/** * webtrees: online genealogy * Copyright (C) 2021 webtrees development team * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ 'use strict'; (function (webtrees) { const lang = document.documentElement.lang; // Identify the script used by some text. const scriptRegexes = { Han: /[\u3400-\u9FCC]/, Grek: /[\u0370-\u03FF]/, Cyrl: /[\u0400-\u04FF]/, Hebr: /[\u0590-\u05FF]/, Arab: /[\u0600-\u06FF]/ }; /** * Tidy the whitespace in a string. * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ function trim (str) { return str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); } /** * Look for non-latin characters in a string. * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ webtrees.detectScript = function (str) { for (const script in scriptRegexes) { if (str.match(scriptRegexes[script])) { return script; } } return 'Latn'; }; /** * In some languages, the SURN uses a male/default form, but NAME uses a gender-inflected form. * @param {string} surname * @param {string} sex * @returns {string} */ function inflectSurname (surname, sex) { if (lang === 'pl' && sex === 'F') { return surname .replace(/ski$/, 'ska') .replace(/cki$/, 'cka') .replace(/dzki$/, 'dzka') .replace(/żki$/, 'żka'); } return surname; } /** * Build a NAME from a NPFX, GIVN, SPFX, SURN and NSFX parts. * Assumes the language of the document is the same as the language of the name. * @param {string} npfx * @param {string} givn * @param {string} spfx * @param {string} surn * @param {string} nsfx * @param {string} sex * @returns {string} */ webtrees.buildNameFromParts = function (npfx, givn, spfx, surn, nsfx, sex) { const usesCJK = webtrees.detectScript(npfx + givn + spfx + givn + surn + nsfx) === 'Han'; const separator = usesCJK ? '' : ' '; const surnameFirst = usesCJK || ['hu', 'jp', 'ko', 'vi', 'zh-Hans', 'zh-Hant'].indexOf(lang) !== -1; const patronym = ['is'].indexOf(lang) !== -1; const slash = patronym ? '' : '/'; // GIVN and SURN may be a comma-separated lists. npfx = trim(npfx); givn = trim(givn.replace(/,/g, separator)); spfx = trim(spfx); surn = inflectSurname(trim(surn.replace(/,/g, separator)), sex); nsfx = trim(nsfx); const surname_separator = spfx.endsWith('\'') || spfx.endsWith('‘') ? '' : ' '; const surname = trim(spfx + surname_separator + surn); const name = surnameFirst ? slash + surname + slash + separator + givn : givn + separator + slash + surname + slash; return trim(npfx + separator + name + separator + nsfx); }; // Insert text at the current cursor position in a text field. webtrees.pasteAtCursor = function (element, text) { if (element !== null) { const caret_pos = element.selectionStart + text.length; const textBefore = element.value.substring(0, element.selectionStart); const textAfter = element.value.substring(element.selectionEnd); element.value = textBefore + text + textAfter; element.setSelectionRange(caret_pos, caret_pos); element.focus(); } }; /** * @param {Element} datefield * @param {string} dmy */ webtrees.reformatDate = function (datefield, dmy) { const months = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC']; const hijri_months = ['MUHAR', 'SAFAR', 'RABIA', 'RABIT', 'JUMAA', 'JUMAT', 'RAJAB', 'SHAAB', 'RAMAD', 'SHAWW', 'DHUAQ', 'DHUAH']; const hebrew_months = ['TSH', 'CSH', 'KSL', 'TVT', 'SHV', 'ADR', 'ADS', 'NSN', 'IYR', 'SVN', 'TMZ', 'AAV', 'ELL']; const french_months = ['VEND', 'BRUM', 'FRIM', 'NIVO', 'PLUV', 'VENT', 'GERM', 'FLOR', 'PRAI', 'MESS', 'THER', 'FRUC', 'COMP']; const jalali_months = ['FARVA', 'ORDIB', 'KHORD', 'TIR', 'MORDA', 'SHAHR', 'MEHR', 'ABAN', 'AZAR', 'DEY', 'BAHMA', 'ESFAN']; let datestr = datefield.value; // if a date has a date phrase marked by () this has to be excluded from altering let datearr = datestr.split('('); let datephrase = ''; if (datearr.length > 1) { datestr = datearr[0]; datephrase = datearr[1]; } // Gedcom dates are upper case datestr = datestr.toUpperCase(); // Gedcom dates have no leading/trailing/repeated whitespace datestr = datestr.