. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services; use Closure; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\DB; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Gedcom; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomRecord; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\Exceptions\HttpServiceUnavailableException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Location; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Media; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Note; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Place; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Repository; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\SharedNote; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Soundex; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Source; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Submission; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Submitter; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use function addcslashes; use function array_filter; use function array_map; use function array_unique; use function explode; use function implode; use function mb_stripos; use function preg_match; use function preg_quote; use function preg_replace; use function str_ends_with; use function str_starts_with; use const PHP_INT_MAX; /** * Search trees for genealogy records. */ class SearchService { // Do not attempt to show search results larger than this/ protected const int MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS = 5000; private TreeService $tree_service; /** * @param TreeService $tree_service */ public function __construct( TreeService $tree_service ) { $this->tree_service = $tree_service; } /** * @param array $trees * @param array $search * * @return Collection */ public function searchFamilies(array $trees, array $search): Collection { $query = DB::table('families'); $this->whereTrees($query, 'f_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'f_gedcom', $search); return $query ->get() ->each($this->rowLimiter()) ->map($this->familyRowMapper()) ->filter(GedcomRecord::accessFilter()) ->filter($this->rawGedcomFilter($search)); } /** * Search for families by name. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchFamilyNames(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('families') ->leftJoin('name AS husb_name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('husb_name.n_file', '=', 'families.f_file') ->on('husb_name.n_id', '=', 'families.f_husb') ->where('husb_name.n_type', '<>', '_MARNM'); }) ->leftJoin('name AS wife_name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('wife_name.n_file', '=', 'families.f_file') ->on('wife_name.n_id', '=', 'families.f_wife') ->where('wife_name.n_type', '<>', '_MARNM'); }); $prefix = DB::prefix(); $field = new Expression('COALESCE(' . $prefix . "husb_name.n_full, '') || COALESCE(" . $prefix . "wife_name.n_full, '')"); $this->whereTrees($query, 'f_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, $field, $search); $query ->orderBy('husb_name.n_sort') ->orderBy('wife_name.n_sort') ->select(['families.*', 'husb_name.n_sort', 'wife_name.n_sort']); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->familyRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * @param Place $place * * @return Collection */ public function searchFamiliesInPlace(Place $place): Collection { return DB::table('families') ->join('placelinks', static function (JoinClause $query) { $query ->on('families.f_file', '=', 'placelinks.pl_file') ->on('families.f_id', '=', 'placelinks.pl_gid'); }) ->where('f_file', '=', $place->tree()->id()) ->where('pl_p_id', '=', $place->id()) ->select(['families.*']) ->get() ->each($this->rowLimiter()) ->map($this->familyRowMapper()) ->filter(GedcomRecord::accessFilter()); } /** * @param array $trees * @param array $search * * @return Collection */ public function searchIndividuals(array $trees, array $search): Collection { $query = DB::table('individuals'); $this->whereTrees($query, 'i_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'i_gedcom', $search); return $query ->get() ->each($this->rowLimiter()) ->map($this->individualRowMapper()) ->filter(GedcomRecord::accessFilter()) ->filter($this->rawGedcomFilter($search)); } /** * Search for individuals by name. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchIndividualNames(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('individuals') ->join('name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('name.n_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('name.n_id', '=', 'individuals.i_id'); }) ->orderBy('n_sort') ->select(['individuals.