11 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-PPMTranslator 797856484 2PPM Settings PPMMain Paràmetres del PPM 3Based on PPMTranslator sample code PPMTranslator Basat en l'exemple de codi del PPMTranslator 4OK PPMMain D'acord 5Grayscale 8 bits PPMTranslator Escala de grisos de 8 bits 6CMY 8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMY 8:8:8 de 32 bits 7PPM image PPMTranslator Imatge PPM 8RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits PPMTranslator RGBA 5:5:5:1 de 16 bits 9Be Bitmap Format (PPMTranslator) PPMTranslator Format Be Bitmap (PPMTranslator) 10CMYA 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMYA 8:8:8:8 de 32 bits 11CMYK 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMYK 8:8:8:8 de 32 bits 12PPM image translator PPMTranslator Traductor d'imatges PPM 13bits/space PPMTranslator bits/espai 14RGB 8:8:8 32 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 8:8:8 32 bits big-endian 15RGB 5:6:5 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 5:6:5 16 bits big-endian 16RGB 5:5:5 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 5:5:5 16 bits big-endian 17RGB 5:6:5 16 bits PPMTranslator RGB 5:6:5 de 16 bits 18Write ASCII PPMTranslator Desa en ASCII 19RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator RGBA 8:8:8:8 de 32 bits 20None PPMTranslator Cap 21RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits big-endian 22RGB 5:5:5 16 bits PPMTranslator RGB 5:5:5 de 16 bits 23Bitmap 1 bit PPMTranslator Mapa de bits de 1 bit 24RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits big-endian 25RGB 8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator RGB 8:8:8 de 32 bits 26Sample code copyright 1999, Be Incorporated PPMTranslator Codi de mostra copyright 1999, Be Incorporated 27PPMTranslator Settings PPMTranslator Paràmetres del PPMTranslator 28Something is wrong with the PPMTranslator! PPMMain Alguna cosa falla amb el PPMTranslator! 29System palette 8 bits PPMTranslator Paleta del sistema de 8 bits 30