xref: /haiku/src/bin/WindowShade.cpp (revision dfc8a217db488098641462dfc334dcc0f7d62456)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2007, Haiku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3  * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
4  *
5  * Authors:
6  *		François Revol, revol@free.fr
7  *		Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de
8  */
11 #include <getopt.h>
12 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <Application.h>
15 #include <InterfaceDefs.h>
16 #include <String.h>
18 namespace BPrivate {
19 int32 count_decorators(void);
20 int32 get_decorator(void);
21 status_t get_decorator_name(const int32 &index, BString &name);
22 status_t get_decorator_preview(const int32 &index, BBitmap *bitmap);
23 status_t set_decorator(const int32 &index);
24 }
26 using namespace BPrivate;
28 static int sColorWhich = -1;
29 static struct option const kLongOptions[] = {
30 	{"activetab", required_argument, &sColorWhich, B_WINDOW_TAB_COLOR},
31 	{"frame", required_argument, &sColorWhich, B_WINDOW_INACTIVE_TAB_COLOR}, //XXX:??
32 	{"activeborder", required_argument, &sColorWhich, -1}, //XXX:??
33 	{"inactiveborder", required_argument, &sColorWhich, -1}, //XXX:??
34 	{"activetitle", required_argument, &sColorWhich, B_WINDOW_TEXT_COLOR},
35 	{"inactivetitle", required_argument, &sColorWhich, B_WINDOW_INACTIVE_TEXT_COLOR},
36 	//temporary stuff
37 	// grep '      B_.*_COLOR' headers/os/interface/InterfaceDefs.h | awk '{ print "I(" substr(tolower($1),3) ", " $1 ")," }'
38 #define I(l,v) \
39 	{ #l, required_argument, &sColorWhich, v }, \
40 	{ #v, required_argument, &sColorWhich, v }
42 I(panel_background_color, B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
43 I(panel_text_color, B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR),
44 I(document_background_color, B_DOCUMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
45 I(document_text_color, B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR),
46 I(control_background_color, B_CONTROL_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
47 I(control_text_color, B_CONTROL_TEXT_COLOR),
48 I(control_border_color, B_CONTROL_BORDER_COLOR),
49 I(control_highlight_color, B_CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR),
50 I(navigation_base_color, B_NAVIGATION_BASE_COLOR),
51 I(navigation_pulse_color, B_NAVIGATION_PULSE_COLOR),
52 I(shine_color, B_SHINE_COLOR),
53 I(shadow_color, B_SHADOW_COLOR),
54 I(menu_background_color, B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
55 I(menu_selected_background_color, B_MENU_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
56 I(menu_item_text_color, B_MENU_ITEM_TEXT_COLOR),
57 I(menu_selected_item_text_color, B_MENU_SELECTED_ITEM_TEXT_COLOR),
58 I(menu_selected_border_color, B_MENU_SELECTED_BORDER_COLOR),
59 I(tooltip_background_color, B_TOOL_TIP_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
60 I(tooltip_text_color, B_TOOL_TIP_TEXT_COLOR),
61 I(success_color, B_SUCCESS_COLOR),
62 I(failure_color, B_FAILURE_COLOR),
63 I(keyboard_navigation_color, B_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION_COLOR),
64 I(menu_selection_background_color, B_MENU_SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR),
65 I(desktop_color, B_DESKTOP_COLOR),
66 I(window_tab_color, B_WINDOW_TAB_COLOR),
67 I(window_text_color, B_WINDOW_TEXT_COLOR),
68 I(window_inactive_tab_color, B_WINDOW_INACTIVE_TAB_COLOR),
69 I(window_inactive_text_color, B_WINDOW_INACTIVE_TEXT_COLOR),
71 	{"sum", required_argument, 0, 's'},
72 	{"refresh", no_argument, 0, 'r'},
73 	{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
74 	{NULL}
75 };
77 extern const char *__progname;
78 static const char *sProgramName = __progname;
81 void
82 usage(void)
83 {
84 	printf("%s [-sum md5sum] [colID colspec] [-refresh]\n", sProgramName);
85 	printf("Tweak the default window decorator colors.\n");
86 	printf("\t-sum          deprecated option, kept for compatibility\n");
87 	printf("\t-refresh      refresh the entire display (force update)\n");
88 	printf("\tcolID can be:\n");
89 	printf("\t-activetab\n");
90 	printf("\t-frame\n");
91 	printf("\t-activeborder\n");
92 	printf("\t-inactiveborder\n");
93 	printf("\t-activetitle\n");
94 	printf("\t-inactivetitle\n");
95 	printf("\tcolspec is a 6 digit hexadecimal color number. \n"
96 		"\t\t\t(rrggbb, html format)\n");
97 }
100 static int
101 UpdateUIColor(color_which which, const char *str)
102 {
103 	rgb_color color;
104 	unsigned int r, g, b;
105 	if (which < 0)
106 		return -1;
107 	// parse
108 	if (!str || !str[0])
109 		return -1;
110 	if (str[0] == '#')
111 		str++;
112 	if (sscanf(str, "%02x%02x%02x", &r, &g, &b) < 3)
113 		return -1;
114 	color.red = r;
115 	color.green = g;
116 	color.blue = b;
117 	color.alpha = 255;
118 	//printf("setting %d to {%d, %d, %d, %d}\n", which, r, g, b, 255);
119 	set_ui_color(which, color);
120 	return B_OK;
121 }
123 int
124 main(int argc, char **argv)
125 {
126 	BApplication app("application/x-vnd.Haiku-WindowShade");
127 	int c;
129 	// parse command line parameters
131 	while ((c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "h", kLongOptions, NULL)) != -1) {
132 		switch (c) {
133 			case 0:
134 				UpdateUIColor((color_which)sColorWhich, optarg);
135 				break;
136 			case 'h':
137 				usage();
138 				return 0;
139 			default:
140 				usage();
141 				return 1;
143 			case 'r':
144 				// TODO: refresh (but shouldn't be needed)
145 				set_decorator(get_decorator());
146 				break;
147 			case 's':
148 				// IGNORED, for compatibility with original app
149 				break;
150 		}
151 		sColorWhich = -1;
152 	}
154 	return 0;
155 }