xref: /webtrees/README.md (revision fac25c689c9c5f0c35597efc239d58f96c9ad612)
1*fac25c68SRico SonntagCopyright (C) 2013 webtrees Development Team. All rights reserved.
2*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
3*fac25c68SRico SonntagThis and other information can be found on line at http://webtrees.net
4*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
5*fac25c68SRico SonntagThe installation instructions can also be found in the wiki at:
6*fac25c68SRico Sonntaghttp://webtrees.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page
7*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
8*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
9*fac25c68SRico Sonntag# webtrees
10*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
11*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**Note:** This information is also available at [the **webtrees** WIKI](http://wiki.webtrees.net/)
12*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
13*fac25c68SRico Sonntag## Contents
14*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
15*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [License](#license)
16*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Introduction](#introduction)
17*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [System requirements](#requirements)
18*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Installation](#installation)
19*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Upgrading](#upgrading)
20*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Gedcom (family tree) files](#gedcom)
21*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Security](#security)
22*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Backup](#backup)
23*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [Converting from phpgedview](#phpgedview)
24*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
25*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### License<a name="license"></a>
26*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
27*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* **webtrees: Web based Family History software**
28*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Copyright (C) 2013 webtrees development team.
29*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
30*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Derived from PhpGedView - Copyright (C) 2002 to 2010  PGV Development Team.
31*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
32*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* All rights reserved.
33*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
34*fac25c68SRico SonntagThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
35*fac25c68SRico Sonntagterms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
36*fac25c68SRico SonntagFoundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
37*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
38*fac25c68SRico SonntagThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
39*fac25c68SRico SonntagWARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
40*fac25c68SRico SonntagPARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
41*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
42*fac25c68SRico SonntagSee the file GPL.txt included with this software for more detailed licensing
43*fac25c68SRico Sonntaginformation.
44*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
45*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
46*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Introduction<a name="introduction"></a>
47*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
48*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees** is the web's leading online collaborative genealogy application.
49*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
50*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* It works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every
51*fac25c68SRico Sonntagmajor desktop application.
52*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* It aims to to be efficient and effective by using the right combination of
53*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthird-party tools, design techniques and open standards.
54*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
55*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees** allows you to view and edit your genealogy on your website. It has
56*fac25c68SRico Sonntagfull editing capabilities, full privacy functions, and supports multimedia like
57*fac25c68SRico Sonntagphotos and document images. As an on line program, it fosters extended family
58*fac25c68SRico Sonntagparticipation and good ancestral recording habits, as it simplifies the process
59*fac25c68SRico Sonntagof collaborating with others working on your family lines. Your latest information
60*fac25c68SRico Sonntagis always on your web site and available for others to see, defined by viewing
61*fac25c68SRico Sonntagrules you set. For more information and to see working demos, visit
62*fac25c68SRico Sonntag[webtrees.net](http://webtrees.net/).
63*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
64*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees** is Open Source software that has been produced by people from many
65*fac25c68SRico Sonntagcountries freely donating their time and talents to the project. All service,
66*fac25c68SRico Sonntagsupport, and future development is dependent on the time developers are willing
67*fac25c68SRico Sonntagto donate to the project, often at the expense of work, recreation, and family.
68*fac25c68SRico SonntagBeyond the few donations received from users, developers receive no compensation
69*fac25c68SRico Sonntagfor the time they spend working on the project. There is also no outside source
70*fac25c68SRico Sonntagof revenue to support the project. Please consider these circumstances when
71*fac25c68SRico Sonntagmaking support requests and consider volunteering your own time and skills to make
72*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthe project even stronger and better.
73*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
74*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
75*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### System requirements<a name="requirements"></a>
76*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
77*fac25c68SRico SonntagTo install **webtrees**, you need:
78*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
79*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* A webserver. Apache and IIS are the most common types. There are no requirements
80*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  to use a specific type or version.
81*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Approximately 65MB of disk space for the application files, plus whatever is
82*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  needed for your multi-media files, GEDCOM files and database.
83*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* PHP 5.3.2 or later. Note that many web hosts offer *both* PHP4 and PHP5,
84*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  typically with PHP4 as the default. If this is the case, you will be able to
85*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  switch between the two using a control panel or a configuration file. Refer
86*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  to your web host's support documentation for details.
