. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Repository; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Database; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsPrintLists; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Gedcom; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartAge; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartBirth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartCommonGiven; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartCommonSurname; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartDeath; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartFamily; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartFamilyWithSources; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartIndividual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartMortality; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google\ChartSex; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Helper\Sql; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Repository\Interfaces\IndividualRepositoryInterface; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; /** * */ class IndividualRepository implements IndividualRepositoryInterface { /** * @var Tree */ private $tree; /** * Constructor. * * @param Tree $tree */ public function __construct(Tree $tree) { $this->tree = $tree; } /** * Run an SQL query and cache the result. * * @param string $sql * * @return \stdClass[] */ private function runSql(string $sql): array { return Sql::runSql($sql); } /** * Find common given names. * * @param string $sex * @param string $type * @param bool $show_tot * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string|int[] */ private function commonGivenQuery(string $sex, string $type, bool $show_tot, int $threshold, int $maxtoshow) { switch ($sex) { case 'M': $sex_sql = "i_sex='M'"; break; case 'F': $sex_sql = "i_sex='F'"; break; case 'U': $sex_sql = "i_sex='U'"; break; case 'B': default: $sex_sql = "i_sex<>'U'"; break; } $ged_id = $this->tree->id(); $rows = Database::prepare("SELECT n_givn, COUNT(*) AS num FROM `##name` JOIN `##individuals` ON (n_id=i_id AND n_file=i_file) WHERE n_file={$ged_id} AND n_type<>'_MARNM' AND n_givn NOT IN ('@P.N.', '') AND LENGTH(n_givn)>1 AND {$sex_sql} GROUP BY n_id, n_givn") ->fetchAll(); $nameList = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $row->num = (int) $row->num; // Split “John Thomas” into “John” and “Thomas” and count against both totals foreach (explode(' ', $row->n_givn) as $given) { // Exclude initials and particles. if (!preg_match('/^([A-Z]|[a-z]{1,3})$/', $given)) { if (\array_key_exists($given, $nameList)) { $nameList[$given] += (int) $row->num; } else { $nameList[$given] = (int) $row->num; } } } } arsort($nameList); $nameList = \array_slice($nameList, 0, $maxtoshow); foreach ($nameList as $given => $total) { if ($total < $threshold) { unset($nameList[$given]); } } switch ($type) { case 'chart': return $nameList; case 'table': return view('lists/given-names-table', [ 'given_names' => $nameList, ]); case 'list': return view('lists/given-names-list', [ 'given_names' => $nameList, 'show_totals' => $show_tot, ]); case 'nolist': default: array_walk($nameList, function (int &$value, string $key) use ($show_tot): void { if ($show_tot) { $value = '' . e($key); } else { $value = '' . e($key) . ' (' . I18N::number($value) . ')'; } }); return implode(I18N::$list_separator, $nameList); } } /** * Find common give names. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGiven(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('B', 'nolist', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('B', 'nolist', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenList(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('B', 'list', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenListTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('B', 'list', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenTable(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('B', 'table', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of females. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenFemale(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('F', 'nolist', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of females. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenFemaleTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('F', 'nolist', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of females. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenFemaleList(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('F', 'list', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of females. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenFemaleListTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('F', 'list', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of females. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenFemaleTable(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('F', 'table', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of males. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenMale(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('M', 'nolist', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of males. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenMaleTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('M', 'nolist', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of males. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenMaleList(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('M', 'list', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of males. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenMaleListTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('M', 'list', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of males. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenMaleTable(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('M', 'table', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of unknown sexes. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenUnknown(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('U', 'nolist', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of unknown sexes. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenUnknownTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('U', 'nolist', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of unknown sexes. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenUnknownList(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('U', 'list', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of unknown sexes. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenUnknownListTotals(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('U', 'list', true, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Find common give names of unknown sexes. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function commonGivenUnknownTable(int $threshold = 1, int $maxtoshow = 10): string { return $this->commonGivenQuery('U', 'table', false, $threshold, $maxtoshow); } /** * Count the number of distinct given names, or count the number of * occurrences of a specific name or names. * * @param array ...$params * * @return string */ public function totalGivennames(...$params): string { if ($params) { $qs = implode(',', array_fill(0, \count($params), '?')); $params[] = $this->tree->id(); $total = (int) Database::prepare( "SELECT COUNT( n_givn) FROM `##name` WHERE n_givn IN ({$qs}) AND n_file=?" )->execute( $params )->fetchOne(); } else { $total = (int) Database::prepare( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT n_givn) FROM `##name` WHERE n_givn IS NOT NULL AND n_file=?" )->execute([ $this->tree->id(), ])->fetchOne(); } return I18N::number($total); } /** * Count the surnames. * * @param array ...$params * * @return string */ public function totalSurnames(...$params): string { if ($params) { $opt = 'IN (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, \count($params), '?')) . ')'; $distinct = ''; } else { $opt = "IS NOT NULL"; $distinct = 'DISTINCT'; } $params[] = $this->tree->id(); $total = (int) Database::prepare( "SELECT COUNT({$distinct} n_surn COLLATE '" . I18N::collation() . "')" . " FROM `##name`" . " WHERE n_surn COLLATE '" . I18N::collation() . "' {$opt} AND n_file=?" )->execute( $params )->fetchOne(); return I18N::number($total); } /** * @param int $number_of_surnames * @param int $threshold * * @return \stdClass[] */ private function topSurnames(int $number_of_surnames, int $threshold): array { // Use the count of base surnames. $top_surnames = Database::prepare( "SELECT n_surn FROM `##name`" . " WHERE n_file = :tree_id AND n_type != '_MARNM' AND n_surn NOT IN ('@N.N.', '')" . " GROUP BY n_surn" . " ORDER BY COUNT(n_surn) DESC" . " LIMIT :limit" )->execute([ 'tree_id' => $this->tree->id(), 'limit' => $number_of_surnames, ])->fetchOneColumn(); $surnames = []; foreach ($top_surnames as $top_surname) { $variants = Database::prepare( "SELECT n_surname COLLATE utf8_bin, COUNT(*) FROM `##name` WHERE n_file = :tree_id AND n_surn COLLATE :collate = :surname GROUP BY 1" )->execute([ 'collate' => I18N::collation(), 'surname' => $top_surname, 'tree_id' => $this->tree->id(), ])->fetchAssoc(); if (array_sum($variants) > $threshold) { $surnames[$top_surname] = $variants; } } return $surnames; } /** * Find common surnames. * * @return string */ public function getCommonSurname(): string { $top_surname = $this->topSurnames(1, 0); return implode(', ', array_keys(array_shift($top_surname)) ?? []); } /** * Find common surnames. * * @param string $type * @param bool $show_tot * @param int $threshold * @param int $number_of_surnames * @param string $sorting * * @return string */ private function commonSurnamesQuery( string $type, bool $show_tot, int $threshold, int $number_of_surnames, string $sorting ): string { $surnames = $this->topSurnames($number_of_surnames, $threshold); switch ($sorting) { default: case 'alpha': uksort($surnames, [I18N::class, 'strcasecmp']); break; case 'count': break; case 'rcount': $surnames = array_reverse($surnames, true); break; } return FunctionsPrintLists::surnameList( $surnames, ($type === 'list' ? 1 : 2), $show_tot, 'individual-list', $this->tree ); } /** * Find common surnames. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $number_of_surnames * @param string $sorting * * @return string */ public function commonSurnames( int $threshold = 1, int $number_of_surnames = 10, string $sorting = 'alpha' ): string { return $this->commonSurnamesQuery('nolist', false, $threshold, $number_of_surnames, $sorting); } /** * Find common surnames. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $number_of_surnames * @param string $sorting * * @return string */ public function commonSurnamesTotals( int $threshold = 1, int $number_of_surnames = 10, string $sorting = 'rcount' ): string { return $this->commonSurnamesQuery('nolist', true, $threshold, $number_of_surnames, $sorting); } /** * Find common surnames. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $number_of_surnames * @param string $sorting * * @return string */ public function commonSurnamesList( int $threshold = 1, int $number_of_surnames = 10, string $sorting = 'alpha' ): string { return $this->commonSurnamesQuery('list', false, $threshold, $number_of_surnames, $sorting); } /** * Find common surnames. * * @param int $threshold * @param int $number_of_surnames * @param string $sorting * * @return string */ public function commonSurnamesListTotals( int $threshold = 1, int $number_of_surnames = 10, string $sorting = 'rcount' ): string { return $this->commonSurnamesQuery('list', true, $threshold, $number_of_surnames, $sorting); } /** * Get a list of birth dates. * * @param bool $sex * @param int $year1 * @param int $year2 * * @return array */ public function statsBirthQuery(bool $sex = false, int $year1 = -1, int $year2 = -1): array { if ($sex) { $sql = "SELECT d_month, i_sex, COUNT(*) AS total FROM `##dates` " . "JOIN `##individuals` ON d_file = i_file AND d_gid = i_id " . "WHERE " . "d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND " . "d_fact='BIRT' AND " . "d_type IN ('@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@')"; } else { $sql = "SELECT d_month, COUNT(*) AS total FROM `##dates` " . "WHERE " . "d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND " . "d_fact='BIRT' AND " . "d_type IN ('@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@')"; } if ($year1 >= 0 && $year2 >= 0) { $sql .= " AND d_year BETWEEN '{$year1}' AND '{$year2}'"; } $sql .= " GROUP BY d_month"; if ($sex) { $sql .= ", i_sex"; } return $this->runSql($sql); } /** * General query on births. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * * @return string */ public function statsBirth(string $size = null, string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null): string { return (new ChartBirth($this->tree)) ->chartBirth($size, $color_from, $color_to); } /** * Get a list of death dates. * * @param bool $sex * @param int $year1 * @param int $year2 * * @return array */ public function statsDeathQuery(bool $sex = false, int $year1 = -1, int $year2 = -1): array { if ($sex) { $sql = "SELECT d_month, i_sex, COUNT(*) AS total FROM `##dates` " . "JOIN `##individuals` ON d_file = i_file AND d_gid = i_id " . "WHERE " . "d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND " . "d_fact='DEAT' AND " . "d_type IN ('@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@')"; } else { $sql = "SELECT d_month, COUNT(*) AS total FROM `##dates` " . "WHERE " . "d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND " . "d_fact='DEAT' AND " . "d_type IN ('@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@')"; } if ($year1 >= 0 && $year2 >= 0) { $sql .= " AND d_year BETWEEN '{$year1}' AND '{$year2}'"; } $sql .= " GROUP BY d_month"; if ($sex) { $sql .= ", i_sex"; } return $this->runSql($sql); } /** * General query on deaths. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * * @return string */ public function statsDeath(string $size = null, string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null): string { return (new ChartDeath($this->tree)) ->chartDeath($size, $color_from, $color_to); } /** * General query on ages. * * @param string $related * @param string $sex * @param int $year1 * @param int $year2 * * @return array|string */ public function statsAgeQuery(string $related = 'BIRT', string $sex = 'BOTH', int $year1 = -1, int $year2 = -1) { $sex_search = ''; $years = ''; if ($sex === 'F') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='F'"; } elseif ($sex === 'M') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='M'"; } if ($year1 >= 0 && $year2 >= 0) { if ($related === 'BIRT') { $years = " AND birth.d_year BETWEEN '{$year1}' AND '{$year2}'"; } elseif ($related === 'DEAT') { $years = " AND death.d_year BETWEEN '{$year1}' AND '{$year2}'"; } } $rows = $this->runSql( "SELECT" . " death.d_julianday2-birth.d_julianday1 AS age" . " FROM" . " `##dates` AS death," . " `##dates` AS birth," . " `##individuals` AS indi" . " WHERE" . " indi.i_id=birth.d_gid AND" . " birth.d_gid=death.d_gid AND" . " death.d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND" . " birth.d_file=death.d_file AND" . " birth.d_file=indi.i_file AND" . " birth.d_fact='BIRT' AND" . " death.d_fact='DEAT' AND" . " birth.d_julianday1 <> 0 AND" . " birth.d_type IN ('@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@') AND" . " death.d_type IN ('@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@') AND" . " death.d_julianday1>birth.d_julianday2" . $years . $sex_search . " ORDER BY age DESC" ); return $rows; } /** * General query on ages. * * @param string $size * * @return string */ public function statsAge(string $size = '230x250'): string { return (new ChartAge($this->tree))->chartAge($size); } /** * Lifespan * * @param string $type * @param string $sex * * @return string */ private function longlifeQuery(string $type, string $sex): string { $sex_search = ' 1=1'; if ($sex === 'F') { $sex_search = " i_sex='F'"; } elseif ($sex === 'M') { $sex_search = " i_sex='M'"; } $rows = $this->runSql( " SELECT" . " death.d_gid AS id," . " death.d_julianday2-birth.d_julianday1 AS age" . " FROM" . " `##dates` AS