*', 'n_sort']); $this->whereTrees($query, 'i_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'n_full', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->individualRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * @param Place $place * * @return Collection */ public function searchIndividualsInPlace(Place $place): Collection { return DB::table('individuals') ->join('placelinks', static function (JoinClause $join) { $join ->on('i_file', '=', 'pl_file') ->on('i_id', '=', 'pl_gid'); }) ->where('i_file', '=', $place->tree()->id()) ->where('pl_p_id', '=', $place->id()) ->select(['individuals.*']) ->get() ->each($this->rowLimiter()) ->map($this->individualRowMapper()) ->filter(GedcomRecord::accessFilter()); } /** * Search for submissions. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchLocations(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('other') ->where('o_type', '=', Location::RECORD_TYPE); $this->whereTrees($query, 'o_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'o_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->locationRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for media objects. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchMedia(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('media'); $this->whereTrees($query, 'media.m_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'm_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->mediaRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for notes. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchNotes(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('other') ->where('o_type', '=', Note::RECORD_TYPE); $this->whereTrees($query, 'o_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'o_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->noteRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for notes. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchSharedNotes(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('other') ->where('o_type', '=', SharedNote::RECORD_TYPE); $this->whereTrees($query, 'o_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'o_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->sharedNoteRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for repositories. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchRepositories(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('other') ->where('o_type', '=', Repository::RECORD_TYPE); $this->whereTrees($query, 'o_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'o_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->repositoryRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for sources. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchSources(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('sources'); $this->whereTrees($query, 's_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 's_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->sourceRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for sources by name. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchSourcesByName(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('sources') ->orderBy('s_name'); $this->whereTrees($query, 's_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 's_name', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->sourceRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for sources. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchSurnames(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('name'); $this->whereTrees($query, 'n_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'n_surname', $search); return $query ->groupBy(['n_surname']) ->orderBy('n_surname') ->skip($offset) ->take($limit) ->pluck('n_surname'); } /** * Search for submissions. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchSubmissions(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('other') ->where('o_type', '=', Submission::RECORD_TYPE); $this->whereTrees($query, 'o_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'o_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->submissionRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for submitters. * * @param array $trees * @param array $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchSubmitters(array $trees, array $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('other') ->where('o_type', '=', Submitter::RECORD_TYPE); $this->whereTrees($query, 'o_file', $trees); $this->whereSearch($query, 'o_gedcom', $search); return $this->paginateQuery($query, $this->submitterRowMapper(), GedcomRecord::accessFilter(), $offset, $limit); } /** * Search for places. * * @param Tree $tree * @param string $search * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function searchPlaces(Tree $tree, string $search, int $offset = 0, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): Collection { $query = DB::table('places AS p0') ->where('p0.p_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->leftJoin('places AS p1', 'p1.p_id', '=', 'p0.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p2', 'p2.p_id', '=', 'p1.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p3', 'p3.p_id', '=', 'p2.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p4', 'p4.p_id', '=', 'p3.