1fe8567ecSFrançois RevolAutoRaise : beyond FocusFollowsMouse, for BeOS 2fe8567ecSFrançois Revol(c) 2002, mmu_man, revol@free.fr 3fe8567ecSFrançois RevolReleased under MIT licence, 4fe8567ecSFrançois Revolusual disclaimer applies, blah blah blah... 5fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 6fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 7fe8567ecSFrançois RevolThis tiny Deskbar replicant is a window autoraiser. It will bring to front whatever window is under the mouse after a selectable delay. 8fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 9fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 10fe8567ecSFrançois RevolInstallation: 11*f73f5d4cSIngo Weinhold- put the AutoRaise folder where you want (I suggest /boot/system/apps), 12fe8567ecSFrançois Revol- you can delete the src/ folder if you aren't interested in the sources, 13fe8567ecSFrançois Revol- double-click on either the 'Put me in Deskbar', or 'Put me in Deskbar (persistant)', the later will keep it in between boots. 14fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 15fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 16fe8567ecSFrançois RevolAlternately, you can run it in a Terminal: 17fe8567ecSFrançois RevolAutoRaise --deskbar 18fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 19fe8567ecSFrançois Revolor, if you want it to be reloaded on each boot: 20fe8567ecSFrançois RevolAutoRaise --deskbar --persist 21fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 22fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 23fe8567ecSFrançois RevolCustomisation: 24fe8567ecSFrançois Revol* Left-click will toggles activation. 25fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 26fe8567ecSFrançois Revol* right-click brings a menu: 27fe8567ecSFrançois Revol * Active: check it to activate auto raising 28fe8567ecSFrançois Revol * Mode: The default mode (option 1) is to raise every window. You can also set it so it only raises the Deskbar, whenever you have the mouse on top of it, even if you have a window over it (option 2), or rather only when your mouse is over a visible part of it (option 3). 29fe8567ecSFrançois Revol * Inactive behaviour: This sets up the mouse behaviour when AutoRaise is NOT active. This takes effects only when it's not active (either immediately or when you disables it). It's the same control as the "Focus follows mouse" in the Mouse preferences panel, however I recommend you don't run the preference panel while AutoRaise is active, as it will conflict, and you will get funky behaviour :)) 30fe8567ecSFrançois Revol * Delay: allows you to change the delay before the focused window is brought to front. 31fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 32fe8567ecSFrançois RevolInformations: 33fe8567ecSFrançois RevolThere is a special version for Dano, since it provides some helpful API... 34fe8567ecSFrançois RevolTo get it just recompile it, it will detect itself it is compiled under R5.1. 35fe8567ecSFrançois RevolI'm not sure the Dano version still compiles however, as I begun this proggy under Dano, but finished it in R5, and didn't check back, since I don't use it much. 36fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 37fe8567ecSFrançois RevolThe R5 version has a problem on tabs, because there isn't any mean to know the window tab position and size. So it acts as if the tab was as wide as the window, (it uses the outer region). 38fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 39fe8567ecSFrançois Revol 40fe8567ecSFrançois RevolThe code was based on parts of Deskscope, 2000 Shamyl Zakariya 41fe8567ecSFrançois RevolSorry it's really ugly, but it does the job :) 42