xref: /haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/scsi/usb/tracing.c (revision 9ecf9d1c1d4888d341a6eac72112c72d1ae3a4cb)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Siarzhuk Zharski <imker@gmx.li>
3  * Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.
4  *
5  */
7 /** tracing support implementation */
9 #include "usb_scsi.h"
10 #include "tracing.h"
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include <unistd.h> /* posix file i/o - create, write, close */
14 #include <malloc.h>
15 #include <string.h>
16 #include <driver_settings.h>
18 /** private log path name */
19 static const char *private_log_path = "/var/log/"MODULE_NAME".log";
21 static const char *log_port_name    = MODULE_NAME"-logging";
25 int main(int argc, char**argv)
26 {
27   if(B_NAME_NOT_FOUND == find_port(log_port_name)){
28     bool b_screen = (argc > 1);
29     port_id pid = create_port(1000, log_port_name);
30     while(true){
31       int32 code;
32       char buffer[1024 + 1];
33       size_t sz = read_port_etc(pid, &code, buffer, 1024, B_TIMEOUT, 1000 * 1000);
34       if(sz != B_TIMED_OUT){
35         if(b_screen){
36           buffer[sz] = 0;
37           printf(buffer);
38         } else {
39           FILE *f = fopen(private_log_path, "a");
40           fwrite(buffer, sz, 1, f);
41           fclose(f);
42         }
43       }
44     }
45   }
46   return 0;
47 }
49 #else /* BUILD_LOG_DAEMON */
51 /** is activity logging on or off? */
52 #if DEBUG
53 bool b_log = true;
54 #else
55 bool b_log = false;
56 #endif
57 /** logging in private file */
58 bool b_log_file     = false;
59 /** appending logs to previous log sessions */
60 bool b_log_append   = false;
61 /** log SCSI commands */
62 bool b_log_scsi_cmd = false;
63 /** log USB bulk callback function activity */
64 bool b_log_bulk_cb = false;
66 bool b_log_protocol = false;
67 //bool b_log_CSW = false;
68 //bool b_log_CDB = false;
69 bool b_log_data_processing = false;
70 bool b_log_sense_data      = false;
71 /** log time at wich logging event occured */
72 static bool b_log_time     = false;
73 /** log thread id from wich logging performed */
74 static bool b_log_thid     = false;
75 /** log thread name from wich logging performed */
76 static bool b_log_thname   = false;
77 /** semaphore id used to synchronizing logging requests */
78 //static sem_id loglock;
79 /** log result of READ_CAPACITY command */
80 bool b_log_capacity = false;
82 /**
83   \fn: load_log_settings
84   \param sh: driver_settings handle
85   called from main driver settings loading procedure to load log-related
86   parameters
87 */
88 void
89 load_log_settings(void *sh)
90 {
91   if(sh){
92 #if !DEBUG
93     b_log           = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_output", b_log, true);
94 #endif
95     b_log_file      = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_output_in_file",
96                                                              b_log_file, true);
97     b_log_append    = ! get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_output_file_rewrite",
98                                                             !b_log_append, true);
99     b_log_time      = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_time",
100                                                              b_log_time, false);
101     b_log_thid      = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_threadid",
102                                                              b_log_thid, false);
103     b_log_thname    = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_thread_name",
104                                                              b_log_thname, false);
105     b_log_scsi_cmd  = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_commands",
106                                                              b_log_scsi_cmd, false);
107     b_log_bulk_cb   = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_bulk_callback",
108                                                              b_log_bulk_cb, false);
109     b_log_protocol  = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_protocol",
110                                                              b_log_protocol, false);
111     b_log_data_processing =
112                       get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_data_io",
113                                                       b_log_data_processing, false);
114     b_log_sense_data  =
115                       get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_sense_data",
116                                                       b_log_sense_data, false);
117     b_log_capacity  = get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_capacity",
118                                                       b_log_capacity, false);
119     if(!b_log_file){ /* some information is already in system log entries */
120       b_log_thid   = false;
121       b_log_thname = false;
122     }
123   }
124 }
125 /**
126   \fn: create_log
127   called to [re]create private log file
128 */
129 void
130 create_log()
131 {
132   int flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | ((!b_log_append) ? O_TRUNC : 0);
133   if(b_log_file){
134     close(open(private_log_path, flags, 0666));
135   }
136 }
138 /**
139   \fn: usb_scsi_trace
140   \param b_force: if true - output message ignoring current logging state
141   \param fmt: format string used in message formatting
142   \param ...: variable argument used in message formatting
143   formats and traces messages to current debug output target.
144 */
145 void
146 usb_scsi_trace(bool b_force, const char *fmt, ...)
