. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Aura\Router\RouterContainer; use Closure; use Fig\Http\Message\RequestMethodInterface; use Fisharebest\Algorithm\Dijkstra; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\FlashMessages; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\Functions; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Menu; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\TreeService; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\User; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; use function app; use function assert; use function is_string; use function redirect; use function route; use function view; /** * Class RelationshipsChartModule */ class RelationshipsChartModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleChartInterface, ModuleConfigInterface, RequestHandlerInterface { use ModuleChartTrait; use ModuleConfigTrait; protected const ROUTE_URL = '/tree/{tree}/relationships-{ancestors}-{recursion}/{xref}{/xref2}'; /** It would be more correct to use PHP_INT_MAX, but this isn't friendly in URLs */ public const UNLIMITED_RECURSION = 99; /** By default new trees allow unlimited recursion */ public const DEFAULT_RECURSION = '99'; /** By default new trees search for all relationships (not via ancestors) */ public const DEFAULT_ANCESTORS = '0'; public const DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = [ 'ancestors' => self::DEFAULT_ANCESTORS, 'recursion' => self::DEFAULT_RECURSION, ]; /** @var TreeService */ private $tree_service; /** * @param TreeService $tree_service */ public function __construct(TreeService $tree_service) { $this->tree_service = $tree_service; } /** * Initialization. * * @return void */ public function boot(): void { $router_container = app(RouterContainer::class); assert($router_container instanceof RouterContainer); $router_container->getMap() ->get(static::class, static::ROUTE_URL, $this) ->allows(RequestMethodInterface::METHOD_POST) ->tokens([ 'ancestors' => '\d+', 'recursion' => '\d+', ]); } /** * A sentence describing what this module does. * * @return string */ public function description(): string { /* I18N: Description of the “RelationshipsChart” module */ return I18N::translate('A chart displaying relationships between two individuals.'); } /** * Return a menu item for this chart - for use in individual boxes. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return Menu|null */ public function chartBoxMenu(Individual $individual): ?Menu { return $this->chartMenu($individual); } /** * A main menu item for this chart. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return Menu */ public function chartMenu(Individual $individual): Menu { $gedcomid = $individual->tree()->getUserPreference(Auth::user(), User::PREF_TREE_ACCOUNT_XREF); if ($gedcomid !== '' && $gedcomid !== $individual->xref()) { return new Menu( I18N::translate('Relationship to me'), $this->chartUrl($individual, ['xref2' => $gedcomid]), $this->chartMenuClass(), $this->chartUrlAttributes() ); } return new Menu( $this->title(), $this->chartUrl($individual), $this->chartMenuClass(), $this->chartUrlAttributes() ); } /** * CSS class for the URL. * * @return string */ public function chartMenuClass(): string { return 'menu-chart-relationship'; } /** * How should this module be identified in the control panel, etc.? * * @return string */ public function title(): string { /* I18N: Name of a module/chart */ return I18N::translate('Relationships'); } /** * The URL for a page showing chart options. * * @param Individual $individual * @param mixed[] $parameters * * @return string */ public function chartUrl(Individual $individual, array $parameters = []): string { return route(static::class, [ 'xref' => $individual->xref(), 'tree' => $individual->tree()->name(), ] + $parameters + self::DEFAULT_PARAMETERS); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $tree = $request->getAttribute('tree'); assert($tree instanceof Tree); $xref = $request->getAttribute('xref'); assert(is_string($xref)); $xref2 = $request->getAttribute('xref2') ?? ''; $ajax = $request->getQueryParams()['ajax'] ?? ''; $ancestors = (int) $request->getAttribute('ancestors'); $recursion = (int) $request->getAttribute('recursion'); $user = $request->getAttribute('user'); // Convert POST requests into GET requests for pretty URLs. if ($request->getMethod() === RequestMethodInterface::METHOD_POST) { $params = (array) $request->getParsedBody(); return redirect(route(static::class, [ 'ancestors' => $params['ancestors'], 'recursion' => $params['recursion'], 'tree' => $tree->name(), 'xref' => $params['xref'], 'xref2' => $params['xref2'], ])); } $individual1 = Registry::individualFactory()->make($xref, $tree); $individual2 = Registry::individualFactory()->make($xref2, $tree); $ancestors_only = (int) $tree->getPreference('RELATIONSHIP_ANCESTORS', static::DEFAULT_ANCESTORS); $max_recursion = (int) $tree->getPreference('RELATIONSHIP_RECURSION', static::DEFAULT_RECURSION); $recursion = min($recursion, $max_recursion); if ($individual1 instanceof Individual) { $individual1 = Auth::checkIndividualAccess($individual1, false, true); } if ($individual2 instanceof Individual) { $individual2 = Auth::checkIndividualAccess($individual2, false, true); } Auth::checkComponentAccess($this, ModuleChartInterface::class, $tree, $user); if ($individual1 instanceof Individual && $individual2 instanceof Individual) { if ($ajax === '1') { return $this->chart($individual1, $individual2, $recursion, $ancestors); } /* I18N: %s are individual’s names */ $title = I18N::translate('Relationships between %1$s and %2$s', $individual1->fullName(), $individual2->fullName()); $ajax_url = $this->chartUrl($individual1, [ 'ajax' => true, 'ancestors' => $ancestors, 'recursion' => $recursion, 'xref2' => $individual2->xref(), ]); } else { $title = I18N::translate('Relationships'); $ajax_url = ''; } return $this->viewResponse('modules/relationships-chart/page', [ 'ajax_url' => $ajax_url, 'ancestors' => $ancestors, 'ancestors_only' => $ancestors_only, 'ancestors_options' => $this->ancestorsOptions(), 'individual1' => $individual1, 'individual2' => $individual2, 'max_recursion' => $max_recursion, 'module' => $this->name(), 'recursion' => $recursion, 'recursion_options' => $this->recursionOptions($max_recursion), 'title' => $title, 'tree' => $tree, ]); } /** * @param Individual $individual1 * @param Individual $individual2 * @param int $recursion * @param int $ancestors * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function chart(Individual $individual1, Individual $individual2, int $recursion, int $ancestors): ResponseInterface { $tree = $individual1->tree(); $max_recursion = (int) $tree->getPreference('RELATIONSHIP_RECURSION', static::DEFAULT_RECURSION); $recursion = min($recursion, $max_recursion); $paths = $this->calculateRelationships($individual1, $individual2, $recursion, (bool) $ancestors); ob_start(); if (I18N::direction() === 'ltr') { $diagonal1 = asset('css/images/dline.png'); $diagonal2 = asset('css/images/dline2.png'); } else { $diagonal1 = asset('css/images/dline2.png'); $diagonal2 = asset('css/images/dline.png'); } $num_paths = 0; foreach ($paths as $path) { // Extract the relationship names between pairs of individuals $relationships = $this->oldStyleRelationshipPath($tree, $path); if ($relationships === []) { // Cannot see one of the families/individuals, due to privacy; continue; } echo '

', I18N::translate('Relationship: %s', Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath(implode('', $relationships), $individual1, $individual2)), '

'; $num_paths++; // Use a table/grid for layout. $table = []; // Current position in the grid. $x = 0; $y = 0; // Extent of the grid. $min_y = 0; $max_y = 0; $max_x = 0; // For each node in the path. foreach ($path as $n => $xref) { if ($n % 2 === 1) { switch ($relationships[$n]) { case 'hus': case 'wif': case 'spo': case 'bro': case 'sis': case 'sib': $table[$x + 1][$y] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n - 1], $tree), Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n + 1], $tree)) . '
' . view('icons/arrow-right') . '
'; $x += 2; break; case 'son': case 'dau': case 'chi': if ($n > 2 && preg_match('/fat|mot|par/', $relationships[$n - 2])) { $table[$x + 1][$y - 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n - 1], $tree), Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n + 1], $tree)) . '
' . view('icons/arrow-down') . '
'; $x += 2; } else { $table[$x][$y - 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n - 1], $tree), Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n + 1], $tree)) . '
' . view('icons/arrow-down') . '
'; } $y -= 2; break; case 'fat': case 'mot': case 'par': if ($n > 2 && preg_match('/son|dau|chi/', $relationships[$n - 2])) { $table[$x + 1][$y + 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n - 1], $tree), Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n + 1], $tree)) . '