87*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
88*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * PHP should be configured with the PHP/PDO library for MySQL. This is a
89*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     server configuration option. It is enabled by default on most hosts.
90*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     See [http://php.net/pdo](http://php.net/pdo)
91*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * PHP should be configured to allow sufficient server resources (memory and
92*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     execution time) for the size of your system. Typical requirements are:
93*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
94*fac25c68SRico Sonntag      * Small systems (500 individuals): 16-32MB, 10-20 seconds
95*fac25c68SRico Sonntag      * Medium systems (5000 individuals): 32-64MB, 20-40 seconds
96*fac25c68SRico Sonntag      * Large systems (50000 individuals): 64-128MB, 40-80 seconds
97*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
98*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* MySQL 5.0.13 or later. Note that **webtrees** can share a single database
99*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  with other applications, by choosing a unique table prefix during configuration.
100*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  If the number of databases is not restricted, you can set up a database purely
101*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  for use by **webtrees** and create a separate user and password for only
102*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  your genealogy.
103*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Internet browser compatability. **webtrees** supports the use of most
104*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  current versions of open-source browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
105*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  We will do our best to support others such as Opera and Internet Explorer,
106*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  though not their earlier versions. Currently many things do not work well in
107*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  IE7, and some not in IE8 either. We strongly recommend anyone using these
108*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  obsolete browsers upgrade as soon as possible. We are also aware that IE and
109*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  Opera browsers provide poor RTL language support generally, so cannot recommend
110*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  those for sites requiring RTL languages.
111*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* To view sites that contain both left-to-right and right-to-left text (e.g.
112*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  English data on Hebrew pages), you will need to use a browser that provides
113*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  support for the HTML5 **dir="auto"** attribute. At present, only browsers based on
114*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  the WebKit engine (Chrome and Safari) have this. The Gecko (Firefox) and
115*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  Presto (Opera) engines promise to provide this soon.
116*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* HTML Frames. Note that **webtrees** uses cookies to track login sessions. Sites
117*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  that make **webtrees** pages available inside an HTML Frames will encounter
118*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  problems with login for versions 7, 8, and 9 of Internet Explorer. IE users
119*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  should review the ``Privacy settings Tools`` / ``Internet Options`` for more details.
120*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
121*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
122*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Installation<a name="installation"></a>
123*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
124*fac25c68SRico SonntagInstalling **webtrees** is really easy. All you need is a webserver with PHP and
125*fac25c68SRico SonntagMySQL. Almost every web hosting service provides these, but be sure to confirm
126*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthat those supplied meet or exceed the minimum system requirements.
127*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
128*fac25c68SRico Sonntag1. Download latest stable version from [webtrees.net](http://webtrees.net/)
129*fac25c68SRico Sonntag2. Unzip the files and upload them to an empty directory on your web server.
130*fac25c68SRico Sonntag3. Open your web browser and type the URL for your **webtrees** site (for example,
131*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   [http://www.yourserver.com/webtrees](http://www.yourserver.com/webtrees)) into
132*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   the address bar.
133*fac25c68SRico Sonntag4. The **webtrees** setup wizard will start automatically. Simply follow the steps,
134*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   answering each question as you proceed. (See '''Step Six''' procedure below.)
135*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
136*fac25c68SRico SonntagThat's it!
137*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
138*fac25c68SRico SonntagHowever, before you can use **webtrees**, you need one (or possibly more) GEDCOM
139*fac25c68SRico Sonntag(family tree) files. If you have been doing your research using a desktop program
140*fac25c68SRico Sonntagsuch as Family Tree Maker, you can use it's "save as GEDCOM" function to create
141*fac25c68SRico Sonntaga GEDCOM file. If you are starting from scratch, then **webtrees** can create a
142*fac25c68SRico SonntagGEDCOM file for you. Alternatively, you can import data directly from PhpGedView.
