xref: /haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/busses/scsi/usb/tracing.c (revision 85fb1470bffd85ca09709a8eb78c65457dc28a27)
1 /**
2  *
3  * TODO: description
4  *
5  * This file is a part of USB SCSI CAM for Haiku.
6  * May be used under terms of the MIT License
7  *
8  * Author(s):
9  * 	Siarzhuk Zharski <imker@gmx.li>
10  *
11  *
12  */
13 /** tracing support implementation */
15 #include "usb_scsi.h"
16 #include "tracing.h"
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <unistd.h> /* posix file i/o - create, write, close */
20 #include <malloc.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <driver_settings.h>
24 /** private log path name */
25 static const char *private_log_path = "/var/log/"MODULE_NAME".log";
27 static const char *log_port_name	= MODULE_NAME"-logging";
31 int main(int argc, char**argv)
32 {
33 	if(B_NAME_NOT_FOUND == find_port(log_port_name)){
34 		bool b_screen = (argc > 1);
35 		port_id pid = create_port(1000, log_port_name);
36 		while(true){
37 			int32 code;
38 			char buffer[1024 + 1];
39 			size_t sz = read_port_etc(pid, &code, buffer, 1024, B_TIMEOUT, 1000 * 1000);
40 			if(sz != B_TIMED_OUT){
41 				if(b_screen){
42 					buffer[sz] = 0;
43 					printf(buffer);
44 				} else {
45 					FILE *f = fopen(private_log_path, "a");
46 					fwrite(buffer, sz, 1, f);
47 					fclose(f);
48 				}
49 			}
50 		}
51 	}
52 	return 0;
53 }
55 #else /* BUILD_LOG_DAEMON */
57 /** is activity logging on or off? */
58 #if DEBUG
59 bool b_log = true;
60 #else
61 bool b_log = false;
62 #endif
63 /** logging in private file */
64 bool b_log_file		= false;
65 /** appending logs to previous log sessions */
66 bool b_log_append	= false;
67 /** log SCSI commands */
68 bool b_log_scsi_cmd = false;
69 /** log USB bulk callback function activity */
70 bool b_log_bulk_cb	= false;
72 bool b_log_protocol = false;
73 //bool b_log_CSW = false;
74 //bool b_log_CDB = false;
75 bool b_log_data_processing = false;
76 bool b_log_sense_data	   = false;
77 /** log time at wich logging event occured */
78 static bool b_log_time	   = false;
79 /** log thread id from wich logging performed */
80 static bool b_log_thid	   = false;
81 /** log thread name from wich logging performed */
82 static bool b_log_thname   = false;
83 /** semaphore id used to synchronizing logging requests */
84 //static sem_id loglock;
85 /** log result of READ_CAPACITY command */
86 bool b_log_capacity = false;
89 /**
90 	\fn: load_log_settings
91 	\param sh: driver_settings handle
92 	called from main driver settings loading procedure to load log-related
93 	parameters
94 */
95 void
96 load_log_settings(void *sh)
97 {
98 	if(sh){
99 #if !DEBUG
100 		b_log			= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_output", b_log, true);
101 #endif
102 		b_log_file		= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_output_in_file",
103 																														 b_log_file, true);
104 		b_log_append	= ! get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_output_file_rewrite",
105 																														!b_log_append, true);
106 		b_log_time		= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_time",
107 																														 b_log_time, false);
108 		b_log_thid		= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_threadid",
109 																														 b_log_thid, false);
110 		b_log_thname	= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_thread_name",
111 																														 b_log_thname, false);
112 		b_log_scsi_cmd	= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_commands",
113 																														 b_log_scsi_cmd, false);
114 		b_log_bulk_cb	= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_bulk_callback",
115 																														 b_log_bulk_cb, false);
116 		b_log_protocol	= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_protocol",
117 																														 b_log_protocol, false);
118 		b_log_data_processing =
119 						get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_data_io",
120 										b_log_data_processing, false);
121 		b_log_sense_data =
122 						get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_sense_data",
123 										b_log_sense_data, false);
124 		b_log_capacity	= get_driver_boolean_parameter(sh, "debug_trace_capacity",
125 										b_log_capacity, false);
126 		if(!b_log_file){ /* some information is already in system log entries */
127 			b_log_thid	 = false;
128 			b_log_thname = false;
129 		}
130 	}
131 }
132 /**
133 	\fn: create_log
134 	called to [re]create private log file
135 */
136 void
137 create_log(void)
138 {
139 	int flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | ((!b_log_append) ? O_TRUNC : 0);
140 	if(b_log_file){
141 		close(open(private_log_path, flags, 0666));
142 	}
143 }
145 /**
146 	\fn: usb_scsi_trace
147 	\param b_force: if true - output message ignoring current logging state
148 	\param fmt: format string used in message formatting
149 	\param ...: variable argument used in message formatting
150 	formats and traces messages to current debug output target.
151 */
152 void
153 usb_scsi_trace(bool b_force, const char *fmt, ...)
