1ENGINE=docker 2VER=bullseye-slim-1 3#ENGINE=podman 4 5# Example mounting source code directory into container 6# (lets you "work on the code used to bootstrap" a bit easier) 7SOURCES=$(HOME)/Code 8EXTRA=-v $(SOURCES)/haiku:/work/src/haiku -v $(SOURCES)/buildtools:/work/src/buildtools 9 10default: 11 ${ENGINE} build . --no-cache -t docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} 12clean: 13 ${ENGINE} ps -q --filter=ancestor=docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} | xargs -I {} ${ENGINE} kill {} 14 ${ENGINE} ps -a -q --filter=ancestor=docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} | xargs -I {} ${ENGINE} rm {} 15 ${ENGINE} volume rm bootstrap_work 16prep: 17 ${ENGINE} run -v bootstrap_work:/work:exec ${EXTRA} docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} prep 18crosstools: 19 ${ENGINE} run -e TARGET_ARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) -v bootstrap_work:/work:exec ${EXTRA} docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} crosstools 20bootstrap: 21 ${ENGINE} run -e TARGET_ARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) -v bootstrap_work:/work:exec ${EXTRA} docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} bootstrap 22enter: 23 ${ENGINE} run -it -e TARGET_ARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) -v bootstrap_work:/work:exec ${EXTRA} docker.io/haiku/bootstrap:${VER} /bin/bash -l 24