xref: /haiku/src/kits/shared/RWLocker.cpp (revision 495060760727dd782c9f8a90db71e5d727f19748)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006, Haiku.
3  * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
4  *
5  * Authors:
6  *		IngoWeinhold <bonefish@cs.tu-berlin.de>
7  */
9 #include "RWLocker.h"
11 #include <String.h>
13 // info about a read lock owner
14 struct RWLocker::ReadLockInfo {
15 	thread_id	reader;
16 	int32		count;
17 };
20 // constructor
21 RWLocker::RWLocker()
22 	: fLock(),
23 	  fMutex(),
24 	  fQueue(),
25 	  fReaderCount(0),
26 	  fWriterCount(0),
27 	  fReadLockInfos(8),
28 	  fWriter(B_ERROR),
29 	  fWriterWriterCount(0),
30 	  fWriterReaderCount(0)
31 {
32 	_Init(NULL);
33 }
35 // constructor
36 RWLocker::RWLocker(const char* name)
37 	: fLock(name),
38 	  fMutex(),
39 	  fQueue(),
40 	  fReaderCount(0),
41 	  fWriterCount(0),
42 	  fReadLockInfos(8),
43 	  fWriter(B_ERROR),
44 	  fWriterWriterCount(0),
45 	  fWriterReaderCount(0)
46 {
47 	_Init(name);
48 }
50 // destructor
51 RWLocker::~RWLocker()
52 {
53 	fLock.Lock();
54 	delete_sem(fMutex.semaphore);
55 	delete_sem(fQueue.semaphore);
56 	for (int32 i = 0; ReadLockInfo* info = _ReadLockInfoAt(i); i++)
57 		delete info;
58 }
60 // ReadLock
61 bool
62 RWLocker::ReadLock()
63 {
64 	status_t error = _ReadLock(B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT);
65 	return (error == B_OK);
66 }
68 // ReadLockWithTimeout
69 status_t
70 RWLocker::ReadLockWithTimeout(bigtime_t timeout)
71 {
72 	bigtime_t absoluteTimeout = system_time() + timeout;
73 	// take care of overflow
74 	if (timeout > 0 && absoluteTimeout < 0)
75 		absoluteTimeout = B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT;
76 	return _ReadLock(absoluteTimeout);
77 }
79 // ReadUnlock
80 void
81 RWLocker::ReadUnlock()
82 {
83 	if (fLock.Lock()) {
84 		thread_id thread = find_thread(NULL);
85 		if (thread == fWriter) {
86 			// We (also) have a write lock.
87 			if (fWriterReaderCount > 0)
88 				fWriterReaderCount--;
89 			// else: error: unmatched ReadUnlock()
90 		} else {
91 			int32 index = _IndexOf(thread);
92 			if (ReadLockInfo* info = _ReadLockInfoAt(index)) {
93 				fReaderCount--;
94 				if (--info->count == 0) {
95 					// The outer read lock bracket for the thread has been
96 					// reached. Dispose the info.
97 					_DeleteReadLockInfo(index);
98 				}
99 				if (fReaderCount == 0) {
100 					// The last reader needs to unlock the mutex.
101 					_ReleaseBenaphore(fMutex);
102 				}
103 			}	// else: error: caller has no read lock
104 		}
105 		fLock.Unlock();
106 	}	// else: we are probably going to be destroyed
107 }
109 // IsReadLocked
110 //
111 // Returns whether or not the calling thread owns a read lock or even a
112 // write lock.
113 bool
114 RWLocker::IsReadLocked() const
115 {
116 	bool result = false;
117 	if (fLock.Lock()) {
118 		thread_id thread = find_thread(NULL);
119 		result = (thread == fWriter || _IndexOf(thread) >= 0);
120 		fLock.Unlock();
121 	}
122 	return result;
123 }
125 // WriteLock
126 bool
127 RWLocker::WriteLock()
128 {
129 	status_t error = _WriteLock(B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT);
130 	return (error == B_OK);
131 }
133 // WriteLockWithTimeout
134 status_t
135 RWLocker::WriteLockWithTimeout(bigtime_t timeout)
136 {
137 	bigtime_t absoluteTimeout = system_time() + timeout;
138 	// take care of overflow
139 	if (timeout > 0 && absoluteTimeout < 0)
140 		absoluteTimeout = B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT;
141 	return _WriteLock(absoluteTimeout);
142 }
144 // WriteUnlock
145 void
146 RWLocker::WriteUnlock()
147 {
148 	if (fLock.Lock()) {
149 		thread_id thread = find_thread(NULL);
150 		if (thread == fWriter) {
151 			fWriterCount--;
152 			if (--fWriterWriterCount == 0) {
153 				// The outer write lock bracket for the thread has been
154 				// reached.
155 				fWriter = B_ERROR;
156 				if (fWriterReaderCount > 0) {
157 					// We still own read locks.
158 					_NewReadLockInfo(thread, fWriterReaderCount);
159 					// A reader that expects to be the first reader may wait
160 					// at the mutex semaphore. We need to wake it up.
