. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\Exceptions\HttpNotFoundException; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Statistics; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Validator; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use function array_key_exists; use function array_keys; use function array_map; use function array_merge; use function array_sum; use function array_values; use function array_walk; use function assert; use function count; use function explode; use function in_array; use function intdiv; use function is_numeric; use function sprintf; /** * Class StatisticsChartModule */ class StatisticsChartModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleChartInterface { use ModuleChartTrait; public const int X_AXIS_INDIVIDUAL_MAP = 1; public const int X_AXIS_BIRTH_MAP = 2; public const int X_AXIS_DEATH_MAP = 3; public const int X_AXIS_MARRIAGE_MAP = 4; public const int X_AXIS_BIRTH_MONTH = 11; public const int X_AXIS_DEATH_MONTH = 12; public const int X_AXIS_MARRIAGE_MONTH = 13; public const int X_AXIS_FIRST_CHILD_MONTH = 14; public const int X_AXIS_FIRST_MARRIAGE_MONTH = 15; public const int X_AXIS_AGE_AT_DEATH = 18; public const int X_AXIS_AGE_AT_MARRIAGE = 19; public const int X_AXIS_AGE_AT_FIRST_MARRIAGE = 20; public const int X_AXIS_NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN = 21; public const int Y_AXIS_NUMBERS = 201; public const int Y_AXIS_PERCENT = 202; public const int Z_AXIS_ALL = 300; public const int Z_AXIS_SEX = 301; public const int Z_AXIS_TIME = 302; // First two colors are blue/pink, to work with Z_AXIS_SEX. private const array Z_AXIS_COLORS = ['0000FF', 'FFA0CB', '9F00FF', 'FF7000', '905030', 'FF0000', '00FF00', 'F0F000']; private const float DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365.25; /** * How should this module be identified in the control panel, etc.? * * @return string */ public function title(): string { /* I18N: Name of a module/chart */ return I18N::translate('Statistics'); } public function description(): string { /* I18N: Description of the “StatisticsChart” module */ return I18N::translate('Various statistics charts.'); } /** * CSS class for the URL. * * @return string */ public function chartMenuClass(): string { return 'menu-chart-statistics'; } /** * The URL for this chart. * * @param Individual $individual * @param array|null> $parameters * * @return string */ public function chartUrl(Individual $individual, array $parameters = []): string { return route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Chart', 'tree' => $individual->tree()->name(), ] + $parameters); } /** * A form to request the chart parameters. * * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function getChartAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $tree = Validator::attributes($request)->tree(); $user = Validator::attributes($request)->user(); Auth::checkComponentAccess($this, ModuleChartInterface::class, $tree, $user); $tabs = [ I18N::translate('Individuals') => route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Individuals', 'tree' => $tree->name(), ]), I18N::translate('Families') => route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Families', 'tree' => $tree->name(), ]), I18N::translate('Other') => route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Other', 'tree' => $tree->name(), ]), I18N::translate('Custom') => route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Custom', 'tree' => $tree->name(), ]), ]; return $this->viewResponse('modules/statistics-chart/page', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'tabs' => $tabs, 'title' => $this->title(), 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function getIndividualsAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $this->layout = 'layouts/ajax'; return $this->viewResponse('modules/statistics-chart/individuals', [ 'show_oldest_living' => Auth::check(), 'statistics' => Registry::container()->get(Statistics::class), ]); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function getFamiliesAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $this->layout = 'layouts/ajax'; return $this->viewResponse('modules/statistics-chart/families', [ 'statistics' => Registry::container()->get(Statistics::class), ]); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function getOtherAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $this->layout = 'layouts/ajax'; return $this->viewResponse('modules/statistics-chart/other', [ 'statistics' => Registry::container()->get(Statistics::class), ]); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function getCustomAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $this->layout = 'layouts/ajax'; $tree = Validator::attributes($request)->tree(); return $this->viewResponse('modules/statistics-chart/custom', [ 'module' => $this, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function postCustomChartAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $statistics = Registry::container()->get(Statistics::class); assert($statistics instanceof Statistics); $x_axis_type = Validator::parsedBody($request)->integer('x-as'); $y_axis_type = Validator::parsedBody($request)->integer('y-as'); $z_axis_type = Validator::parsedBody($request)->integer('z-as'); $ydata = []; switch ($x_axis_type) { case self::X_AXIS_INDIVIDUAL_MAP: return response($statistics->chartDistribution( Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('chart_shows'), Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('chart_type'), Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('SURN') )); case