147 {
148   if(b_force || b_log){
149     va_list arg_list;
150     static char *prefix = "\33[35m"MODULE_NAME":\33[0m";
151     static char buf[1024];
152     char *buf_ptr = buf;
153     port_id pid = find_port(log_port_name);
154     bool b_no_port = (pid == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND);
155     if(!b_log_file || b_no_port){ /* it's not a good idea to add prefix in private file */
156       strcpy(buf, prefix);
157       buf_ptr += strlen(prefix);
158     }
159     if(b_log_time){ /* add time of logging this string */
160       bigtime_t time = system_time();
161       uint32 msec = time / 1000;
162       uint32 sec  = msec / 1000;
163       sprintf(buf_ptr, "%02ld.%02ld.%03ld:", sec / 60, sec % 60, msec % 1000);
164       buf_ptr += strlen(buf_ptr);
165     }
166     if(b_log_thid){ /* add id of the calling thread */
167       thread_id tid = find_thread(0);
168       thread_info tinfo = {0};
169       if(b_log_thname){ /* add name of the calling thread */
170         get_thread_info(tid, &tinfo);
171       }
172       sprintf(buf_ptr, "['%s':%lx]:", tinfo.name, tid);
173       buf_ptr += strlen(buf_ptr);
174     }
175     va_start(arg_list, fmt);
176     vsprintf(buf_ptr, fmt, arg_list);
177     va_end(arg_list);
178     if(b_log_file && !b_no_port){ /* write in private log file */
179       if(B_OK != write_port_etc(pid, 0, buf, strlen(buf), B_TIMEOUT, 0))
180         dprintf(buf);
181     } else /* write in system log*/
182       dprintf(buf);
183   }
184 }
185 /**
186   \fn: trace_CCB_HEADER
187   \param ccbh: struct to be traced
188   traces CCB_HEADER struct to current debug output target
189 */
190 void
191 usb_scsi_trace_CCB_HEADER(const CCB_HEADER *ccbh)
192 {
193   TRACE("CCB_HEADER:%08x\n"
194         "  phys_addr:%ld\n"
195         "  cam_ccb_len:%d\n"
196         "  cam_func_code:%02x\n"
197         "  cam_status:%02x\n"
198         "  cam_hrsvd0:%02x\n"
199         "  cam_path_id:%02x\n"
200         "  cam_target_id:%02x\n"
201         "  cam_target_lun:%02x\n"
202         "  cam_flags:%08x\n",
203             ccbh,
204             ccbh->phys_addr,
205 			ccbh->cam_ccb_len,
206 			ccbh->cam_func_code,
207 			ccbh->cam_status,
208 			ccbh->cam_hrsvd0,
209 			ccbh->cam_path_id,
210 			ccbh->cam_target_id,
211 			ccbh->cam_target_lun,
212 			ccbh->cam_flags);
213 }
214 /**
215   \fn: trace_CCB_SCSIIO
216   \param ccbio: struct to be traced
217   traces CCB_SCSIIO struct to current debug output target
218 */
219 void
220 usb_scsi_trace_CCB_SCSIIO(const CCB_SCSIIO *ccbio)
221 {
222   TRACE("CCB_SCSIIO:%08x\n", ccbio);
223   usb_scsi_trace_CCB_HEADER(&ccbio->cam_ch);
224   TRACE("  cam_pdrv_ptr:%08x\n"
225         "  cam_next_ccb:%08x\n"
226         "  cam_req_map:%08x\n"
227         "  (*cam_cbfcnp):%08x\n"
228         "  cam_data_ptr:%08x\n"
229         "  cam_dxfer_len:%ld\n"
230         "  cam_sense_ptr:%08x\n"
231         "  cam_sense_len:%d\n"
232         "  cam_cdb_len:%d\n"
233         "  cam_sglist_cnt:%d\n"
234         "  cam_sort:%d\n"
235         "  cam_scsi_status:%02x\n"
236         "  cam_sense_resid:%d\n"
237         "  cam_resid:%d\n"
238         "  cam_timeout:%d\n"
239         "  cam_msg_ptr:%08x\n"
240         "  cam_msgb_len:%d\n"
241         "  cam_vu_flags:%04x\n"
242         "  cam_tag_action:%d\n",
243 	ccbio->cam_pdrv_ptr,
244 	ccbio->cam_next_ccb,
245 	ccbio->cam_req_map,
246 	ccbio->cam_cbfcnp,
247 	ccbio->cam_data_ptr,
248 	ccbio->cam_dxfer_len,
249 	ccbio->cam_sense_ptr,
250 	ccbio->cam_sense_len,
251 	ccbio->cam_cdb_len,
252 	ccbio->cam_sglist_cnt,
253 	ccbio->cam_sort,
254 	ccbio->cam_scsi_status,
255 	ccbio->cam_sense_resid,
256 	ccbio->cam_resid,
257 	ccbio->cam_timeout,
258 	ccbio->cam_msg_ptr,
259 	ccbio->cam_msgb_len,
260 	ccbio->cam_vu_flags,
261 	ccbio->cam_tag_action);
263   usb_scsi_trace_bytes("CDB_UN:\n", ccbio->cam_cdb_io.cam_cdb_bytes, IOCDBLEN);
264 }
265 /**
266   \fn: usb_scsi_command_trace
267   \param b_hlight: highlight command and prefix it with spec. charachter
268   \param cmd: array of bytes to be traced. typically pointer SCSI command buffer
269   \param cmdlen: size of buffer in cmd parameter
270   traces SCSI commands into debug output target.can highlight and prefix the
271   text with special charachter and color for two different types
272   of commands.