143*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
144*fac25c68SRico SonntagSo, after installation, you'll be directed to the GEDCOM (family tree)
145*fac25c68SRico Sonntagadministration page, where you'll need to select one of the following options:
146*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
147*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* On successful completion of all steps you will be taken to the GEDCOM (family tree)
148*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  administration page where you can:
149*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
150*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * UPLOAD a GEDCOM file from your local machine
151*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * ADD a GEDCOM file from your server, (if your GEDCOM file is too large to upload,
152*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     you can copy it to the webtrees/data folder, and load it from there)
153*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * CREATE a new, empty GEDCOM file
154*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * TRANSFER your existing PGV data straight into **webtrees**, using the
155*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     PGV-to-**webtrees** wizard described in section 9 below:
156*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     [Converting form phpgedview](#phpgedview)
157*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
158*fac25c68SRico SonntagThere are *lots* of configuration options. You'll probably want to review the
159*fac25c68SRico Sonntagprivacy settings first. Don't worry too much about all the other options - the
160*fac25c68SRico Sonntagdefaults are good for most people. If you get stuck, there's lots of built-in
161*fac25c68SRico Sonntaghelp and you can get friendly advice from the [help](http://webtrees.net/forums)
162*fac25c68SRico Sonntagforum.
163*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
164*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
165*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Upgrading<a name="upgrading"></a>
166*fac25c68SRico SonntagUpgrading **webtrees** is quick and easy. It is strongly recommended that you
167*fac25c68SRico Sonntagupgrade your installation whenever a new version is made available. Even minor
168*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees** version updates usually contain a significant number of bug fixes
169*fac25c68SRico Sonntagas well as interface improvements and program enhancements. The Administration
170*fac25c68SRico Sonntagpage of your **webtrees** installation will display a notification whenever a
171*fac25c68SRico Sonntagnew version is available.
172*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
173*fac25c68SRico Sonntag1. Now would be a good time to make a [backup](#backup).
174*fac25c68SRico Sonntag2. Download the latest version of **webtrees** available from
175*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   [webtrees.net](http://webtrees.net/)
176*fac25c68SRico Sonntag3. <span style="color:red;">While you are in the middle of uploading the new files,
177*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   a visitor to your site would encounter a mixture of new and old files.  This
178*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   could cause unpredictable behaviour or errors.  To prevent this, create the
179*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   file **data/offline.txt**.  While this file exists, visitors will see a
180*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   "site unavailable - come back later" message.</span>
181*fac25c68SRico Sonntag4. Unzip the .ZIP file, and upload the files to your web server, overwriting the existing files.
182*fac25c68SRico Sonntag5. Delete the file **data/offline.txt**
183*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
184*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
185*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### Note for Macintosh users
186*fac25c68SRico SonntagStep 4 assumes you are using a copy tool that **merges** directories rather than
187*fac25c68SRico Sonntagreplaces them. (**Merge** is standard behaviour on Windows and Linux.) If you use
188*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthe Macintosh Finder or other similar tool to perform step 3, it will **replace**
189*fac25c68SRico Sonntagyour configuration, media and other directories with the empty/default ones from
190*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthe installation. This would be very bad (but you did take a backup in step 1,
191*fac25c68SRico Sonntagdidn't you!). Further details and recommendations for suitable tools can be found
192*fac25c68SRico Sonntagby searching [google.com](http://google.com).
193*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
194*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
195*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### Note for anyone using custom code (modules, themes, etc.).
196*fac25c68SRico SonntagIt is **very likely** that your custom code will not work when you upgrade
197*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees**.
198*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
199*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**We recommend that you disable all custom code before you apply the upgrade.**
200*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
201*fac25c68SRico SonntagDisable custom modules, switch over to a standard
202*fac25c68SRico Sonntagtheme, and remove any code "hacks". Once the upgrade is complete and you are satisfied
203*fac25c68SRico Sonntagyour site is fully operational contact the source of those modules or themes for
204*fac25c68SRico Sonntaga new version.
205*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
206*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
207*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### General note
208*fac25c68SRico SonntagDepending on the changes in the new files, your browser configuration
209*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand possibly other factors, it is always wise to clear both the **webtrees** cache
210*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand your browser cache immediately after the upgrade is completed. The **webtrees**
211*fac25c68SRico Sonntagcache can be cleared simply by going to ``Administration`` ->
212*fac25c68SRico Sonntag``Cleanup data directory`` and deleting the cache.
213*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
214*fac25c68SRico SonntagIf you have any problems or questions, help is available on the
215*fac25c68SRico Sonntag[webtrees forum](http://webtrees.net/forums).
