. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Elements\AbstractXrefElement; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Fact; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Gedcom; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomRecord; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Note; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Site; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use function array_diff; use function array_filter; use function array_keys; use function array_merge; use function array_shift; use function array_slice; use function array_values; use function assert; use function count; use function explode; use function implode; use function max; use function preg_replace; use function preg_split; use function str_repeat; use function str_replace; use function substr_count; use function trim; use const ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH; use const ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY; use const PHP_INT_MAX; /** * Utilities to edit/save GEDCOM data. */ class GedcomEditService { /** * @param Tree $tree * * @return Collection */ public function newFamilyFacts(Tree $tree): Collection { $dummy = Registry::familyFactory()->new('', '0 @@ FAM', null, $tree); $tags = new Collection(explode(',', $tree->getPreference('QUICK_REQUIRED_FAMFACTS'))); $facts = $tags->map(fn (string $tag): Fact => $this->createNewFact($dummy, $tag)); return Fact::sortFacts($facts); } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param string $sex * @param array $names * * @return Collection */ public function newIndividualFacts(Tree $tree, string $sex, array $names): Collection { $dummy = Registry::individualFactory()->new('', '0 @@ INDI', null, $tree); $tags = new Collection(explode(',', $tree->getPreference('QUICK_REQUIRED_FACTS'))); $facts = $tags->map(fn(string $tag): Fact => $this->createNewFact($dummy, $tag)); $sex_fact = new Collection([new Fact('1 SEX ' . $sex, $dummy, '')]); $name_facts = Collection::make($names)->map(static fn(string $gedcom): Fact => new Fact($gedcom, $dummy, '')); return $sex_fact->concat($name_facts)->concat(Fact::sortFacts($facts)); } /** * @param GedcomRecord $record * @param string $tag * * @return Fact */ private function createNewFact(GedcomRecord $record, string $tag): Fact { $element = Registry::elementFactory()->make($record->tag() . ':' . $tag); $default = $element->default($record->tree()); $gedcom = trim('1 ' . $tag . ' ' . $default); return new Fact($gedcom, $record, ''); } /** * Reassemble edited GEDCOM fields into a GEDCOM fact/event string. * * @param string $record_type * @param array $levels * @param array $tags * @param array $values * * @return string */ public function editLinesToGedcom(string $record_type, array $levels, array $tags, array $values): string { // Assert all arrays are the same size. $count = count($levels); assert($count > 0); assert(count($tags) === $count); assert(count($values) === $count); $gedcom_lines = []; $hierarchy = [$record_type]; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $hierarchy[$levels[$i]] = $tags[$i]; $full_tag = implode(':', array_slice($hierarchy, 0, 1 + (int) $levels[$i])); $element = Registry::elementFactory()->make($full_tag); $values[$i] = $element->canonical($values[$i]); // If "1 FACT Y" has a DATE or PLAC, then delete the value of Y if ($levels[$i] === '1' && $values[$i] === 'Y') { for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $count && $levels[$j] > $levels[$i]; ++$j) { if ($levels[$j] === '2' && ($tags[$j] === 'DATE' || $tags[$j] === 'PLAC') && $values[$j] !== '') { $values[$i] = ''; break; } } } // Find the next tag at the same level. Check if any child tags have values. $children_with_values = false; for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $count && $levels[$j] > $levels[$i]; $j++) { if ($values[$j] !== '') { $children_with_values = true; } } if ($values[$i] !== '' || $children_with_values && !