. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fisharebest\ExtCalendar\GregorianCalendar; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\ColorGenerator; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Contracts\UserInterface; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Date; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Place; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Tree; use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; use stdClass; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; /** * Class LifespansChartModule */ class LifespansChartModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleChartInterface { use ModuleChartTrait; // Parameters for generating colors protected const RANGE = 120; // degrees protected const SATURATION = 100; // percent protected const LIGHTNESS = 30; // percent protected const ALPHA = 0.25; /** * How should this module be identified in the control panel, etc.? * * @return string */ public function title(): string { /* I18N: Name of a module/chart */ return I18N::translate('Lifespans'); } /** * A sentence describing what this module does. * * @return string */ public function description(): string { /* I18N: Description of the “LifespansChart” module */ return I18N::translate('A chart of individuals’ lifespans.'); } /** * CSS class for the URL. * * @return string */ public function chartMenuClass(): string { return 'menu-chart-lifespan'; } /** * The URL for this chart. * * @param Individual $individual * @param string[] $parameters * * @return string */ public function chartUrl(Individual $individual, array $parameters = []): string { return route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Chart', 'xrefs[]' => $individual->xref(), 'ged' => $individual->tree()->name(), ] + $parameters); } /** * A form to request the chart parameters. * * @param Request $request * @param Tree $tree * @param UserInterface $user * * @return Response */ public function getChartAction(Request $request, Tree $tree, UserInterface $user): Response { Auth::checkComponentAccess($this, 'chart', $tree, $user); $ajax = (bool) $request->get('ajax'); $xrefs = (array) $request->get('xrefs', []); $addxref = $request->get('addxref', ''); $addfam = (bool) $request->get('addfam', false); $placename = $request->get('placename', ''); $start = $request->get('start', ''); $end = $request->get('end', ''); $place = new Place($placename, $tree); $start_date = new Date($start); $end_date = new Date($end); $xrefs = array_unique($xrefs); // Add an individual, and family members $individual = Individual::getInstance($addxref, $tree); if ($individual !== null) { $xrefs[] = $addxref; if ($addfam) { $xrefs = array_merge($xrefs, $this->closeFamily($individual)); } } // Select by date and/or place. if ($start_date->isOK() && $end_date->isOK() && $placename !== '') { $date_xrefs = $this->findIndividualsByDate($start_date, $end_date, $tree); $place_xrefs = $this->findIndividualsByPlace($place, $tree); $xrefs = array_intersect($date_xrefs, $place_xrefs); } elseif ($start_date->isOK() && $end_date->isOK()) { $xrefs = $this->findIndividualsByDate($start_date, $end_date, $tree); } elseif ($placename !== '') { $xrefs = $this->findIndividualsByPlace($place, $tree); } // Filter duplicates and private individuals. $xrefs = array_unique($xrefs); $xrefs = array_filter($xrefs, static function (string $xref) use ($tree): bool { $individual = Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree); return $individual !== null && $individual->canShow(); }); if ($ajax) { $subtitle = $this->subtitle(count($xrefs), $start_date, $end_date, $placename); return $this->chart($tree, $xrefs, $subtitle); } $ajax_url = route('module', [ 'ajax' => true, 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Chart', 'ged' => $tree->name(), 'xrefs' => $xrefs, ]); $reset_url = route('module', [ 'module' => $this->name(), 'action' => 'Chart', 'ged' => $tree->name(), ]); return $this->viewResponse('modules/lifespans-chart/page', [ 'ajax_url' => $ajax_url, 'module_name' => $this->name(), 'reset_url' => $reset_url, 'title' => $this->title(), 'xrefs' => $xrefs, ]); } /** * @param Tree $tree * @param array $xrefs * @param string $subtitle * * @return Response */ protected function chart(Tree $tree, array $xrefs, string $subtitle): Response { /** @var Individual[] $individuals */ $individuals = array_map(static function (string $xref) use ($tree) { return Individual::getInstance($xref, $tree); }, $xrefs); $individuals = array_filter($individuals, static function (Individual $individual = null): bool { return $individual !