145 case 'german2_ci': 146 case 'vietnamese_ci': 147 // Only available in MySQL 5.6 148 return 'utf8_unicode_ci'; 149 default: 150 return 'utf8_' . $collation; 151 } 152 } 153 154 /** 155 * What format is used to display dates in the current locale? 156 * 157 * @return string 158 */ 159 public static function dateFormat() { 160 return /* I18N: This is the format string for full dates. See http://php.net/date for codes */ self::$translator->translate('%j %F %Y'); 161 } 162 163 /** 164 * Generate consistent I18N for datatables.js 165 * 166 * @param array|null $lengths An optional array of page lengths 167 * 168 * @return string 169 */ 170 public static function datatablesI18N(array $lengths = null) { 171 if ($lengths === null) { 172 $lengths = array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100, -1); 173 } 174 175 $length_menu = ''; 176 foreach ($lengths as $length) { 177 $length_menu .= 178 '<option value="' . $length . '">' . 179 ($length === -1 ? /* I18N: listbox option, e.g. “10,25,50,100,all” */ self::translate('All') : self::number($length)) . 180 '</option>'; 181 } 182 $length_menu = '<select>' . $length_menu . '</select>'; 183 $length_menu = /* I18N: Display %s [records per page], %s is a placeholder for listbox containing numeric options */ self::translate('Display %s', $length_menu); 184 185 $digits = self::$locale->digits('0123456789'); 186 if ($digits === '0123456789') { 187 $callback = ''; 188 } else { 189 $callback = ', 190 "infoCallback": function(oSettings, iStart, iEnd, iMax, iTotal, sPre) { 191 return sPre 192 .replace(/0/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 0, 1) . '") 193 .replace(/1/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 1, 1) . '") 194 .replace(/2/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 2, 1) . '") 195 .replace(/3/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 3, 1) . '") 196 .replace(/4/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 4, 1) . '") 197 .replace(/5/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 5, 1) . '") 198 .replace(/6/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 6, 1) . '") 199 .replace(/7/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 7, 1) . '") 200 .replace(/8/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 8, 1) . '") 201 .replace(/9/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 9, 1) . '"); 202 }, 203 "formatNumber": function(iIn) { 204 return String(iIn) 205 .replace(/0/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 0, 1) . '") 206 .replace(/1/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 1, 1) . '") 207 .replace(/2/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 2, 1) . '") 208 .replace(/3/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 3, 1) . '") 209 .replace(/4/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 4, 1) . '") 210 .replace(/5/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 5, 1) . '") 211 .replace(/6/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 6, 1) . '") 212 .replace(/7/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 7, 1) . '") 213 .replace(/8/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 8, 1) . '") 214 .replace(/9/g, "' . mb_substr($digits, 9, 1) . '"); 215 } 216 '; 217 } 218 219 return 220 '"language": {' . 221 ' "paginate": {' . 222 ' "first": "' . /* I18N: button label, first page */ self::translate('first') . '",' . 223 ' "last": "' . /* I18N: button label, last page */ self::translate('last') . '",' . 224 ' "next": "' . /* I18N: button label, next page */ self::translate('next') . '",' . 225 ' "previous": "' . /* I18N: button label, previous page */ self::translate('previous') . '"' . 226 ' },' . 227 ' "emptyTable": "' . self::translate('No records to display') . '",' . 228 ' "info": "' . /* I18N: %s are placeholders for numbers */ self::translate('Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s', '_START_', '_END_', '_TOTAL_') . '",' . 229 ' "infoEmpty": "' . self::translate('Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s', 0, 0, 0) . '",' . 