1SubDir HAIKU_TOP src system kernel lib zstd ; 2 3local zstdSourceDirectory = [ BuildFeatureAttribute zstd : sources : path ] ; 4UseHeaders [ FDirName $(zstdSourceDirectory) lib ] ; 5UseHeaders [ FDirName $(zstdSourceDirectory) lib common ] ; 6 7local zstdCommonSources = 8 error_private.c 9 entropy_common.c fse_decompress.c zstd_common.c 10 xxhash.c 11 ; 12local zstdDecSources = 13 huf_decompress.c zstd_decompress.c 14 ; 15 16LOCATE on [ FGristFiles $(zstdCommonSources) ] = 17 [ FDirName $(zstdSourceDirectory) lib common ] ; 18LOCATE on [ FGristFiles $(zstdDecSources) ] = 19 [ FDirName $(zstdSourceDirectory) lib decompress ] ; 20Depends [ FGristFiles $(zstdCommonSources) $(zstdDecSources) ] 21 : [ BuildFeatureAttribute zstd : sources ] ; 22 23# Build zstd with PIC, such that it can be used by kernel add-ons (filesystems). 24KernelStaticLibrary kernel_libzstd.a : 25 $(zstdCommonSources) $(zstdDecSources) 26 ; 27