. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Schema; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression; use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint; /** * Upgrade the database schema from version 37 to version 38. */ class Migration37 implements MigrationInterface { /** * Upgrade to the next version * * @return void */ public function upgrade(): void { // These tables were created by webtrees 1.x, and may not exist if we first installed webtrees 2.x DB::schema()->dropIfExists('site_access_rule'); DB::schema()->dropIfExists('next_id'); // Split the media table into media/media_file so that we can store multiple media // files in each media object. if (!DB::schema()->hasTable('media_file')) { DB::schema()->create('media_file', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->integer('id', true); $table->string('m_id', 20); $table->integer('m_file'); $table->string('multimedia_file_refn', 248); // GEDCOM only allows 30 characters $table->string('multimedia_format', 4); $table->string('source_media_type', 15); $table->string('descriptive_title', 248); $table->index(['m_id', 'm_file']); $table->index(['m_file', 'm_id']); $table->index(['m_file', 'multimedia_file_refn']); $table->index(['m_file', 'multimedia_format']); $table->index(['m_file', 'source_media_type']); $table->index(['m_file', 'descriptive_title']); }); } if (DB::table('media_file')->count() === 0 && DB::schema()->hasColumn('media', 'm_filename')) { (new Builder(DB::connection()))->from('media_file')->insertUsing([ 'm_id', 'm_file', 'multimedia_file_refn', 'multimedia_format', 'source_media_type', 'descriptive_title', ], function (Builder $query): void { // SQLite also supports SUBSTRING() from 3.34.0 (2020-12-01) $substring_function = DB::connection()->getDriverName() === 'sqlite' ? 'SUBSTR' : 'SUBSTRING'; $query->select([ 'm_id', 'm_file', new Expression($substring_function . '(m_filename, 1, 248)'), new Expression($substring_function . '(m_ext, 1, 4)'), new Expression($substring_function . '(m_type, 1, 15)'), new Expression($substring_function . '(m_titl, 1, 248)'), ])->from('media'); }); // The Laravel database library for SQLite can only drop one column at a time. DB::schema()->table('media', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->dropColumn('m_filename'); }); DB::schema()->table('media', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->dropColumn('m_ext'); }); DB::schema()->table('media', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->dropColumn('m_type'); }); DB::schema()->table('media', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->dropColumn('m_titl'); }); } } }