154 {
155 	if(b_force || b_log){
156 		va_list arg_list;
157 		static char *prefix = MODULE_NAME":";
158 		static char buf[1024];
159 		char *buf_ptr = buf;
160 		port_id pid = find_port(log_port_name);
161 		bool b_no_port = (pid == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND);
162 		if(!b_log_file || b_no_port){ /* it's not a good idea to add prefix in private file */
163 			strcpy(buf, prefix);
164 			buf_ptr += strlen(prefix);
165 		}
166 		if(b_log_time){ /* add time of logging this string */
167 			bigtime_t time = system_time();
168 			uint32 msec = time / 1000;
169 			uint32 sec	= msec / 1000;
170 			sprintf(buf_ptr, "%02ld.%02ld.%03ld:", sec / 60, sec % 60, msec % 1000);
171 			buf_ptr += strlen(buf_ptr);
172 		}
173 		if(b_log_thid){ /* add id of the calling thread */
174 			thread_id tid = find_thread(0);
175 			thread_info tinfo = {0};
176 			if(b_log_thname){ /* add name of the calling thread */
177 				get_thread_info(tid, &tinfo);
178 			}
179 			sprintf(buf_ptr, "['%s':%lx]:", tinfo.name, tid);
180 			buf_ptr += strlen(buf_ptr);
181 		}
182 		va_start(arg_list, fmt);
183 		vsprintf(buf_ptr, fmt, arg_list);
184 		va_end(arg_list);
185 		if(b_log_file && !b_no_port){ /* write in private log file */
186 			if(B_OK != write_port_etc(pid, 0, buf, strlen(buf), B_TIMEOUT, 0))
187 				dprintf(buf);
188 		} else /* write in system log*/
189 			dprintf(buf);
190 	}
191 }
192 /**
193 	\fn: trace_CCB_HEADER
194 	\param ccbh: struct to be traced
195 	traces CCB_HEADER struct to current debug output target
196 */
197 void
198 usb_scsi_trace_CCB_HEADER(const CCB_HEADER *ccbh)
199 {
200 	TRACE("CCB_HEADER:%08x\n"
201 		"	phys_addr:%ld\n"
202 		"	cam_ccb_len:%d\n"
203 		"	cam_func_code:%02x\n"
204 		"	cam_status:%02x\n"
205 		"	cam_hrsvd0:%02x\n"
206 		"	cam_path_id:%02x\n"
207 		"	cam_target_id:%02x\n"
208 		"	cam_target_lun:%02x\n"
209 		"	cam_flags:%08x\n",
210 			ccbh,
211 			ccbh->phys_addr,
212 			ccbh->cam_ccb_len,
213 			ccbh->cam_func_code,
214 			ccbh->cam_status,
215 			ccbh->cam_hrsvd0,
216 			ccbh->cam_path_id,
217 			ccbh->cam_target_id,
218 			ccbh->cam_target_lun,
219 			ccbh->cam_flags);
220 }
221 /**
222 	\fn: trace_CCB_SCSIIO
223 	\param ccbio: struct to be traced
224 	traces CCB_SCSIIO struct to current debug output target
225 */
226 void
227 usb_scsi_trace_CCB_SCSIIO(const CCB_SCSIIO *ccbio)
228 {
229 	TRACE("CCB_SCSIIO:%08x\n", ccbio);
230 	usb_scsi_trace_CCB_HEADER(&ccbio->cam_ch);
231 	TRACE("	cam_pdrv_ptr:%08x\n"
232 		"	cam_next_ccb:%08x\n"
233 		"	cam_req_map:%08x\n"
234 		"	(*cam_cbfcnp):%08x\n"
235 		"	cam_data_ptr:%08x\n"
236 		"	cam_dxfer_len:%ld\n"
237 		"	cam_sense_ptr:%08x\n"
238 		"	cam_sense_len:%d\n"
239 		"	cam_cdb_len:%d\n"
240 		"	cam_sglist_cnt:%d\n"
241 		"	cam_sort:%d\n"
242 		"	cam_scsi_status:%02x\n"
243 		"	cam_sense_resid:%d\n"
244 		"	cam_resid:%d\n"
245 		"	cam_timeout:%d\n"
246 		"	cam_msg_ptr:%08x\n"
247 		"	cam_msgb_len:%d\n"
248 		"	cam_vu_flags:%04x\n"
249 		"	cam_tag_action:%d\n",
250 	ccbio->cam_pdrv_ptr,
251 	ccbio->cam_next_ccb,
252 	ccbio->cam_req_map,
253 	ccbio->cam_cbfcnp,
254 	ccbio->cam_data_ptr,
255 	ccbio->cam_dxfer_len,
256 	ccbio->cam_sense_ptr,
257 	ccbio->cam_sense_len,
258 	ccbio->cam_cdb_len,
259 	ccbio->cam_sglist_cnt,
260 	ccbio->cam_sort,
261 	ccbio->cam_scsi_status,
262 	ccbio->cam_sense_resid,
263 	ccbio->cam_resid,
264 	ccbio->cam_timeout,
265 	ccbio->cam_msg_ptr,
266 	ccbio->cam_msgb_len,
267 	ccbio->cam_vu_flags,
268 	ccbio->cam_tag_action);
270 	usb_scsi_trace_bytes("CDB_UN:\n", ccbio->cam_cdb_io.cam_cdb_bytes, IOCDBLEN);
271 }
272 /**
273 	\fn: usb_scsi_command_trace
274 	\param b_hlight: highlight command and prefix it with spec. charachter
275 	\param cmd: array of bytes to be traced. typically pointer SCSI command buffer
276 	\param cmdlen: size of buffer in cmd parameter
277 	traces SCSI commands into debug output target.can highlight and prefix the
278 	text with special charachter and color for two different types
279 	of commands.