death," . " `##dates` AS birth," . " `##individuals` AS indi" . " WHERE" . " indi.i_id=birth.d_gid AND" . " birth.d_gid=death.d_gid AND" . " death.d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND" . " birth.d_file=death.d_file AND" . " birth.d_file=indi.i_file AND" . " birth.d_fact='BIRT' AND" . " death.d_fact='DEAT' AND" . " birth.d_julianday1<>0 AND" . " death.d_julianday1>birth.d_julianday2 AND" . $sex_search . " ORDER BY" . " age DESC LIMIT 1" ); if (!isset($rows[0])) { return ''; } $row = $rows[0]; $person = Individual::getInstance($row->id, $this->tree); switch ($type) { default: case 'full': if ($person->canShowName()) { $result = $person->formatList(); } else { $result = I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } break; case 'age': $result = I18N::number((int) ($row->age / 365.25)); break; case 'name': $result = '' . $person->getFullName() . ''; break; } return $result; } /** * Find the longest lived individual. * * @return string */ public function longestLife(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('full', 'BOTH'); } /** * Find the age of the longest lived individual. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeAge(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('age', 'BOTH'); } /** * Find the name of the longest lived individual. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeName(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('name', 'BOTH'); } /** * Find the longest lived female. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeFemale(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('full', 'F'); } /** * Find the age of the longest lived female. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeFemaleAge(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('age', 'F'); } /** * Find the name of the longest lived female. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeFemaleName(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('name', 'F'); } /** * Find the longest lived male. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeMale(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('full', 'M'); } /** * Find the age of the longest lived male. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeMaleAge(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('age', 'M'); } /** * Find the name of the longest lived male. * * @return string */ public function longestLifeMaleName(): string { return $this->longlifeQuery('name', 'M'); } /** * Returns the calculated age the time of event. * * @param int $age The age from the database record * * @return string */ private function calculateAge(int $age): string { if ((int) ($age / 365.25) > 0) { $result = (int) ($age / 365.25) . 'y'; } elseif ((int) ($age / 30.4375) > 0) { $result = (int) ($age / 30.4375) . 'm'; } else { $result = $age . 'd'; } return FunctionsDate::getAgeAtEvent($result); } /** * Find the oldest individuals. * * @param string $sex * @param int $total * * @return array */ private function topTenOldestQuery(string $sex, int $total): array { if ($sex === 'F') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='F' "; } elseif ($sex === 'M') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='M' "; } else { $sex_search = ''; } $rows = $this->runSql( "SELECT " . " MAX(death.d_julianday2-birth.d_julianday1) AS age, " . " death.d_gid AS deathdate " . "FROM " . " `##dates` AS death, " . " `##dates` AS birth, " . " `##individuals` AS indi " . "WHERE " . " indi.i_id=birth.d_gid AND " . " birth.d_gid=death.d_gid AND " . " death.d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND " . " birth.d_file=death.d_file AND " . " birth.d_file=indi.i_file AND " . " birth.d_fact='BIRT' AND " . " death.d_fact='DEAT' AND " . " birth.d_julianday1<>0 AND " . " death.d_julianday1>birth.d_julianday2 " . $sex_search . "GROUP BY deathdate " . "ORDER BY age DESC " . "LIMIT " . $total ); if (!isset($rows[0])) { return []; } $top10 = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $person = Individual::getInstance($row->deathdate, $this->tree); if ($person->canShow()) { $top10[] = [ 'person' => $person, 'age' => $this->calculateAge((int) $row->age), ]; } } // TODO // if (I18N::direction() === 'rtl') { // $top10 = str_replace([ // '[', // ']', // '(', // ')', // '+', // ], [ // '‏[', // '‏]', // '‏(', // '‏)', // '‏+', // ], $top10); // } return $top10; } /** * Find the oldest individuals. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldest(int $total = 10): string { $records = $this->topTenOldestQuery('BOTH', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-nolist', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest living individuals. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestList(int $total = 10): string { $records = $this->topTenOldestQuery('BOTH', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-list', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest females. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestFemale(int $total = 10): string { $records = $this->topTenOldestQuery('F', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-nolist', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest living females. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestFemaleList(int $total = 10): string { $records = $this->topTenOldestQuery('F', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-list', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the longest lived males. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestMale(int $total = 10): string { $records = $this->topTenOldestQuery('M', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-nolist', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the longest lived males. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestMaleList(int $total = 10): string { $records = $this->topTenOldestQuery('M', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-list', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest living individuals. * * @param string $sex * @param int $total * * @return array */ private function topTenOldestAliveQuery(string $sex = 'BOTH', int $total = 10): array { if ($sex === 'F') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='F'"; } elseif ($sex === 'M') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='M'"; } else { $sex_search = ''; } $rows = $this->runSql( "SELECT" . " birth.d_gid AS id," . " MIN(birth.d_julianday1) AS age" . " FROM" . " `##dates` AS birth," . " `##individuals` AS indi" . " WHERE" . " indi.i_id=birth.d_gid AND" . " indi.i_gedcom NOT REGEXP '\\n1 (" . implode('|', Gedcom::DEATH_EVENTS) . ")' AND" . " birth.d_file={$this->tree->id()} AND" . " birth.d_fact='BIRT' AND" . " birth.d_file=indi.i_file AND" . " birth.d_julianday1<>0" . $sex_search . " GROUP BY id" . " ORDER BY age" . " ASC LIMIT " . $total ); $top10 = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $person = Individual::getInstance($row->id, $this->tree); $top10[] = [ 'person' => $person, 'age' => $this->calculateAge(WT_CLIENT_JD - ((int) $row->age)), ]; } // TODO // if (I18N::direction() === 'rtl') { // $top10 = str_replace([ // '[', // ']', // '(', // ')', // '+', // ], [ // '‏[', // '‏]', // '‏(', // '‏)', // '‏+', // ], $top10); // } return $top10; } /** * Find the oldest living individuals. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestAlive(int $total = 10): string { if (!Auth::isMember($this->tree)) { return I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } $records = $this->topTenOldestAliveQuery('BOTH', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-nolist', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest living individuals. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestListAlive(int $total = 10): string { if (!Auth::isMember($this->tree)) { return I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } $records = $this->topTenOldestAliveQuery('BOTH', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-list', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest living females. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestFemaleAlive(int $total = 10): string { if (!Auth::isMember($this->tree)) { return I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } $records = $this->topTenOldestAliveQuery('F', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-nolist', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the oldest living females. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestFemaleListAlive(int $total = 10): string { if (!Auth::isMember($this->tree)) { return I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } $records = $this->topTenOldestAliveQuery('F', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-list', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the longest lived living males. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestMaleAlive(int $total = 10): string { if (!Auth::isMember($this->tree)) { return I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } $records = $this->topTenOldestAliveQuery('M', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-nolist', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the longest lived living males. * * @param int $total * * @return string */ public function topTenOldestMaleListAlive(int $total = 10): string { if (!Auth::isMember($this->tree)) { return I18N::translate('This information is private and cannot be shown.'); } $records = $this->topTenOldestAliveQuery('M', $total); return view( 'statistics/individuals/top10-list', [ 'records' => $records, ] ); } /** * Find the average lifespan. * * @param string $sex * @param bool $show_years * * @return string */ private function averageLifespanQuery(string $sex = 'BOTH', bool $show_years = false): string { if ($sex === 'F') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='F' "; } elseif ($sex === 'M') { $sex_search = " AND i_sex='M' "; } else { $sex_search = ''; } $rows = $this->runSql( "SELECT IFNULL(AVG(death.d_julianday2-birth.d_julianday1), 0) AS age" . " FROM `##dates` AS death, `##dates` AS birth, `##individuals` AS indi" . " WHERE " . " indi.i_id=birth.d_gid AND " . " birth.d_gid=death.d_gid AND " . " death.d_file=" . $this->tree->id() . " AND " . " birth.d_file=death.d_file AND " . " birth.d_file=indi.i_file AND " . " birth.d_fact='BIRT' AND " . " death.d_fact='DEAT' AND " . " birth.d_julianday1<>0 AND " . " death.d_julianday1>birth.d_julianday2 " . $sex_search ); $age = $rows[0]->age; if ($show_years) { return $this->calculateAge((int) $rows[0]->age); } return I18N::number($age / 365.25); } /** * Find the average lifespan. * * @param bool $show_years * * @return string */ public function averageLifespan($show_years = false): string { return $this->averageLifespanQuery('BOTH', $show_years); } /** * Find the average lifespan of females. * * @param bool $show_years * * @return string */ public function averageLifespanFemale($show_years = false): string { return $this->averageLifespanQuery('F', $show_years); } /** * Find the average male lifespan. * * @param bool $show_years * * @return string */ public function averageLifespanMale($show_years = false): string { return $this->averageLifespanQuery('M', $show_years); } /** * Convert totals into percentages. * * @param int $count * @param int $total * * @return string */ private function getPercentage(int $count, int $total): string { return I18N::percentage($count / $total, 1); } /** * Returns how many individuals exist in the tree. * * @return int */ private function totalIndividualsQuery(): int { return DB::table('individuals') ->where('i_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->count(); } /** * Count the number of living individuals. * * The totalLiving/totalDeceased queries assume that every dead person will * have a DEAT record. It will not include individuals who were born more * than MAX_ALIVE_AGE years ago, and who have no DEAT record. * A good reason to run the “Add missing DEAT records” batch-update! * * @return int */ private function totalLivingQuery(): int { return DB::table('individuals') ->where('i_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where( 'i_gedcom', 'not regexp', "\n1 (" . implode('|', Gedcom::DEATH_EVENTS) . ')' ) ->count(); } /** * Count the number of dead individuals. * * @return int */ private function totalDeceasedQuery(): int { return DB::table('individuals') ->where('i_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where( 'i_gedcom', 'regexp', "\n1 (" . implode('|', Gedcom::DEATH_EVENTS) . ')' ) ->count(); } /** * Returns the total count of a specific sex. * * @param string $sex The sex to query * * @return int */ private function getTotalSexQuery(string $sex): int { return DB::table('individuals') ->where('i_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where('i_sex', '=', $sex) ->count(); } /** * Returns the total number of males. * * @return int */ private function totalSexMalesQuery(): int { return $this->getTotalSexQuery('M'); } /** * Returns the total number of females. * * @return int */ private function totalSexFemalesQuery(): int { return $this->getTotalSexQuery('F'); } /** * Returns the total number of individuals with unknown sex. * * @return int */ private function totalSexUnknownQuery(): int { return $this->getTotalSexQuery('U'); } /** * Count the total families. * * @return int */ private function totalFamiliesQuery(): int { return DB::table('families') ->where('f_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->count(); } /** * How many individuals have one or more sources. * * @return int */ private function totalIndisWithSourcesQuery(): int { return DB::table('individuals') ->select(['i_id']) ->distinct() ->join('link', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('i_id', '=', 'l_from') ->on('i_file', '=', 'l_file'); }) ->where('l_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where('l_type', '=', 'SOUR') ->count('i_id'); } /** * Count the families with source records. * * @return int */ private function totalFamsWithSourcesQuery(): int { return DB::table('families') ->select(['f_id']) ->distinct() ->join('link', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('f_id', '=', 'l_from') ->on('f_file', '=', 'l_file'); }) ->where('l_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where('l_type', '=', 'SOUR') ->count('f_id'); } /** * Count the number of repositories. * * @return int */ private function totalRepositoriesQuery(): int { return DB::table('other') ->where('o_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where('o_type', '=', 'REPO') ->count(); } /** * Count the total number of sources. * * @return int */ private function totalSourcesQuery(): int { return DB::table('sources') ->where('s_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->count(); } /** * Count the number of notes. * * @return int */ private function totalNotesQuery(): int { return DB::table('other') ->where('o_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where('o_type', '=', 'NOTE') ->count(); } /** * Returns the total number of records. * * @return int */ private function totalRecordsQuery(): int { return $this->totalIndividualsQuery() + $this->totalFamiliesQuery() + $this->totalNotesQuery() + $this->totalRepositoriesQuery() + $this->totalSourcesQuery(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalRecords(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalRecordsQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalIndividuals(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalIndividualsQuery()); } /** * Count the number of living individuals. * * @return string */ public function totalLiving(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalLivingQuery()); } /** * Count the number of dead individuals. * * @return string */ public function totalDeceased(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalDeceasedQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSexMales(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalSexMalesQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSexFemales(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalSexFemalesQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSexUnknown(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalSexUnknownQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalFamilies(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalFamiliesQuery()); } /** * How