xref: /haiku/src/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/tone_producer_demo/ToneProducer.cpp (revision f648efd3d411e5d5590b586091e5cb75da896cfd)
1 /*
2 	ToneProducer.cpp
4 	Copyright 1999, Be Incorporated.   All Rights Reserved.
5 	This file may be used under the terms of the Be Sample Code License.
7 	NOTE:  to compile this code under Genki beta releases, do a search-
8 	and-replace to change "B_PARAMETER" to "B_USER_EVENT+1"
9 */
11 #include "ToneProducer.h"
12 #include <support/ByteOrder.h>
13 #include <media/BufferGroup.h>
14 #include <media/Buffer.h>
15 #include <media/TimeSource.h>
16 #include <media/ParameterWeb.h>
17 #include <media/MediaDefs.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <math.h>
22 #include <Messenger.h>
24 #include <Debug.h>
25 #if DEBUG
26 	#define FPRINTF fprintf
27 #else
28 	static inline void FPRINTF(FILE*, const char*, ...) { }
29 #endif
31 // parameter web handling
32 static BParameterWeb* make_parameter_web();
33 const int32 FREQUENCY_NULL_PARAM = 1;
34 const int32 FREQUENCY_PARAM = 2;
35 const int32 GAIN_NULL_PARAM = 11;
36 const int32 GAIN_PARAM = 12;
37 const int32 WAVEFORM_NULL_PARAM = 21;
38 const int32  WAVEFORM_PARAM = 22;
39 const int32 SINE_WAVE = 90;
40 const int32 TRIANGLE_WAVE = 91;
41 const int32 SAWTOOTH_WAVE = 92;
43 // ----------------
44 // ToneProducer implementation
46 ToneProducer::ToneProducer(BMediaAddOn* pAddOn)
47 	:	BMediaNode("ToneProducer"),
48 		BBufferProducer(B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO),
49 		BControllable(),
50 		BMediaEventLooper(),
51 		mWeb(NULL),
52 		mBufferGroup(NULL),
53 		mLatency(0),
54 		mInternalLatency(0),
55 		mOutputEnabled(true),
56 		mTheta(0.0),
57 		mWaveAscending(true),
58 		mFrequency(440),
59 		mGain(0.25),
60 		mWaveform(SINE_WAVE),
61 		mFramesSent(0),
62 		mStartTime(0),
63 		mGainLastChanged(0),
64 		mFreqLastChanged(0),
65 		mWaveLastChanged(0),
66 		m_pAddOn(pAddOn)
67 {
68 	// initialize our preferred format object
69 	mPreferredFormat.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO;
70 	mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.format = media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_FLOAT;
71 	mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate = 44100;		// measured in Hertz
72 	mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.byte_order = (B_HOST_IS_BENDIAN) ? B_MEDIA_BIG_ENDIAN : B_MEDIA_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
74 	// we'll use the consumer's preferred buffer size, if any
75 	mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.buffer_size = media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.buffer_size;
77 	// 20sep99: multiple-channel support
78 	mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count = media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.channel_count;
81 	// we're not connected yet
82 	mOutput.destination = media_destination::null;
84 	// [e.moon 1dec99]
85 	mOutput.format = mPreferredFormat;
87 	// set up as much information about our output as we can
88 	// +++++ wrong; can't call Node() until the node is registered!
89 	mOutput.source.port = ControlPort();
90 	mOutput.source.id = 0;
91 	mOutput.node = Node();
92 	::strcpy(mOutput.name, "ToneProducer Output");
93 }
95 ToneProducer::~ToneProducer()
96 {
97 	// Stop the BMediaEventLooper thread
98 	Quit();
100 	// the BControllable destructor deletes our parameter web for us; we just use
101 	// a little defensive programming here and set our web pointer to be NULL.
102 	mWeb = NULL;
103 }
105 //#pragma mark -
107 // BMediaNode methods
108 BMediaAddOn *
109 ToneProducer::AddOn(int32 *internal_id) const
110 {
111 	// e.moon [8jun99]
112 	if(m_pAddOn) {
113 		*internal_id = 0;
114 		return m_pAddOn;
115 	} else
116 		return NULL;
117 }
119 //#pragma mark -
121 // BControllable methods
122 status_t
123 ToneProducer::GetParameterValue(int32 id, bigtime_t* last_change, void* value, size_t* ioSize)
124 {
125 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::GetParameterValue\n");
127 	// floats & int32s are the same size, so this one test of the size of the
128 	// output buffer is sufficient for all of our parameters
129 	if (*ioSize < sizeof(float)) return B_ERROR;
131 	// fill in the value of the requested parameter
132 	switch (id)
133 	{
135 		*last_change = mFreqLastChanged;
136 		*((float*) value) = mFrequency;
137 		*ioSize = sizeof(float);
138 		break;
140 	case GAIN_PARAM:
141 		*last_change = mGainLastChanged;
142 		*((float*) value) = mGain;
143 		*ioSize = sizeof(float);
144 		break;
147 		*last_change = mWaveLastChanged;
148 		*((int32*) value) = mWaveform;
149 		*ioSize = sizeof(int32);
150 		break;
152 	default:
153 		// Hmmm, we were asked for a parameter that we don't actually
154 		// support.  Report an error back to the caller.