273 */
274 void
275 usb_scsi_trace_command(bool b_hlight, const uint8 *cmd, size_t cmdlen)
276 {
277   size_t len = min(cmdlen, 12); /* command length watchdog */
278   char hl_mask[] = "\33[%sCMD:\33[0m";
279   char prefix[sizeof(hl_mask) + 6];
280   if(b_log_file){ /* compose CMD prefix */
281     sprintf(prefix, "%sCMD:", b_hlight ? "=>":"");
282   } else {
283     sprintf(prefix, hl_mask, b_hlight ? "33m=>":"32m");
284   }
285   usb_scsi_trace_bytes(prefix, cmd, len); /* append command bytes to log */
286 }
287 /**
288   \fn:usb_scsi_bytes_trace
289   \param bytes:array of bytes to be traced.
290   \param bytes_len: size of buffer in bytes parameter
291   traces buffer bytes one by one into debug output target.
292 */
293 void
294 usb_scsi_trace_bytes(const char *prefix, const uint8 *bytes, size_t bytes_len)
295 {
296   size_t len = min(bytes_len, 0x100); /* length watchdog */
297   char truncTail[] = "<TRUNC>\n";
298   char *pbuf = (char *)malloc(len * 3 + sizeof(truncTail) + strlen(prefix) + 1);
299   if(pbuf){
300     size_t i = 0;
301     char *p = pbuf;
302     strcpy(p, prefix);
303     p += strlen(prefix);
304     for(;i < len; i++){
305       sprintf(p, " %02x", bytes[i]);
306       p += strlen(p);
307     }
308     /* user should be informed about truncation too*/
309     strcpy(p, (len < bytes_len) ? truncTail : "\n");
310     TRACE(pbuf);
311     free(pbuf);
312   } else {
313     TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_bytes:error allocate "
314                                       "memory for tracing %d bytes\n", len);
315   }
316 }
318 void usb_scsi_trace_sgb(const char *prefix, sg_buffer *sgb)
319 {
320   char sgbHead[] = "SGB:";
321   size_t i = 0;
322   size_t len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(sgbHead) + sgb->count * 9;
323   char *sgbPrefix = (char*)malloc(len);
324   if(0 != sgbPrefix){
325     sg_buffer sgb_own;
326     size_t sgb_len = 0;
327     char *p = sgbPrefix;
328     strcpy(p, prefix);
329     p += strlen(p);
330     strcpy(p, sgbHead);
331     p += strlen(p);
332     i = 0;
333     for(; i < sgb->count; i++){
334       sprintf(p, "%lX,", sgb->piov[i].iov_len);
335       sgb_len += sgb->piov[i].iov_len;
336       p += strlen(p);
337     }
338     if(B_OK == realloc_sg_buffer(&sgb_own, sgb_len)){
339       sg_memcpy(&sgb_own, 0, sgb, 0, sgb_len);
340       /* assume non-fragmented memory  */
341       usb_scsi_trace_bytes(sgbPrefix, sgb_own.piov->iov_base, sgb_own.piov->iov_len);
342       free_sg_buffer(&sgb_own);
343     } else {
344       TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_sgb:error allocate sgb for %d bytes\n", sgb_len);
345     }
346   } else {
347     TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_sgb:error allocate memory for %d bytes\n", len);
348   }
349 }
351 void usb_scsi_trace_SG(iovec *sg, int count)
352 {
353   char sg_mask[] = "SG:{%s}\n";
354   char truncTail[] = "<TRUNC>";
355   size_t trunc_count = min(count, 0x20); /* length watchdog */
356   size_t len = sizeof(sg_mask) + sizeof(truncTail) + trunc_count * 16;
357   char *pbuf = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
358   if(pbuf){
359     int i = 0;
360     char *p = pbuf;
361     for(; i < trunc_count; i++){
362       sprintf(p, (!i) ? "%d" : ", %d", sg[i].iov_len);
363       p += strlen(p);
364     }
365     /* user should be informed about truncation too*/
366     if(trunc_count < count)
367       strcpy(p, truncTail);
369     TRACE(sg_mask, pbuf);
370     free(pbuf);
371   } else {
372     TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_SG:error allocate "
373                                     "memory for tracing %d SG entries\n", trunc_count);
374   }
375 }
377 #endif /* BUILD_LOG_DAEMON */