self::X_AXIS_BIRTH_MAP: return response($statistics->chartDistribution( Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('chart_shows'), 'birth_distribution_chart' )); case self::X_AXIS_DEATH_MAP: return response($statistics->chartDistribution( Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('chart_shows'), 'death_distribution_chart' )); case self::X_AXIS_MARRIAGE_MAP: return response($statistics->chartDistribution( Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('chart_shows'), 'marriage_distribution_chart' )); case self::X_AXIS_BIRTH_MONTH: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Month of birth'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('Month'); $x_axis = $this->axisMonths(); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Individuals'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->statsBirthQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, 0, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_SEX: $z_axis = $this->axisSexes(); $rows = $statistics->statsBirthBySexQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $row->i_sex, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsBirthQuery($prev_boundary, $boundary)->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $boundary, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_DEATH_MONTH: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Month of death'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('Month'); $x_axis = $this->axisMonths(); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Individuals'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->statsDeathQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, 0, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_SEX: $z_axis = $this->axisSexes(); $rows = $statistics->statsDeathBySexQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $row->i_sex, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsDeathQuery($prev_boundary, $boundary)->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $boundary, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_MARRIAGE_MONTH: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Month of marriage'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('Month'); $x_axis = $this->axisMonths(); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Families'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->statsMarriageQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, 0, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarriageQuery($prev_boundary, $boundary)->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $boundary, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_FIRST_CHILD_MONTH: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Month of birth of first child in a relation'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('Month'); $x_axis = $this->axisMonths(); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Children'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->monthFirstChildQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, 0, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_SEX: $z_axis = $this->axisSexes(); $rows = $statistics->monthFirstChildBySexQuery()->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $row->i_sex, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->monthFirstChildQuery($prev_boundary, $boundary)->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->d_month, $boundary, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_FIRST_MARRIAGE_MONTH: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Month of first marriage'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('Month'); $x_axis = $this->axisMonths(); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Families'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->statsFirstMarriageQuery()->get(); $indi = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row->f_husb, $indi, true) && !in_array($row->f_wife, $indi, true)) { $this->fillYData($row->month, 0, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $indi[] = $row->f_husb; $indi[] = $row->f_wife; } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; $indi = []; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsFirstMarriageQuery($prev_boundary, $boundary)->get(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row->f_husb, $indi, true) && !in_array($row->f_wife, $indi, true)) { $this->fillYData($row->month, $boundary, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $indi[] = $row->f_husb; $indi[] = $row->f_wife; } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_AGE_AT_DEATH: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Average age at death'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('age'); $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('x-axis-boundaries-ages'); $x_axis = $this->axisNumbers($boundaries_csv); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Individuals'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->statsAgeQuery('DEAT'); foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($row as $age) { $years = (int) ($age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, 0, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } } break; case self::Z_AXIS_SEX: $z_axis = $this->axisSexes(); foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $sex) { $rows = $statistics->statsAgeQuery('DEAT', $sex); foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($row as $age) { $years = (int) ($age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, $sex, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } } } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsAgeQuery('DEAT', 'BOTH', $prev_boundary, $boundary); foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($row as $age) { $years = (int) ($age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, $boundary, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_AGE_AT_MARRIAGE: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Age in year of marriage'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('age'); $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('x-axis-boundaries-ages_m'); $x_axis = $this->axisNumbers($boundaries_csv); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Individuals'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); // The stats query doesn't have an "all" function, so query M/F separately foreach (['M', 'F'] as $sex) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarrAgeQuery($sex); foreach ($rows as $row) { $years = (int) ($row->age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, 0, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } } break; case self::Z_AXIS_SEX: $z_axis = $this->axisSexes(); foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $sex) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarrAgeQuery($sex); foreach ($rows as $row) { $years = (int) ($row->age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, $sex, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); // The stats query doesn't have an "all" function, so query M/F separately foreach (['M', 'F'] as $sex) { $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarrAgeQuery($sex, $prev_boundary, $boundary); foreach ($rows as $row) { $years = (int) ($row->age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, $boundary, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_AGE_AT_FIRST_MARRIAGE: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Age in year of first marriage'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('age'); $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('x-axis-boundaries-ages_m'); $x_axis = $this->axisNumbers($boundaries_csv); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Individuals'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); // The stats query doesn't have an "all" function, so query M/F separately foreach (['M', 'F'] as $sex) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarrAgeQuery($sex); $indi = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row->d_gid, $indi, true)) { $years = (int) ($row->age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, 0, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); $indi[] = $row->d_gid; } } } break; case self::Z_AXIS_SEX: $z_axis = $this->axisSexes(); foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $sex) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarrAgeQuery($sex); $indi = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row->d_gid, $indi, true)) { $years = (int) ($row->age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, $sex, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); $indi[] = $row->d_gid; } } } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); // The stats query doesn't have an "all" function, so query M/F separately foreach (['M', 'F'] as $sex) { $prev_boundary = 0; $indi = []; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsMarrAgeQuery($sex, $prev_boundary, $boundary); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row->d_gid, $indi, true)) { $years = (int) ($row->age / self::DAYS_IN_YEAR); $this->fillYData($years, $boundary, 1, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); $indi[] = $row->d_gid; } } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); case self::X_AXIS_NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN: $chart_title = I18N::translate('Number of children'); $x_axis_title = I18N::translate('Children'); $x_axis = $this->axisNumbers('0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10'); switch ($y_axis_type) { case self::Y_AXIS_NUMBERS: $y_axis_title = I18N::translate('Families'); break; case self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT: $y_axis_title = '%'; break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } switch ($z_axis_type) { case self::Z_AXIS_ALL: $z_axis = $this->axisAll(); $rows = $statistics->statsChildrenQuery(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->f_numchil, 0, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } break; case self::Z_AXIS_TIME: $boundaries_csv = Validator::parsedBody($request)->string('z-axis-boundaries-periods'); $z_axis = $this->axisYears($boundaries_csv); $prev_boundary = 0; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $boundary) { $rows = $statistics->statsChildrenQuery($prev_boundary, $boundary); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->fillYData($row->f_numchil, $boundary, $row->total, $x_axis, $z_axis, $ydata); } $prev_boundary = $boundary + 1; } break; default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } return response($this->myPlot($chart_title, $x_axis, $x_axis_title, $ydata, $y_axis_title, $z_axis, $y_axis_type)); default: throw new HttpNotFoundException(); } } /** * @return array */ private function axisAll(): array { return [ I18N::translate('Total'), ]; } /** * @return array */ private function axisSexes(): array { return [ 'M' => I18N::translate('Male'), 'F' => I18N::translate('Female'), ]; } /** * Labels