155 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\terror - asked for illegal parameter %" B_PRId32 "\n",
156 			id);
157 		return B_ERROR;
158 		break;
159 	}
161 	return B_OK;
162 }
164 void
165 ToneProducer::SetParameterValue(int32 id, bigtime_t performance_time, const void* value, size_t size)
166 {
167 	switch (id)
168 	{
170 	case GAIN_PARAM:
172 		{
173 			// floats and int32s are the same size, so we need only check the block's size once
174 			if (size > sizeof(float)) size = sizeof(float);
176 			// submit the parameter change as a performance event, to be handled at the
177 			// appropriate time
178 			media_timed_event event(performance_time, _PARAMETER_EVENT,
179 				NULL, BTimedEventQueue::B_NO_CLEANUP, size, id, (char*) value, size);
180 			EventQueue()->AddEvent(event);
181 		}
182 		break;
184 	default:
185 		break;
186 	}
187 }
189 // e.moon [17jun99]
190 status_t ToneProducer::StartControlPanel(
191 	BMessenger* pMessenger) {
192 	PRINT(("ToneProducer::StartControlPanel(%p)\n", pMessenger));
193 	status_t err = BControllable::StartControlPanel(pMessenger);
194 	if(pMessenger && pMessenger->IsValid()) {
195 		PRINT(("\tgot valid control panel\n"));
196 	}
198 	return err;
199 }
201 //#pragma mark -
203 // BBufferProducer methods
204 status_t
205 ToneProducer::FormatSuggestionRequested(media_type type, int32 /*quality*/, media_format* format)
206 {
207 	// FormatSuggestionRequested() is not necessarily part of the format negotiation
208 	// process; it's simply an interrogation -- the caller wants to see what the node's
209 	// preferred data format is, given a suggestion by the caller.
210 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::FormatSuggestionRequested\n");
212 	if (!format)
213 	{
214 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tERROR - NULL format pointer passed in!\n");
215 		return B_BAD_VALUE;
216 	}
218 	// this is the format we'll be returning (our preferred format)
219 	*format = mPreferredFormat;
221 	// a wildcard type is okay; we can specialize it
222 	if (type == B_MEDIA_UNKNOWN_TYPE) type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO;
224 	// we only support raw audio
225 	if (type != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO) return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT;
226 	else return B_OK;
227 }
229 status_t
230 ToneProducer::FormatProposal(const media_source& output, media_format* format)
231 {
232 	// FormatProposal() is the first stage in the BMediaRoster::Connect() process.  We hand
233 	// out a suggested format, with wildcards for any variations we support.
234 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::FormatProposal\n");
236 	// is this a proposal for our one output?
237 	if (output != mOutput.source)
238 	{
239 		FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::FormatProposal returning B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE\n");
240 		return B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE;
241 	}
243 	// we only support floating-point raw audio, so we always return that, but we
244 	// supply an error code depending on whether we found the proposal acceptable.
246 	media_type requestedType = format->type;
247 	*format = mPreferredFormat;
248 	if ((requestedType != B_MEDIA_UNKNOWN_TYPE) && (requestedType != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO))
249 	{
250 		FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::FormatProposal returning B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT\n");
251 		return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT;
252 	}
253 	else return B_OK;		// raw audio or wildcard type, either is okay by us
254 }
256 status_t
257 ToneProducer::FormatChangeRequested(const media_source& source, const media_destination& destination, media_format* io_format, int32* _deprecated_)
258 {
259 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::FormatChangeRequested\n");
261 	// we don't support any other formats, so we just reject any format changes.
262 	return B_ERROR;
263 }
265 status_t
266 ToneProducer::GetNextOutput(int32* cookie, media_output* out_output)
267 {
268 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::GetNextOutput\n");
270 	// we have only a single output; if we supported multiple outputs, we'd
271 	// iterate over whatever data structure we were using to keep track of
272 	// them.
273 	if (0 == *cookie)
274 	{
275 		*out_output = mOutput;
276 		*cookie += 1;
277 		return B_OK;
278 	}
279 	else return B_BAD_INDEX;
280 }
282 status_t
283 ToneProducer::DisposeOutputCookie(int32 cookie)
284 {
285 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::DisposeOutputCookie\n");
287 	// do nothing because we don't use the cookie for anything special
288 	return B_OK;
289 }
291 status_t
292 ToneProducer::SetBufferGroup(const media_source& for_source, BBufferGroup* newGroup)
293 {
294 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::SetBufferGroup\n");
296 	// verify that we didn't get bogus arguments before we proceed
297 	if (for_source != mOutput.source) return B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE;
299 	// Are we being passed the buffer group we're already using?