216*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
217*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
218*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Gedcom (family tree) files<a name="gedcom"></a>
219*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
220*fac25c68SRico SonntagWhen you ADD, IMPORT or UPLOAD a family tree (GEDCOM) file in **webtrees** the
221*fac25c68SRico Sonntagdata from the file is all transferred to the database tables. The file itself is
222*fac25c68SRico Sonntagno longer used or required by **webtrees**
223*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
224*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* If you use ADD or IMPORT, your file remains in the webtrees/data folder you
225*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  first copied it to, and will not be changed by any subsequent editing of the
226*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  **webtrees** data.
227*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* If you use UPLOAD, the file is left in its original location, and again remains
228*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  untouched.
229*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
230*fac25c68SRico SonntagWhen or if you change your genealogy data outside of **webtrees**, it is not
231*fac25c68SRico Sonntagnecessary to delete your GEDCOM file or database from **webtrees** and start
232*fac25c68SRico Sonntagover. Follow these steps to update a GEDCOM that has already been imported:
233*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
234*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Decide if you want to IMPORT or UPLOAD your new GEDCOM file.
235*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
236*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * Use UPLOAD if your family tree file is smaller than your server's PHP file
237*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     upload limit (often 2MB).The new file can have any name you choose.
238*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * Use IMPORT for larger files. In this case you need to use FTP to first copy
239*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     your file to the webtrees/data folder. Either copy over the existing file,
240*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     or use a different name.
241*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
242*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* From the Administration page, go to your **webtrees** Family trees (GEDCOM)
243*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  configuration page. On the line  relating to this particular family tree (GEDCOM)
244*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  file (or a new one) click either IMPORT or UPLOAD.
245*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Take careful note of the media items option (_"If you have created media objects
246*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  in **webtrees**, and have edited your gedcom off-line using a program that
247*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  deletes media objects, then tick this box to merge the current media objects
248*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  with the new GEDCOM."_) In most cases you should leave this box **UNCHECKED**.
249*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Click "SAVE". **webtrees** will validate the GEDCOM again before importing.
250*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  During this process, **webtrees** copies your entire family tree (GEDCOM file)
251*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  to a 'chunk' table within your database. Depending on the coding of your file,
252*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  its file size and the capabilities of your server and the supporting software,
253*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  this may take some time. **No progress bar will show while the data is being
254*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  copied** and should you navigate away from this page, the process is suspended.
255*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  It will start again when you return to the Family Tree management page.
256*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
257*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
258*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### FORMAT
259*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
260*fac25c68SRico SonntagEvery Family History program has its own method of creating GEDCOM files, and
261*fac25c68SRico Sonntagdiffering output format options to select from. **webtrees'** import routines
262*fac25c68SRico Sonntagcan read many different formats, but not necessarily all. If your software has
263*fac25c68SRico Sonntaga "UTF8" option you should always use that. However, **webtrees** has been
264*fac25c68SRico Sonntagtested with these alternative formats:
265*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
266*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* ANSI
267*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * imports OK, but is slow due to the translation into UTF8 as part
268*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     of the import process.
269*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* MAC
270*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * imports OK, but is slow due to the translation into UTF8 as part
271*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     of the import process.
272*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* DOS
273*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * imports OK, but is slow due to the translation into UTF8 as part
274*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     of the import process.
275*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* ANSEL
276*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   * currently will not import. Gives warning <em>Error: cannot convert
277*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     GEDCOM file from ANSEL encoding to UTF-8 encoding.</em> Later releases
278*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     of **webtrees** may include translation from ANSEL to UTF8, but this
279*fac25c68SRico Sonntag     is not a simple process.
280*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
281*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
282*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Security<a name="security"></a>
283*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
284*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**Security** in _webtrees_ means ensuring your site is safe from unwanted
285*fac25c68SRico Sonntagintrusions, hacking, or access to data and configuration files. The developers
286*fac25c68SRico Sonntagof _webtrees_ regard security as an extremely important part of its development
287*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand have made every attempt to ensure your data is safe.
288*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
289*fac25c68SRico SonntagThe area most at risk of intrusion would be the /data folder that contains your
290*fac25c68SRico Sonntagconfig.ini.php file, and various temporary files. If you are concerned there
291*fac25c68SRico Sonntagmay be a risk there is a very simple test you can do: try to fetch **config.ini.php**
292*fac25c68SRico Sonntagby typing **http://_url to your site_/data/config.ini.php** in your web
293*fac25c68SRico Sonntagbrowser.
