xref: /haiku/src/apps/haikudepot/server/schema/dumpexportpkg.json (revision 344ded80d400028c8f561b4b876257b94c12db4a)
2  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
3  "id": "http://depot.haiku-os.org/schema/pkg/dumpexport.json",
4  "title": "Pkg",
5  "javaType": "org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.dumpexport.DumpExportPkg",
6  "type": "object",
7  "properties": {
8    "name": {
9      "type": "string"
10    },
11    "createTimestamp": {
12      "type": "integer"
13    },
14    "modifyTimestamp": {
15      "type": "integer"
16    },
17    "isNativeDesktop": {
18      "type": "boolean",
19      "description": "True if the package supplies a Haiku native desktop application."
20    },
21    "prominenceOrdering": {
22      "type": "integer"
23    },
24    "derivedRating": {
25      "type": "number"
26    },
27    "derivedRatingSampleSize": {
28      "description": "This is the number of user ratings that were used to create the derived rating. It may be zero if there are no user ratings.",
29      "type": "integer"
30    },
31    "hasChangelog": {
32      "type": "boolean"
33    },
34    "pkgScreenshots": {
35      "type": "array",
36      "items": {
37        "type": "object",
38        "javaType": "org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.dumpexport.DumpExportPkgScreenshot",
39        "properties": {
40          "code": {
41            "type": "string"
42          },
43          "length": {
44            "type": "integer"
45          },
46          "height": {
47            "type": "integer"
48          },
49          "width": {
50            "type": "integer"
51          },
52          "ordering": {
53            "type": "integer"
54          }
55        }
56      }
57    },
58    "pkgCategories": {
59      "type": "array",
60      "items": {
61        "type": "object",
62        "javaType": "org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.dumpexport.DumpExportPkgCategory",
63        "properties": {
64          "code": {
65            "type": "string"
66          }
67        }
68      }
69    },
70    "pkgVersions": {
71      "type": "array",
72      "items": {
73        "type": "object",
74        "javaType": "org.haiku.haikudepotserver.pkg.model.dumpexport.DumpExportPkgVersion",
75        "properties": {
76          "createTimestamp": {
77            "type": "integer"
78          },
79          "modifyTimestamp": {
80            "type": "integer"
81          },
82          "major": {
83            "type": "string"
84          },
85          "minor": {
86            "type": "string"
87          },
88          "micro": {
89            "type": "string"
90          },
91          "preRelease": {
92            "type": "string"
93          },
94          "revision": {
95            "type": "integer"
96          },
97          "architectureCode": {
98            "type": "string"
99          },
100          "title": {
101            "type": "string"
102          },
103          "summary": {
104            "type": "string"
105          },
106          "description": {
107            "type": "string"
108          },
109          "payloadLength": {
110            "type": "integer"
111          }
112        }
113      }
114    }
115  }