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); datestr = datestr.replace(/(^\s)|(\s$)/, ''); // Gedcom dates have spaces between letters and digits, e.g. "01JAN2000" => "01 JAN 2000" datestr = datestr.replace(/(\d)([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2'); datestr = datestr.replace(/([A-Z])(\d)/g, '$1 $2'); // Shortcut for quarter format, "Q1 1900" => "BET JAN 1900 AND MAR 1900". if (datestr.match(/^Q ([1-4]) (\d\d\d\d)$/)) { datestr = 'BET ' + months[RegExp.$1 * 3 - 3] + ' ' + RegExp.$2 + ' AND ' + months[RegExp.$1 * 3 - 1] + ' ' + RegExp.$2; } // Shortcut for @#Dxxxxx@ 01 01 1400, etc. if (datestr.match(/^(@#DHIJRI@|HIJRI)( \d?\d )(\d?\d)( \d?\d?\d?\d)$/)) { datestr = '@#DHIJRI@' + RegExp.$2 + hijri_months[parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10) - 1] + RegExp.$4; } if (datestr.match(/^(@#DJALALI@|JALALI)( \d?\d )(\d?\d)( \d?\d?\d?\d)$/)) { datestr = '@#DJALALI@' + RegExp.$2 + jalali_months[parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10) - 1] + RegExp.$4; } if (datestr.match(/^(@#DHEBREW@|HEBREW)( \d?\d )(\d?\d)( \d?\d?\d?\d)$/)) { datestr = '@#DHEBREW@' + RegExp.$2 + hebrew_months[parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10) - 1] + RegExp.$4; } if (datestr.match(/^(@#DFRENCH R@|FRENCH)( \d?\d )(\d?\d)( \d?\d?\d?\d)$/)) { datestr = '@#DFRENCH R@' + RegExp.$2 + french_months[parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10) - 1] + RegExp.$4; } // All digit dates datestr = datestr.replace(/(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/g, function () { if (RegExp.$1 > '12' && RegExp.$3 <= '12' && RegExp.$4 <= '31') { return RegExp.$4 + ' ' + months[RegExp.$3 - 1] + ' ' + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2; } if (RegExp.$1 <= '31' && RegExp.$2 <= '12' && RegExp.$3 > '12') { return RegExp.$1 + ' ' + months[RegExp.$2 - 1] + ' ' + RegExp.$3 + RegExp.$4; } return RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3 + RegExp.$4; }); // e.g. 17.11.1860, 2 4 1987, 3/4/2005, 1999-12-31. Use locale settings since DMY order is ambiguous. datestr = datestr.replace(/(\d+)([ ./-])(\d+)(\2)(\d+)/g, function () { let f1 = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10); let f2 = parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10); let f3 = parseInt(RegExp.$5, 10); let yyyy = new Date().getFullYear(); let yy = yyyy % 100; let cc = yyyy - yy; if ((dmy === 'DMY' || f1 > 13 && f3 > 31) && f1 <= 31 && f2 <= 12) { return f1 + ' ' + months[f2 - 1] + ' ' + (f3 >= 100 ? f3 : (f3 <= yy ? f3 + cc : f3 + cc - 100)); } if ((dmy === 'MDY' || f2 > 13 && f3 > 31) && f1 <= 12 && f2 <= 31) { return f2 + ' ' + months[f1 - 1] + ' ' + (f3 >= 100 ? f3 : (f3 <= yy ? f3 + cc : f3 + cc - 100)); } if ((dmy === 'YMD' || f1 > 31) && f2 <= 12 && f3 <= 31) { return f3 + ' ' + months[f2 - 1] + ' ' + (f1 >= 100 ? f1 : (f1 <= yy ? f1 + cc : f1 + cc - 100)); } return RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3 + RegExp.$4 + RegExp.$5; }); datestr = datestr // Shortcuts for date ranges .replace(/^[>]([\w ]+)$/, 'AFT $1') .replace(/^[<]([\w ]+)$/, 'BEF $1') .replace(/^([\w ]+)[-]$/, 'FROM $1') .replace(/^[-]([\w ]+)$/, 'TO $1') .replace(/^[~]([\w ]+)$/, 'ABT $1') .replace(/^[*]([\w ]+)$/, 'EST $1') .replace(/^[#]([\w ]+)$/, 'CAL $1') .replace(/^([\w ]+) ?