for the X axis * * @return array */ private function axisMonths(): array { return [ 'JAN' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'January'), 'FEB' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'February'), 'MAR' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'March'), 'APR' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'April'), 'MAY' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'May'), 'JUN' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'June'), 'JUL' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'July'), 'AUG' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'August'), 'SEP' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'September'), 'OCT' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'October'), 'NOV' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'November'), 'DEC' => I18N::translateContext('NOMINATIVE', 'December'), ]; } /** * Convert a list of N year-boundaries into N+1 year-ranges for the z-axis. * * @param string $boundaries_csv * * @return array */ private function axisYears(string $boundaries_csv): array { $boundaries = explode(',', $boundaries_csv); $axis = []; foreach ($boundaries as $n => $boundary) { if ($n === 0) { $axis[$boundary - 1] = '–' . I18N::digits($boundary); } else { $axis[$boundary - 1] = I18N::digits($boundaries[$n - 1]) . '–' . I18N::digits($boundary); } } $axis[PHP_INT_MAX] = I18N::digits($boundaries[count($boundaries) - 1]) . '–'; return $axis; } /** * Create the X axis. * * @param string $boundaries_csv * * @return array */ private function axisNumbers(string $boundaries_csv): array { $boundaries = explode(',', $boundaries_csv); $boundaries = array_map(static fn (string $x): int => (int) $x, $boundaries); $axis = []; foreach ($boundaries as $n => $boundary) { if ($n === 0) { $prev_boundary = 0; } else { $prev_boundary = $boundaries[$n - 1] + 1; } if ($prev_boundary === $boundary) { /* I18N: A range of numbers */ $axis[$boundary] = I18N::number($boundary); } else { /* I18N: A range of numbers */ $axis[$boundary] = I18N::translate('%1$s–%2$s', I18N::number($prev_boundary), I18N::number($boundary)); } } /* I18N: Label on a graph; 40+ means 40 or more */ $axis[PHP_INT_MAX] = I18N::translate('%s+', I18N::number($boundaries[count($boundaries) - 1])); return $axis; } /** * Calculate the Y axis. * * @param int|string $x * @param int|string $z * @param int|string $value * @param array $x_axis * @param array $z_axis * @param array> $ydata * * @return void */ private function fillYData($x, $z, $value, array $x_axis, array $z_axis, array &$ydata): void { $x = $this->findAxisEntry($x, $x_axis); $z = $this->findAxisEntry($z, $z_axis); if (!array_key_exists($z, $z_axis)) { foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $key) { if ($value <= $key) { $z = $key; break; } } } // Add the value to the appropriate data point. $ydata[$z][$x] = ($ydata[$z][$x] ?? 0) + $value; } /** * Find the axis entry for a given value. * Some are direct lookup (e.g. M/F, JAN/FEB/MAR). * Others need to find the appropriate range. * * @param int|string $value * @param array $axis * * @return int|string */ private function findAxisEntry($value, array $axis) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = (int) $value; if (!array_key_exists($value, $axis)) { foreach (array_keys($axis) as $boundary) { if ($value <= $boundary) { $value = $boundary; break; } } } } return $value; } /** * Plot the data. * * @param string $chart_title * @param array $x_axis * @param string $x_axis_title * @param array> $ydata * @param string $y_axis_title * @param array $z_axis * @param int $y_axis_type * * @return string */ private function myPlot( string $chart_title, array $x_axis, string $x_axis_title, array $ydata, string $y_axis_title, array $z_axis, int $y_axis_type ): string { if (!count($ydata)) { return I18N::translate('This information is not available.'); } // Colors for z-axis $colors = []; $index = 0; while (count($colors) < count($ydata)) { $colors[] = self::Z_AXIS_COLORS[$index]; $index = ($index + 1) % count(self::Z_AXIS_COLORS); } // Convert our sparse dataset into a fixed-size array $tmp = []; foreach (array_keys($z_axis) as $z) { foreach (array_keys($x_axis) as $x) { $tmp[$z][$x] = $ydata[$z][$x] ?? 0; } } $ydata = $tmp; // Convert the chart data to percentage if ($y_axis_type === self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT) { // Normalise each (non-zero!) set of data to total 100% array_walk($ydata, static function (array &$x) { $sum = array_sum($x); if ($sum > 0) { $x = array_map(static fn (float $y): float => $y * 100.0 / $sum, $x); } }); } $data = [ array_merge( [I18N::translate('Century')], array_values($z_axis) ), ]; $intermediate = []; foreach ($ydata as $months) { foreach ($months as $month => $value) { $intermediate[$month][] = [ 'v' => $value, 'f' => $y_axis_type === self::Y_AXIS_PERCENT ? sprintf('%.1f%%', $value) : $value, ]; } } foreach ($intermediate as $key => $values) { $data[] = array_merge( [$x_axis[$key]], $values ); } $chart_options = [ 'title' => '', 'subtitle' => '', 'height' => 400, 'width' => '100%', 'legend' => [ 'position' => count($z_axis) > 1 ? 'right' : 'none', 'alignment' => 'center', ], 'tooltip' => [ 'format' => '\'%\'', ], 'vAxis' => [ 'title' => $y_axis_title, ], 'hAxis' => [ 'title' => $x_axis_title, ], 'colors' => $colors, ]; return view('statistics/other/charts/custom', [ 'data' => $data, 'chart_options' => $chart_options, 'chart_title' => $chart_title, 'language' => I18N::languageTag(), ]); } }