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p5', 'p5.p_id', '=', 'p4.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p6', 'p6.p_id', '=', 'p5.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p7', 'p7.p_id', '=', 'p6.p_parent_id') ->leftJoin('places AS p8', 'p8.p_id', '=', 'p7.p_parent_id') ->orderBy('p0.p_place') ->orderBy('p1.p_place') ->orderBy('p2.p_place') ->orderBy('p3.p_place') ->orderBy('p4.p_place') ->orderBy('p5.p_place') ->orderBy('p6.p_place') ->orderBy('p7.p_place') ->orderBy('p8.p_place') ->select([ 'p0.p_place AS place0', 'p1.p_place AS place1', 'p2.p_place AS place2', 'p3.p_place AS place3', 'p4.p_place AS place4', 'p5.p_place AS place5', 'p6.p_place AS place6', 'p7.p_place AS place7', 'p8.p_place AS place8', ]); // Filter each level of the hierarchy. foreach (explode(',', $search, 9) as $level => $string) { $query->where('p' . $level . '.p_place', DB::iLike(), '%' . addcslashes($string, '\\%_') . '%'); } $row_mapper = static function (object $row) use ($tree): Place { $place = implode(', ', array_filter((array) $row)); return new Place($place, $tree); }; $filter = static fn (): bool => true; return $this->paginateQuery($query, $row_mapper, $filter, $offset, $limit); } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param array $fields * @param array $modifiers * * @return Collection */ public function searchIndividualsAdvanced(Tree $tree, array $fields, array $modifiers): Collection { $fields = array_filter($fields, static fn (string $x): bool => $x !== ''); $query = DB::table('individuals') ->where('i_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->select(['individuals.*']) ->distinct(); // Join the following tables $father_name = false; $mother_name = false; $spouse_family = false; $indi_name = false; $indi_dates = []; $fam_dates = []; $indi_plac = false; $fam_plac = false; foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) { if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FATHER:NAME')) { $father_name = true; } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'MOTHER:NAME')) { $mother_name = true; } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:NAME:GIVN')) { $indi_name = true; } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:NAME:SURN')) { $indi_name = true; } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FAM:')) { $spouse_family = true; if (str_ends_with($field_name, ':DATE')) { $fam_dates[] = explode(':', $field_name)[1]; } elseif (str_ends_with($field_name, ':PLAC')) { $fam_plac = true; } } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:')) { if (str_ends_with($field_name, ':DATE')) { $indi_dates[] = explode(':', $field_name)[1]; } elseif (str_ends_with($field_name, ':PLAC')) { $indi_plac = true; } } } if ($father_name || $mother_name) { $query->join('link AS l1', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l1.l_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('l1.l_from', '=', 'individuals.i_id') ->where('l1.l_type', '=', 'FAMC'); }); if ($father_name) { $query->join('link AS l2', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l2.l_file', '=', 'l1.l_file') ->on('l2.l_from', '=', 'l1.l_to') ->where('l2.l_type', '=', 'HUSB'); }); $query->join('name AS father_name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('father_name.n_file', '=', 'l2.l_file') ->on('father_name.n_id', '=', 'l2.l_to'); }); } if ($mother_name) { $query->join('link AS l3', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l3.l_file', '=', 'l1.l_file') ->on('l3.l_from', '=', 'l1.l_to') ->where('l3.l_type', '=', 'WIFE'); }); $query->join('name AS mother_name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('mother_name.n_file', '=', 'l3.l_file') ->on('mother_name.n_id', '=', 'l3.l_to'); }); } } if ($spouse_family) { $query->join('link AS l4', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l4.l_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('l4.l_from', '=', 'individuals.i_id') ->where('l4.l_type', '=', 'FAMS'); }); $query->join('families AS spouse_families', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('spouse_families.f_file', '=', 'l4.l_file') ->on('spouse_families.f_id', '=', 'l4.l_to'); }); } if ($indi_name) { $query->join('name AS individual_name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('individual_name.n_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('individual_name.n_id', '=', 'individuals.i_id'); }); } foreach (array_unique($indi_dates) as $indi_date) { $query->join('dates AS date_' . $indi_date, static function (JoinClause $join) use ($indi_date): void { $join ->on('date_' . $indi_date . '.d_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('date_' . $indi_date . '.d_gid', '=', 'individuals.i_id'); }); } foreach (array_unique($fam_dates) as $fam_date) { $query->join('dates AS date_' . $fam_date, static function (JoinClause $join) use ($fam_date): void { $join ->on('date_' . $fam_date . '.d_file', '=', 