1/*! 2\class BCountry 3\ingroup locale 4\brief Class representing a country 5 6BCountry provides all the information about a particular country. 7This includes the country flag (as an HVIF icon), the localized name of the 8country, and the iso country code. 9 10Date, timeand numer formatting also depends to some extent of the language, 11so they are done in the BLocale classinstead. 12 13*/ 14 15/*! 16\fn BCountry::BCountry(const char* languageCode, const char* countryCode) 17\brief Constructor. 18 19Construct a BCountry from a language and a country code. 20 21*/ 22 23/*! 24\fn bool BCountry::GetName(BString& name) const 25\brief Get the name of the country 26 27Fills in the name parameter with the name of the country, in the user's locale. 28*/ 29 30/*! 31\fn const char* BCountry::Code() const 32\brief Returns the country code. 33*/ 34 35/*! 36\fn status_t BCountry::GetIcon(BBitmap* result) const; 37\brief Render the country's flag to the given BBitmap 38 39This function renders the Country's flag to the given BBitmap. The bitmap 40should already be set to the pixel format and size you want to use. 41 42The flag is stored in HVIF format and can be rendered atany size and color depth. 43 44\param result The BBitmap to drag the flag to. 45\returns B_OK if the drawing was successful. 46*/ 47 48/*! 49\fn const char* BCountry::GetLocalizedString(uint32 id) const; 50\brief Get one of the default localized strings for this country. 51 52The strings include monetary symbols and other similar things. 53 54*/ 55 56/*! 57\fn int8 BCountry::Measurement() const 58\brief Returrns the measurement used in this country. 59 60\returns B_METRIC for the metric system, or B_US for the USA's system. 61*/ 62 63/*! 64\fn int BCountry::GetTimeZones(BList& timezones) const 65\brief Returns all the timeaones used in this country. 66 67The count may vary from 0 for countries where there is no data, to twelve, for Russia. 68 69\returns The number of timezones that were added to the list. 70*/ 71