161 					if (fReaderCount > 0)
162 						_ReleaseBenaphore(fMutex);
163 					fReaderCount += fWriterReaderCount;
164 					fWriterReaderCount = 0;
165 				} else {
166 					// We don't own any read locks. So we have to release the
167 					// mutex benaphore.
168 					_ReleaseBenaphore(fMutex);
169 				}
170 			}
171 		}	// else: error: unmatched WriteUnlock()
172 		fLock.Unlock();
173 	}	// else: We're probably going to die.
174 }
176 // IsWriteLocked
177 //
178 // Returns whether or not the calling thread owns a write lock.
179 bool
180 RWLocker::IsWriteLocked() const
181 {
182 	return (fWriter == find_thread(NULL));
183 }
185 // _Init
186 void
187 RWLocker::_Init(const char* name)
188 {
189 	// init the mutex benaphore
190 	BString mutexName(name);
191 	mutexName += "_RWLocker_mutex";
192 	fMutex.semaphore = create_sem(0, mutexName.String());
193 	fMutex.counter = 0;
194 	// init the queueing benaphore
195 	BString queueName(name);
196 	queueName += "_RWLocker_queue";
197 	fQueue.semaphore = create_sem(0, queueName.String());
198 	fQueue.counter = 0;
199 }
201 // _ReadLock
202 //
203 // /timeout/ -- absolute timeout
204 status_t
205 RWLocker::_ReadLock(bigtime_t timeout)
206 {
207 	status_t error = B_OK;
208 	thread_id thread = find_thread(NULL);
209 	bool locked = false;
210 	if (fLock.Lock()) {
211 		// Check, if we already own a read (or write) lock. In this case we
212 		// can skip the usual locking procedure.
213 		if (thread == fWriter) {
214 			// We already own a write lock.
215 			fWriterReaderCount++;
216 			locked = true;
217 		} else if (ReadLockInfo* info = _ReadLockInfoAt(_IndexOf(thread))) {
218 			// We already own a read lock.
219 			info->count++;
220 			fReaderCount++;
221 			locked = true;
222 		}
223 		fLock.Unlock();
224 	} else	// failed to lock the data
225 		error = B_ERROR;
226 	// Usual locking, i.e. we do not already own a read or write lock.
227 	if (error == B_OK && !locked) {
228 		error = _AcquireBenaphore(fQueue, timeout);
229 		if (error == B_OK) {
230 			if (fLock.Lock()) {
231 				bool firstReader = false;
232 				if (++fReaderCount == 1) {
233 					// We are the first reader.
234 					_NewReadLockInfo(thread);
235 					firstReader = true;
236 				} else
237 					_NewReadLockInfo(thread);
238 				fLock.Unlock();
239 				// The first reader needs to lock the mutex.
240 				if (firstReader) {
241 					error = _AcquireBenaphore(fMutex, timeout);
242 					switch (error) {
243 						case B_OK:
244 							// fine
245 							break;
246 						case B_TIMED_OUT: {
247 							// clean up
248 							if (fLock.Lock()) {
249 								_DeleteReadLockInfo(_IndexOf(thread));
250 								fReaderCount--;
251 								fLock.Unlock();
252 							}
253 							break;
254 						}
255 						default:
256 							// Probably we are going to be destroyed.
257 							break;
258 					}
259 				}
260 				// Let the next candidate enter the game.
261 				_ReleaseBenaphore(fQueue);
262 			} else {
263 				// We couldn't lock the data, which can only happen, if
264 				// we're going to be destroyed.
265 				error = B_ERROR;
266 			}
267 		}
268 	}
269 	return error;
270 }
272 // _WriteLock
273 //
274 // /timeout/ -- absolute timeout
275 status_t
276 RWLocker::_WriteLock(bigtime_t timeout)
277 {
278 	status_t error = B_ERROR;
279 	if (fLock.Lock()) {
280 		bool infiniteTimeout = (timeout == B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT);
281 		bool locked = false;
282 		int32 readerCount = 0;
283 		thread_id thread = find_thread(NULL);
284 		int32 index = _IndexOf(thread);
285 		if (ReadLockInfo* info = _ReadLockInfoAt(index)) {
286 			// We already own a read lock.
287 			if (fWriterCount > 0) {
288 				// There are writers before us.
289 				if (infiniteTimeout) {
290 					// Timeout is infinite and there are writers before us.
291 					// Unregister the read locks and lock as usual.
292 					readerCount = info->count;
293 					fWriterCount++;
294 					fReaderCount -= readerCount;
295 					_DeleteReadLockInfo(index);
296 					error = B_OK;
297 				} else {
298 					// The timeout is finite and there are readers before us:
299 					// let the write lock request fail.
300 					error = B_WOULD_BLOCK;
301 				}
302 			} else if (info->count == fReaderCount) {
303 				// No writers before us.
304 				// We are the only read lock owners. Just move the read lock
305 				// info data to the special writer fields and then we are done.
306 				// Note: At this point we may overtake readers that already
307 				// have acquired the queueing benaphore, but have not yet
308 				// locked the data. But that doesn't harm.