300 	if (newGroup == mBufferGroup) return B_OK;
302 	// Ahh, someone wants us to use a different buffer group.  At this point we delete
303 	// the one we are using and use the specified one instead.  If the specified group is
304 	// NULL, we need to recreate one ourselves, and use *that*.  Note that if we're
305 	// caching a BBuffer that we requested earlier, we have to Recycle() that buffer
306 	// *before* deleting the buffer group, otherwise we'll deadlock waiting for that
307 	// buffer to be recycled!
308 	delete mBufferGroup;		// waits for all buffers to recycle
309 	if (newGroup != NULL)
310 	{
311 		// we were given a valid group; just use that one from now on
312 		mBufferGroup = newGroup;
313 	}
314 	else
315 	{
316 		// we were passed a NULL group pointer; that means we construct
317 		// our own buffer group to use from now on
318 		size_t size = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size;
319 		int32 count = int32(mLatency / BufferDuration() + 1 + 1);
320 		mBufferGroup = new BBufferGroup(size, count);
321 	}
323 	return B_OK;
324 }
326 status_t
327 ToneProducer::GetLatency(bigtime_t* out_latency)
328 {
329 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::GetLatency\n");
331 	// report our *total* latency:  internal plus downstream plus scheduling
332 	*out_latency = EventLatency() + SchedulingLatency();
333 	return B_OK;
334 }
336 status_t
337 ToneProducer::PrepareToConnect(const media_source& what, const media_destination& where, media_format* format, media_source* out_source, char* out_name)
338 {
339 	// PrepareToConnect() is the second stage of format negotiations that happens
340 	// inside BMediaRoster::Connect().  At this point, the consumer's AcceptFormat()
341 	// method has been called, and that node has potentially changed the proposed
342 	// format.  It may also have left wildcards in the format.  PrepareToConnect()
343 	// *must* fully specialize the format before returning!
344 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::PrepareToConnect\n");
346 	// trying to connect something that isn't our source?
347 	if (what != mOutput.source) return B_MEDIA_BAD_SOURCE;
349 	// are we already connected?
350 	if (mOutput.destination != media_destination::null) return B_MEDIA_ALREADY_CONNECTED;
352 	// the format may not yet be fully specialized (the consumer might have
353 	// passed back some wildcards).  Finish specializing it now, and return an
354 	// error if we don't support the requested format.
355 	if (format->type != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO)
356 	{
357 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tnon-raw-audio format?!\n");
358 		return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT;
359 	}
360 	else if (format->u.raw_audio.format != media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_FLOAT)
361 	{
362 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tnon-float-audio format?!\n");
363 		return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT;
364 	}
365 	else if(format->u.raw_audio.channel_count > 2) {
366 		format->u.raw_audio.channel_count = 2;
367 		return B_MEDIA_BAD_FORMAT;
368 	}
371 	 // !!! validate all other fields except for buffer_size here, because the consumer might have
372 	// supplied different values from AcceptFormat()?
374 	// ***   e.moon [11jun99]: filling in sensible field values.
375 	//       Connect() doesn't take kindly to a frame_rate of 0.
377 	if(format->u.raw_audio.frame_rate == media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.frame_rate) {
378 		format->u.raw_audio.frame_rate = mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.frame_rate;
379 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tno frame rate provided, suggesting %.1f\n", format->u.raw_audio.frame_rate);
380 	}
381 	if(format->u.raw_audio.channel_count == media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.channel_count) {
382 		//format->u.raw_audio.channel_count = mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.channel_count;
383 		format->u.raw_audio.channel_count = 1;
384 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tno channel count provided, suggesting %" B_PRIu32 "\n", format->u.raw_audio.channel_count);
385 	}
386 	if(format->u.raw_audio.byte_order == media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.byte_order) {
387 		format->u.raw_audio.byte_order = mPreferredFormat.u.raw_audio.byte_order;
388 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tno channel count provided, suggesting %s\n",
389 			(format->u.raw_audio.byte_order == B_MEDIA_BIG_ENDIAN) ? "B_MEDIA_BIG_ENDIAN" : "B_MEDIA_LITTLE_ENDIAN");
390 	}
392 	// check the buffer size, which may still be wildcarded
393 	if (format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size == media_raw_audio_format::wildcard.buffer_size)
394 	{
395 		format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size = 2048;		// pick something comfortable to suggest
396 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tno buffer size provided, suggesting %lu\n", format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size);
397 	}
398 	else
399 	{
400 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tconsumer suggested buffer_size %lu\n", format->u.raw_audio.buffer_size);
401 	}
403 	// Now reserve the connection, and return information about it
404 	mOutput.destination = where;
405 	mOutput.format = *format;
406 	*out_source = mOutput.source;
407 	strncpy(out_name, mOutput.name, B_MEDIA_NAME_LENGTH);
409 	char formatStr[256];
410 	string_for_format(*format, formatStr, 255);
411 	FPRINTF(stderr, "\treturning format: %s\n", formatStr);
413 	return B_OK;
414 }
416 void
417 ToneProducer::Connect(status_t error, const media_source& source, const media_destination& destination, const media_format& format, char* io_name)
418 {
419 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::Connect\n");
421 	// If something earlier failed, Connect() might still be called, but with a non-zero
422 	// error code.  When that happens we simply unreserve the connection and do
423 	// nothing else.
