xref: /haiku/src/add-ons/accelerants/ati/rage128.h (revision 5140a1bb94fe38c9240d42bd1d421e68bdaccbb0)
1 /*
2 	Haiku ATI video driver adapted from the X.org ATI driver which has the
3 	following copyright:
5 	Copyright 1999, 2000 ATI Technologies Inc., Markham, Ontario,
6 						  Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas, and
7 						  VA Linux Systems Inc., Fremont, California.
9 	Copyright 2009, 2011 Haiku, Inc.  All rights reserved.
10 	Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
12 	Authors:
13 	Gerald Zajac
14 */
17 #ifndef __RAGE128_H__
18 #define __RAGE128_H__
21 #define CURSOR_BYTES	1024	// bytes used for cursor image in video memory
23 #define R128_TIMEOUT	2000000	// Fall out of wait loops after this count
26 // Register MMIO addresses.
27 //-------------------------
29 #define R128_AUX_SC_CNTL				  0x1660
31 #define R128_BUS_CNTL					  0x0030
32 #		define R128_BUS_MASTER_DIS		  (1 << 6)
33 #		define R128_BUS_RD_DISCARD_EN	  (1 << 24)
34 #		define R128_BUS_RD_ABORT_EN 	  (1 << 25)
35 #		define R128_BUS_MSTR_DISCONNECT_EN (1 << 28)
36 #		define R128_BUS_WRT_BURST		  (1 << 29)
37 #		define R128_BUS_READ_BURST		  (1 << 30)
39 #define R128_CAP0_TRIG_CNTL 			  0x0950	// ?
40 #define R128_CAP1_TRIG_CNTL 			  0x09c0	// ?
41 #define R128_CLOCK_CNTL_DATA			  0x000c
42 #define R128_CLOCK_CNTL_INDEX			  0x0008
43 #		define R128_PLL_WR_EN			  (1 << 7)
44 #		define R128_PLL_DIV_SEL 		  (3 << 8)
45 #define R128_CONFIG_MEMSIZE 			  0x00f8
46 #define R128_CRTC_EXT_CNTL				  0x0054
47 #		define R128_CRTC_VGA_XOVERSCAN	  (1 <<  0)
48 #		define R128_VGA_ATI_LINEAR		  (1 <<  3)
49 #		define R128_XCRT_CNT_EN 		  (1 <<  6)
50 #		define R128_CRTC_HSYNC_DIS		  (1 <<  8)
51 #		define R128_CRTC_VSYNC_DIS		  (1 <<  9)
52 #		define R128_CRTC_DISPLAY_DIS	  (1 << 10)
53 #		define R128_CRTC_CRT_ON 		  (1 << 15)
54 #		define R128_FP_OUT_EN			  (1 << 22)
55 #		define R128_FP_ACTIVE			  (1 << 23)
56 #define R128_CRTC_GEN_CNTL				  0x0050
57 #		define R128_CRTC_CUR_EN 		  (1 << 16)
58 #		define R128_CRTC_EXT_DISP_EN	  (1 << 24)
59 #		define R128_CRTC_EN 			  (1 << 25)
60 #define R128_CRTC_H_SYNC_STRT_WID		  0x0204
61 #		define R128_CRTC_H_SYNC_POL		  (1 << 23)
62 #define R128_CRTC_H_TOTAL_DISP			  0x0200
63 #define R128_CRTC_OFFSET				  0x0224
64 #define R128_CRTC_OFFSET_CNTL			  0x0228
65 #define R128_CRTC_PITCH					  0x022c
66 #define R128_CRTC_V_SYNC_STRT_WID		  0x020c
67 #		define R128_CRTC_V_SYNC_POL		  (1 << 23)
68 #define R128_CRTC_V_TOTAL_DISP			  0x0208
69 #define R128_CUR_CLR0					  0x026c
70 #define R128_CUR_CLR1					  0x0270
71 #define R128_CUR_HORZ_VERT_OFF			  0x0268
72 #define R128_CUR_HORZ_VERT_POSN 		  0x0264
73 #define R128_CUR_OFFSET 				  0x0260
74 #		define R128_CUR_LOCK			  (1 << 31)
76 #define R128_DAC_CNTL					  0x0058
77 #		define R128_DAC_RANGE_CNTL		  (3 <<  0)
78 #		define R128_DAC_BLANKING		  (1 <<  2)
79 #		define R128_DAC_CRT_SEL_CRTC2	  (1 <<  4)
80 #		define R128_DAC_PALETTE_ACC_CTL   (1 <<  5)
81 #		define R128_DAC_8BIT_EN 		  (1 <<  8)
