. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Google; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\ModuleThemeInterface; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Service\CenturyService; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics\Service\ColorService; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use stdClass; use function app; use function count; /** * A chart showing the deaths by century. */ class ChartDeath { /** * @var Tree */ private $tree; /** * @var ModuleThemeInterface */ private $theme; /** * @var CenturyService */ private $century_service; /** * @var ColorService */ private $color_service; /** * Constructor. * * @param Tree $tree */ public function __construct(Tree $tree) { $this->tree = $tree; $this->theme = app(ModuleThemeInterface::class); $this->century_service = new CenturyService(); $this->color_service = new ColorService(); } /** * Returns the related database records. * * @return Collection */ private function queryRecords(): Collection { return DB::table('dates') ->selectRaw('ROUND((d_year + 49) / 100) AS century') ->selectRaw('COUNT(*) AS total') ->where('d_file', '=', $this->tree->id()) ->where('d_year', '<>', 0) ->where('d_fact', '=', 'DEAT') ->whereIn('d_type', ['@#DGREGORIAN@', '@#DJULIAN@']) ->groupBy(['century']) ->orderBy('century') ->get() ->map(static function (stdClass $row): stdClass { return (object) [ 'century' => (int) $row->century, 'total' => (float) $row->total, ]; }); } /** * Create a chart of death places. * * @param string|null $color_from * @param string|null $color_to * * @return string */ public function chartDeath(string $color_from = null, string $color_to = null): string { $chart_color1 = $this->theme->parameter('distribution-chart-no-values'); $chart_color2 = $this->theme->parameter('distribution-chart-high-values'); $color_from = $color_from ?? $chart_color1; $color_to = $color_to ?? $chart_color2; $data = [ [ I18N::translate('Century'), I18N::translate('Total') ], ]; foreach ($this->queryRecords() as $record) { $data[] = [ $this->century_service->centuryName($record->century), $record->total ]; } $colors = $this->color_service->interpolateRgb($color_from, $color_to, count($data) - 1); return view('statistics/other/charts/pie', [ 'title' => I18N::translate('Deaths by century'), 'data' => $data, 'colors' => $colors, 'language' => I18N::languageTag(), ]); } }