$element instanceof AbstractXrefElement) { if ($values[$i] === '') { $gedcom_lines[] = $levels[$i] . ' ' . $tags[$i]; } else { // We use CONC for editing NOTE records. if ($tags[$i] === 'CONC') { $next_level = (int) $levels[$i]; } else { $next_level = 1 + (int) $levels[$i]; } $gedcom_lines[] = $levels[$i] . ' ' . $tags[$i] . ' ' . str_replace("\n", "\n" . $next_level . ' CONT ', $values[$i]); } } else { $i = $j - 1; } } return implode("\n", $gedcom_lines); } /** * Add blank lines, to allow a user to add/edit new values. * * @param Fact $fact * @param bool $include_hidden * * @return string */ public function insertMissingFactSubtags(Fact $fact, bool $include_hidden): string { return $this->insertMissingLevels($fact->record()->tree(), $fact->tag(), $fact->gedcom(), $include_hidden); } /** * Add blank lines, to allow a user to add/edit new values. * * @param GedcomRecord $record * @param bool $include_hidden * * @return string */ public function insertMissingRecordSubtags(GedcomRecord $record, bool $include_hidden): string { $gedcom = $this->insertMissingLevels($record->tree(), $record->tag(), $record->gedcom(), $include_hidden); // NOTE records have data at level 0. Move it to 1 CONC. if ($record instanceof Note) { return preg_replace('/^0 @[^@]+@ NOTE/', '1 CONC', $gedcom); } return preg_replace('/^0.*\n/', '', $gedcom); } /** * List of facts/events to add to families and individuals. * * @param Family|Individual $record * @param bool $include_hidden * * @return array */ public function factsToAdd(GedcomRecord $record, bool $include_hidden): array { $subtags = Registry::elementFactory()->make($record->tag())->subtags(); $subtags = array_filter($subtags, static fn (string $v, string $k) => !str_ends_with($v, ':1') || $record->facts([$k])->isEmpty(), ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH); $subtags = array_keys($subtags); // Don't include facts/events that we have hidden in the control panel. $subtags = array_filter($subtags, fn (string $subtag): bool => !$this->isHiddenTag($record->tag() . ':' . $subtag)); if (!$include_hidden) { $fn_hidden = fn (string $t): bool => !$this->isHiddenTag($record->tag() . ':' . $t); $subtags = array_filter($subtags, $fn_hidden); } return array_diff($subtags, ['HUSB', 'WIFE', 'CHIL', 'FAMC', 'FAMS', 'CHAN']); } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param string $tag * @param string $gedcom * @param bool $include_hidden * * @return string */ protected function insertMissingLevels(Tree $tree, string $tag, string $gedcom, bool $include_hidden): string { $next_level = substr_count($tag, ':') + 1; $factory = Registry::elementFactory(); $subtags = $factory->make($tag)->subtags(); // Merge CONT records onto their parent line. $gedcom = strtr($gedcom, [ "\n" . $next_level . ' CONT ' => "\r", "\n" . $next_level . ' CONT' => "\r", ]); // The first part is level N. The remainder are level N+1. $parts = preg_split('/\n(?=' . $next_level . ')/', $gedcom); $return = array_shift($parts) ?? ''; foreach ($subtags as $subtag => $occurrences) { if (!$include_hidden && $this->isHiddenTag($tag . ':' . $subtag)) { continue; } [$min, $max] = explode(':', $occurrences); $min = (int) $min; if ($max === 'M') { $max = PHP_INT_MAX; } else { $max = (int) $max; } $count = 0; // Add expected subtags in our preferred order. foreach ($parts as $n => $part) { if (str_starts_with($part, $next_level . ' ' . $subtag)) { $return .= "\n" . $this->insertMissingLevels($tree, $tag . ':' . $subtag, $part, $include_hidden); $count++; unset($parts[$n]); } } // Allowed to have more of this subtag? if ($count < $max) { // Create a new one. $gedcom = $next_level . ' ' . $subtag; $default = $factory->make($tag . ':' . $subtag)->default($tree); if ($default !== '') { $gedcom .= ' ' . $default; } $number_to_add = max(1, $min - $count); $gedcom_to_add = "\n" . $this->insertMissingLevels($tree, $tag . ':' . $subtag, $gedcom, $include_hidden); $return .= str_repeat($gedcom_to_add, $number_to_add); } } // Now add any unexpected/existing data. if ($parts !== []) { $return .= "\n" . implode("\n", $parts); } return $return; } /** * List of tags to exclude when creating new data. * * @param string $tag * * @return bool */ private function isHiddenTag(string $tag): bool { // Function to filter hidden tags. $fn_hide = static fn (string $x): bool => (bool) Site::getPreference('HIDE_' . $x); $preferences = array_filter(Gedcom::HIDDEN_TAGS, $fn_hide, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); $preferences = array_values($preferences); $hidden_tags = array_merge(...$preferences); foreach ($hidden_tags as $hidden_tag) { if (str_contains($tag, $hidden_tag)) { return true; } } return false; } }