294*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
295*fac25c68SRico SonntagThe most likely result is an "access denied" message like this:
296*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
297*fac25c68SRico Sonntag    Forbidden
298*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
299*fac25c68SRico Sonntag    You don't have permission to access /data/xxxx.ged on this server.
300*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
301*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
302*fac25c68SRico SonntagThis indicates that the protection built into **webtrees** is working, and no
303*fac25c68SRico Sonntagfurther action is required.
304*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
305*fac25c68SRico SonntagIn the unlikely event you do fetch the file (you will just see a semicolon),
306*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthen that protection is not working on your site and you should take some further
307*fac25c68SRico Sonntagaction.
308*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
309*fac25c68SRico SonntagIf your server runs PHP in CGI mode, then change the permission of the /data
310*fac25c68SRico Sonntagdirectory to 700 instead of 777. This will block access to the httpd process,
311*fac25c68SRico Sonntagwhile still allowing access to PHP scripts.
312*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
313*fac25c68SRico SonntagThis will work for perhaps 99% of all users. Only the remaining 1% should consider
314*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthe most complex solution, moving the /data/ directory out of accessible web
315*fac25c68SRico Sonntagspace. (**_Note:_** In many shared hosting environments this is not an option anyway.)
316*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
317*fac25c68SRico SonntagIf you do find it necessary, following is an example of the process required:
318*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
319*fac25c68SRico SonntagIf your home directory is something like **/home/username**,
320*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand the root directory for your web site is **/home/username/public_html**,
321*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand you have installed **webtrees** in the **public_html/webtrees** directory,
322*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthen you would create a new **data** folder in your home directory at the same
323*fac25c68SRico Sonntaglevel as your public_html directory, such as **/home/username/private/data**,
324*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand place your GEDCOM (family tree) file there.
325*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
326*fac25c68SRico SonntagThen change the **Data file directory** setting on the ``Admin`` ->
327*fac25c68SRico Sonntag``Site Administration`` page from the default **data/** to the new
328*fac25c68SRico Sonntaglocation **/home/username/private/data**
329*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
330*fac25c68SRico SonntagYou will have **two** data directories:
331*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
332*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* [path to webtrees]/data - just needs to contain config.ini.php
333*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* /home/username/private/data - contains everything else
334*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
335*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
336*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
337*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
338*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees** supports https access. If your website is configured with mandatory
339*fac25c68SRico Sonntagor optional https support **webtrees** will operate correctly in either mode.
340*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
341*fac25c68SRico SonntagIf your website is configured with optional https support, **webtrees** can be
342*fac25c68SRico Sonntagconfigured to switch to https at login. To enable https at login, set the Login
343*fac25c68SRico SonntagURL setting on the ``Admin`` -> ``Site Administration`` ->
344*fac25c68SRico Sonntag``Configuration page`` to your https login URL, which is often in the form
345*fac25c68SRico Sonntag[https://example.com/admin.php](https://example.com/admin.php)
346*fac25c68SRico Sonntag(substitute your domain for example.com).
347*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
348*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**Warning:** Misconfiguration can disable your login links. If this occurs,
349*fac25c68SRico Sonntagaccess the login by typing the correct URL directly into your browser's address input.
350*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
351*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
352*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Backup<a name="backup"></a>
353*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
354*fac25c68SRico SonntagBackups are good. Whatever problem you have, it can always be fixed from a good
355*fac25c68SRico Sonntagbackup.
356*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
357*fac25c68SRico SonntagTo make a backup of webtrees, you need to make a copy of the following
358*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
359*fac25c68SRico Sonntag1. The files in the *webtrees/data* directory.
360*fac25c68SRico Sonntag2. The files in the *webtrees/media* directory.
361*fac25c68SRico Sonntag3. The tables in the database. Freely available tools such as
362*fac25c68SRico Sonntag   [phpMyAdmin](http://www.phpmyadmin.net) allow you to do this in one click.
363*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
364*fac25c68SRico SonntagRemember that most web hosting services do NOT backup your data, and this is
365*fac25c68SRico Sonntagyour responsibility.