'spouse_families.f_file') ->on('date_' . $fam_date . '.d_gid', '=', 'spouse_families.f_id'); }); } if ($indi_plac) { $query->join('placelinks AS individual_placelinks', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('individual_placelinks.pl_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('individual_placelinks.pl_gid', '=', 'individuals.i_id'); }); $query->join('places AS individual_places', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('individual_places.p_file', '=', 'individual_placelinks.pl_file') ->on('individual_places.p_id', '=', 'individual_placelinks.pl_p_id'); }); } if ($fam_plac) { $query->join('placelinks AS family_placelinks', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('family_placelinks.pl_file', '=', 'spouse_families.f_file') ->on('family_placelinks.pl_gid', '=', 'spouse_families.f_id'); }); $query->join('places AS family_places', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('family_places.p_file', '=', 'family_placelinks.pl_file') ->on('family_places.p_id', '=', 'family_placelinks.pl_p_id'); }); } foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) { $parts = explode(':', $field_name . ':::'); if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:NAME:')) { switch ($field_name) { case 'INDI:NAME:GIVN': switch ($modifiers[$field_name]) { case 'EXACT': $query->where('individual_name.n_givn', '=', $field_value); break; case 'BEGINS': $query->where('individual_name.n_givn', DB::iLike(), $field_value . '%'); break; case 'CONTAINS': $query->where('individual_name.n_givn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); break; case 'SDX_STD': $sdx = Soundex::russell($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, 'individual_name.n_soundex_givn_std', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where('individual_name.n_givn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); } break; case 'SDX': // SDX uses DM by default. case 'SDX_DM': $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, 'individual_name.n_soundex_givn_dm', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where('individual_name.n_givn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); } break; } unset($fields[$field_name]); break; case 'INDI:NAME:SURN': switch ($modifiers[$field_name]) { case 'EXACT': $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($field_value): void { $query ->where('individual_name.n_surn', '=', $field_value) ->orWhere('individual_name.n_surname', '=', $field_value); }); break; case 'BEGINS': $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($field_value): void { $query ->where('individual_name.n_surn', DB::iLike(), $field_value . '%') ->orWhere('individual_name.n_surname', DB::iLike(), $field_value . '%'); }); break; case 'CONTAINS': $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($field_value): void { $query ->where('individual_name.n_surn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%') ->orWhere('individual_name.n_surname', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); }); break; case 'SDX_STD': $sdx = Soundex::russell($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, 'individual_name.n_soundex_surn_std', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($field_value): void { $query ->where('individual_name.n_surn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%') ->orWhere('individual_name.n_surname', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); }); } break; case 'SDX': // SDX uses DM by default. case 'SDX_DM': $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, 'individual_name.n_soundex_surn_dm', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($field_value): void { $query ->where('individual_name.n_surn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%') ->orWhere('individual_name.n_surname', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); }); } break; } unset($fields[$field_name]); break; case 'INDI:NAME:NICK': case 'INDI:NAME:_MARNM': case 'INDI:NAME:_HEB': case 'INDI:NAME:_AKA': $like = "%\n1 NAME%\n2 " . $parts[2] . ' %' . preg_quote($field_value, '/') . '%'; $query->where('individuals.i_gedcom', DB::iLike(), $like); break; } } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':DATE')) { $date = new Date($field_value); if ($date->isOK()) { $delta = 365 * (int) ($modifiers[$field_name] ?? 0); $query ->where('date_' . $parts[1] . '.d_fact', '=', $parts[1]) ->where('date_' . $parts[1] . '.d_julianday1', '>=', $date->minimumJulianDay() - $delta) ->where('date_' . $parts[1] . '.d_julianday2', '<=', $date->maximumJulianDay() + $delta); } unset($fields[$field_name]); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FAM:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':DATE')) { $date = new Date($field_value); if ($date->isOK()) { $delta = 365 * (int) ($modifiers[$field_name] ?? 