. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services; use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\PersianCalendar; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\AbstractCalendarDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\FrenchDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\GregorianDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\HijriDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\JalaliDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\JewishDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date\JulianDate; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\DB; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Fact; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Family; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomRecord; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use function array_merge; use function assert; use function in_array; use function preg_match_all; use function range; /** * Calculate anniversaries, etc. */ class CalendarService { // If no facts specified, get all except these protected const array SKIP_FACTS = ['CHAN', 'BAPL', 'SLGC', 'SLGS', 'ENDL', 'CENS', 'RESI', 'NOTE', 'ADDR', 'OBJE', 'SOUR', '_TODO']; /** * List all the months in a given year. * * @param string $calendar * @param int $year * * @return array */ public function calendarMonthsInYear(string $calendar, int $year): array { $date = new Date($calendar . ' ' . $year); $calendar_date = $date->minimumDate(); $month_numbers = range(1, $calendar_date->monthsInYear()); $month_names = []; foreach ($month_numbers as $month_number) { $calendar_date->day = 1; $calendar_date->month = $month_number; $calendar_date->setJdFromYmd(); if ($month_number === 6 && $calendar_date instanceof JewishDate && !$calendar_date->isLeapYear()) { // No month 6 in Jewish non-leap years. continue; } if ($month_number === 7 && $calendar_date instanceof JewishDate && !$calendar_date->isLeapYear()) { // Month 7 is ADR in Jewish non-leap years (and ADS in others). $mon = 'ADR'; } else { $mon = $calendar_date->format('%O'); } $month_names[$mon] = $calendar_date->format('%F'); } return $month_names; } /** * Get a list of events which occurred during a given date range. * * @param int $jd1 the start range of julian day * @param int $jd2 the end range of julian day * @param string $facts restrict the search to just these facts or leave blank for all * @param Tree $tree the tree to search * @param string $filterof filter by living/recent * @param string $filtersx filter by sex * * @return array */ public function getCalendarEvents(int $jd1, int $jd2, string $facts, Tree $tree, string $filterof = '', string $filtersx = ''): array { // Events that start or end during the period $query = DB::table('dates') ->where('d_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->where(static function (Builder $query) use ($jd1, $jd2): void { $query->where(static function (Builder $query) use ($jd1, $jd2): void { $query ->where('d_julianday1', '>=', $jd1) ->where('d_julianday1', '<=', $jd2); })->orWhere(static function (Builder $query) use ($jd1, $jd2): void { $query ->where('d_julianday2', '>=', $jd1) ->where('d_julianday2', '<=', $jd2); }); }); // Restrict to certain types of fact if ($facts === '') { $query->whereNotIn('d_fact', self::SKIP_FACTS); } else { preg_match_all('/([_A-Z]+)/', $facts, $matches); $query->whereIn('d_fact', $matches[1]); } if ($filterof === 'recent') { $query->where('d_julianday1', '>=', Registry::timestampFactory()->now()->subtractYears(100)->julianDay()); } $ind_query = (clone $query) ->join('individuals', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join->on('d_gid', '=', 'i_id')->on('d_file', '=', 'i_file'); }) ->select(['i_id AS xref', 'i_gedcom AS gedcom', 'd_type', 'd_day', 'd_month', 'd_year', 'd_fact', 'd_type']); $queries = ['INDI' => $ind_query]; if ($filtersx === '') { $fam_query = (clone $query) ->join('families', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join->on('d_gid', '=', 'f_id')->on('d_file', '=', 'f_file'); }) ->select(['f_id AS xref', 'f_gedcom AS gedcom', 'd_type', 'd_day', 'd_month', 'd_year', 'd_fact', 'd_type']); $queries['FAM'] = $fam_query; } else { $queries['INDI']->where('i_sex', '=', $filtersx); } // Now fetch these events $found_facts = []; foreach ($queries as $type => $record_query) { foreach ($record_query->get() as $row) { if ($type === 'INDI') { $record = Registry::individualFactory()->make($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom); assert($record instanceof Individual); if ($filterof === 'living' && $record->isDead()) { continue; } } else { $record = Registry::familyFactory()->make($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom); assert($record instanceof Family); $husb = $record->husband(); $wife = $record->wife(); if ($filterof === 'living' && ($husb && $husb->isDead() || $wife && $wife->isDead())) { continue; } } $anniv_date = new Date($row->d_type . ' ' . $row->d_day . ' ' . $row->d_month . ' ' . $row->d_year); foreach ($record->facts([$row->d_fact]) as $fact) { // For date ranges, we need a match on either the start/end. if ($fact->date()->minimumJulianDay() === $anniv_date->minimumJulianDay() || $fact->date()->maximumJulianDay() === $anniv_date->maximumJulianDay()) { $fact->anniv = 0; $found_facts[] = $fact; } } } } return $found_facts; } /** * Get the list of current and upcoming events, sorted by anniversary date * * @param int $jd1 * @param int $jd2 * @param string $events * @param bool $only_living * @param string $sort_by * @param Tree $tree * * @return Collection */ public function getEventsList(int $jd1, int $jd2, string $events, bool $only_living, string $sort_by, Tree $tree): Collection { $found_facts = []; $facts = new Collection(); foreach (range($jd1, $jd2) as $jd) { $found_facts = array_merge($found_facts, $this->getAnniversaryEvents($jd, $events, $tree)); } foreach ($found_facts as $fact) { $record = $fact->record(); // only living people ? if ($only_living) { if ($record instanceof Individual && $record->isDead()) { continue; } if ($record instanceof Family) { $husb = $record->husband(); if ($husb === null || $husb->isDead()) { continue; } $wife = $record->wife(); if ($wife === null || $wife->isDead()) { continue; } } } $facts->push($fact); } switch ($sort_by) { case 'anniv': case 'anniv_asc': $facts = $facts->sort(static fn (Fact $x, Fact $y): int => $x->jd <=> $y->jd ?: $x->date()->minimumJulianDay() <=> $y->date()->minimumJulianDay()); break; case 'anniv_desc': $facts = $facts->sort(static fn (Fact $x, Fact $y): int => $x->jd <=> $y->jd ?: $y->date()->minimumJulianDay() <=> $x->date()->minimumJulianDay()); break; case 'alpha': $facts = $facts->sort(static fn (Fact $x, Fact $y): int => GedcomRecord::nameComparator()($x->record(), $y->record())); break; } return $facts->values(); } /** * Get a list of events whose anniversary occurred on a given julian day. * Used on the on-this-day/upcoming blocks and the day/month calendar views. * * @param int $jd the julian day * @param string $facts restrict the search to just these facts or leave blank for all * @param Tree $tree the tree to search * @param string $filterof filter by living/recent * @param string $filtersx filter by sex * * @return array */ public function getAnniversaryEvents(int $jd, string $facts, Tree $tree, string $filterof = '', string $filtersx = ''): array { $found_facts = []; $anniversaries = [ new GregorianDate($jd), new JulianDate($jd), new FrenchDate($jd), new JewishDate($jd), new HijriDate($jd), ]; // There is a bug in the Persian Calendar that gives zero months for invalid dates if ($jd > (new PersianCalendar())->jdStart()) { $anniversaries[] = new JalaliDate($jd); } foreach ($anniversaries as $anniv) { // Build a query to match anniversaries in the appropriate calendar. $query = DB::table('dates') ->distinct() ->where('d_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->where('d_type', '=', $anniv->format('%@')); // SIMPLE CASES: // a) Non-hebrew anniversaries // b) Hebrew months TVT, SHV, IYR, SVN, TMZ, AAV, ELL if (!$anniv instanceof JewishDate || in_array($anniv->month, [1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], true)) { $this->defaultAnniversaries($query, $anniv); } else { // SPECIAL CASES: switch ($anniv->month) { case 2: $this->cheshvanAnniversaries($query, $anniv); break; case 3: $this->kislevAnniversaries($query, $anniv); break; case 4: $this->tevetAnniversaries($query, $anniv); break; case 7: $this->adarIIAnniversaries($query, $anniv); break; case 8: $this->nisanAnniversaries($query, $anniv); break; } } // Only events in the past (includes dates without a year) $query->where('d_year', '<=', $anniv->year()); if ($facts === '') { // If no facts specified, get all except these $query->whereNotIn('d_fact', self::SKIP_FACTS); } else { // Restrict to certain types of fact preg_match_all('/([_A-Z]+)/', $facts, $matches); $query->whereIn('d_fact', $matches[1]); } if ($filterof === 'recent') { $query->where('d_julianday1', '>=', Registry::timestampFactory()->now()->subtractYears(100)->julianDay()); } $query ->orderBy('d_day') ->orderBy('d_year', 'DESC'); $ind_query = (clone $query) ->join('individuals', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join->on('d_gid', '=', 'i_id')->on('d_file', '=', 'i_file'); }) ->select(['i_id AS xref', 'i_gedcom AS gedcom', 'd_type', 'd_day', 'd_month', 'd_year', 'd_fact']); $queries = ['INDI' => $ind_query]; if ($filtersx === '') { $fam_query = (clone $query) ->join('families', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join->on('d_gid', '=', 'f_id')->on('d_file', '=', 'f_file'); }) ->select(['f_id AS xref', 'f_gedcom AS gedcom', 'd_type', 'd_day', 'd_month', 'd_year', 'd_fact']); $queries['FAM'] = $fam_query; } else { $queries['INDI']->where('i_sex', '=', $filtersx); } // Now fetch these anniversaries