1/*! 2\class BLocaleRoster 3\ingroup locale 4\brief Main class for accessingthe locale kit data 5 6The Locale Roster is the central part of the locale roster. 7It is a blobal object (be_locale�_roster) storing all the useful locale 8data. Other classes from the Locale Kit can be constructed on their own, 9but only hte Locale Roster allows you to do so while taking account of 10the user's locale settings. 11 12The Locale Roster also provides convenient short-hands to the most used 13methods of the Locale Kit. 14*/ 15 16/*! 17\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetDefaultCollator(BCollator* collator) const 18\brief Get the default collator. 19*/ 20 21/*! 22\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetDefaultLocale(BLocale* locale) const 23\brief Get the default locale. 24*/ 25 26/*! 27\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetDefaultCountry(BCountry* country) const 28\brief Get the default country. 29*/ 30 31/*! 32\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetDefaultLanguage(BLanguage* language) const 33\brief Get the default language. 34*/ 35 36/*! 37\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetDefaultTimeZone(BTimeZone* timezone) const 38\brief Get the default timezone. 39*/ 40 41/*! 42\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetLanguage(const char* languagecode, BLanguage** _language) const 43\brief Instanciate a language from its code. 44*/ 45 46/*! 47\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetInstalledLanguages(BMessage* message) const 48\brief List the available languages 49 50This function fills the passed BMessage with one or more 'language' string 51fields, containing the language(s) code(s). 52 53*/ 54 55/*! 56\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetAvailableCountries(BMessage* message) const 57\brief List the available countries 58 59This function filles the passed BMessage with one or more 'country' string 60fields, containing the country names. 61 62*/ 63 64/*! 65\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetInstalledCatalogs(BMessage* message, const char* sigPattern = NULL, const char* langPattern = NULL, int32 fingerprint = 0) const 66\brief Get the available locales and catalogs 67 68This function fills the passed BMessage with one or more 'locale' string 69fields, containing the locale names. 70 71The optional parameters can be used to filter the list and only get the 72locales for which a catalog is available for the given app (sigPattern, fingerprint), 73or the locales with a given language. 74*/ 75 76/*! 77\fn BCatalog* BLocaleRoster::GetCatalog() 78\brief Get the current image catalog. 79 80This function returns the catalog for the calling image (application, add-on, or shared 81library). Note that it doesn't allow to specify a fingerprint. The language will be 82selected from the user preferences. 83 84\returns The catalog, if it was loaded successfully. 85\warning This function needs the image to be lined with liblocalestub.a 86*/ 87 88/*! 89\fn status_t BLocaleRoster::GetPreferredLanguages(BMessage* message) const 90\brief Return the list of user preferred languages. 91 92This function fills in the given message with one or more language string 93fields. They constitute the ordered list of user-selected languages to use for 94string translation. 95*/ 96