424 	if (error)
425 	{
426 		mOutput.destination = media_destination::null;
427 		mOutput.format = mPreferredFormat;
428 		return;
429 	}
431 // old workaround for format bug: Connect() receives the format data from the
432 // input returned from BBufferConsumer::Connected().
433 //
434 //	char formatStr[256];
435 //	string_for_format(format, formatStr, 255);
436 //	FPRINTF(stderr, "\trequested format: %s\n", formatStr);
437 //	if(format.type != B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO) {
438 //		// +++++ this is NOT proper behavior
439 //		//       but it works
440 //		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tcorrupted format; falling back to last suggested format\n");
441 //		format = mOutput.format;
442 //	}
443 //
445 	// Okay, the connection has been confirmed.  Record the destination and format
446 	// that we agreed on, and report our connection name again.
447 	mOutput.destination = destination;
448 	mOutput.format = format;
449 	strncpy(io_name, mOutput.name, B_MEDIA_NAME_LENGTH);
451 	// Now that we're connected, we can determine our downstream latency.
452 	// Do so, then make sure we get our events early enough.
453 	media_node_id id;
454 	FindLatencyFor(mOutput.destination, &mLatency, &id);
455 	FPRINTF(stderr, "\tdownstream latency = %" B_PRIdBIGTIME "\n", mLatency);
457 	// Use a dry run to see how long it takes me to fill a buffer of data
458 	bigtime_t start, produceLatency;
459 	size_t samplesPerBuffer = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size / sizeof(float);
460 	size_t framesPerBuffer = samplesPerBuffer / mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count;
461 	float* data = new float[samplesPerBuffer];
462 	mTheta = 0;
463 	start = ::system_time();
464 	FillSineBuffer(data, framesPerBuffer, mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count==2);
465 	produceLatency = ::system_time();
466 	mInternalLatency = produceLatency - start;
468 	// +++++ e.moon [13jun99]: fiddling with latency, ick
469 	mInternalLatency += 20000LL;
471 	delete [] data;
472 	FPRINTF(stderr, "\tbuffer-filling took %" B_PRIdBIGTIME
473 			" usec on this machine\n", mInternalLatency);
474 	SetEventLatency(mLatency + mInternalLatency);
476 	// reset our buffer duration, etc. to avoid later calculations
477 	// +++++ e.moon 11jun99: crashes w/ divide-by-zero when connecting to LoggingConsumer
478 	ASSERT(mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate);
480 	bigtime_t duration = bigtime_t(1000000) * samplesPerBuffer / bigtime_t(mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate);
481 	SetBufferDuration(duration);
483 	// Set up the buffer group for our connection, as long as nobody handed us a
484 	// buffer group (via SetBufferGroup()) prior to this.  That can happen, for example,
485 	// if the consumer calls SetOutputBuffersFor() on us from within its Connected()
486 	// method.
487 	if (!mBufferGroup) AllocateBuffers();
488 }
490 void
491 ToneProducer::Disconnect(const media_source& what, const media_destination& where)
492 {
493 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::Disconnect\n");
495 	// Make sure that our connection is the one being disconnected
496 	if ((where == mOutput.destination) && (what == mOutput.source))
497 	{
498 		mOutput.destination = media_destination::null;
499 		mOutput.format = mPreferredFormat;
500 		delete mBufferGroup;
501 		mBufferGroup = NULL;
502 	}
503 	else
504 	{
505 		FPRINTF(stderr, "\tDisconnect() called with wrong source/destination (%"
506 				B_PRId32 "/%" B_PRId32 "), ours is (%" B_PRId32 "/%" B_PRId32 ")\n",
507 			what.id, where.id, mOutput.source.id, mOutput.destination.id);
508 	}
509 }
511 void
512 ToneProducer::LateNoticeReceived(const media_source& what, bigtime_t how_much, bigtime_t performance_time)
513 {
514 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::LateNoticeReceived\n");
516 	// If we're late, we need to catch up.  Respond in a manner appropriate to our
517 	// current run mode.
518 	if (what == mOutput.source)
519 	{
520 		if (RunMode() == B_RECORDING)
521 		{
522 			// A hardware capture node can't adjust; it simply emits buffers at
523 			// appropriate points.  We (partially) simulate this by not adjusting
524 			// our behavior upon receiving late notices -- after all, the hardware
525 			// can't choose to capture "sooner"....