foreach ($queries as $type => $record_query) { foreach ($record_query->get() as $row) { if ($type === 'INDI') { $record = Registry::individualFactory()->make($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom); assert($record instanceof Individual); if ($filterof === 'living' && $record->isDead()) { continue; } } else { $record = Registry::familyFactory()->make($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom); assert($record instanceof Family); $husb = $record->husband(); $wife = $record->wife(); if ($filterof === 'living' && ($husb && $husb->isDead() || $wife && $wife->isDead())) { continue; } } $anniv_date = new Date($row->d_type . ' ' . $row->d_day . ' ' . $row->d_month . ' ' . $row->d_year); // The record may have multiple facts of this type. // Find the ones that match the date. foreach ($record->facts([$row->d_fact]) as $fact) { $min_date = $fact->date()->minimumDate(); $max_date = $fact->date()->maximumDate(); if ($min_date->minimumJulianDay() === $anniv_date->minimumJulianDay() && $min_date::ESCAPE === $row->d_type || $max_date->maximumJulianDay() === $anniv_date->maximumJulianDay() && $max_date::ESCAPE === $row->d_type) { $fact->anniv = $row->d_year === '0' ? 0 : $anniv->year - $row->d_year; $fact->jd = $jd; $found_facts[] = $fact; } } } } } return $found_facts; } /** * By default, missing days have anniversaries on the first of the month, * and invalid days have anniversaries on the last day of the month. * * @param Builder $query * @param AbstractCalendarDate $anniv */ private function defaultAnniversaries(Builder $query, AbstractCalendarDate $anniv): void { if ($anniv->day() === 1) { $query->where('d_day', '<=', 1); } elseif ($anniv->day() === $anniv->daysInMonth()) { $query->where('d_day', '>=', $anniv->daysInMonth()); } else { $query->where('d_day', '=', $anniv->day()); } $query->where('d_mon', '=', $anniv->month()); } /** * 29 CSH does not include 30 CSH (but would include an invalid 31 CSH if there were no 30 CSH). * * @param Builder $query * @param JewishDate $anniv */ private function cheshvanAnniversaries(Builder $query, JewishDate $anniv): void { if ($anniv->day === 29 && $anniv->daysInMonth() === 29) { $query ->where('d_mon', '=', 2) ->where('d_day', '>=', 29) ->where('d_day', '<>', 30); } else { $this->defaultAnniversaries($query, $anniv); } } /** * 1 KSL includes 30 CSH (if this year didn’t have 30 CSH). * 29 KSL does not include 30 KSL (but would include an invalid 31 KSL if there were no 30 KSL). * * @param Builder $query * @param JewishDate $anniv */ private function kislevAnniversaries(Builder $query, JewishDate $anniv): void { $tmp = new JewishDate([(string) $anniv->year, 'CSH', '1']); if ($anniv->day() === 1 && $tmp->daysInMonth() === 29) { $query->where(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where('d_day', '<=', 1)->where('d_mon', '=', 3); })->orWhere(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where('d_day', '=', 30)->where('d_mon', '=', 2); }); }); } elseif ($anniv->day === 29 && $anniv->daysInMonth() === 29) { $query ->where('d_mon', '=', 3) ->where('d_day', '>=', 29) ->where('d_day', '<>', 30); } else { $this->defaultAnniversaries($query, $anniv); } } /** * 1 TVT includes 30 KSL (if this year didn’t have 30 KSL). * * @param Builder $query * @param JewishDate $anniv */ private function tevetAnniversaries(Builder $query, JewishDate $anniv): void { $tmp = new JewishDate([(string) $anniv->year, 'KSL', '1']); if ($anniv->day === 1 && $tmp->daysInMonth() === 29) { $query->where(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where('d_day', '<=', 1)->where('d_mon', '=', 4); })->orWhere(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where('d_day', '=', 30)->where('d_mon', '=', 3); }); }); } else { $this->defaultAnniversaries($query, $anniv); } } /** * ADS includes non-leap ADR. * * @param Builder $query * @param JewishDate $anniv */ private function adarIIAnniversaries(Builder $query, JewishDate $anniv): void { if ($anniv->day() === 1) { $query->where('d_day', '<=', 1); } elseif ($anniv->day() === $anniv->daysInMonth()) { $query->where('d_day', '>=', $anniv->daysInMonth()); if ($anniv->daysInMonth() === 29) { // On short months, 30th Adar shown on 1st Nissan $query->where('d_day', '<>', 30); } } else { $query->where('d_day', '=', $anniv->day()); } if ($anniv->isLeapYear()) { $query->where('d_mon', '=', 7); } else { $query->whereIn('d_mon', [6, 7]); } } /** * 1 NSN includes 30 ADR, if this year is non-leap. * * @param Builder $query * @param JewishDate $anniv */ private function nisanAnniversaries(Builder $query, JewishDate $anniv): void { if ($anniv->day === 1 && !$anniv->isLeapYear()) { $query->where(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where('d_day', '<=', 1)->where('d_mon', '=', 8); })->orWhere(static function (Builder $query): void { $query->where('d_day', '=', 30)->where('d_mon', '=', 6); }); }); } else { $this->defaultAnniversaries($query, $anniv); } } }