366*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
367*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
368*fac25c68SRico Sonntag### Converting from phpgedview<a name="phpgedview"></a>
369*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
370*fac25c68SRico SonntagIf you are moving to **webtrees** from an existing PhpGedView ("PGV") setup, and
371*fac25c68SRico Sonntagyour PGV install meets certain requirements, **webtrees** has provided a "wizard"
372*fac25c68SRico Sonntagto help make the transfer of the majority of your data a relatively quick and
373*fac25c68SRico Sonntagpainless operation. See exceptions noted below. Please note that we have designed
374*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthis wizard so as to not disturb your existing PGV installation, leaving all those
375*fac25c68SRico Sonntagsettings, data and your website intact and fully functional.
376*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
377*fac25c68SRico SonntagThe requirements are:
378*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
379*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* The PGV database and index directory must be on the same server as **webtrees**.
380*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* Your **webtrees** MySQL database username and password must either be the same
381*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  as your PGV username and password, or if you created a new user for **webtrees**,
382*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  that new user must also have full privileges to access your PGV database.
383*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* PGV must be at least versions 4.2.3 or 4.2.4 (this corresponds to an internal
384*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  "PGV_SCHEMA_VERSION" of between 10 and 14).  Newer versions, including the current
385*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  version 4.3 SVN work (as of JAN 2013) also currently, and later versions, should
386*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  they be released, will probably work, provided the data structures do not change;
387*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* All changes in PGV must be accepted (as pending edits will not be transfered).
388*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* All existing PGV users must have an email address, and it must be unique to that
389*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  user (PGV allows users to delete their email address, or have the same email
390*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  address as other users;  **webtrees** requires that all users have their own
391*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  unique email address).
392*fac25c68SRico Sonntag* The wizard transfer process overwrites the username and password you may have
393*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  entered in setting up the initial admin account. The main administration user
394*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  name and password in **webtrees** will be identical to the admin user name and
395*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  password from PGV after running the wizard. Once done, you can change it back
396*fac25c68SRico Sonntag  if desired.
397*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
398*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### Warning
399*fac25c68SRico SonntagPlease read the http://wiki.webtrees.net/en/Converting_from_PhpGedView
400*fac25c68SRico Sonntagbefore doing a transfer as important pre-processing steps and known issues may
401*fac25c68SRico Sonntagbe outlined there.
402*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
403*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### Important Note
404*fac25c68SRico SonntagThis transfer wizard is not able to assist with moving media items. You will need
405*fac25c68SRico Sonntagto set up and move or copy your media configuration and objects separately after
406*fac25c68SRico Sonntagthe transfer wizard is finished. If you use the media firewall in PGV with a
407*fac25c68SRico Sonntagdirectory outside the PGV root, then duplicating the media configuration in
408*fac25c68SRico Sonntag**webtrees** to use the same firewall directory should make your media available
409*fac25c68SRico Sonntagin **webtrees**.
410*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
411*fac25c68SRico SonntagAfter the transfer is complete, you should check your family tree configuration
412*fac25c68SRico Sonntagand privacy settings. Due to differences in internal data formats, the following
413*fac25c68SRico Sonntagsettings are not yet transfered: custom privacy restrictions, block configuration,
414*fac25c68SRico SonntagFAQs, and HTML blocks.  We hope to add these to the wizard in a future release.
415*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
416*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
417*fac25c68SRico Sonntag#### Custom privacy restrictions, block configuration, FAQs and HTML blocks
418*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
419*fac25c68SRico SonntagWe hope to add these to the wizard in a future release. Otherwise, read the
420*fac25c68SRico Sonntaghttp://wiki.webtrees.net/en/Converting_from_PhpGedView before reporting a problem
421*fac25c68SRico Sonntagin the forum.
422*fac25c68SRico Sonntag
423*fac25c68SRico SonntagThe transfer wizard is accessed in **webtrees** from the bottom of the
424*fac25c68SRico Sonntag"Manage family trees" page to which you will be automatically directed once you
425*fac25c68SRico Sonntaghave completed the initial **webtrees** installation steps (section 4 above:
426*fac25c68SRico Sonntag[installation](#installation)). This option is only available on a new,
427*fac25c68SRico Sonntagempty **webtrees** installation; once you have created a GEDCOM (family tree)
428*fac25c68SRico Sonntagor added user accounts, it will no longer be available.