1 /* 2 * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. 3 * Copyright 2013-2016, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. 4 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. 5 */ 6 #ifndef APP_MESSAGE_CODES_H 7 #define APP_MESSAGE_CODES_H 8 9 10 enum { 11 MSG_SETTINGS_MENU_IMPL_ITEM_SELECTED = 'smii', 12 MSG_SETTINGS_MENU_IMPL_OPTION_ITEM_SELECTED = 'smio', 13 14 MSG_TEXTVIEW_AUTOSCROLL = 'tvas', 15 16 MSG_VARIABLES_VIEW_CONTEXT_MENU_DONE = 'ctxd', 17 MSG_VARIABLES_VIEW_NODE_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 'vvns', 18 19 MSG_STACK_FRAME_VALUE_RETRIEVED = 'sfvr', 20 MSG_STOP_IMAGE_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 'sisc', 21 MSG_STOP_IMAGE_NAME_ADDED = 'sina', 22 MSG_STOP_IMAGE_NAME_REMOVED = 'sinr', 23 24 MSG_SHOW_TEAMS_WINDOW = 'stew', 25 MSG_TEAMS_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'tewc', 26 MSG_SHOW_TEAM_SETTINGS_WINDOW = 'stsw', 27 MSG_TEAM_SETTINGS_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'tswc', 28 MSG_SHOW_CONNECTION_CONFIG_WINDOW = 'sccw', 29 MSG_CONNECTION_CONFIG_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'ccwc', 30 MSG_SHOW_BREAKPOINT_EDIT_WINDOW = 'sbew', 31 MSG_BREAKPOINT_EDIT_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'bewc', 32 MSG_SHOW_SIGNAL_DISPOSITION_EDIT_WINDOW = 'sdew', 33 MSG_SIGNAL_DISPOSITION_EDIT_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'sdec', 34 MSG_SHOW_START_TEAM_WINDOW = 'sstw', 35 MSG_START_TEAM_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'stwc', 36 MSG_START_NEW_TEAM = 'sttt', 37 MSG_DEBUG_THIS_TEAM = 'dbtt', 38 MSG_LOAD_CORE_TEAM = 'lcte', 39 MSG_SHOW_INSPECTOR_WINDOW = 'sirw', 40 MSG_INSPECTOR_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'irwc', 41 MSG_SHOW_EXPRESSION_WINDOW = 'seww', 42 MSG_EXPRESSION_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'ewwc', 43 MSG_SHOW_EXPRESSION_PROMPT_WINDOW = 'sepw', 44 MSG_ADD_NEW_EXPRESSION = 'anex', 45 MSG_EXPRESSION_PROMPT_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'epwc', 46 MSG_SHOW_VARIABLE_EDIT_WINDOW = 'svew', 47 MSG_VARIABLE_EDIT_WINDOW_CLOSED = 'vewc', 48 MSG_EXPRESSION_EVALUATED = 'exev', 49 MSG_SHOW_TYPECAST_NODE_PROMPT = 'stnp', 50 MSG_TYPECAST_TO_ARRAY = 'stta', 51 MSG_TYPECAST_NODE = 'tyno', 52 MSG_SHOW_WATCH_VARIABLE_PROMPT = 'swvp', 53 MSG_SHOW_CONTAINER_RANGE_PROMPT = 'scrp', 54 MSG_SET_CONTAINER_RANGE = 'chcr', 55 MSG_WRITE_VARIABLE_VALUE = 'wrvv', 56 }; 57 58 59 #endif // APP_MESSAGE_CODES_H 60