xref: /haiku/docs/user/storage/SymLink.dox (revision 434716ced8ad33189ce77ac2174dbee94e58e4fc)
1*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*
2*434716ceSJohn Scipione * Copyright 2002-2013 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
3*434716ceSJohn Scipione * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
4*434716ceSJohn Scipione *
5*434716ceSJohn Scipione * Authors:
6*434716ceSJohn Scipione *		Tyler Dauwalder
7*434716ceSJohn Scipione *		John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
8*434716ceSJohn Scipione *		Ingo Weinhold, bonefish@users.sf.net
9*434716ceSJohn Scipione *
10*434716ceSJohn Scipione * Corresponds to:
11*434716ceSJohn Scipione *		headers/os/storage/Symlink.h	hrev45306
12*434716ceSJohn Scipione *		src/kits/storage/Symlink.cpp	hrev45306
13*434716ceSJohn Scipione */
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16*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
17*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\file Symlink.h
18*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\ingroup storage
19*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\ingroup libbe
20*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Provides the BSymLink class.
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24*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
25*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\class BSymLink
26*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\ingroup storage
27*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\ingroup libbe
28*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Provides an interface for creating, manipulating, and accessing
29*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       the contents of symbolic links.
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33*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
34*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::BSymLink()
35*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Creates an uninitialized BSymLink object.
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39*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
40*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::BSymLink(const BSymLink &link)
41*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Creates a copy of the supplied BSymLink object.
42*434716ceSJohn Scipione
43*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param link The BSymLink object to be copied.
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47*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
48*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::BSymLink(const entry_ref *ref)
49*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Creates a BSymLink object and initializes it to the symbolic link
50*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       referred to by the supplied entry_ref.
51*434716ceSJohn Scipione
52*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param ref the entry_ref referring to the symbolic link.
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56*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
57*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::BSymLink(const BEntry *entry)
58*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Creates a BSymLink object and initializes it to the symbolic link
59*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       referred to by the supplied BEntry.
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61*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param entry The BEntry referring to the symbolic link.
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65*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
66*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::BSymLink(const char *path)
67*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Creates a BSymLink object and initializes it to the symbolic link
68*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       referred to by the supplied path name.
69*434716ceSJohn Scipione
70*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param path The path of the symbolic link.
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74*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
75*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::BSymLink(const BDirectory *dir, const char *path)
76*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Creates a BSymLink object and initializes it to the symbolic link
77*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       referred to by the supplied path name relative to the specified
78*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       BDirectory.
79*434716ceSJohn Scipione
80*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param dir The base BDirectory.
81*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param path The path of the symbolic link relative to \a dir.
82*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/
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85*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
86*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn BSymLink::~BSymLink()
87*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Destroys the object and frees all allocated resources.
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89*434716ceSJohn Scipione	If the BSymLink was properly initialized, the file descriptor of the
90*434716ceSJohn Scipione	symbolic link is also closed.
91*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/
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94*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
95*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn ssize_t BSymLink::ReadLink(char *buffer, size_t size)
96*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Reads the contents of the symbolic link into \a buffer.
97*434716ceSJohn Scipione
98*434716ceSJohn Scipione	The string written to the buffer is guaranteed to be \c NULL terminated.
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100*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param buffer The buffer to read the symlink's contents into.
101*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param size The size of \a buffer.
102*434716ceSJohn Scipione
103*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\return The number of bytes written into the buffer or an error code.
104*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \a buf was \c NULL or the object didn't refer to a
105*434716ceSJohn Scipione	        symbolic link.
106*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_FILE_ERROR The object was not initialized.
107*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/
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110*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
111*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn ssize_t BSymLink::MakeLinkedPath(const char *dirPath, BPath *path)
112*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Combines a directory path and the contents of this symbolic link to
113*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       form an absolute path.
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115*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param dirPath The base directory path to combine with the symbolic link.
116*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param path The BPath object to be set to the resulting absolute path.
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118*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\return The length of the resulting path name or an error code.
119*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \a dirPath or \a path was \c NULL or the object didn't
120*434716ceSJohn Scipione	        refer to a symbolic link.
121*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_FILE_ERROR The object was not initialized.
122*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The resulting path name was too long to fit.
123*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/
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126*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
127*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn ssize_t BSymLink::MakeLinkedPath(const BDirectory *dir, BPath *path)
128*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Combines a directory path and the contents of this symbolic link to
129*434716ceSJohn Scipione	       form an absolute path.
130*434716ceSJohn Scipione
131*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param dir The base BDirectory object to combine with the symbolic link.
132*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\param path the BPath object to be set to the resulting absolute path.
133*434716ceSJohn Scipione
134*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\return The length of the resulting path name or an error code.
135*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_BAD_VALUE \a dir or \a path was \c NULL or the object didn't
136*434716ceSJohn Scipione	        refer to a symbolic link.
137*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_FILE_ERROR The object was not initialized.
138*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The resulting path name was too long to fit.
139*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/
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142*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
143*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn bool BSymLink::IsAbsolute()
144*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Returns whether or not the object refers to an absolute path.
145*434716ceSJohn Scipione
146*434716ceSJohn Scipione	/return \c true if the object is properly initialized and the symbolic
147*434716ceSJohn Scipione	        link refers to an absolute path, \c false otherwise.
148*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/
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151*434716ceSJohn Scipione/*!
152*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\fn int BSymLink::get_fd() const
153*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\brief Returns the file descriptor of the BSymLink.
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155*434716ceSJohn Scipione	This method should be used instead of accessing the private \c fFd member
156*434716ceSJohn Scipione	of the BNode directly.
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158*434716ceSJohn Scipione	\return The object's file descriptor, or -1 if not properly initialized.
159*434716ceSJohn Scipione*/