- ?([\w ]+)$/, 'BET $1 AND $2') .replace(/^([\w ]+) ?~ ?([\w ]+)$/, 'FROM $1 TO $2') // Convert full months to short months .replace(/JANUARY/g, 'JAN') .replace(/FEBRUARY/g, 'FEB') .replace(/MARCH/g, 'MAR') .replace(/APRIL/g, 'APR') .replace(/JUNE/g, 'JUN') .replace(/JULY/g, 'JUL') .replace(/AUGUST/g, 'AUG') .replace(/SEPTEMBER/g, 'SEP') .replace(/OCTOBER/, 'OCT') .replace(/NOVEMBER/g, 'NOV') .replace(/DECEMBER/g, 'DEC') // Americans enter dates as SEP 20, 1999 .replace(/(JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC)\.? (\d\d?)[, ]+(\d\d\d\d)/g, '$2 $1 $3') // Apply leading zero to day numbers .replace(/(^| )(\d [A-Z]{3,5} \d{4})/g, '$10$2'); if (datephrase) { datestr = datestr + ' (' + datephrase; } // Only update it if is has been corrected - otherwise input focus // moves to the end of the field unnecessarily if (datefield.value !== datestr) { datefield.value = datestr; } }; let monthLabels = []; monthLabels[1] = 'January'; monthLabels[2] = 'February'; monthLabels[3] = 'March'; monthLabels[4] = 'April'; monthLabels[5] = 'May'; monthLabels[6] = 'June'; monthLabels[7] = 'July'; monthLabels[8] = 'August'; monthLabels[9] = 'September'; monthLabels[10] = 'October'; monthLabels[11] = 'November'; monthLabels[12] = 'December'; let monthShort = []; monthShort[1] = 'JAN'; monthShort[2] = 'FEB'; monthShort[3] = 'MAR'; monthShort[4] = 'APR'; monthShort[5] = 'MAY'; monthShort[6] = 'JUN'; monthShort[7] = 'JUL'; monthShort[8] = 'AUG'; monthShort[9] = 'SEP'; monthShort[10] = 'OCT'; monthShort[11] = 'NOV'; monthShort[12] = 'DEC'; let daysOfWeek = []; daysOfWeek[0] = 'S'; daysOfWeek[1] = 'M'; daysOfWeek[2] = 'T'; daysOfWeek[3] = 'W'; daysOfWeek[4] = 'T'; daysOfWeek[5] = 'F'; daysOfWeek[6] = 'S'; let weekStart = 0; /** * @param {string} jan * @param {string} feb * @param {string} mar * @param {string} apr * @param {string} may * @param {string} jun * @param {string} jul * @param {string} aug * @param {string} sep * @param {string} oct * @param {string} nov * @param {string} dec * @param {string} sun * @param {string} mon * @param {string} tue * @param {string} wed * @param {string} thu * @param {string} fri * @param {string} sat * @param {number} day */ webtrees.calLocalize = function (jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec, sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, day) { monthLabels[1] = jan; monthLabels[2] = feb; monthLabels[3] = mar; monthLabels[4] = apr; monthLabels[5] = may; monthLabels[6] = jun; monthLabels[7] = jul; monthLabels[8] = aug; monthLabels[9] = sep; monthLabels[10] = oct; monthLabels[11] = nov; monthLabels[12] = dec; daysOfWeek[0] = sun; daysOfWeek[1] = mon; daysOfWeek[2] = tue; daysOfWeek[3] = wed; daysOfWeek[4] = thu; daysOfWeek[5] = fri; daysOfWeek[6] = sat; if (day >= 0 && day < 7) { weekStart = day; } }; /** * @param {string} dateDivId * @param {string} dateFieldId * @returns {boolean} */ webtrees.calendarWidget = function (dateDivId, dateFieldId) { let dateDiv = document.getElementById(dateDivId); let dateField = document.getElementById(dateFieldId); if (dateDiv.style.visibility === 'visible') { dateDiv.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return false; } if (dateDiv.style.visibility === 'show') { dateDiv.style.visibility = 'hide'; return false; } /* Javascript calendar functions only work with precise gregorian dates "D M Y" or "Y" */ let greg_regex = /(?:(\d*) ?(JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC) )?(\d+)/i; let date; if (greg_regex.exec(dateField.value)) { let day = RegExp.$1 || '1'; let month = RegExp.$2 || 'JAN' let year = RegExp.