' . view('icons/arrow-down') . '
'; $x += 2; } else { $table[$x][$y + 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n - 1], $tree), Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$n + 1], $tree)) . '
' . view('icons/arrow-up') . '
'; } $y += 2; break; } $max_x = max($max_x, $x); $min_y = min($min_y, $y); $max_y = max($max_y, $y); } else { $individual = Registry::individualFactory()->make($xref, $tree); $table[$x][$y] = view('chart-box', ['individual' => $individual]); } } echo '
'; echo ''; for ($y = $max_y; $y >= $min_y; --$y) { echo ''; for ($x = 0; $x <= $max_x; ++$x) { echo ''; } echo ''; } echo '
'; if (isset($table[$x][$y])) { echo $table[$x][$y]; } echo '
'; echo '
'; } if (!$num_paths) { echo '

', I18N::translate('No link between the two individuals could be found.'), '

'; } $html = ob_get_clean(); return response($html); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function getAdminAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $this->layout = 'layouts/administration'; return $this->viewResponse('modules/relationships-chart/config', [ 'all_trees' => $this->tree_service->all(), 'ancestors_options' => $this->ancestorsOptions(), 'default_ancestors' => self::DEFAULT_ANCESTORS, 'default_recursion' => self::DEFAULT_RECURSION, 'recursion_options' => $this->recursionConfigOptions(), 'title' => I18N::translate('Chart preferences') . ' — ' . $this->title(), ]); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function postAdminAction(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $params = (array) $request->getParsedBody(); foreach ($this->tree_service->all() as $tree) { $recursion = $params['relationship-recursion-' . $tree->id()] ?? ''; $ancestors = $params['relationship-ancestors-' . $tree->id()] ?? ''; $tree->setPreference('RELATIONSHIP_RECURSION', $recursion); $tree->setPreference('RELATIONSHIP_ANCESTORS', $ancestors); } FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The preferences for the module “%s” have been updated.', $this->title()), 'success'); return redirect($this->getConfigLink()); } /** * Possible options for the ancestors option * * @return string[] */ private function ancestorsOptions(): array { return [ 0 => I18N::translate('Find any relationship'), 1 => I18N::translate('Find relationships via ancestors'), ]; } /** * Possible options for the recursion option * * @return string[] */ private function recursionConfigOptions(): array { return [ 0 => I18N::translate('none'), 1 => I18N::number(1), 2 => I18N::number(2), 3 => I18N::number(3), self::UNLIMITED_RECURSION => I18N::translate('unlimited'), ]; } /** * Calculate the shortest paths - or all paths - between two individuals. * * @param Individual $individual1 * @param Individual $individual2 * @param int $recursion How many levels of recursion to use * @param bool $ancestor Restrict to relationships via a common ancestor * * @return string[][] */ private function calculateRelationships(Individual $individual1, Individual $individual2, $recursion, $ancestor = false): array { $tree = $individual1->tree(); $rows = DB::table('link') ->where('l_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->whereIn('l_type', ['FAMS', 'FAMC']) ->select(['l_from', 'l_to']) ->get(); // Optionally restrict the graph to the ancestors of the individuals. if ($ancestor) { $ancestors = $this->allAncestors($individual1->xref(), $individual2->xref(), $tree->id()); $exclude = $this->excludeFamilies($individual1->xref(), $individual2->xref(), $tree->id()); } else { $ancestors = []; $exclude = []; } $graph = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($ancestors === [] || in_array($row->l_from, $ancestors, true) && !in_array($row->l_to, $exclude, true)) { $graph[$row->l_from][$row->l_to] = 1; $graph[$row->l_to][$row->l_from] = 1; } } $xref1 = $individual1->xref(); $xref2 = $individual2->xref(); $dijkstra = new Dijkstra($graph); $paths = $dijkstra->shortestPaths($xref1, $xref2); // Only process each exclusion list once; $excluded = []; $queue = []; foreach ($paths as $path) { // Insert the paths into the queue, with an exclusion list. $queue[] = [ 'path' => $path, 'exclude' => [], ]; // While there are un-extended paths for ($next = current($queue); $next !