14ccf2a72SGreg Roach<?php 24ccf2a72SGreg Roach/** 34ccf2a72SGreg Roach * webtrees: online genealogy 4369c0ce6SGreg Roach * Copyright (C) 2016 webtrees development team 54ccf2a72SGreg Roach * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 64ccf2a72SGreg Roach * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 74ccf2a72SGreg Roach * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 84ccf2a72SGreg Roach * (at your option) any later version. 94ccf2a72SGreg Roach * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 104ccf2a72SGreg Roach * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 114ccf2a72SGreg Roach * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 124ccf2a72SGreg Roach * GNU General Public License for more details. 134ccf2a72SGreg Roach * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 144ccf2a72SGreg Roach * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 154ccf2a72SGreg Roach */ 164ccf2a72SGreg Roachnamespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Census; 174ccf2a72SGreg Roach 184ccf2a72SGreg Roach/** 194ccf2a72SGreg Roach * Definitions for a census 204ccf2a72SGreg Roach */ 214ccf2a72SGreg Roachclass CensusOfDenmark1890 extends CensusOfDenmark implements CensusInterface { 224ccf2a72SGreg Roach /** 234ccf2a72SGreg Roach * When did this census occur. 244ccf2a72SGreg Roach * 254ccf2a72SGreg Roach * @return string 264ccf2a72SGreg Roach */ 274ccf2a72SGreg Roach public function censusDate() { 284ccf2a72SGreg Roach return '01 FEB 1890'; 294ccf2a72SGreg Roach } 304ccf2a72SGreg Roach 314ccf2a72SGreg Roach /** 324ccf2a72SGreg Roach * The columns of the census. 334ccf2a72SGreg Roach * 344ccf2a72SGreg Roach * @return CensusColumnInterface[] 354ccf2a72SGreg Roach */ 36db7d25eeSGreg Roach public function columns() { 37*13abd6f3SGreg Roach return [ 384c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnFullName($this, 'Navn', 'Samtlige Personers fulde Navn.'), 394c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnSexMK($this, 'Køn', 'Kjønnet. Mandkøn (M.) eller Kvindekøn (Kv.).'), 404c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnAge($this, 'Alder', 'Alder. Alderen anføres med det fyldte Aar, men for Børn, der ikke have fyldt 1 Aar, anføres „Under 1 Aar“ of Fødselsdagen.'), 414c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnConditionDanish($this, 'Civilstand', 'Ægteskabelig Stillinge. Ugift (U.), Gift (G.), Enkemand eller Enke (E.), Separeret (S.), Fraskilt (F.).'), 424c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnReligion($this, 'Trossamfund', 'Trossamfund („Folkekirken“ eller andetSamfund, saasom „det frilutheranske“, „det romersk katholske“, det „mosaiske“ o.s.v.).'), 434c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnBirthPlace($this, 'Fødested', 'Fødested, nemlig Sognets og Amtets eller Kjøbstadens (eller Handelpladsens) Navn, og for de i Bilandene Fødte samt for Udlændinge Landet, hvori de ere fødte.'), 444c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnRelationToHead($this, 'Stilling i familien', 'Stilling i Familien (Husfader, Husmoder, Barn, Tjenestetyende, Logerende o.s.v.).'), 454c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnOccupation($this, 'Erhverv', 'Erhverv (Embede, Forretning, Næringsvej og Titel, samt Vedkommendes Stilling som Hovedperson eller Medhjælper, Forvalter, Svend eller Dreng o.s.v.). - Arten af Erhvervet (Gaardejer, Husmand, Grovsmed, Vognfabrikant, Høker o.s.v.). - Under Fattigforsørgelse.'), 464c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Erhvervsstedet', 'Erhvervsstedet (Beboelseskommunen eller hvilken anden Kommune).'), 474c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Døvstumme', 'Døvstumme.'), 484c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Døve', 'Døve (Hørelson aldeles berøvet).'), 494c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Blinde', 'Blinde (Synet aldeles borsvet).'), 504c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Idioter', 'Uden Forstandsovner (Idioter).'), 514c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Sindssyge', 'Sindssyge.'), 524c219c47SGreg Roach new CensusColumnNull($this, 'Anmærkninger', 'Anmærkninger.'), 53*13abd6f3SGreg Roach ]; 544ccf2a72SGreg Roach } 554ccf2a72SGreg Roach} 56