/** * webtrees: online genealogy * Copyright (C) 2023 webtrees development team * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import $ from 'jquery'; import '@popperjs/core'; import { Alert, Button, Carousel, Collapse, Dropdown, Modal, Offcanvas, Popover, ScrollSpy, Tab, Toast, Tooltip } from 'bootstrap'; window.bootstrap = { Alert: Alert, Button: Button, Carousel: Carousel, Collapse: Collapse, Dropdown: Dropdown, Modal: Modal, Offcanvas: Offcanvas, Popover: Popover, ScrollSpy: ScrollSpy, Tab: Tab, Toast: Toast, Tooltip: Tooltip, }; import 'datatables.net'; // Just import the subset of icons that we use in resources/views/icons/ import { dom, library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'; import { // For resources/views/icons/* faBell, faCopy, faEnvelope, faFile, faFileAlt, faFileImage, faFolder, faKeyboard, faMinusSquare, faPlusSquare, faStar, faStickyNote, faTrashAlt, faUser } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'; import { // For resources/views/icons/* faArrowDown, faArrowLeft, faArrowRight, faArrowUp, faArrowsAltV, faBan, faBars, faCalendar, faCaretDown, faCaretUp, faCheck, faCodeBranch, faCompress, faDatabase, faDownload, faExclamationTriangle, faExpand, faGenderless, faGripHorizontal, faGripLines, faHistory, faInfoCircle, faLanguage, faLink, faList, faLock, faMagic, faMap, faMapMarkerAlt, faMars, faMedkit, faPaintBrush, faPause, faPencilAlt, faPlay, faPlus, faPuzzlePiece, faQuestionCircle, faRedo, faSearch, faSearchLocation, faSearchMinus, faSearchPlus, faServer, faShareAlt, faSitemap, faSortAmountDown, faStepForward, faStop, faSyncAlt, faTags, faThList, faThumbtack, faTimes, faTransgender, faTree, faUndo, faUniversity, faUnlink, faUpload, faUsers, faVenus, faWrench, // For the BeautifyMarker library faBabyCarriage, faBullseye, faHome, faIndustry, faInfinity, faStarOfDavid, faWater } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import 'corejs-typeahead'; import 'datatables.net-bs5'; import Sortable from 'sortablejs'; import TomSelect from 'tom-select/dist/js/tom-select.base.js'; TomSelect.define('caret_position', require('tom-select/dist/js/plugins/caret_position.js')); TomSelect.define('clear_button', require('tom-select/dist/js/plugins/clear_button.js')); TomSelect.define('dropdown_input', require('tom-select/dist/js/plugins/dropdown_input.js')); TomSelect.define('remove_button', require('tom-select/dist/js/plugins/remove_button.js')); TomSelect.define('virtual_scroll', require('tom-select/dist/js/plugins/virtual_scroll.js')); window.TomSelect = TomSelect; import 'hideshowpassword'; import 'moment'; import 'jquery-colorbox'; import 'pinch-zoom-element'; import 'leaflet'; import 'leaflet.markercluster'; import 'beautifymarker'; import 'leaflet-control-geocoder'; import 'leaflet.control.layers.tree'; import 'leaflet-bing-layer'; window.$ = window.jQuery = $; library.add( // For resources/views/icons/* faBell, faCopy, faEnvelope, faFile, faFileAlt, faFileImage, faFolder, faKeyboard, faMap, faMinusSquare, faPlusSquare, faStar, faStickyNote, faTags, faTrashAlt, faUser ); library.add( // For resources/views/icons/* faArrowDown, faArrowLeft, faArrowRight, faArrowUp, faArrowsAltV, faBan, faBars, faCalendar, faCaretDown, faCaretUp, faCheck, faCodeBranch, faCompress, faDatabase, faDownload, faExclamationTriangle, faExpand, faGenderless, faGripHorizontal, faGripLines, faHistory, faInfoCircle, faLanguage, faLink, faList, faLock, faMagic, faMap, faMapMarkerAlt, faMars, faMedkit, faPaintBrush, faPause, faPencilAlt, faPlay, faPlus, faPuzzlePiece, faQuestionCircle, faRedo, faSearch, faSearchLocation, faSearchMinus, faSearchPlus, faServer, faShareAlt, faSitemap, faSortAmountDown, faStepForward, faStop, faSyncAlt, faTags, faThList, faThumbtack, faTimes, faTransgender, faTree, faUndo, faUniversity, faUnlink, faUpload, faUsers, faVenus, faWrench, // For the BeautifyMarker library faBabyCarriage, faBullseye, faHome, faIndustry, faInfinity, faStarOfDavid, faWater ); dom.watch(); window.Bloodhound = require('corejs-typeahead/dist/bloodhound.min.js'); // See https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable/issues/1229 // window.Sortable = require('sortablejs'); window.Sortable = Sortable;