$3; date = new Date(day + ' ' + month + ' ' + year); } else { date = new Date(); } dateDiv.innerHTML = calGenerateSelectorContent(dateFieldId, dateDivId, date); if (dateDiv.style.visibility === 'hidden') { dateDiv.style.visibility = 'visible'; return false; } if (dateDiv.style.visibility === 'hide') { dateDiv.style.visibility = 'show'; return false; } return false; }; /** * @param {string} dateFieldId * @param {string} dateDivId * @param {Date} date * @returns {string} */ function calGenerateSelectorContent (dateFieldId, dateDivId, date) { let i, j; let content = ''; content += ''; content += ''; content += ''; content += ''; content += '
'; content += ''; content += ''; j = weekStart; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { content += ''; let tdate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); let day = tdate.getDay(); day = day - weekStart; let daymilli = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; tdate = tdate.getTime() - (day * daymilli) + (daymilli / 2); tdate = new Date(tdate); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { content += ''; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { content += ''; let datemilli = tdate.getTime() + daymilli; tdate = new Date(datemilli); } content += ''; } content += '
6) { j = 0; } } content += '
'; content += tdate.getDate(); content += '
'; content += '
'; return content; } /** * @param {string} dateFieldId * @param {number} year * @param {number} month * @param {number} day * @returns {boolean} */ function calSetDateField (dateFieldId, year, month, day) { let dateField = document.getElementById(dateFieldId); dateField.value = (day < 10 ? '0' : '') + day + ' ' + monthShort[month + 1] + ' ' + year; return false; } /** * @param {string} dateFieldId * @param {string} dateDivId * @returns {boolean} */ webtrees.calUpdateCalendar = function (dateFieldId, dateDivId) { let dateSel = document.getElementById(dateFieldId + '_daySelect'); if (!dateSel) { return false; } let monthSel = document.getElementById(dateFieldId + '_monSelect'); if (!monthSel) { return false; } let yearInput = document.getElementById(dateFieldId + '_yearInput'); if (!yearInput) { return false; } let month = parseInt(monthSel.options[monthSel.selectedIndex].value, 10); month = month - 1; let date = new Date(yearInput.value, month, dateSel.options[dateSel.selectedIndex].value); calSetDateField(dateFieldId, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); let dateDiv = document.getElementById(dateDivId); if (!dateDiv) { alert('no dateDiv ' + dateDivId); return false; } dateDiv.innerHTML = calGenerateSelectorContent(dateFieldId, dateDivId, date); return false; }; /** * @param {string} dateFieldId * @param {string} dateDivId * @param {number} year * @param {number} month * @param {number} day * @returns {boolean} */ webtrees.calDateClicked = function (dateFieldId, dateDivId, year, month, day) { calSetDateField(dateFieldId, year, month, day); webtrees.calendarWidget(dateDivId, dateFieldId); return false; }; /** * Persistent checkbox options to hide/show extra data. * @param {HTMLInputElement} element */ webtrees.persistentToggle = function (element) { if (element instanceof HTMLInputElement && element.type === 'checkbox') { const key = 'state-of-' + element.dataset.wtPersist; const state = localStorage.getItem(key); // Previously selected? Select again now. if (state === 'true') { element.click(); } // Remember state for the next page load. element.addEventListener('change', function () { localStorage.setItem(key, element.checked.toString()); }); } }; /** * @param {Element} field * @param {string} pos * @param {string} neg */ function reformatLatLong (field, pos, neg) { // valid LATI or LONG according to Gedcom standard // pos (+) : N or E // neg (-) : S or W let txt = field.value.toUpperCase(); txt = txt.