. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Fact; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Gedcom; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\GedcomTag; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Menu; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\ModuleService; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Site; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Theme; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; /** * Trait ModuleThemeTrait - default implementation of ModuleThemeInterface */ trait ModuleThemeTrait { /** @var Request */ protected $request; /** @var Tree|null */ protected $tree; /** * @param Request $request * @param Tree|null $tree The current tree (if there is one). */ public function __construct(Request $request, ?Tree $tree) { $this->request = $request; $this->tree = $tree; } /** * Where are our CSS, JS and other assets? * * @deprecated - use the constant directly * @return string A relative path, such as "themes/foo/" */ public function assetUrl(): string { return self::ASSET_DIR; } /** * Add markup to the secondary menu. * * @return string */ public function formatSecondaryMenu(): string { return ''; } /** * Add markup to an item in the secondary menu. * * @param Menu $menu * * @return string */ public function formatSecondaryMenuItem(Menu $menu): string { return $menu->bootstrap4(); } /** * Display an icon for this fact. * * @param Fact $fact * * @return string */ public function icon(Fact $fact): string { $icon = 'images/facts/' . $fact->getTag() . '.png'; if (file_exists(self::ASSET_DIR . $icon)) { return ''; } if (file_exists(self::ASSET_DIR . 'images/facts/NULL.png')) { // Spacer image - for alignment - until we move to a sprite. return ''; } return ''; } /** * Display an individual in a box - for charts, etc. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string */ public function individualBox(Individual $individual): string { $person_box_class = self::PERSON_BOX_CLASSES[$individual->getSex()]; if ($individual->canShow() && $individual->tree()->getPreference('SHOW_HIGHLIGHT_IMAGES')) { $thumbnail = $individual->displayImage(40, 50, 'crop', []); } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = '' . $individual->getFullName() . ''; $icons = ''; if ($individual->canShow()) { $content = '' . $content . '' . '
' . $individual->getAddName() . '
'; $icons = '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; } return '
' . $icons . '
' . $thumbnail . $content . '
' . $this->individualBoxFacts($individual) . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
'; } /** * Display an empty box - for a missing individual in a chart. * * @return string */ public function individualBoxEmpty(): string { return '
'; } /** * Display an individual in a box - for charts, etc. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string */ public function individualBoxLarge(Individual $individual): string { $person_box_class = self::PERSON_BOX_CLASSES[$individual->getSex()]; if ($individual->tree()->getPreference('SHOW_HIGHLIGHT_IMAGES')) { $thumbnail = $individual->displayImage(40, 50, 'crop', []); } else { $thumbnail = ''; } $content = '' . $individual->getFullName() . ''; $icons = ''; if ($individual->canShow()) { $content = '' . $content . '' . '
' . $individual->getAddName() . '
'; $icons = '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; } return '
' . $icons . '
' . $thumbnail . $content . '
' . $this->individualBoxFacts($individual) . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
'; } /** * Display an individual in a box - for charts, etc. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string */ public function individualBoxSmall(Individual $individual): string { $person_box_class = self::PERSON_BOX_CLASSES[$individual->getSex()]; if ($individual->tree()->getPreference('SHOW_HIGHLIGHT_IMAGES')) { $thumbnail = $individual->displayImage(40, 50, 'crop', []); } else { $thumbnail = ''; } return '
' . '
' . $thumbnail . '' . '' . $individual->getFullName() . '' . '' . '
' . $individual->getLifeSpan() . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
'; } /** * Display an individual in a box - for charts, etc. * * @return string */ public function individualBoxSmallEmpty(): string { return '