526 		}
527 		else if (RunMode() == B_INCREASE_LATENCY)
528 		{
529 			// We're late, and our run mode dictates that we try to produce buffers
530 			// earlier in order to catch up.  This argues that the downstream nodes are
531 			// not properly reporting their latency, but there's not much we can do about
532 			// that at the moment, so we try to start producing buffers earlier to
533 			// compensate.
534 			mInternalLatency += how_much;
535 			if (mInternalLatency > 50000)
536 				mInternalLatency = 50000;
537 			SetEventLatency(mLatency + mInternalLatency);
539 			FPRINTF(stderr, "\tincreasing latency to %" B_PRIdBIGTIME "\n",
540 				mLatency + mInternalLatency);
541 		}
542 		else
543 		{
544 			// The other run modes dictate various strategies for sacrificing data quality
545 			// in the interests of timely data delivery.  The way *we* do this is to skip
546 			// a buffer, which catches us up in time by one buffer duration.
547 			size_t nSamples = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size / sizeof(float);
548 			mFramesSent += nSamples;
550 			FPRINTF(stderr, "\tskipping a buffer to try to catch up\n");
551 		}
552 	}
553 }
555 void
556 ToneProducer::EnableOutput(const media_source& what, bool enabled, int32* _deprecated_)
557 {
558 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::EnableOutput\n");
560 	// If I had more than one output, I'd have to walk my list of output records to see
561 	// which one matched the given source, and then enable/disable that one.  But this
562 	// node only has one output, so I just make sure the given source matches, then set
563 	// the enable state accordingly.
564 	if (what == mOutput.source)
565 	{
566 		mOutputEnabled = enabled;
567 	}
568 }
570 status_t
571 ToneProducer::SetPlayRate(int32 numer, int32 denom)
572 {
573 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::SetPlayRate\n");
575 	// Play rates are weird.  We don't support them.  Maybe we will in a
576 	// later newsletter article....
577 	return B_ERROR;
578 }
580 status_t
581 ToneProducer::HandleMessage(int32 message, const void* data, size_t size)
582 {
583 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::HandleMessage(%" B_PRId32 " = 0x%" B_PRIx32
584 		")\n", message, message);
585 	// HandleMessage() is where you implement any private message protocols
586 	// that you want to use.  When messages are written to your node's control
587 	// port that are not recognized by any of the node superclasses, they'll be
588 	// passed to this method in your node's implementation for handling.  The
589 	// ToneProducer node doesn't support any private messages, so we just
590 	// return an error, indicating that the message wasn't handled.
591 	return B_ERROR;
592 }
594 void
595 ToneProducer::AdditionalBufferRequested(const media_source& source, media_buffer_id prev_buffer, bigtime_t prev_time, const media_seek_tag* prev_tag)
596 {
597 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::AdditionalBufferRequested\n");
599 	// we don't support offline mode (yet...)
600 	return;
601 }
603 void
604 ToneProducer::LatencyChanged(
605 	const media_source& source,
606 	const media_destination& destination,
607 	bigtime_t new_latency,
608 	uint32 flags)
609 {
610 	PRINT(("ToneProducer::LatencyChanged(): %" B_PRIdBIGTIME "\n",
611 		new_latency));
613 	// something downstream changed latency, so we need to start producing
614 	// buffers earlier (or later) than we were previously.  Make sure that the
615 	// connection that changed is ours, and adjust to the new downstream
616 	// latency if so.