0); $query ->where('date_' . $parts[1] . '.d_fact', '=', $parts[1]) ->where('date_' . $parts[1] . '.d_julianday1', '>=', $date->minimumJulianDay() - $delta) ->where('date_' . $parts[1] . '.d_julianday2', '<=', $date->maximumJulianDay() + $delta); } unset($fields[$field_name]); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':PLAC')) { // SQL can only link a place to a person/family, not to an event. $query->where('individual_places.p_id', '=', $field_value); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FAM:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':PLAC')) { // SQL can only link a place to a person/family, not to an event. $query->where('family_places.p_id', '=', $field_value); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'MOTHER:NAME:') || str_starts_with($field_name, 'FATHER:NAME:')) { $table = str_starts_with($field_name, 'FATHER:NAME:') ? 'father_name' : 'mother_name'; switch ($parts[2]) { case 'GIVN': switch ($modifiers[$field_name]) { case 'EXACT': $query->where($table . '.n_givn', '=', $field_value); break; case 'BEGINS': $query->where($table . '.n_givn', DB::iLike(), $field_value . '%'); break; case 'CONTAINS': $query->where($table . '.n_givn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); break; case 'SDX_STD': $sdx = Soundex::russell($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, $table . '.n_soundex_givn_std', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where($table . '.n_givn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); } break; case 'SDX': // SDX uses DM by default. case 'SDX_DM': $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, $table . '.n_soundex_givn_dm', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where($table . '.n_givn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); } break; } break; case 'SURN': switch ($modifiers[$field_name]) { case 'EXACT': $query->where($table . '.n_surn', '=', $field_value); break; case 'BEGINS': $query->where($table . '.n_surn', DB::iLike(), $field_value . '%'); break; case 'CONTAINS': $query->where($table . '.n_surn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); break; case 'SDX_STD': $sdx = Soundex::russell($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, $table . '.n_soundex_surn_std', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where($table . '.n_surn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); } break; case 'SDX': // SDX uses DM by default. case 'SDX_DM': $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($field_value); if ($sdx !== '') { $this->wherePhonetic($query, $table . '.n_soundex_surn_dm', $sdx); } else { // No phonetic content? Use a substring match $query->where($table . '.n_surn', DB::iLike(), '%' . $field_value . '%'); } break; } break; } unset($fields[$field_name]); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FAM:')) { // e.g. searches for occupation, religion, note, etc. // Initial matching only. Need PHP to apply filter. $query->where('spouse_families.f_gedcom', DB::iLike(), "%\n1 " . $parts[1] . ' %' . $field_value . '%'); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':TYPE')) { // Initial matching only. Need PHP to apply filter. $query->where('individuals.i_gedcom', DB::iLike(), "%\n1 " . $parts[1] . "%\n2 TYPE %" . $field_value . '%'); } elseif (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:')) { // e.g. searches for occupation, religion, note, etc. // Initial matching only. Need PHP to apply filter. $query->where('individuals.i_gedcom', DB::iLike(), "%\n1 " . $parts[1] . '%' . $parts[2] . '%' . $field_value . '%'); } } return $query ->get() ->each($this->rowLimiter()) ->map($this->individualRowMapper()) ->filter(GedcomRecord::accessFilter()) ->filter(static function (Individual $individual) use ($fields, $tree): bool { // Check for searches which were only partially matched by SQL foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) { $parts = explode(':', $field_name . '::::'); if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:NAME:') && $field_name !== 'INDI:NAME:GIVN' && $field_name !== 'INDI:NAME:SURN') { $regex = '/\n1 NAME.*(?:\n2.*)*\n2 ' . $parts[2] . ' .*' . preg_quote($field_value, '/') . '/i'; if (preg_match($regex, $individual->gedcom()) === 1) { continue; } return false; } if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':PLAC')) { $place = Place::find((int) $field_value, $tree); foreach ($individual->facts([$parts[1]]) as $fact) { if ($fact->place()->gedcomName() === $place->gedcomName() || str_ends_with($fact->place()->gedcomName(), ', ' . $place->gedcomName())) { continue 2; } } return false; } if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FAM:') && str_ends_with($field_name, ':PLAC')) { $place = Place::find((int) $field_value, $tree); foreach ($individual->spouseFamilies() as $family) { foreach ($family->facts([$parts[1]]) as $fact) { if ($fact->place()->gedcomName() === $place->gedcomName() || str_ends_with($fact->place()->gedcomName(), ', ' . $place->gedcomName())) { continue 3; } } } return false; } $regex = '/' . preg_quote($field_value, '/') . '/i'; if ($field_name === 'INDI:FACT:TYPE' || $field_name === 'INDI:EVEN:TYPE' || $field_name === 'INDI:CHAN:_WT_USER') { foreach ($individual->facts([$parts[1]]) as $fact) { if (preg_match($regex, $fact->attribute($parts[2])) === 1) { continue 2; } } return false; } if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'INDI:')) { foreach ($individual->facts([$parts[1]]) as $fact) { if (preg_match($regex, $fact->value()) === 1) { continue 2; } } return false; } if (str_starts_with($field_name, 'FAM:')) { foreach ($individual->spouseFamilies() as $family) { foreach ($family->facts([$parts[1]]) as $fact) { if (preg_match($regex, $fact->value()) === 1) { continue 3; } } } return false; } } return true; }); } /** * @param string $soundex * @param string $lastname * @param string $firstname * @param string $place * @param array $search_trees * * @return Collection */ public function searchIndividualsPhonetic(string $soundex, string $lastname, string $firstname, string $place, array $search_trees): Collection { switch ($soundex) { default: case 'Russell': $givn_sdx = Soundex::russell($firstname); $surn_sdx = Soundex::russell($lastname); $plac_sdx = Soundex::russell($place); $givn_field = 'n_soundex_givn_std'; $surn_field = 'n_soundex_surn_std'; $plac_field = 'p_std_soundex'; break; case 'DaitchM': $givn_sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($firstname); $surn_sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($lastname); $plac_sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($place); $givn_field = 'n_soundex_givn_dm'; $surn_field = 'n_soundex_surn_dm'; $plac_field = 'p_dm_soundex'; break; } // Nothing to search for? Return nothing. if ($givn_sdx === '' && $surn_sdx === '' && $plac_sdx === '') { return new Collection(); } $query = DB::table('individuals') ->select(['individuals.*']) ->distinct(); $this->whereTrees($query, 'i_file', $search_trees); if ($plac_sdx !== '') { $query->join('placelinks', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('placelinks.pl_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('placelinks.pl_gid', '=', 'individuals.i_id'); }); $query->join('places', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('places.p_file', '=', 'placelinks.pl_file') ->on('places.p_id', '=', 'placelinks.pl_p_id'); }); $this->wherePhonetic($query, $plac_field, $plac_sdx); } if ($givn_sdx !== '' || $surn_sdx !== '') { $query->join('name', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('name.n_file', '=', 'individuals.i_file') ->on('name.n_id', '=', 'individuals.i_id'); }); $this->wherePhonetic($query, $givn_field, $givn_sdx); $this->wherePhonetic($query, $surn_field, $surn_sdx); } return $query ->get() ->each($this->rowLimiter()) ->map($this->individualRowMapper()) ->filter(GedcomRecord::accessFilter()); } /** * Paginate a search query. * * @param Builder $query Searches the database for the desired records. * @param Closure $row_mapper Converts a row from the query into a record. * @param Closure $row_filter * @param int $offset Skip this many rows. * @param int $limit Take this many rows. * * @return Collection */ private function paginateQuery(Builder $query, Closure $row_mapper, Closure $row_filter, int $offset, int $limit): Collection { $collection = new Collection(); foreach ($query->cursor() as $row) { $record = $row_mapper($row); // searchIndividualNames() and searchFamilyNames() can return duplicate rows, // where individuals have multiple names - and we need to sort results by name. if ($collection->containsStrict($record)) { continue; } // If the object has a method "canShow()", then use it to filter for privacy. if ($row_filter($record)) { if ($offset > 0) { $offset--; } else { if ($limit > 0) { $collection->push($record); } $limit--; if ($limit === 0) { break; } } } } return $collection; } /** * Apply search filters to a SQL query column. Apply collation rules to MySQL. * * @param Builder $query * @param Expression|string $column * @param array $search_terms */ private function whereSearch(Builder $query, Expression|string $column, array $search_terms): void { foreach ($search_terms as $search_term) { $query->where($column, DB::iLike(), '%' . addcslashes($search_term, '\\%_') . '%'); } } /** * Apply soundex search filters to a SQL query column. * * @param Builder $query * @param Expression|string $field * @param string $soundex */ private function wherePhonetic(Builder $query, $field, string $soundex): void { if ($soundex !