230 ' "infoFiltered": "' . /* I18N: %s is a placeholder for a number */ self::translate('(filtered from %s total entries)', '_MAX_') . '",' . 231 ' "infoPostfix": "",' . 232 ' "lengthMenu": "' . Filter::escapeJs($length_menu) . '",' . 233 ' "loadingRecords": "' . self::translate('Loading…') . '",' . 234 ' "processing": "' . self::translate('Loading…') . '",' . 235 ' "search": "' . self::translate('Filter') . '",' . 236 ' "url": "",' . 237 ' "zeroRecords": "' . self::translate('No records to display') . '"' . 238 '}' . 239 $callback; 240 } 241 242 /** 243 * Convert the digits 0-9 into the local script 244 * 245 * Used for years, etc., where we do not want thousands-separators, decimals, etc. 246 * 247 * @param int $n 248 * 249 * @return string 250 */ 251 public static function digits($n) { 252 return self::$locale->digits($n); 253 } 254 255 /** 256 * What is the direction of the current locale 257 * 258 * @return string "ltr" or "rtl" 259 */ 260 public static function direction() { 261 return self::$locale->direction(); 262 } 263 264 /** 265 * What is the first day of the week. 266 * 267 * @return int Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc. 268 */ 269 public static function firstDay() { 270 return self::$locale->territory()->firstDay(); 271 } 272 273 /** 274 * Convert a GEDCOM age string into translated_text 275 * 276 * NB: The import function will have normalised this, so we don't need 277 * to worry about badly formatted strings 278 * NOTE: this function is not yet complete - eventually it will replace FunctionsDate::get_age_at_event() 279 * 280 * @param $string 281 * 282 * @return string 283 */ 284 public static function gedcomAge($string) { 285 switch ($string) { 286 case 'STILLBORN': 287 // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (stillborn) 288 return self::translate('(stillborn)'); 289 case 'INFANT': 290 // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (in infancy) 291 return self::translate('(in infancy)'); 292 case 'CHILD': 293 // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (in childhood) 294 return self::translate('(in childhood)'); 295 } 296 $age = array(); 297 if (preg_match('/(\d+)y/', $string, $match)) { 298 // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 5 years, 4 months and 3 days 299 $years = $match[1]; 300 $age[] = self::plural('%s year', '%s years', $years, self::number($years)); 301 } else { 302 $years = -1; 303 } 304 if (preg_match('/(\d+)m/', $string, $match)) { 305 // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 5 years, 4 months and 3 days 306 $age[] = self::plural('%s month', '%s months', $match[1], self::number($match[1])); 307 } 308 if (preg_match('/(\d+)w/', $string, $match)) { 309 // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 7 weeks and 3 days 310 $age[] = self::plural('%s week', '%s weeks', $match[1], self::number($match[1])); 311 } 312 if (preg_match('/(\d+)d/', $string, $match)) { 313 // I18N: Part of an age string. e.g. 5 years, 4 months and 3 days 314 $age[] = self::plural('%s day', '%s days', $match[1], self::number($match[1])); 315 } 316 // If an age is just a number of years, only show the number 317 if (count($age) === 1 && $years >= 0) { 318 $age = $years; 319 } 320 if ($age) { 321 if (!substr_compare($string, '<', 0, 1)) { 322 // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (aged less than 21 years) 323 return self::translate('(aged less than %s)', $age); 324 } elseif (!substr_compare($string, '>', 0, 1)) { 325 // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (aged more than 21 years) 326 return self::translate('(aged more than %s)', $age); 327 } else { 328 // I18N: Description of an individual’s age at an event. For example, Died 14 Jan 1900 (aged 43 years) 329 return self::translate('(aged %s)', $age); 330 } 331 } else { 332 // Not a valid string? 333 return self::translate('(aged %s)', $string); 334 } 335 } 336 337 /** 338 * Generate i18n markup for the <html> tag, e.g. lang="ar" dir="rtl" 339 * 340 * @return string 341 */ 342 public static function htmlAttributes() { 343 return self::$locale->htmlAttributes(); 344 } 345 346 /** 347 * Initialise the translation adapter with a locale setting. 