82 #		define R128_DAC_VGA_ADR_EN		  (1 << 13)
83 #		define R128_DAC_MASK_ALL		  (0xff << 24)
84 #define R128_DDA_CONFIG 				  0x02e0
85 #define R128_DDA_ON_OFF 				  0x02e4
86 #define R128_DEFAULT_OFFSET 			  0x16e0
87 #define R128_DEFAULT_PITCH				  0x16e4
88 #define R128_DEFAULT_SC_BOTTOM_RIGHT	  0x16e8
89 #		define R128_DEFAULT_SC_RIGHT_MAX  (0x1fff <<  0)
90 #		define R128_DEFAULT_SC_BOTTOM_MAX (0x1fff << 16)
91 #define R128_DP_BRUSH_BKGD_CLR			  0x1478
92 #define R128_DP_BRUSH_FRGD_CLR			  0x147c
93 #define R128_DP_CNTL					  0x16c0
94 #		define R128_DST_X_LEFT_TO_RIGHT   (1 <<  0)
95 #		define R128_DST_Y_TOP_TO_BOTTOM   (1 <<  1)
96 #define R128_DP_DATATYPE				  0x16c4
97 #		define R128_HOST_BIG_ENDIAN_EN	  (1 << 29)
98 #define R128_DP_GUI_MASTER_CNTL 		  0x146c
99 #		define R128_DP_SRC_SOURCE_MEMORY	(2  << 24)
100 #		define R128_GMC_AUX_CLIP_DIS		(1  << 29)
101 #		define R128_GMC_BRUSH_NONE			(15 <<  4)
102 #		define R128_GMC_BRUSH_SOLID_COLOR	(13 <<  4)
103 #		define R128_GMC_CLR_CMP_CNTL_DIS	(1  << 28)
104 #		define R128_GMC_DST_DATATYPE_SHIFT	8
105 #		define R128_GMC_SRC_DATATYPE_COLOR	(3 << 12)
106 #		define R128_ROP3_Dn 			  0x00550000
107 #		define R128_ROP3_P				  0x00f00000
108 #		define R128_ROP3_S				  0x00cc0000
109 #define R128_DP_SRC_BKGD_CLR			  0x15dc
110 #define R128_DP_SRC_FRGD_CLR			  0x15d8
111 #define R128_DP_WRITE_MASK				  0x16cc
112 #define R128_DST_BRES_DEC				  0x1630
113 #define R128_DST_BRES_ERR				  0x1628
114 #define R128_DST_BRES_INC				  0x162c
115 #define R128_DST_HEIGHT_WIDTH			  0x143c
116 #define R128_DST_WIDTH_HEIGHT			  0x1598
117 #define R128_DST_Y_X					  0x1438
119 #define R128_FP_CRTC_H_TOTAL_DISP         0x0250
120 #define R128_FP_CRTC_V_TOTAL_DISP         0x0254
121 #define R128_FP_GEN_CNTL				  0x0284
122 #		define R128_FP_FPON 				 (1 << 0)
123 #		define R128_FP_BLANK_DIS			 (1 << 1)
124 #		define R128_FP_TDMS_EN				 (1 <<	2)
125 #		define R128_FP_DETECT_SENSE 		 (1 <<	8)
126 #		define R128_FP_SEL_CRTC2			 (1 << 13)
127 #		define R128_FP_CRTC_DONT_SHADOW_VPAR (1 << 16)
128 #		define R128_FP_CRTC_DONT_SHADOW_HEND (1 << 17)
129 #		define R128_FP_CRTC_USE_SHADOW_VEND  (1 << 18)
130 #		define R128_FP_CRTC_USE_SHADOW_ROWCUR (1 << 19)
131 #		define R128_FP_CRTC_HORZ_DIV2_EN	 (1 << 20)
132 #		define R128_FP_CRTC_HOR_CRT_DIV2_DIS (1 << 21)
133 #		define R128_FP_CRT_SYNC_SEL 		 (1 << 23)
134 #		define R128_FP_USE_SHADOW_EN		 (1 << 24)
135 #define R128_FP_H_SYNC_STRT_WID           0x02c4
136 #define R128_FP_HORZ_STRETCH              0x028c
137 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_RATIO_MASK  0xfff
138 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_RATIO_SHIFT 0
139 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_RATIO_MAX   4096
140 #       define R128_HORZ_PANEL_SIZE          (0xff << 16)
141 #       define R128_HORZ_PANEL_SHIFT         16
142 #       define R128_AUTO_HORZ_RATIO          (0 << 24)
143 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_PIXREP      (0 << 25)