== '') { $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($soundex, $field): void { foreach (explode(':', $soundex) as $sdx) { $query->orWhere($field, DB::iLike(), '%' . $sdx . '%'); } }); } } /** * @param Builder $query * @param string $tree_id_field * @param array $trees */ private function whereTrees(Builder $query, string $tree_id_field, array $trees): void { $tree_ids = array_map(static fn (Tree $tree): int => $tree->id(), $trees); $query->whereIn($tree_id_field, $tree_ids); } /** * Find the media object that uses a particular media file. * * @param string $file * * @return array */ public function findMediaObjectsForMediaFile(string $file): array { return DB::table('media') ->join('media_file', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('media_file.m_file', '=', 'media.m_file') ->on('media_file.m_id', '=', 'media.m_id'); }) ->join('gedcom_setting', 'media.m_file', '=', 'gedcom_setting.gedcom_id') ->where(new Expression('setting_value || multimedia_file_refn'), '=', $file) ->select(['media.*']) ->distinct() ->get() ->map($this->mediaRowMapper()) ->all(); } /** * A closure to filter records by privacy-filtered GEDCOM data. * * @param array $search_terms * * @return Closure(GedcomRecord):bool */ private function rawGedcomFilter(array $search_terms): Closure { return static function (GedcomRecord $record) use ($search_terms): bool { // Ignore non-genealogy fields $gedcom = preg_replace('/\n\d (?:_UID|_WT_USER) .*/', '', $record->gedcom()); // Ignore matches in links $gedcom = preg_replace('/\n\d ' . Gedcom::REGEX_TAG . '( @' . Gedcom::REGEX_XREF . '@)?/', '', $gedcom); // Re-apply the filtering foreach ($search_terms as $search_term) { if (mb_stripos($gedcom, $search_term) === false) { return false; } } return true; }; } /** * Searching for short or common text can give more results than the system can process. * * @param int $limit * * @return Closure():void */ private function rowLimiter(int $limit = self::MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS): Closure { return static function () use ($limit): void { static $n = 0; if (++$n > $limit) { $message = I18N::translate('The search returned too many results.'); throw new HttpServiceUnavailableException($message); } }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the families table into a family object. * * @return Closure(object):Family */ private function familyRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Family { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->f_file); return Registry::familyFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the individuals table into an individual object. * * @return Closure(object):Individual */ private function individualRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Individual { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->i_file); return Registry::individualFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the media table into a location object. * * @return Closure(object):Location */ private function locationRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Location { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->o_file); return Registry::locationFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the media table into an media object. * * @return Closure(object):Media */ private function mediaRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Media { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->m_file); return Registry::mediaFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the other table into a note object. * * @return Closure(object):Note */ private function noteRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Note { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->o_file); return Registry::noteFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the other table into a repository object. * * @return Closure(object):Repository */ private function repositoryRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Repository { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->o_file); return Registry::repositoryFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the other table into a note object. * * @return Closure(object):SharedNote */ private function sharedNoteRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Note { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->o_file); return Registry::sharedNoteFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the sources table into a source object. * * @return Closure(object):Source */ private function sourceRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Source { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->s_file); return Registry::sourceFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the other table into a submission object. * * @return Closure(object):Submission */ private function submissionRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Submission { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->o_file); return Registry::submissionFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } /** * Convert a row from any tree in the other table into a submitter object. * * @return Closure(object):Submitter */ private function submitterRowMapper(): Closure { return function (object $row): Submitter { $tree = $this->tree_service->find((int) $row->o_file); return Registry::submitterFactory()->mapper($tree)($row); }; } }