many individuals have one or more sources. * * @return string */ public function totalIndisWithSources(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalIndisWithSourcesQuery()); } /** * Count the families with with source records. * * @return string */ public function totalFamsWithSources(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalFamsWithSourcesQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalRepositories(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalRepositoriesQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSources(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalSourcesQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalNotes(): string { return I18N::number($this->totalNotesQuery()); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalIndividualsPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalIndividualsQuery(), $this->totalRecordsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalFamiliesPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalFamiliesQuery(), $this->totalRecordsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalRepositoriesPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalRepositoriesQuery(), $this->totalRecordsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSourcesPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalSourcesQuery(), $this->totalRecordsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalNotesPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalNotesQuery(), $this->totalRecordsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalLivingPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalLivingQuery(), $this->totalIndividualsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalDeceasedPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalDeceasedQuery(), $this->totalIndividualsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSexMalesPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalSexMalesQuery(), $this->totalIndividualsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSexFemalesPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalSexFemalesQuery(), $this->totalIndividualsQuery() ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function totalSexUnknownPercentage(): string { return $this->getPercentage( $this->totalSexUnknownQuery(), $this->totalIndividualsQuery() ); } /** * Create a chart of common given names. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * @param int $maxtoshow * * @return string */ public function chartCommonGiven( string $size = null, string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null, int $maxtoshow = 7 ): string { $tot_indi = $this->totalIndividualsQuery(); $given = $this->commonGivenQuery('B', 'chart', false, 1, $maxtoshow); return (new ChartCommonGiven()) ->chartCommonGiven($tot_indi, $given, $size, $color_from, $color_to); } /** * Create a chart of common surnames. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * @param int $number_of_surnames * * @return string */ public function chartCommonSurnames( string $size = null, string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null, int $number_of_surnames = 10 ): string { $tot_indi = $this->totalIndividualsQuery(); $all_surnames = $this->topSurnames($number_of_surnames, 0); return (new ChartCommonSurname($this->tree)) ->chartCommonSurnames($tot_indi, $all_surnames, $size, $color_from, $color_to); } /** * Create a chart showing mortality. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_living * @param string|null $color_dead * * @return string */ public function chartMortality(string $size = null, string $color_living = null, string $color_dead = null): string { $tot_l = $this->totalLivingQuery(); $tot_d = $this->totalDeceasedQuery(); return (new ChartMortality($this->tree)) ->chartMortality($tot_l, $tot_d, $size, $color_living, $color_dead); } /** * Create a chart showing individuals with/without sources. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * * @return string */ public function chartIndisWithSources( string $size = null, string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null ): string { $tot_indi = $this->totalIndividualsQuery(); $tot_indi_source = $this->totalIndisWithSourcesQuery(); return (new ChartIndividual()) ->chartIndisWithSources($tot_indi, $tot_indi_source, $size, $color_from, $color_to); } /** * Create a chart of individuals with/without sources. * * @param string|null $size * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * * @return string */ public function chartFamsWithSources( string $size = null, string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null ): string { $tot_fam = $this->totalFamiliesQuery(); $tot_fam_source = $this->totalFamsWithSourcesQuery(); return (new ChartFamilyWithSources()) ->chartFamsWithSources($tot_fam, $tot_fam_source, $size, $color_from, $color_to); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function chartSex( string $size = null, string $color_female = null, string $color_male = null, string $color_unknown = null ): string { $tot_m = $this->totalSexMalesQuery(); $tot_f = $this->totalSexFemalesQuery(); $tot_u = $this->totalSexUnknownQuery(); return (new ChartSex($this->tree)) ->chartSex($tot_m, $tot_f, $tot_u, $size, $color_female, $color_male, $color_unknown); } }