348 * 349 * @param string|null $code Use this locale/language code, or choose one automatically 350 * 351 * @return string $string 352 */ 353 public static function init($code = null) { 354 global $WT_TREE; 355 356 if ($code !== null) { 357 // Create the specified locale 358 self::$locale = Locale::create($code); 359 } else { 360 // Negotiate a locale, but if we can't then use a failsafe 361 self::$locale = new LocaleEnUs; 362 if (Filter::get('lang')) { 363 // A request in the URL 364 try { 365 $locale = Locale::create(Filter::get('lang')); 366 if (file_exists(WT_ROOT . 'language/' . $locale->languageTag() . '.mo')) { 367 self::$locale = $locale; 368 } 369 } catch (\Exception $ex) { 370 } 371 } elseif (Session::has('locale')) { 372 // Previously used 373 self::$locale = Locale::create(Session::get('locale')); 374 } else { 375 // Browser negotiation 376 $default_locale = new LocaleEnUs; 377 try { 378 if ($WT_TREE) { 379 $default_locale = Locale::create($WT_TREE->getPreference('LANGUAGE')); 380 } 381 } catch (\Exception $ex) { 382 } 383 self::$locale = Locale::httpAcceptLanguage($_SERVER, self::installedLocales(), $default_locale); 384 } 385 } 386 387 File::mkdir(WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache'); 388 $cache_file = WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache/language-' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '-cache.php'; 389 if (file_exists($cache_file)) { 390 $filemtime = filemtime($cache_file); 391 } else { 392 $filemtime = 0; 393 } 394 395 // Load the translation file(s) 396 // Note that glob() returns false instead of an empty array when open_basedir_restriction 397 // is in force and no files are found. See PHP bug #47358. 398 $translation_files = array_merge( 399 array(WT_ROOT . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.mo'), 400 glob(WT_MODULES_DIR . '*/language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.{csv,php,mo}', GLOB_BRACE) ?: array(), 401 glob(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.{csv,php,mo}', GLOB_BRACE) ?: array() 402 ); 403 404 // Rebuild files after 2 hours 405 $rebuild_cache = time() > $filemtime + 7200; 406 // Rebuild files if any translation file has been updated 407 foreach ($translation_files as $translation_file) { 408 if (filemtime($translation_file) > $filemtime) { 409 $rebuild_cache = true; 410 break; 411 } 412 } 413 414 if ($rebuild_cache) { 415 $translations = array(); 416 foreach ($translation_files as $translation_file) { 417 $translation = new Translation($translation_file); 418 $translations = array_merge($translations, $translation->asArray()); 419 } 420 file_put_contents($cache_file, '<' . '?php return ' . var_export($translations, true) . ';'); 421 } else { 422 $translations = include $cache_file; 423 } 424 425 // Create a translator 426 self::$translator = new Translator($translations, self::$locale->pluralRule()); 427 428 // Alphabetic sorting sequence (upper-case letters), used by webtrees to sort strings 429 list(, self::$alphabet_upper) = explode('=', self::$translator->translate('ALPHABET_upper=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')); 430 // Alphabetic sorting sequence (lower-case letters), used by webtrees to sort strings 431 list(, self::$alphabet_lower) = explode('=', self::$translator->translate('ALPHABET_lower=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')); 432 433 self::$list_separator = /* I18N: This punctuation is used to separate lists of items */ self::translate(', '); 434 435 return self::$locale->languageTag(); 436 } 437 438 /** 439 * All locales for which a translation file exists. 440 * 441 * @return LocaleInterface[] 442 */ 443 public static function installedLocales() { 444 $locales = array(); 445 foreach (glob(WT_ROOT . 