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''); // trim txt = txt.replace(/ /g, ':'); // N12 34 ==> N12.34 txt = txt.replace(/\+/g, ''); // +17.1234 ==> 17.1234 txt = txt.replace(/-/g, neg); // -0.5698 ==> W0.5698 txt = txt.replace(/,/g, '.'); // 0,5698 ==> 0.5698 // 0°34'11 ==> 0:34:11 txt = txt.replace(/\u00b0/g, ':'); // ° txt = txt.replace(/\u0027/g, ':'); // ' // 0:34:11.2W ==> W0.5698 txt = txt.replace(/^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9.]+)(.*)/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) { let n = parseFloat($1); n += ($2 / 60); n += ($3 / 3600); n = Math.round(n * 1E4) / 1E4; return $4 + n; }); // 0:34W ==> W0.5667 txt = txt.replace(/^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)(.*)/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { let n = parseFloat($1); n += ($2 / 60); n = Math.round(n * 1E4) / 1E4; return $3 + n; }); // 0.5698W ==> W0.5698 txt = txt.replace(/(.*)(NSEW])$/g, '$2$1'); // 17.1234 ==> N17.1234 if (txt && txt.charAt(0) !== neg && txt.charAt(0) !== pos) { txt = pos + txt; } field.value = txt; } /** * @param {Element} field */ webtrees.reformatLatitude = function (field) { return reformatLatLong(field, 'N', 'S'); }; /** * @param {Element} field */ webtrees.reformatLongitude = function (field) { return reformatLatLong(field, 'E', 'W'); }; /** * Initialize autocomplete elements. * @param {string} selector */ webtrees.autocomplete = function (selector) { // Use typeahead/bloodhound for autocomplete $(selector).each(function () { const that = this; $(this).typeahead(null, { display: 'value', limit: 10, minLength: 2, source: new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: this.dataset.wtAutocompleteUrl, replace: function (url, uriEncodedQuery) { const symbol = (url.indexOf("?") > 0) ? '&' : '?'; if (that.dataset.wtAutocompleteExtra === 'SOUR') { let row_group = that.closest('.form-group').previousElementSibling; while (row_group.querySelector('select') === null) { row_group = row_group.previousElementSibling; } const element = row_group.querySelector('select'); const extra = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value.replace(/@/g, ''); return url + symbol + "query=" + uriEncodedQuery + '&extra=' + encodeURIComponent(extra); } return url + symbol + "query=" + uriEncodedQuery } } }) }); }); }; /** * Create a LeafletJS map from a list of providers/layers. * @param {string} id * @param {object} config * @param {function} resetCallback * @returns Map */ webtrees.buildLeafletJsMap = function (id, config, resetCallback) { const zoomControl = new L.control.zoom({ zoomInTitle: config.i18n.zoomIn, zoomoutTitle: config.i18n.zoomOut, }); const resetControl = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', }, onAdd: function (map) { let container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-bar leaflet-control leaflet-control-custom'); container.onclick = resetCallback; let reset = config.i18n.reset; let anchor = L.DomUtil.create('a', 'leaflet-control-reset', container); anchor.setAttribute('aria-label', reset); anchor.href = '#'; anchor.title = reset; anchor.role = 'button'; L.DomEvent.addListener(anchor, 'click', L.DomEvent.preventDefault); let image = L.DomUtil.create('i', 'fas fa-redo', anchor); image.alt = reset; return container; }, }); let defaultLayer = null; for (let [, provider] of Object.entries(config.mapProviders)) { for (let [, child] of Object.entries(provider.children)) { if ('bingMapsKey' in child) { child.layer = L.tileLayer.bing(child); } else { child.layer = L.tileLayer(child.url, child); } if (provider.default && child.default) { defaultLayer = child.layer; } } } if (defaultLayer === null) { console.log('No default map layer defined - using the first one.'); let defaultLayer = config.mapProviders[0].children[0].layer; } // Create the map with all controls and layers return L.map(id, { zoomControl: false, }) .addControl(zoomControl) .addControl(new resetControl()) .addLayer(defaultLayer) .addControl(L.control.layers.tree(config.mapProviders, null, { closedSymbol: config.icons.expand, openedSymbol: config.icons.collapse, })); }; /** * Initialize a tom-select input * @param {Element} element * @returns {TomSelect} */ webtrees.initializeTomSelect = function (element) { if (element.tomselect) { return element.tomselect; } let options = {}; if (element.dataset.url) { options = { plugins: ['dropdown_input', 'virtual_scroll'], render: { item: (data, escape) => '
' + data.text + '
', option: (data, escape) => '
' + data.text + '
', }, firstUrl: query => element.dataset.url + '&query=' + encodeURIComponent(query), load: function (query, callback) { fetch(this.getUrl(query)) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => { this.setNextUrl(query, json.nextUrl + '&query=' + encodeURIComponent(query)); callback(json.data); }) .catch(callback); }, }; } else { options = { plugins: ['remove_button'], }; } return new TomSelect(element, options); } /** * Reset a tom-select input to have a single selected option * @param {TomSelect} tomSelect * @param {string} value * @param {string} text */ webtrees.resetTomSelect = function (tomSelect, value, text) { tomSelect.clear(true); tomSelect.clearOptions(); tomSelect.addOption({ value: value, text: text }); tomSelect.refreshOptions(); tomSelect.addItem(value, true); tomSelect.refreshItems(); }; /** * Toggle the visibility/status of INDI/FAM/SOUR/REPO/OBJE selectors * * @param {Element} select * @param {Element} container */ webtrees.initializeIFSRO = function(select, container) { select.addEventListener('change', function () { // Show only the selected selector. console.log(select.value); container.querySelectorAll('.select-record').forEach(element => element.classList.add('d-none')); container.querySelectorAll('.select-' + select.value).forEach(element => element.classList.remove('d-none')); // Enable only the selected selector (so that disabled ones do not get submitted). container.querySelectorAll('.select-record select').forEach(element => { element.disabled = true; element.tomselect.disable(); }); container.querySelectorAll('.select-' + select.value + ' select').forEach(element => { element.disabled = false; element.tomselect.enable(); }); }); } }(window.webtrees = window.webtrees || {})); // Send the CSRF token on all AJAX requests $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name=csrf]').attr('content') } }); /** * Initialisation */ $(function () { // Page elements that load automatically via AJAX. // This prevents bad robots from crawling resource-intensive pages. $('[data-wt-ajax-url]').each(function () { $(this).load(this.dataset.wtAjaxUrl); }); // Autocomplete webtrees.autocomplete('input[data-wt-autocomplete-url]'); document.querySelectorAll('.tom-select').forEach(element => webtrees.initializeTomSelect(element)); // If we clear the select (using the "X" button), we need an empty value // (rather than no value at all) for (non-multiple) selects with name="array[]" document.querySelectorAll('select.tom-select:not([multiple])') .forEach(function (element) { element.addEventListener('clear', function () { webtrees.resetTomSelect(element.tomselect, '', ''); }); }); // Datatables - locale aware sorting $.