280 */
281 void
282 usb_scsi_trace_command(bool b_hlight, const uint8 *cmd, size_t cmdlen)
283 {
284 	size_t len = min(cmdlen, 12); /* command length watchdog */
285 	char hl_mask[] = "\33[%sCMD:\33[0m";
286 	char prefix[sizeof(hl_mask) + 6];
287 	if(b_log_file){ /* compose CMD prefix */
288 		sprintf(prefix, "%sCMD:", b_hlight ? "=>":"");
289 	} else {
290 		sprintf(prefix, hl_mask, b_hlight ? "33m=>":"32m");
291 	}
292 	usb_scsi_trace_bytes(prefix, cmd, len); /* append command bytes to log */
293 }
294 /**
295 	\fn:usb_scsi_bytes_trace
296 	\param bytes:array of bytes to be traced.
297 	\param bytes_len: size of buffer in bytes parameter
298 	traces buffer bytes one by one into debug output target.
299 */
300 void
301 usb_scsi_trace_bytes(const char *prefix, const uint8 *bytes, size_t bytes_len)
302 {
303 	size_t len = min(bytes_len, 0x100); /* length watchdog */
304 	char truncTail[] = "<TRUNC>\n";
305 	char *pbuf = (char *)malloc(len * 3 + sizeof(truncTail) + strlen(prefix) + 1);
306 	if(pbuf){
307 		size_t i = 0;
308 		char *p = pbuf;
309 		strcpy(p, prefix);
310 		p += strlen(prefix);
311 		for(;i < len; i++){
312 			sprintf(p, " %02x", bytes[i]);
313 			p += strlen(p);
314 		}
315 		/* user should be informed about truncation too*/
316 		strcpy(p, (len < bytes_len) ? truncTail : "\n");
317 		TRACE(pbuf);
318 		free(pbuf);
319 	} else {
320 		TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_bytes:error allocate "
321 																			"memory for tracing %d bytes\n", len);
322 	}
323 }
325 void usb_scsi_trace_sgb(const char *prefix, sg_buffer *sgb)
326 {
327 	char sgbHead[] = "SGB:";
328 	size_t i = 0;
329 	size_t len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(sgbHead) + sgb->count * 9;
330 	char *sgbPrefix = (char*)malloc(len);
331 	if(0 != sgbPrefix){
332 		sg_buffer sgb_own;
333 		size_t sgb_len = 0;
334 		char *p = sgbPrefix;
335 		strcpy(p, prefix);
336 		p += strlen(p);
337 		strcpy(p, sgbHead);
338 		p += strlen(p);
339 		i = 0;
340 		for(; i < sgb->count; i++){
341 			sprintf(p, "%lX,", sgb->piov[i].iov_len);
342 			sgb_len += sgb->piov[i].iov_len;
343 			p += strlen(p);
344 		}
345 		if(B_OK == realloc_sg_buffer(&sgb_own, sgb_len)){
346 			sg_memcpy(&sgb_own, 0, sgb, 0, sgb_len);
347 			/* assume non-fragmented memory	*/
348 			usb_scsi_trace_bytes(sgbPrefix, sgb_own.piov->iov_base, sgb_own.piov->iov_len);
349 			free_sg_buffer(&sgb_own);
350 		} else {
351 			TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_sgb:error allocate sgb for %d bytes\n", sgb_len);
352 		}
353 	} else {
354 		TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_sgb:error allocate memory for %d bytes\n", len);
355 	}
356 }
358 void usb_scsi_trace_SG(iovec *sg, int count)
359 {
360 	char sg_mask[] = "SG:{%s}\n";
361 	char truncTail[] = "<TRUNC>";
362 	size_t trunc_count = min(count, 0x20); /* length watchdog */
363 	size_t len = sizeof(sg_mask) + sizeof(truncTail) + trunc_count * 16;
364 	char *pbuf = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
365 	if(pbuf){
366 		int i = 0;
367 		char *p = pbuf;
368 		for(; i < trunc_count; i++){
369 			sprintf(p, (!i) ? "%d" : ", %d", sg[i].iov_len);
370 			p += strlen(p);
371 		}
372 		/* user should be informed about truncation too*/
373 		if(trunc_count < count)
374 			strcpy(p, truncTail);
376 		TRACE(sg_mask, pbuf);
377 		free(pbuf);
378 	} else {
379 		TRACE_ALWAYS("usb_scsi_trace_SG:error allocate "
380 																		"memory for tracing %d SG entries\n", trunc_count);
381 	}
382 }
384 #endif /* BUILD_LOG_DAEMON */