xref: /haiku/src/apps/showimage/ShowImageView.h (revision d3d8b26997fac34a84981e6d2b649521de2cc45a)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2003-2006, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3  * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
4  *
5  * Authors:
6  *		Fernando Francisco de Oliveira
7  *		Michael Wilber
8  *		Michael Pfeiffer
9  */
10 #ifndef SHOW_IMAGE_VIEW_H
11 #define SHOW_IMAGE_VIEW_H
14 #include "Filter.h"
15 #include "ShowImageUndo.h"
17 #include <Bitmap.h>
18 #include <Entry.h>
19 #include <NodeInfo.h>
20 #include <String.h>
21 #include <TranslatorRoster.h>
22 #include <View.h>
25 // delay scaling operation, so that a sequence of zoom in/out operations works smoother
26 #define DELAYED_SCALING 1
27 // width of the black border stroked arround the bitmap
28 #define PEN_SIZE 1.0f
30 class ShowImageView : public BView {
31 	public:
32 		ShowImageView(BRect rect, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode,
33 			uint32 flags);
34 		virtual ~ShowImageView();
36 		virtual void AttachedToWindow();
37 		virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
38 		virtual void FrameResized(float width, float height);
39 		virtual void MouseDown(BPoint point);
40 		virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 state, const BMessage *message);
41 		virtual void MouseUp(BPoint point);
42 		virtual void KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes);
43 		virtual void Pulse();
45 		virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *message);
47 		void SetTrackerMessenger(const BMessenger& trackerMessenger);
48 		status_t SetImage(const entry_ref *ref);
49 		const entry_ref* Image() const { return &fCurrentRef; }
51 		void SaveToFile(BDirectory* dir, const char* name, BBitmap* bitmap,
52 				const translation_format* format);
53 		void SetDither(bool dither);
54 		bool GetDither() const { return fDither; }
55 		void SetShowCaption(bool show);
56 		void SetShrinkToBounds(bool enable);
57 		bool GetShrinkToBounds() const { return fShrinkToBounds; }
58 		void SetZoomToBounds(bool enable);
59 		bool GetZoomToBounds() const { return fZoomToBounds; }
60 		void SetBorder(bool hasBorder);
61 		bool HasBorder() const { return fHasBorder; }
62 		void SetAlignment(alignment horizontal, vertical_alignment vertical);
63 		BBitmap *GetBitmap();
64 		void GetName(BString *name);
65 		void GetPath(BString *name);
66 		void FlushToLeftTop();
67 		void SetScaleBilinear(bool b);
68 		bool GetScaleBilinear() { return fScaleBilinear; }
70 		void FixupScrollBar(orientation o, float bitmapLength, float viewLength);
71 		void FixupScrollBars();
73 		int32 CurrentPage();
74 		int32 PageCount();
76 		void Undo();
77 		void Cut();
78 		void Paste();
79 		void SelectAll();
80 		void ClearSelection();
82 		void CopySelectionToClipboard();
84 		void FirstPage();
85 		void LastPage();
86 		void NextPage();
87 		void PrevPage();
88 		void GoToPage(int32 page);
89 		bool NextFile();
90 		bool PrevFile();
91 		bool HasNextFile();
92 		bool HasPrevFile();
93 		void SetSlideShowDelay(float seconds);
94 		float GetSlideShowDelay() const { return fSlideShowDelay / 10.0; }
95 		bool SlideShowStarted() const { return fSlideShow; }
96 		void StartSlideShow();
97 		void StopSlideShow();
98 		void SetZoom(float zoom);
99 		void ZoomIn();
100 		void ZoomOut();
102 		// Image manipulation
103 		void Rotate(int degree); // 90 and 270 only
104 		void Flip(bool vertical);
105 		void Invert();
107 		void SetIcon(bool clear);
109 	private:
110 		ShowImageUndo fUndo;
111 		enum image_orientation {
112 			k0,    // 0
113 			k90,   // 1
114 			k180,  // 2
115 			k270,  // 3
116 			k0V,   // 4
117 			k90V,  // 5
118 			k0H,   // 6
119 			k270V, // 7
120 			kNumberOfOrientations,
121 		};
122 		void InitPatterns();
123 		void RotatePatterns();
124 		void RemoveSelection(bool bToClipboard);
125 		bool HasSelection() { return fHasSelection; }
126 		void SetHasSelection(bool bHasSelection);
127 		void AnimateSelection(bool a);
128 		void Notify(const char* status);
129 		void AddToRecentDocuments();
130 		void AddWhiteRect(BRect &rect);
131 		void GetMergeRects(BBitmap *merge, BRect selection, BRect &srcBits, BRect &destRect);
132 		void GetSelMergeRects(BRect &srcBits, BRect &destRect);
133 		status_t SetSelection(const entry_ref *pref, BPoint point);
134 		status_t PasteBitmap(BBitmap *bitmap, BPoint point);
135 		void MergeWithBitmap(BBitmap *merge, BRect selection);
136 		void MergeSelection();
137 		void DeleteScaler();
138 		void DeleteBitmap();
139 		void DeleteSelBitmap();
140 		int32 BytesPerPixel(color_space cs) const;
141 		void CopyPixel(uchar* dest, int32 destX, int32 destY, int32 destBPR,