617 	if ((source == mOutput.source) && (destination == mOutput.destination))
618 	{
619 		mLatency = new_latency;
620 		SetEventLatency(mLatency + mInternalLatency);
621 	}
622 }
623 /*
624 // Workaround for a Metrowerks PPC compiler bug
625 status_t
626 ToneProducer::DeleteHook(BMediaNode* node)
627 {
628 	return BMediaEventLooper::DeleteHook(node);
629 }
631 //#pragma mark -
632 */
634 // BMediaEventLooper methods
635 void
636 ToneProducer::NodeRegistered()
637 {
638 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::NodeRegistered\n");
640 	// Start the BMediaEventLooper thread
641 	SetPriority(B_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY);
642 	Run();
644 	// output init moved to ctor
645 	// e.moon [4jun99]
647 	// Set up our parameter web
648 	mWeb = make_parameter_web();
649 	SetParameterWeb(mWeb);
650 }
652 void
653 ToneProducer::Start(bigtime_t performance_time)
654 {
655 	PRINT(("ToneProducer::Start(%" B_PRIdBIGTIME "): now %" B_PRIdBIGTIME "\n",
656 		performance_time, TimeSource()->Now()));
658 	// send 'data available' message
659 	if(mOutput.destination != media_destination::null)
660 		SendDataStatus(B_DATA_AVAILABLE, mOutput.destination, performance_time);
662 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
663 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
664 	BMediaEventLooper::Start(performance_time);
665 }
667 void
668 ToneProducer::Stop(bigtime_t performance_time, bool immediate)
669 {
670 	// send 'data not available' message
671 	if(mOutput.destination != media_destination::null) {
672 		printf("ToneProducer: B_PRODUCER_STOPPED at %" B_PRIdBIGTIME "\n",
673 			performance_time);
674 		SendDataStatus(B_PRODUCER_STOPPED, mOutput.destination, performance_time);
675 	}
677 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
678 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
679 	BMediaEventLooper::Stop(performance_time, immediate);
680 }
682 void
683 ToneProducer::Seek(bigtime_t media_time, bigtime_t performance_time)
684 {
685 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
686 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
687 	BMediaEventLooper::Seek(media_time, performance_time);
688 }
690 void
691 ToneProducer::TimeWarp(bigtime_t at_real_time, bigtime_t to_performance_time)
692 {
693 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
694 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
695 	BMediaEventLooper::TimeWarp(at_real_time, to_performance_time);
696 }
698 status_t
699 ToneProducer::AddTimer(bigtime_t at_performance_time, int32 cookie)
700 {
701 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
702 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
703 	return BMediaEventLooper::AddTimer(at_performance_time, cookie);
704 }
706 void
707 ToneProducer::SetRunMode(run_mode mode)
708 {
709 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::SetRunMode\n");
711 	// We don't support offline run mode, so broadcast an error if we're set to
712 	// B_OFFLINE.  Unfortunately, we can't actually reject the mode change...
713 	if (B_OFFLINE == mode)
714 	{
715 		ReportError(B_NODE_FAILED_SET_RUN_MODE);
716 	}
717 }
719 void
720 ToneProducer::HandleEvent(const media_timed_event* event, bigtime_t lateness, bool realTimeEvent)
721 {
722 //	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::HandleEvent\n");
723 	switch (event->type)
724 	{
725 	case BTimedEventQueue::B_START:
726 		// don't do anything if we're already running
727 		if (RunState() != B_STARTED)
728 		{
729 			// We want to start sending buffers now, so we set up the buffer-sending bookkeeping
730 			// and fire off the first "produce a buffer" event.
731 			mFramesSent = 0;
732 			mTheta = 0;
733 			mStartTime = event->event_time;
734 			media_timed_event firstBufferEvent(mStartTime, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER);
736 			// Alternatively, we could call HandleEvent() directly with this event, to avoid a trip through
737 			// the event queue, like this:
738 			//
739 			//		this->HandleEvent(&firstBufferEvent, 0, false);
740 			//
741 			EventQueue()->AddEvent(firstBufferEvent);
742 		}
743 		break;
745 	case BTimedEventQueue::B_STOP:
746 		FPRINTF(stderr, "Handling B_STOP event\n");
748 		// When we handle a stop, we must ensure that downstream consumers don't
749 		// get any more buffers from us.  This means we have to flush any pending
750 		// buffer-producing events from the queue.
751 		EventQueue()->FlushEvents(0, BTimedEventQueue::B_ALWAYS, true, BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER);
752 		break;
755 		{
756 			size_t dataSize = size_t(event->data);
757 			int32 param = int32(event->bigdata);
758 			if (dataSize >= sizeof(float)) switch (param)
759 			{
760 			case FREQUENCY_PARAM:
761 				{
762 					float newValue = *((float*) event->user_data);
763 					if (mFrequency != newValue)		// an actual change in the value?