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['text-asc'] = function (x, y) { return x.localeCompare(y, document.documentElement.lang, { sensitivity: 'base' }); }; $.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['text-desc'] = function (x, y) { return y.localeCompare(x, document.documentElement.lang, { sensitivity: 'base' }); }; // DataTables - start hidden to prevent FOUC. $('table.datatables').each(function () { $(this).DataTable(); $(this).removeClass('d-none'); }); // Save button/checkbox state between pages document.querySelectorAll('[data-wt-persist]') .forEach((element) => webtrees.persistentToggle(element)); // Activate the on-screen keyboard let osk_focus_element; $('.wt-osk-trigger').click(function () { // When a user clicks the icon, set focus to the corresponding input osk_focus_element = document.getElementById(this.dataset.wtId); osk_focus_element.focus(); $('.wt-osk').show(); }); $('.wt-osk-script-button').change(function () { $('.wt-osk-script').prop('hidden', true); $('.wt-osk-script-' + this.dataset.wtOskScript).prop('hidden', false); }); $('.wt-osk-shift-button').click(function () { document.querySelector('.wt-osk-keys').classList.toggle('shifted'); }); $('.wt-osk-keys').on('click', '.wt-osk-key', function () { let key = $(this).contents().get(0).nodeValue; let shift_state = $('.wt-osk-shift-button').hasClass('active'); let shift_key = $('sup', this)[0]; if (shift_state && shift_key !== undefined) { key = shift_key.innerText; } webtrees.pasteAtCursor(osk_focus_element, key); if ($('.wt-osk-pin-button').hasClass('active') === false) { $('.wt-osk').hide(); } osk_focus_element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); }); $('.wt-osk-close').on('click', function () { $('.wt-osk').hide(); }); // Hide/Show password fields $('input[type=password]').each(function () { $(this).hideShowPassword('infer', true, { states: { shown: { toggle: { content: this.dataset.wtHidePasswordText, attr: { title: this.dataset.wtHidePasswordTitle, 'aria-label': this.dataset.wtHidePasswordTitle, } } }, hidden: { toggle: { content: this.dataset.wtShowPasswordText, attr: { title: this.dataset.wtShowPasswordTitle, 'aria-label': this.dataset.wtShowPasswordTitle, } } } } }); }); }); // Prevent form re-submission via accidental double-click. document.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { const form = event.target; if (form.reportValidity()) { form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => { if (form.classList.contains('form-is-submitting')) { event.preventDefault(); } form.classList.add('form-is-submitting'); }); } }); // Convert data-wt-confirm and data-wt-post-url/data-wt-reload-url attributes into useful behavior. document.addEventListener('click', (event) => { const target = event.target.closest('a,button'); if (target === null) { return; } if ('wtConfirm' in target.dataset && !confirm(target.dataset.wtConfirm)) { event.preventDefault(); } if ('wtPostUrl' in target.dataset) { const token = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf]').content; fetch(target.dataset.wtPostUrl, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': token, 'X-Requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', }, }).then(() => { if ('wtReloadUrl' in target.dataset) { // Go somewhere else. e.g. the home page after logout. document.location = target.dataset.wtReloadUrl; } else { // Reload the current page. e.g. change language. document.location.reload(); } }).catch((error) => { alert(error); }); } });