144 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_BLEND       (1 << 25)
145 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_ENABLE      (1 << 26)
146 #       define R128_HORZ_FP_LOOP_STRETCH     (0x7 << 27)
147 #       define R128_HORZ_STRETCH_RESERVED    (1 << 30)
148 #       define R128_HORZ_AUTO_RATIO_FIX_EN   (1 << 31)
150 #define R128_FP_PANEL_CNTL                0x0288
151 #       define R128_FP_DIGON              (1 << 0)
152 #       define R128_FP_BLON               (1 << 1)
153 #define R128_FP_V_SYNC_STRT_WID           0x02c8
154 #define R128_FP_VERT_STRETCH              0x0290
155 #       define R128_VERT_PANEL_SIZE          (0x7ff <<  0)
156 #       define R128_VERT_PANEL_SHIFT         0
157 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_RATIO_MASK  0x3ff
158 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_RATIO_SHIFT 11
159 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_RATIO_MAX   1024
160 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_ENABLE      (1 << 24)
161 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_LINEREP     (0 << 25)
162 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_BLEND       (1 << 25)
163 #       define R128_VERT_AUTO_RATIO_EN       (1 << 26)
164 #       define R128_VERT_STRETCH_RESERVED    0xf8e00000
166 #define R128_GEN_INT_CNTL				  0x0040
167 #define R128_GEN_INT_STATUS				  0x0044
168 #define R128_GEN_RESET_CNTL 			  0x00f0
169 #		define R128_SOFT_RESET_GUI		  (1 <<  0)
170 #define R128_GPIO_MONID 				  0x0068
171 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_A_0		  (1 <<  0)
172 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_A_3		  (1 <<  3)
173 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_Y_0		  (1 <<  8)
174 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_Y_3		  (1 << 11)
175 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_EN_0 	  (1 << 16)
176 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_EN_3 	  (1 << 19)
177 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_MASK_0	  (1 << 24)
178 #		define R128_GPIO_MONID_MASK_3	  (1 << 27)
179 #define R128_GUI_PROBE					  0x16bc
180 #define R128_GUI_STAT					  0x1740
181 #		define R128_GUI_FIFOCNT_MASK	  0x0fff
182 #		define R128_GUI_ACTIVE			  (1 << 31)
184 #define R128_HTOTAL_CNTL				  0x0009	// PLL
186 #define R128_I2C_CNTL_1 				  0x0094	// ?
188 #define R128_LVDS_GEN_CNTL				  0x02d0
189 #		define R128_LVDS_ON 			  (1   <<  0)
190 #		define R128_LVDS_DISPLAY_DIS	  (1   <<  1)
191 #		define R128_LVDS_EN 			  (1   <<  7)
192 #		define R128_LVDS_DIGON			  (1   << 18)
193 #		define R128_LVDS_BLON			  (1   << 19)
194 #		define R128_LVDS_SEL_CRTC2		  (1   << 23)
195 #		define R128_HSYNC_DELAY_SHIFT	  28
196 #		define R128_HSYNC_DELAY_MASK	  (0xf << 28)
198 #define R128_MCLK_CNTL					  0x000f /* PLL */
199 #		define R128_FORCE_GCP			  (1 << 16)
200 #		define R128_FORCE_PIPE3D_CP 	  (1 << 17)
201 #define R128_MEM_CNTL					  0x0140
202 #define R128_MPP_TB_CONFIG				  0x01c0	// ?
203 #define R128_MPP_GP_CONFIG				  0x01c8	// ?