764 					{
765 						mFrequency = newValue;
766 						mFreqLastChanged = TimeSource()->Now();
767 						BroadcastNewParameterValue(mFreqLastChanged, param, &mFrequency, sizeof(mFrequency));
768 					}
769 				}
770 				break;
772 			case GAIN_PARAM:
773 				{
774 					float newValue = *((float*) event->user_data);
775 					if (mGain != newValue)
776 					{
777 						mGain = newValue;
778 						mGainLastChanged = TimeSource()->Now();
779 						BroadcastNewParameterValue(mGainLastChanged, param, &mGain, sizeof(mGain));
780 					}
781 				}
782 				break;
784 			case WAVEFORM_PARAM:
785 				{
786 					int32 newValue = *((int32*) event->user_data);
787 					if (mWaveform != newValue)
788 					{
789 						mWaveform = newValue;
790 						mTheta = 0;			// reset the generator parameters when we change waveforms
791 						mWaveAscending = true;
792 						mWaveLastChanged = TimeSource()->Now();
793 						BroadcastNewParameterValue(mWaveLastChanged, param, &mWaveform, sizeof(mWaveform));
794 					}
795 				}
796 				break;
798 			default:
799 				FPRINTF(stderr, "Hmmm... got a B_PARAMETER event for a parameter we don't have? (%" B_PRId32 ")\n", param);
800 				break;
801 			}
802 		}
803 		break;
805 	case BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER:
806 		{
807 			// make sure we're both started *and* connected before delivering a buffer
808 			if (RunState() == BMediaEventLooper::B_STARTED
809 				&& mOutput.destination != media_destination::null) {
810 				// Get the next buffer of data
811 				BBuffer* buffer = FillNextBuffer(event->event_time);
812 				if (buffer) {
813 					// send the buffer downstream if and only if output is enabled
814 					status_t err = B_ERROR;
815 					if (mOutputEnabled) {
816 						err = SendBuffer(buffer, mOutput.source,
817 							mOutput.destination);
818 					}
819 					if (err) {
820 						// we need to recycle the buffer ourselves if output is disabled or
821 						// if the call to SendBuffer() fails
822 						buffer->Recycle();
823 					}
824 				}
826 				// track how much media we've delivered so far
827 				size_t nFrames = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size /
828 					(sizeof(float) * mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count);
829 				mFramesSent += nFrames;
831 				// The buffer is on its way; now schedule the next one to go
832 				bigtime_t nextEvent = mStartTime + bigtime_t(double(mFramesSent)
833 					/ double(mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate) * 1000000.0);
834 				media_timed_event nextBufferEvent(nextEvent,
835 					BTimedEventQueue::B_HANDLE_BUFFER);
836 				EventQueue()->AddEvent(nextBufferEvent);
837 			}
838 		}
839 		break;
841 	default:
842 		break;
843 	}
844 }
846 /*
847 void
848 ToneProducer::CleanUpEvent(const media_timed_event *event)
849 {
850 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
851 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
852 	BMediaEventLooper::CleanUpEvent(event);
853 }
855 bigtime_t
856 ToneProducer::OfflineTime()
857 {
858 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
859 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
860 	return BMediaEventLooper::OfflineTime();
861 }
863 void
864 ToneProducer::ControlLoop()
865 {
866 	// A bug in the current PowerPC compiler demands that we implement
867 	// this, even though it just calls up to the inherited implementation.
868 	BMediaEventLooper::ControlLoop();
869 }
871 //#pragma mark -
872 */
874 void
875 ToneProducer::AllocateBuffers()
876 {
877 	FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::AllocateBuffers\n");
879 	// allocate enough buffers to span our downstream latency, plus one
880 	size_t size = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size;
881 	int32 count = int32(mLatency / BufferDuration() + 1 + 1);
883 	FPRINTF(stderr, "\tlatency = %" B_PRIdBIGTIME ", buffer duration = %"
884 			B_PRIdBIGTIME "\n", mLatency, BufferDuration());
885 	FPRINTF(stderr, "\tcreating group of %" B_PRId32 " buffers, size = %"
886 			B_PRIuSIZE "\n", count, size);
887 	mBufferGroup = new BBufferGroup(size, count);
888 }
890 BBuffer*
891 ToneProducer::FillNextBuffer(bigtime_t event_time)
892 {
893 	// get a buffer from our buffer group
894 	BBuffer* buf = mBufferGroup->RequestBuffer(mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size, BufferDuration());
896 	// if we fail to get a buffer (for example, if the request times out), we skip this
897 	// buffer and go on to the next, to avoid locking up the control thread
898 	if (!buf)
899 	{
900 		return NULL;
901 	}
903 	// now fill it with data, continuing where the last buffer left off
904 	// 20sep99: multichannel support
906 	size_t numFrames =
907 		mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size /
908 		(sizeof(float)*mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count);
909 	bool stereo = (mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count == 2);
910 	if(!stereo) {
911 		ASSERT(mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.channel_count == 1);
912 	}
913 //	PRINT(("buffer: %ld, %ld frames, %s\n", mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size, numFrames, stereo ? "stereo" : "mono"));
915 	float* data = (float*) buf->Data();
917 	switch (mWaveform)
918 	{
919 	case SINE_WAVE:
920 		FillSineBuffer(data, numFrames, stereo);
921 		break;
923 	case TRIANGLE_WAVE:
924 		FillTriangleBuffer(data, numFrames, stereo);
925 		break;
927 	case SAWTOOTH_WAVE:
928 		FillSawtoothBuffer(data, numFrames, stereo);
929 		break;
930 	}
932 	// fill in the buffer header
933 	media_header* hdr = buf->Header();
934 	hdr->type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO;
935 	hdr->size_used = mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size;
936 	hdr->time_source = TimeSource()->ID();
938 	bigtime_t stamp;
939 	if (RunMode() == B_RECORDING)
940 	{
941 		// In B_RECORDING mode, we stamp with the capture time.  We're not
942 		// really a hardware capture node, but we simulate it by using the (precalculated)
943 		// time at which this buffer "should" have been created.
944 		stamp = event_time;
945 	}
946 	else
947 	{
948 		// okay, we're in one of the "live" performance run modes.  in these modes, we
949 		// stamp the buffer with the time at which the buffer should be rendered to the
950 		// output, not with the capture time.  mStartTime is the cached value of the
951 		// first buffer's performance time; we calculate this buffer's performance time as
952 		// an offset from that time, based on the amount of media we've created so far.