142 				uchar* src, int32 x, int32 y, int32 bpr, int32 bpp);
143 		void InvertPixel(int32 x, int32 y, uchar* dest, int32 destBPR, uchar* src,
144 				int32 bpr, int32 bpp);
145 		void DoImageOperation(enum ImageProcessor::operation op, bool quiet = false);
146 		void UserDoImageOperation(enum ImageProcessor::operation op, bool quiet = false);
147 		BRect AlignBitmap();
148 		void Setup(BRect r);
149 		BPoint ImageToView(BPoint p) const;
150 		BPoint ViewToImage(BPoint p) const;
151 		BRect ImageToView(BRect r) const;
152 		bool IsImage(const entry_ref* pref);
153 		static int CompareEntries(const void* a, const void* b);
154 		void FreeEntries(BList* entries);
155 		void SetTrackerSelectionToCurrent();
156 		bool FindNextImageByDir(entry_ref *in_current, entry_ref *out_image,
157 				bool next, bool rewind);
158 		bool FindNextImage(entry_ref *in_current, entry_ref *out_image,
159 				bool next, bool rewind);
160 		bool ShowNextImage(bool next, bool rewind);
161 		bool FirstFile();
162 		void ConstrainToImage(BPoint &point);
163 		void ConstrainToImage(BRect &rect);
164 		BBitmap* CopyFromRect(BRect srcRect);
165 		BBitmap* CopySelection(uchar alpha = 255, bool imageSize = true);
166 		bool AddSupportedTypes(BMessage* msg, BBitmap* bitmap);
167 		void BeginDrag(BPoint sourcePoint);
168 		void SendInMessage(BMessage* msg, BBitmap* bitmap, translation_format* format);
169 		bool OutputFormatForType(BBitmap* bitmap, const char* type,
170 				translation_format* format);
171 		void HandleDrop(BMessage* msg);
172 		void MoveImage();
173 		uint32 GetMouseButtons();
174 		void UpdateSelectionRect(BPoint point, bool final);
175 		void DrawBorder(BRect border);
176 		void LayoutCaption(BFont &font, BPoint &textPos, BRect &background);
177 		void DrawCaption();
178 		void UpdateCaption();
179 		void DrawSelectionBox();
180 		Scaler* GetScaler(BRect rect);
181 		void DrawImage(BRect rect);
182 		float LimitToRange(float v, orientation o, bool absolute);
183 		void ScrollRestricted(float x, float y, bool absolute);
184 		void ScrollRestrictedTo(float x, float y);
185 		void ScrollRestrictedBy(float x, float y);
186 		void MouseWheelChanged(BMessage* msg);
187 		void ShowPopUpMenu(BPoint screen);
188 		void SettingsSetBool(const char* name, bool value);
189 		void SetIcon(bool clear, icon_size which);
190 		void ToggleSlideShow();
191 		void ExitFullScreen();
193 		BMessenger fTrackerMessenger; // of the window that this was launched from
194 		entry_ref fCurrentRef;		// of the image
195 		bool fDither;				// dither the image
196 		int32 fDocumentIndex;		// of the image in the file
197 		int32 fDocumentCount;		// number of images in the file
198 		BBitmap *fBitmap;			// the original image
199 		BBitmap *fDisplayBitmap;
200 			// the image to be displayed
201 			// (== fBitmap if the bitmap can be displayed as is)
202 		BBitmap *fSelBitmap;		// the bitmap in the selection
203 		float fZoom;				// factor to be used to display the image
204 		bool fScaleBilinear;		// use bilinear scaling?
205 		Scaler* fScaler;			// holds the scaled image if bilinear scaling is enabled
206 		bool fShrinkToBounds;
207 		bool fZoomToBounds;
208 		bool fShrinkOrZoomToBounds;
209 		bool fHasBorder;			// should the image have a border?
210 		alignment fHAlignment;		// horizontal alignment (left and centered only)
211 		vertical_alignment fVAlignment; // vertical alignment (left and centered only)
212 		float fLeft;				// the origin of the image in the view
213 		float fTop;
214 		float fScaleX;				// to convert image from/to view coordinates
215 		float fScaleY;
216 		bool fMovesImage;			// is the image being moved with the mouse
217 		bool fMakesSelection;		// is a selection being made
218 		BPoint fFirstPoint;			// first point in image space of selection
219 		bool fAnimateSelection;		// marching ants
220 		bool fHasSelection;			// is fSelectionRect valid
221 		BRect fSelectionRect;		// the current location of the selection rectangle
222 		BRect fCopyFromRect;
223 			// the portion of the background bitmap the selection is made from
224 		pattern fPatternUp, fPatternDown, fPatternLeft, fPatternRight;
226 		bool fSlideShow;			// is slide show enabled?
227 		int fSlideShowDelay;		// in pulse rate units
228 		int fSlideShowCountDown;	// shows next image if it reaches zero
230 		int fScalingCountDown;
231 #endif
233 		bool fShowCaption;			// display caption?
234 		BString fCaption;			// caption text
236 		bool fInverted;
238 		bool fShowingPopUpMenu;
240 		enum image_orientation fImageOrientation;
241 		static enum image_orientation fTransformation[
242 			ImageProcessor::kNumberOfAffineTransformations][kNumberOfOrientations];
243 };
245 #endif	// SHOW_IMAGE_VIEW_H