'; } /** * Generate the facts, for display in charts. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string */ public function individualBoxFacts(Individual $individual): string { $html = ''; $opt_tags = preg_split('/\W/', $individual->tree()->getPreference('CHART_BOX_TAGS'), 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // Show BIRT or equivalent event foreach (Gedcom::BIRTH_EVENTS as $birttag) { if (!in_array($birttag, $opt_tags)) { $event = $individual->getFirstFact($birttag); if ($event) { $html .= $event->summary(); break; } } } // Show optional events (before death) foreach ($opt_tags as $key => $tag) { if (!in_array($tag, Gedcom::DEATH_EVENTS)) { $event = $individual->getFirstFact($tag); if ($event !== null) { $html .= $event->summary(); unset($opt_tags[$key]); } } } // Show DEAT or equivalent event foreach (Gedcom::DEATH_EVENTS as $deattag) { $event = $individual->getFirstFact($deattag); if ($event) { $html .= $event->summary(); if (in_array($deattag, $opt_tags)) { unset($opt_tags[array_search($deattag, $opt_tags)]); } break; } } // Show remaining optional events (after death) foreach ($opt_tags as $tag) { $event = $individual->getFirstFact($tag); if ($event) { $html .= $event->summary(); } } return $html; } /** * Links, to show in chart boxes; * * @param Individual $individual * * @return Menu[] */ public function individualBoxMenu(Individual $individual): array { $menus = array_merge( $this->individualBoxMenuCharts($individual), $this->individualBoxMenuFamilyLinks($individual) ); return $menus; } /** * Chart links, to show in chart boxes; * * @param Individual $individual * * @return Menu[] */ public function individualBoxMenuCharts(Individual $individual): array { $menus = []; foreach (app(ModuleService::class)->findByComponent('chart', $this->tree, Auth::user()) as $chart) { $menu = $chart->chartBoxMenu($individual); if ($menu) { $menus[] = $menu; } } usort($menus, function (Menu $x, Menu $y) { return I18N::strcasecmp($x->getLabel(), $y->getLabel()); }); return $menus; } /** * Family links, to show in chart boxes. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return Menu[] */ public function individualBoxMenuFamilyLinks(Individual $individual): array { $menus = []; foreach ($individual->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) { $menus[] = new Menu('' . I18N::translate('Family with spouse') . '', $family->url()); $spouse = $family->getSpouse($individual); if ($spouse && $spouse->canShowName()) { $menus[] = new Menu($spouse->getFullName(), $spouse->url()); } foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) { if ($child->canShowName()) { $menus[] = new Menu($child->getFullName(), $child->url()); } } } return $menus; } /** * Generate a menu item to change the blocks on the current (index.php) page. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuChangeBlocks() { if (Auth::check() && $this->request->get('route') === 'user-page') { return new Menu(I18N::translate('Customize this page'), route('user-page-edit', ['ged' => $this->tree->name()]), 'menu-change-blocks'); } if (Auth::isManager($this->tree) && $this->request->get('route') === 'tree-page') { return new Menu(I18N::translate('Customize this page'), route('tree-page-edit', ['ged' => $this->tree->name()]), 'menu-change-blocks'); } return null; } /** * Generate a menu item for the control panel. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuControlPanel() { if (Auth::isAdmin()) { return new Menu(I18N::translate('Control panel'), route('admin-control-panel'), 'menu-admin'); } if (Auth::isManager($this->tree)) { return new Menu(I18N::translate('Control panel'), route('admin-control-panel-manager'), 'menu-admin'); } return null; } /** * A menu to show a list of available languages. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuLanguages() { $menu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Language'), '#', 'menu-language'); foreach (I18N::activeLocales() as $locale) { $language_tag = $locale->languageTag(); $class = 'menu-language-' . $language_tag . (WT_LOCALE === $language_tag ? ' active' : ''); $menu->addSubmenu(new Menu($locale->endonym(), '#', $class, [ 'onclick' => 'return false;', 'data-language' => $language_tag, ])); } if (count($menu->getSubmenus()) > 1) { return $menu; } return null; } /** * A login menu option (or null if we are already logged in). * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuLogin() { if (Auth::check()) { return null; } // Return to this page after login... $url = $this->request->getRequestUri(); // ...but switch from the tree-page to the user-page $url = str_replace('route=tree-page', 'route=user-page', $url); return new Menu(I18N::translate('Sign in'), route('login', ['url' => $url]), 'menu-login', ['rel' => 'nofollow']); } /** * A logout menu option (or null if we are already logged out). * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuLogout() { if (Auth::check()) { return new Menu(I18N::translate('Sign out'), route('logout'), 'menu-logout'); } return null; } /** * A link to allow users to edit their account settings. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuMyAccount() { if (Auth::check()) { return new Menu(I18N::translate('My account'), route('my-account')); } return null; } /** * A link to the user's individual record (individual.php). * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuMyIndividualRecord() { $record = Individual::getInstance($this->tree->getUserPreference(Auth::user(), 'gedcomid'), $this->tree); if ($record) { return new Menu(I18N::translate('My individual record'), $record->url(), 'menu-myrecord'); } return null; } /** * A link to the user's personal home page. * * @return Menu */ public function menuMyPage(): Menu { return new Menu(I18N::translate('My page'), route('user-page', ['ged' => $this->tree->name()]), 'menu-mypage'); } /** * A menu for the user's personal pages. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuMyPages() { if (Auth::id() && $this->tree !== null) { return new Menu(I18N::translate('My pages'), '#', 'menu-mymenu', [], array_filter([ $this->menuMyPage(), $this->menuMyIndividualRecord(), $this->menuMyPedigree(), $this->menuMyAccount(), $this->menuControlPanel(), $this->menuChangeBlocks(), ])); } return null; } /** * A link to the user's individual record. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuMyPedigree() { $gedcomid = $this->tree->getUserPreference(Auth::user(), 'gedcomid'); $pedigree_chart = app(ModuleService::class)->findByComponent('chart', $this->tree, Auth::user()) ->filter(function (ModuleInterface $module): bool { return $module instanceof PedigreeChartModule; }); if ($gedcomid !== '' && $pedigree_chart instanceof PedigreeChartModule) { return new Menu( I18N::translate('My pedigree'), route('pedigree', [ 'xref' => $gedcomid, 'ged' => $this->tree->name(), ]), 'menu-mypedigree' ); } return null; } /** * Create a pending changes menu. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuPendingChanges() { if ($this->pendingChangesExist()) { $url = route('show-pending', [ 'ged' => $this->tree ? $this->tree->name() : '', 'url' => $this->request->getRequestUri(), ]); return new Menu(I18N::translate('Pending changes'), $url, 'menu-pending'); } return null; } /** * Themes menu. * * @return Menu|null */ public function menuThemes() { $themes = app(ModuleService::class)->findByInterface(ModuleThemeInterface::class); $current_theme = app()->make(ModuleThemeInterface::class); if ($themes->count() > 1) { $submenus = $themes->map(function (ModuleThemeInterface $theme) use ($current_theme): Menu { $active = $theme->name() === $current_theme->name(); $class = 'menu-theme-' . $theme->name() . ($active ? ' active' : ''); return new Menu($theme->title(), '#', $class, [ 'onclick' => 'return false;', 'data-theme' => $theme->name(), ]); }); return new Menu(I18N::translate('Theme'), '#', 'menu-theme', [], $submenus->all()); } return null; } /** * Misecellaneous dimensions, fonts, styles, etc. * * @param string $parameter_name * * @return string|int|float */ public function parameter($parameter_name) { return ''; } /** * Are there any pending changes for us to approve? * * @return bool */ public function pendingChangesExist(): bool { return $this->tree && $this->tree->hasPendingEdit() && Auth::isModerator($this->tree); } /** * Generate a list of items for the main menu. * * @return Menu[] */ public function primaryMenu(): array { return app(ModuleService::class)->findByComponent('menu', $this->tree, Auth::user()) ->map(function (ModuleMenuInterface $menu): ?Menu { return $menu->getMenu($this->tree); }) ->filter() ->all(); } /** * Create the primary menu. * * @param Menu[] $menus * * @return string */ public function primaryMenuContent(array $menus): string { return implode('', array_map(function (Menu $menu): string { return $menu->bootstrap4(); }, $menus)); } /** * Generate a list of items for the user menu. * * @return Menu[] */ public function secondaryMenu(): array { return array_filter([ $this->menuPendingChanges(), $this->menuMyPages(), $this->menuThemes(), $this->menuLanguages(), $this->menuLogin(), $this->menuLogout(), ]); } /** * A list of CSS files to include for this page. * * @return string[] */ public function stylesheets(): array { return []; } }