205 #define R128_OVR_CLR					  0x0230
206 #define R128_OVR_WID_LEFT_RIGHT 		  0x0234
207 #define R128_OVR_WID_TOP_BOTTOM 		  0x0238
209 #define R128_PALETTE_DATA				  0x00b4
210 #define R128_PALETTE_INDEX				  0x00b0
211 #define R128_PC_NGUI_CTLSTAT			  0x0184
212 #		define R128_PC_FLUSH_ALL		  0x00ff
213 #		define R128_PC_BUSY 			  (1 << 31)
214 #define R128_PPLL_CNTL					  0x0002	// PLL
215 #		define R128_PPLL_RESET				  (1 <<  0)
216 #		define R128_PPLL_SLEEP				  (1 <<  1)
217 #		define R128_PPLL_ATOMIC_UPDATE_EN	  (1 << 16)
218 #		define R128_PPLL_VGA_ATOMIC_UPDATE_EN (1 << 17)
219 #define R128_PPLL_DIV_3 				  0x0007	// PLL
220 #		define R128_PPLL_FB3_DIV_MASK	  0x07ff
221 #		define R128_PPLL_POST3_DIV_MASK   0x00070000
222 #define R128_PPLL_REF_DIV				  0x0003	// PLL
223 #		define R128_PPLL_REF_DIV_MASK	  0x03ff
224 #		define R128_PPLL_ATOMIC_UPDATE_R  (1 << 15)	// same as _W
225 #		define R128_PPLL_ATOMIC_UPDATE_W  (1 << 15)	// same as _R
227 #define R128_SC_BOTTOM_RIGHT			  0x16f0
228 #define R128_SC_TOP_LEFT				  0x16ec
229 #define R128_SCALE_3D_CNTL				  0x1a00
230 #define R128_SRC_Y_X					  0x1434
231 #define R128_SUBPIC_CNTL				  0x0540	// ?
233 #define R128_TMDS_CRC                     0x02a0
235 #define R128_VCLK_ECP_CNTL				 0x0008	// PLL
236 #		define R128_VCLK_SRC_SEL_MASK	 0x03
237 #		define R128_VCLK_SRC_SEL_CPUCLK  0x00
238 #		define R128_VCLK_SRC_SEL_PPLLCLK 0x03
239 #		define R128_ECP_DIV_MASK		 (3 << 8)
240 #define R128_VIPH_CONTROL				  0x01D0	// ?
243 // Definitions used for overlays.
244 //===============================
246 #define R128_OV0_Y_X_START				0x0400
247 #define R128_OV0_Y_X_END				0x0404
248 #define R128_OV0_EXCLUSIVE_HORZ 		0x0408
249 #define R128_OV0_REG_LOAD_CNTL			0x0410
250 #define R128_OV0_SCALE_CNTL 			0x0420
251 #define R128_OV0_V_INC					0x0424
252 #define R128_OV0_P1_V_ACCUM_INIT		0x0428
253 #define R128_OV0_P23_V_ACCUM_INIT		0x042C
254 #define R128_OV0_P1_BLANK_LINES_AT_TOP	0x0430
255 #define R128_OV0_VID_BUF0_BASE_ADRS 	0x0440
256 #define R128_OV0_VID_BUF_PITCH0_VALUE	0x0460
257 #define R128_OV0_AUTO_FLIP_CNTL 		0x0470
258 #define R128_OV0_H_INC					0x0480
259 #define R128_OV0_STEP_BY				0x0484
260 #define R128_OV0_P1_H_ACCUM_INIT		0x0488
261 #define R128_OV0_P23_H_ACCUM_INIT		0x048C
262 #define R128_OV0_P1_X_START_END 		0x0494
263 #define R128_OV0_P2_X_START_END 		0x0498
264 #define R128_OV0_P3_X_START_END 		0x049C
265 #define R128_OV0_FILTER_CNTL			0x04A0
266 #define R128_OV0_COLOUR_CNTL			0x04E0
267 #define R128_OV0_GRAPHICS_KEY_CLR		0x04EC
268 #define R128_OV0_GRAPHICS_KEY_MSK		0x04F0
269 #define R128_OV0_KEY_CNTL				0x04F4
270 #		define R128_GRAPHIC_KEY_FN_EQ	0x00000040L
271 #		define R128_GRAPHIC_KEY_FN_NE	0x00000050L
272 #define R128_OV0_TEST					0x04F8
276 // Functions to get/set PLL registers.
277 //=======================================
279 static inline uint32
280 GetPLLReg(uint8 index)
281 {
282 	OUTREG8(R128_CLOCK_CNTL_INDEX, index & 0x3f);
283 	return INREG(R128_CLOCK_CNTL_DATA);
284 }
287 static inline void
288 SetPLLReg(uint8 index, uint32 value)
289 {
290 	OUTREG8(R128_CLOCK_CNTL_INDEX, ((index) & 0x3f) | R128_PLL_WR_EN);
291 	OUTREG(R128_CLOCK_CNTL_DATA, value);
292 }
295 static inline void
296 SetPLLReg(uint8 index, uint32 value, uint32 mask)
297 {
298 	// Write a value to a PLL reg using a mask.  The mask selects the
299 	// bits to be modified.
301 	SetPLLReg(index, (GetPLLReg(index) & ~mask) | (value & mask));
302 }
305 #endif // __RAGE128_H__