309 				fWriter = thread;
310 				fWriterCount++;
311 				fWriterWriterCount = 1;
312 				fWriterReaderCount = info->count;
313 				fReaderCount -= fWriterReaderCount;
314 				_DeleteReadLockInfo(index);
315 				locked = true;
316 				error = B_OK;
317 			} else {
318 				// No writers before us, but other readers.
319 				// Note, we're quite restrictive here. If there are only
320 				// readers before us, we could reinstall our readers, if
321 				// our request times out. Unfortunately it is not easy
322 				// to ensure, that no writer overtakes us between unlocking
323 				// the data and acquiring the queuing benaphore.
324 				if (infiniteTimeout) {
325 					// Unregister the readers and lock as usual.
326 					readerCount = info->count;
327 					fWriterCount++;
328 					fReaderCount -= readerCount;
329 					_DeleteReadLockInfo(index);
330 					error = B_OK;
331 				} else
332 					error = B_WOULD_BLOCK;
333 			}
334 		} else {
335 			// We don't own a read lock.
336 			if (fWriter == thread) {
337 				// ... but a write lock.
338 				fWriterCount++;
339 				fWriterWriterCount++;
340 				locked = true;
341 				error = B_OK;
342 			} else {
343 				// We own neither read nor write locks.
344 				// Lock as usual.
345 				fWriterCount++;
346 				error = B_OK;
347 			}
348 		}
349 		fLock.Unlock();
350 		// Usual locking...
351 		// First step: acquire the queueing benaphore.
352 		if (!locked && error == B_OK) {
353 			error = _AcquireBenaphore(fQueue, timeout);
354 			switch (error) {
355 				case B_OK:
356 					break;
357 				case B_TIMED_OUT: {
358 					// clean up
359 					if (fLock.Lock()) {
360 						fWriterCount--;
361 						fLock.Unlock();
362 					}	// else: failed to lock the data: we're probably going
363 						// to die.
364 					break;
365 				}
366 				default:
367 					// Probably we're going to die.
368 					break;
369 			}
370 		}
371 		// Second step: acquire the mutex benaphore.
372 		if (!locked && error == B_OK) {
373 			error = _AcquireBenaphore(fMutex, timeout);
374 			switch (error) {
375 				case B_OK: {
376 					// Yeah, we made it. Set the special writer fields.
377 					fWriter = thread;
378 					fWriterWriterCount = 1;
379 					fWriterReaderCount = readerCount;
380 					break;
381 				}
382 				case B_TIMED_OUT: {
383 					// clean up
384 					if (fLock.Lock()) {
385 						fWriterCount--;
386 						fLock.Unlock();
387 					}	// else: failed to lock the data: we're probably going
388 						// to die.
389 					break;
390 				}
391 				default:
392 					// Probably we're going to die.
393 					break;
394 			}
395 			// Whatever happened, we have to release the queueing benaphore.
396 			_ReleaseBenaphore(fQueue);
397 		}
398 	} else	// failed to lock the data
399 		error = B_ERROR;
400 	return error;
401 }
403 // _AddReadLockInfo
404 int32
405 RWLocker::_AddReadLockInfo(ReadLockInfo* info)
406 {
407 	int32 index = fReadLockInfos.CountItems();
408 	fReadLockInfos.AddItem(info, index);
409 	return index;
410 }
412 // _NewReadLockInfo
413 //
414 // Create a new read lock info for the supplied thread and add it to the
415 // list. Returns the index of the info.
416 int32
417 RWLocker::_NewReadLockInfo(thread_id thread, int32 count)
418 {
419 	ReadLockInfo* info = new ReadLockInfo;
420 	info->reader = thread;
421 	info->count = count;
422 	return _AddReadLockInfo(info);
423 }
425 // _DeleteReadLockInfo
426 void
427 RWLocker::_DeleteReadLockInfo(int32 index)
428 {
429 	if (ReadLockInfo* info = (ReadLockInfo*)fReadLockInfos.RemoveItem(index))
430 		delete info;
431 }
433 // _ReadLockInfoAt
434 RWLocker::ReadLockInfo*
435 RWLocker::_ReadLockInfoAt(int32 index) const
436 {
437 	return (ReadLockInfo*)fReadLockInfos.ItemAt(index);
438 }
440 // _IndexOf
441 int32
442 RWLocker::_IndexOf(thread_id thread) const
443 {
444 	int32 count = fReadLockInfos.CountItems();
445 	for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
446 		if (_ReadLockInfoAt(i)->reader == thread)
447 			return i;
448 	}
449 	return -1;
450 }
452 // _AcquireBenaphore
453 status_t
454 RWLocker::_AcquireBenaphore(Benaphore& benaphore, bigtime_t timeout)
455 {
456 	status_t error = B_OK;
457 	if (atomic_add(&benaphore.counter, 1) > 0) {
458 		error = acquire_sem_etc(benaphore.semaphore, 1, B_ABSOLUTE_TIMEOUT,
459 								timeout);
460 	}
461 	return error;
462 }
464 // _ReleaseBenaphore
465 void
466 RWLocker::_ReleaseBenaphore(Benaphore& benaphore)
467 {
468 	if (atomic_add(&benaphore.counter, -1) > 1)
469 		release_sem(benaphore.semaphore);
470 }