== false; $next = next($queue)) { // For each family on the path for ($n = count($next['path']) - 2; $n >= 1; $n -= 2) { $exclude = $next['exclude']; if (count($exclude) >= $recursion) { continue; } $exclude[] = $next['path'][$n]; sort($exclude); $tmp = implode('-', $exclude); if (in_array($tmp, $excluded, true)) { continue; } $excluded[] = $tmp; // Add any new path to the queue foreach ($dijkstra->shortestPaths($xref1, $xref2, $exclude) as $new_path) { $queue[] = [ 'path' => $new_path, 'exclude' => $exclude, ]; } } } } // Extract the paths from the queue. $paths = []; foreach ($queue as $next) { // The Dijkstra library does not use strict types, and converts // numeric array keys (XREFs) from strings to integers; $path = array_map($this->stringMapper(), $next['path']); // Remove duplicates $paths[implode('-', $next['path'])] = $path; } return $paths; } /** * Convert numeric values to strings * * @return Closure */ private function stringMapper(): Closure { return static function ($xref) { return (string) $xref; }; } /** * Find all ancestors of a list of individuals * * @param string $xref1 * @param string $xref2 * @param int $tree_id * * @return string[] */ private function allAncestors($xref1, $xref2, $tree_id): array { $ancestors = [ $xref1, $xref2, ]; $queue = [ $xref1, $xref2, ]; while ($queue !== []) { $parents = DB::table('link AS l1') ->join('link AS l2', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l1.l_to', '=', 'l2.l_to') ->on('l1.l_file', '=', 'l2.l_file'); }) ->where('l1.l_file', '=', $tree_id) ->where('l1.l_type', '=', 'FAMC') ->where('l2.l_type', '=', 'FAMS') ->whereIn('l1.l_from', $queue) ->pluck('l2.l_from'); $queue = []; foreach ($parents as $parent) { if (!in_array($parent, $ancestors, true)) { $ancestors[] = $parent; $queue[] = $parent; } } } return $ancestors; } /** * Find all families of two individuals * * @param string $xref1 * @param string $xref2 * @param int $tree_id * * @return string[] */ private function excludeFamilies($xref1, $xref2, $tree_id): array { return DB::table('link AS l1') ->join('link AS l2', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('l1.l_to', '=', 'l2.l_to') ->on('l1.l_type', '=', 'l2.l_type') ->on('l1.l_file', '=', 'l2.l_file'); }) ->where('l1.l_file', '=', $tree_id) ->where('l1.l_type', '=', 'FAMS') ->where('l1.l_from', '=', $xref1) ->where('l2.l_from', '=', $xref2) ->pluck('l1.l_to') ->all(); } /** * Convert a path (list of XREFs) to an "old-style" string of relationships. * Return an empty array, if privacy rules prevent us viewing any node. * * @param Tree $tree * @param string[] $path Alternately Individual / Family * * @return string[] */ private function oldStyleRelationshipPath(Tree $tree, array $path): array { $spouse_codes = [ 'M' => 'hus', 'F' => 'wif', 'U' => 'spo', ]; $parent_codes = [ 'M' => 'fat', 'F' => 'mot', 'U' => 'par', ]; $child_codes = [ 'M' => 'son', 'F' => 'dau', 'U' => 'chi', ]; $sibling_codes = [ 'M' => 'bro', 'F' => 'sis', 'U' => 'sib', ]; $relationships = []; for ($i = 1, $count = count($path); $i < $count; $i += 2) { $family = Registry::familyFactory()->make($path[$i], $tree); $prev = Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$i - 1], $tree); $next = Registry::individualFactory()->make($path[$i + 1], $tree); if (preg_match('/\n\d (HUSB|WIFE|CHIL) @' . $prev->xref() . '@/', $family->gedcom(), $match)) { $rel1 = $match[1]; } else { return []; } if (preg_match('/\n\d (HUSB|WIFE|CHIL) @' . $next->xref() . '@/', $family->gedcom(), $match)) { $rel2 = $match[1]; } else { return []; } if (($rel1 === 'HUSB' || $rel1 === 'WIFE') && ($rel2 === 'HUSB' || $rel2 === 'WIFE')) { $relationships[$i] = $spouse_codes[$next->sex()]; } elseif (($rel1 === 'HUSB' || $rel1 === 'WIFE') && $rel2 === 'CHIL') { $relationships[$i] = $child_codes[$next->sex()]; } elseif ($rel1 === 'CHIL' && ($rel2 === 'HUSB' || $rel2 === 'WIFE')) { $relationships[$i] = $parent_codes[$next->sex()]; } elseif ($rel1 === 'CHIL' && $rel2 === 'CHIL') { $relationships[$i] = $sibling_codes[$next->sex()]; } } return $relationships; } /** * Possible options for the recursion option * * @param int $max_recursion * * @return string[] */ private function recursionOptions(int $max_recursion): array { if ($max_recursion === static::UNLIMITED_RECURSION) { $text = I18N::translate('Find all possible relationships'); } else { $text = I18N::translate('Find other relationships'); } return [ '0' => I18N::translate('Find the closest relationships'), $max_recursion => $text, ]; } }