11 english x-vnd.Haiku-VirtualMemory 4238590117 2Quit SettingsWindow 退出 3Turn off SettingsWindow 关闭 4Disabling virtual memory will have unwanted effects on system stability once the memory is used up.\nVirtual memory does not affect system performance until this point is reached.\n\nAre you really sure you want to turn it off? SettingsWindow 当物理内存不足时,禁用虚拟内存,会影响系统的稳定性。\n除非物理内存已用完,使用虚拟内存不会对您的系统性能造成任何影响。\n\n您确定禁用虚拟内存吗? 5Requested swap file size: SettingsWindow 建议交换分区大小: 6The settings specified in the settings file are invalid. You can load the defaults or quit. SettingsWindow 配置文件中置顶的设置无效。您可以载入默认设置或者退出。 7Defaults SettingsWindow 默认 8Current Swap: SettingsWindow 目前交换分区: 9Use volume: SettingsWindow 已用磁卷: 10Keep enabled SettingsWindow 保持启用 11Revert SettingsWindow 取消 12VirtualMemory System name 虚拟内存 13Use boot volume SettingsWindow 使用引导卷 14Load defaults SettingsWindow 载入默认设置 15OK VirtualMemoryApp 确定 16Changes will take effect upon reboot. SettingsWindow 重启之后,更改将会生效! 17VirtualMemory\n\twritten by Axel Dörfler\n\tCopyright 2005, Haiku.\n VirtualMemoryApp 虚拟内存\n\t由 Axel Dörfler 编写\n\t 版权所有 2005 Haiku Inc.\n 18The volume specified in the settings file could not be found. You can use the boot volume or quit. SettingsWindow 未发现配置文件中指定的卷。您可以使用引导卷或者退出。 19Enable virtual memory SettingsWindow 启用虚拟内存 20