== null && $individual->canShow(); }); // Sort the array in order of birth year usort($individuals, static function (Individual $a, Individual $b) { return Date::compare($a->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $b->getEstimatedBirthDate()); }); // Round to whole decades $start_year = (int) floor($this->minYear($individuals) / 10) * 10; $end_year = (int) ceil($this->maxYear($individuals) / 10) * 10; $lifespans = $this->layoutIndividuals($individuals); $max_rows = array_reduce($lifespans, static function ($carry, stdClass $item) { return max($carry, $item->row); }, 0); $html = view('modules/lifespans-chart/chart', [ 'dir' => I18N::direction(), 'end_year' => $end_year, 'lifespans' => $lifespans, 'max_rows' => $max_rows, 'start_year' => $start_year, 'subtitle' => $subtitle, ]); return new Response($html); } /** * @param Individual[] $individuals * * @return stdClass[] */ private function layoutIndividuals(array $individuals): array { $colors = [ 'M' => new ColorGenerator(240, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE * -1), 'F' => new ColorGenerator(000, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE), 'U' => new ColorGenerator(120, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE), ]; $current_year = (int) date('Y'); // Latest year used in each row $rows = []; $lifespans = []; foreach ($individuals as $individual) { $birth_jd = $individual->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minimumJulianDay(); $birth_year = $this->jdToYear($birth_jd); $death_jd = $individual->getEstimatedDeathDate()->maximumJulianDay(); $death_year = $this->jdToYear($death_jd); // Don't show death dates in the future. $death_year = min($death_year, $current_year); // Add this individual to the next row in the chart... $next_row = count($rows); // ...unless we can find an existing row where it fits. foreach ($rows as $row => $year) { if ($year < $birth_year) { $next_row = $row; break; } } // Fill the row up to the year (leaving a small gap) $rows[$next_row] = $death_year; $lifespans[] = (object) [ 'background' => $colors[$individual->sex()]->getNextColor(), 'birth_year' => $birth_year, 'death_year' => $death_year, 'id' => 'individual-' . md5($individual->xref()), 'individual' => $individual, 'row' => $next_row, ]; } return $lifespans; } /** * Find the latest event year for individuals * * @param array $individuals * * @return int */ protected function maxYear(array $individuals): int { $jd = array_reduce($individuals, static function ($carry, Individual $item) { return max($carry, $item->getEstimatedDeathDate()->maximumJulianDay()); }, 0); $year = $this->jdToYear($jd); // Don't show future dates return min($year, (int) date('Y')); } /** * Find the earliest event year for individuals * * @param array $individuals * * @return int */ protected function minYear(array $individuals): int { $jd = array_reduce($individuals, static function ($carry, Individual $item) { return min($carry, $item->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minimumJulianDay()); }, PHP_INT_MAX); return $this->jdToYear($jd); } /** * Convert a julian day to a gregorian year * * @param int $jd * * @return int */ protected function jdToYear(int $jd): int { if ($jd === 0) { return 0; } $gregorian = new GregorianCalendar(); [$y] = $gregorian->jdToYmd($jd); return $y; } /** * @param Date $start * @param Date $end * @param Tree $tree * * @return string[] */ protected function findIndividualsByDate(Date $start, Date $end, Tree $tree): array { return DB::table('individuals') ->join('dates', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('d_file', '=', 'i_file') ->on('d_gid', '=', 'i_id'); }) ->where('i_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->where('d_julianday1', '<=', $end->maximumJulianDay()) ->where('d_julianday2', '>=', $start->minimumJulianDay()) ->whereNotIn('d_fact', ['BAPL', 'ENDL', 'SLGC', 'SLGS', '_TODO', 'CHAN']) ->pluck('i_id') ->all(); } /** * @param Place $place * @param Tree $tree * * @return string[] */ protected function findIndividualsByPlace(Place $place, Tree $tree): array { return DB::table('individuals') ->join('placelinks', static function (JoinClause $join): void { $join ->on('pl_file', '=', 'i_file') ->on('pl_gid', '=', 'i_id'); }) ->where('i_file', '=', $tree->id()) ->where('pl_p_id', '=', $place->id()) ->pluck('i_id') ->all(); } /** * Find the close family members of an individual. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string[] */ protected function closeFamily(Individual $individual): array { $xrefs = []; foreach ($individual->spouseFamilies() as $family) { foreach ($family->children() as $child) { $xrefs[] = $child->xref(); } foreach ($family->spouses() as $spouse) { $xrefs[] = $spouse->xref(); } } foreach ($individual->childFamilies() as $family) { foreach ($family->children() as $child) { $xrefs[] = $child->xref(); } foreach ($family->spouses() as $spouse) { $xrefs[] = $spouse->xref(); } } return $xrefs; } /** * Generate a subtitle, based on filter parameters * * @param int $count * @param Date $start * @param Date $end * @param string $placename * * @return string */ protected function subtitle(int $count, Date $start, Date $end, string $placename): string { if ($start->isOK() && $end->isOK() && $placename !== '') { return I18N::plural( '%s individual with events in %s between %s and %s', '%s individuals with events in %s between %s and %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $placename, $start->display(false, '%Y'), $end->display(false, '%Y') ); } if ($placename !== '') { return I18N::plural( '%s individual with events in %s', '%s individuals with events in %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $placename ); } if ($start->isOK() && $end->isOK()) { return I18N::plural( '%s individual with events between %s and %s', '%s individuals with events between %s and %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $start->display(false, '%Y'), $end->display(false, '%Y') ); } return I18N::plural('%s individual', '%s individuals', $count, I18N::number($count)); } }