'language/*.mo') as $file) { 446 try { 447 $locales[] = Locale::create(basename($file, '.mo')); 448 } catch (\Exception $ex) { 449 // Not a recognised locale 450 } 451 } 452 usort($locales, '\Fisharebest\Localization\Locale::compare'); 453 454 return $locales; 455 } 456 457 /** 458 * Return the endonym for a given language - as per http://cldr.unicode.org/ 459 * 460 * @param string $locale 461 * 462 * @return string 463 */ 464 public static function languageName($locale) { 465 return Locale::create($locale)->endonym(); 466 } 467 468 /** 469 * Return the script used by a given language 470 * 471 * @param string $locale 472 * 473 * @return string 474 */ 475 public static function languageScript($locale) { 476 return Locale::create($locale)->script()->code(); 477 } 478 479 /** 480 * Translate a number into the local representation. 481 * 482 * e.g. 12345.67 becomes 483 * en: 12,345.67 484 * fr: 12 345,67 485 * de: 12.345,67 486 * 487 * @param float $n 488 * @param int $precision 489 * 490 * @return string 491 */ 492 public static function number($n, $precision = 0) { 493 return self::$locale->number(round($n, $precision)); 494 } 495 496 /** 497 * Translate a fraction into a percentage. 498 * 499 * e.g. 0.123 becomes 500 * en: 12.3% 501 * fr: 12,3 % 502 * de: 12,3% 503 * 504 * @param float $n 505 * @param int $precision 506 * 507 * @return string 508 */ 509 public static function percentage($n, $precision = 0) { 510 return self::$locale->percent(round($n, $precision + 2)); 511 } 512 513 /** 514 * Translate a plural string 515 * 516 * echo self::plural('There is an error', 'There are errors', $num_errors); 517 * echo self::plural('There is one error', 'There are %s errors', $num_errors); 518 * echo self::plural('There is %1$s %2$s cat', 'There are %1$s %2$s cats', $num, $num, $colour); 519 * 520 * @return string 521 */ 522 public static function plural(/* var_args */) { 523 $args = func_get_args(); 524 $args[0] = self::$translator->translatePlural($args[0], $args[1], (int) $args[2]); 525 unset($args[1], $args[2]); 526 527 return self::substitutePlaceholders($args); 528 } 529 530 /** 531 * UTF8 version of PHP::strrev() 532 * 533 * Reverse RTL text for third-party libraries such as GD2 and googlechart. 534 * 535 * These do not support UTF8 text direction, so we must mimic it for them. 536 * 537 * Numbers are always rendered LTR, even in RTL text. 538 * The visual direction of characters such as parentheses should be reversed. 539 * 540 * @param string $text Text to be reversed 541 * 542 * @return string 543 */ 544 public static function reverseText($text) { 545 // Remove HTML markup - we can't display it and it is LTR. 546 $text = Filter::unescapeHtml($text); 547 548 // LTR text doesn't need reversing 549 if (self::scriptDirection(self::textScript($text)) === 'ltr') { 550 return $text; 551 } 552 553 // Mirrored characters 554 $text = strtr($text, self::$mirror_characters); 555 556 $reversed = ''; 557 $digits = ''; 558 while ($text != '') { 559 $letter = mb_substr($text, 0, 1); 560 $text = mb_substr($text, 1); 561 if (strpos(self::DIGITS, $letter) !== false) { 562 $digits .= $letter; 563 } else { 564 $reversed = $letter . $digits . $reversed; 565 $digits = ''; 566 } 567 } 568 569 return $digits . $reversed; 570 } 571 572 /** 573 * Return the direction (ltr or rtl) for a given script 574 * 575 * The PHP/intl library does not provde this information, so we need 576 * our own lookup table. 577 * 578 * @param string $script 579 * 580 * @return string 581 */ 582 public static function scriptDirection($script) { 583 switch ($script) { 584 case 'Arab': 585 case 'Hebr': 586 case 'Mong': 587 case 'Thaa': 588 return 'rtl'; 589 default: 590 return 'ltr'; 591 } 592 } 593 594 /** 595 * UTF8 version of PHP::strcasecmp() 596 * 597 * Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings, using rules from the current locale 598 * 599 * @param string $string1 600 * @param string $string2 601 * 602 * @return int 603 */ 604 public static function strcasecmp($string1, $string2) { 605 $strpos1 = 0; 606 $strpos2 = 0; 607 $strlen1 = strlen($string1); 608 $strlen2 = strlen($string2); 609 while ($strpos1 < $strlen1 && $strpos2 < $strlen2) { 610 $byte1 = ord($string1[$strpos1]); 611 $byte2 = ord($string2[$strpos2]); 612 if (($byte1 & 0xE0) === 0xC0) { 613 $chr1 = $string1[$strpos1++] . $string1[$strpos1++]; 614 } elseif (($byte1 & 0xF0) === 0xE0) { 615 $chr1 = $string1[$strpos1++] . $string1[$strpos1++] . $string1[$strpos1++]; 616 } else { 617 $chr1 = $string1[$strpos1++]; 618 } 619 if (($byte2 & 0xE0) === 0xC0) { 620 $chr2 = $string2[$strpos2++] . $string2[$strpos2++]; 621 } elseif (($byte2 & 0xF0) === 0xE0) { 622 $chr2 = $string2[$strpos2++] . $string2[$strpos2++] . $string2[$strpos2++]; 623 } else { 624 $chr2 = $string2[$strpos2++]; 625 } 626 if ($chr1 === $chr2) { 627 continue; 628 } 629 // Try the local alphabet first 630 $offset1 = strpos(self::$alphabet_lower, $chr1); 631 if ($offset1 === false) { 632 $offset1 = strpos(self::$alphabet_upper, $chr1); 633 } 634 $offset2 = strpos(self::$alphabet_lower, $chr2); 635 if ($offset2 === false) { 636 $offset2 = strpos(self::$alphabet_upper, $chr2); 637 } 638 if ($offset1 !== false && $offset2 !== false) { 639 if ($offset1 === $offset2) { 640 continue; 641 } else { 642 return $offset1 - $offset2; 643 } 644 } 645 // Try the global alphabet next 646 $offset1 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_LOWER, $chr1); 647 if ($offset1 === false) { 648 $offset1 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_UPPER, $chr1); 649 } 650 $offset2 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_LOWER, $chr2); 651 if ($offset2 === false) { 652 $offset2 = strpos(self::ALPHABET_UPPER, $chr2); 653 } 654 if ($offset1 !== false && $offset2 !== false) { 655 if ($offset1 === $offset2) { 656 continue; 657 } else { 658 return $offset1 - $offset2; 659 } 660 } 661 // Just compare by unicode order 662 return strcmp($chr1, $chr2); 663 } 664 // Shortest string comes first. 665 return ($strlen1 - $strpos1) - ($strlen2 - $strpos2); 666 } 667 668 /** 669 * UTF8 version of PHP::strtolower() 670 * 671 * Convert a string to lower case, using the rules from the current locale 672 * 673 * @param string $string 674 * 675 * @return string 676 */ 677 public static function strtolower($string) { 678 if (self::$locale->language()->code() === 'tr' || self::$locale->language()->code() === 'az') { 679 return TurkishUtf8::strtolower($string); 680 } else { 681 return mb_strtolower($string); 682 } 683 } 684 685 /** 686 * UTF8 version of PHP::strtoupper() 687 * 688 * Convert a string to upper case, using the rules from the current locale 689 * 690 * @param string $string 691 * 692 * @return string 693 */ 694 public static function strtoupper($string) { 695 if (self::$locale->language()->code() === 'tr' || self::$locale->language()->code() === 'az') { 696 return TurkishUtf8::strtoupper($string); 697 } else { 698 return mb_strtoupper($string); 699 } 700 } 701 702 /** 703 * Substitute any "%s" placeholders in a translated string. 704 * This also allows us to have translated strings that contain 705 * "%" characters, which can't be passed to sprintf. 706 * 707 * @param string[] $args translated string plus optional parameters 708 * 709 * @return string 710 */ 711 private static function substitutePlaceholders(array $args) { 712 if (count($args) > 1) { 713 return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); 714 } else { 715 return $args[0]; 716 } 717 } 718 719 /** 720 * Identify the script used for a piece of text 721 * 722 * @param $string 723 * 724 * @return string 725 */ 726 public static function textScript($string) { 727 $string = strip_tags($string); // otherwise HTML tags show up as latin 728 $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // otherwise HTML entities show up as latin 729 $string = str_replace(array('@N.N.', '@P.N.'), '', $string); // otherwise unknown names show up as latin 730 $pos = 0; 731 $strlen = strlen($string); 732 while ($pos < $strlen) { 733 // get the Unicode Code Point for the character at position $pos 734 $byte1 = ord($string[$pos]); 735 if ($byte1 < 0x80) { 736 $code_point = $byte1; 737 $chrlen = 1; 738 } elseif ($byte1 < 0xC0) { 739 // Invalid continuation character 740 return 'Latn'; 741 } elseif ($byte1 < 0xE0) { 742 $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F); 743 $chrlen = 2; 744 } elseif ($byte1 < 0xF0) { 745 $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) + ((ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 2]) & 0x3F); 746 $chrlen = 3; 747 } elseif ($byte1 < 0xF8) { 748 $code_point = (($byte1 & 0x07) << 24) + ((ord($string[$pos + 1]) & 0x3F) << 12) + ((ord($string[$pos + 2]) & 0x3F) << 6) + (ord($string[$pos + 3]) & 0x3F); 749 $chrlen = 3; 750 } else { 751 // Invalid UTF 752 return 'Latn'; 753 } 754 755 foreach (self::$scripts as $range) { 756 if ($code_point >= $range[1] && $code_point <= $range[2]) { 757 return $range[0]; 758 } 759 } 760 // Not a recognised script. Maybe punctuation, spacing, etc. Keep looking. 761 $pos += $chrlen; 762 } 763 764 return 'Latn'; 765 } 766 767 /** 768 * Convert a number of seconds into a relative time. For example, 630 => "10 hours, 30 minutes ago" 769 * 770 * @param int $seconds 771 * 772 * @return string 773 */ 774 public static function timeAgo($seconds) { 775 $minute = 60; 776 $hour = 60 * $minute; 777 $day = 24 * $hour; 778 $month = 30 * $day; 779 $year = 365 * $day; 780 781 if ($seconds > $year) { 782 $years = (int) ($seconds / $year); 783 784 return self::plural('%s year ago', '%s years ago', $years, self::number($years)); 785 } elseif ($seconds > $month) { 786 $months = (int) ($seconds / $month); 787 788 return self::plural('%s month ago', '%s months ago', $months, self::number($months)); 789 } elseif ($seconds > $day) { 790 $days = (int) ($seconds / $day); 791 792 return self::plural('%s day ago', '%s days ago', $days, self::number($days)); 793 } elseif ($seconds > $hour) { 794 $hours = (int) ($seconds / $hour); 795 796 return self::plural('%s hour ago', '%s hours ago', $hours, self::number($hours)); 797 } elseif ($seconds > $minute) { 798 $minutes = (int) ($seconds / $minute); 799 800 return self::plural('%s minute ago', '%s minutes ago', $minutes, self::number($minutes)); 801 } else { 802 return self::plural('%s second ago', '%s seconds ago', $seconds, self::number($seconds)); 803 } 804 } 805 806 /** 807 * What format is used to display dates in the current locale? 808 * 809 * @return string 810 */ 811 public static function timeFormat() { 812 return /* I18N: This is the format string for the time-of-day. See http://php.net/date for codes */ self::$translator->translate('%H:%i:%s'); 813 } 814 815 /** 816 * Translate a string, and then substitute placeholders 817 * 818 * echo I18N::translate('Hello World!'); 819 * echo I18N::translate('The %s sat on the mat', 'cat'); 820 * 821 * @return string 822 */ 823 public static function translate(/* var_args */) { 824 $args = func_get_args(); 825 $args[0] = self::$translator->translate($args[0]); 826 827 return self::substitutePlaceholders($args); 828 } 829 830 /** 831 * Context sensitive version of translate. 832 * 833 * echo I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'January'); 834 * echo I18N::translateContext('GENITIVE', 'January'); 835 * 836 * @return string 837 */ 838 public static function translateContext(/* var_args */) { 839 $args = func_get_args(); 840 $args[0] = self::$translator->translateContext($args[0], $args[1]); 841 unset($args[1]); 842 843 return self::substitutePlaceholders($args); 844 } 845 846 /** 847 * What is the last day of the weekend. 848 * 849 * @return int Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc. 850 */ 851 public static function weekendEnd() { 852 return self::$locale->territory()->weekendEnd(); 853 } 854 855 /** 856 * What is the first day of the weekend. 857 * 858 * @return int Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc. 859 */ 860 public static function weekendStart() { 861 return self::$locale->territory()->weekendStart(); 862 } 863 864 /** 865 * Which calendar prefered in this locale? 866 * 867 * @return CalendarInterface 868 */ 869 public static function defaultCalendar() { 870 switch (self::$locale->languageTag()) { 871 case 'ar': 872 return new ArabicCalendar; 873 case 'fa': 874 return new PersianCalendar; 875 case 'he': 876 case 'yi': 877 return new JewishCalendar; 878 default: 879 return new GregorianCalendar; 880 } 881 } 882} 883