xref: /haiku/src/libs/glut/glutBlocker.h (revision 5e96d7d537fbec23bad4ae9b4c8e7b02e769f0c6)
1 /***********************************************************
2  *      Copyright (C) 1997, Be Inc.  Copyright (C) 1999, Jake Hamby.
3  *
4  * This program is freely distributable without licensing fees
5  * and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or
6  * implied. This program is -not- in the public domain.
7  *
8  *  FILE:	glutBlocker.h
9  *
10  *	DESCRIPTION:	helper class for GLUT event loop.
11  *		if a window receives an event, wake up the event loop.
12  ***********************************************************/
14 /***********************************************************
15  *	Headers
16  ***********************************************************/
17 #include <kernel/OS.h>
19 /***********************************************************
20  *	CLASS:	GlutBlocker
21  *
22  *	DESCRIPTION:  Fairly naive, but safe implementation.
23  *		global semaphore controls access to state
24  *		event semaphore blocks WaitEvent() call if necessary
25  *		(this is basically a condition variable class)
26  ***********************************************************/
27 class GlutBlocker {
28 public:
29 	GlutBlocker();
30 	~GlutBlocker();
31 	void WaitEvent();		// wait for new event
32 	void WaitEvent(bigtime_t usecs);	// wait with timeout
33 	void NewEvent();		// new event from a window (may need to wakeup main thread)
34 	void QuickNewEvent() { events = true; }	// new event from main thread
35 	void ClearEvents() { events = false; }		// clear counter at beginning of event loop
36 	bool PendingEvent() { return events; }		// XPending() equivalent
37 private:
38 	sem_id gSem;
39 	sem_id eSem;
40 	bool events;	// are there any new events?
41 	bool sleeping;	// is someone sleeping on eSem?
42 };
44 /***********************************************************
45  *	Global variable
46  ***********************************************************/
47 extern GlutBlocker gBlock;