953 		// Recalculating every buffer like this avoids accumulation of error.
954 		stamp = mStartTime + bigtime_t(double(mFramesSent) / double(mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate) * 1000000.0);
955 	}
956 	hdr->start_time = stamp;
958 	return buf;
959 }
961 // waveform generators - fill buffers with various waveforms
962 void
963 ToneProducer::FillSineBuffer(float *data, size_t numFrames, bool stereo)
964 {
967 	// cover 2pi radians in one period
968 	double dTheta = 2*M_PI * double(mFrequency) / mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate;
970 	// Fill the buffer!
971 	for (size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; i++, data++)
972 	{
973 		float val = mGain * float(sin(mTheta));
974 		*data = val;
975 		if(stereo) {
976 			++data;
977 			*data = val;
978 		}
980 		mTheta += dTheta;
981 		if (mTheta > 2*M_PI)
982 		{
983 			mTheta -= 2*M_PI;
984 		}
985 	}
986 }
988 void
989 ToneProducer::FillTriangleBuffer(float *data, size_t numFrames, bool stereo)
990 {
991 	// ramp from -1 to 1 and back in one period
992 	double dTheta = 4.0 * double(mFrequency) / mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate;
993 	if (!mWaveAscending) dTheta = -dTheta;
995 	// fill the buffer!
996 	for (size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; i++, data++)
997 	{
998 		float val = mGain * mTheta;
999 		*data = val;
1000 		if(stereo) {
1001 			++data;
1002 			*data = val;
1003 		}
1005 		mTheta += dTheta;
1006 		if (mTheta >= 1)
1007 		{
1008 			mTheta = 2 - mTheta;		// reflect across the mTheta=1 line to preserve drift
1009 			mWaveAscending = false;
1010 			dTheta = -dTheta;
1011 		}
1012 		else if (mTheta <= -1)
1013 		{
1014 			mTheta = -2 - mTheta;		// reflect across mTheta=-1
1015 			mWaveAscending = true;
1016 			dTheta = -dTheta;
1017 		}
1018 	}
1019 }
1021 void
1022 ToneProducer::FillSawtoothBuffer(float *data, size_t numFrames, bool stereo)
1023 {
1024 	// ramp from -1 to 1 in one period
1025 	double dTheta = 2 * double(mFrequency) / mOutput.format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate;
1026 	mWaveAscending = true;
1028 	// fill the buffer!
1029 	for (size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; i++, data++)
1030 	{
1031 		float val = mGain * mTheta;
1032 		*data = val;
1033 		if(stereo) {
1034 			++data;
1035 			*data = val;
1036 		}
1038 		mTheta += dTheta;
1039 		if (mTheta > 1)
1040 		{
1041 			mTheta -= 2;		// back to the base of the sawtooth, including cumulative drift
1042 		}
1043 	}
1044 }
1046 // utility - build the ToneProducer's parameter web
1047 static BParameterWeb* make_parameter_web()
1048 {
1049 	FPRINTF(stderr, "make_parameter_web() called\n");
1051 	BParameterWeb* web = new BParameterWeb;
1052 	BParameterGroup* mainGroup = web->MakeGroup("Tone Generator Parameters");
1054 	BParameterGroup* group = mainGroup->MakeGroup("Frequency");
1055 	BParameter* nullParam = group->MakeNullParameter(FREQUENCY_NULL_PARAM, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Frequency", B_GENERIC);
1056 	BContinuousParameter* param = group->MakeContinuousParameter(FREQUENCY_PARAM, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "Hz", 0, 2500, 0.1);
1057 	nullParam->AddOutput(param);
1058 	param->AddInput(nullParam);
1060 	group = mainGroup->MakeGroup("Amplitude");
1061 	nullParam = group->MakeNullParameter(GAIN_NULL_PARAM, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Amplitude", B_GENERIC);
1062 	param = group->MakeContinuousParameter(GAIN_PARAM, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "", 0, 1, 0.01);
1063 	nullParam->AddOutput(param);
1064 	param->AddInput(nullParam);
1066 	group = mainGroup->MakeGroup("Waveform");
1067 	nullParam = group->MakeNullParameter(WAVEFORM_NULL_PARAM, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Waveform", B_GENERIC);
1068 	BDiscreteParameter* waveParam = group->MakeDiscreteParameter(WAVEFORM_PARAM, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GENERIC);
1069 	waveParam->AddItem(SINE_WAVE, "Sine wave");
1070 	waveParam->AddItem(TRIANGLE_WAVE, "Triangle");
1071 	waveParam->AddItem(SAWTOOTH_WAVE, "Sawtooth");
1072 	nullParam->AddOutput(waveParam);
1073 	waveParam->AddInput(nullParam);
1075 	return web;
1076 }